Staff of Charlton's Super-Market, 2491 Marine Drive. This location later changed to Stong's and as of 2011 is the location of IGA Supermarket. Staff members are dressed in Western costume.
Staff of Charlton's Super-Market, 2491 Marine Drive. This location later changed to …
Interior of Charlton's Super-Market, 2491 Marine Drive. This location later changed to Stong's and as of 2011 is the location of IGA Supermarket. Photo shows checkouts with staff in costume.
Interior of Charlton's Super-Market, 2491 Marine Drive. This location later changed to …
Staff members (left to right) Cheryl McGregor, Peggy Lees and Cate McNeely of West Vancouver Memorial Library, participants in West Vancouver Community Day Parade. Cheryl and Cate are in jester costu
Staff members (left to right) Cheryl McGregor, Peggy Lees and Cate McNeely …
Staff of Charlton's Super-Market, 2491 Marine Drive. This location later changed to Stong's and as of 2011 is the location of IGA Supermarket. The staff members are dressed in Hawaiian costume.
Staff of Charlton's Super-Market, 2491 Marine Drive. This location later changed to …