Image of (L-R)Monsignor Peter Mallon, Pastor, Arad Nobell, Chairman of the Parish Education Committee, Mayor Derrick Humphreys and Miss Gerry Jang, Principal at the St. Anthony's School anniversary c
Image of (L-R)Monsignor Peter Mallon, Pastor, Arad Nobell, Chairman of the Parish …
A large group of children and adults (most likely Sunday school) posed for a group photo enjoying nature and a picnic at Horseshoe Bay. Some of the young boys in the group can be seen holding racquet
A large group of children and adults (most likely Sunday school) posed …
West Vancouver High School grade 11 class. People pictured include (left to right, top row) Madge Farmer, Phyllis Smith, Harold Thompson, Mildred Rush, Helen Bell. (Left to right, middle row) Edgar G
West Vancouver High School grade 11 class. People pictured include (left to …
A photograph of a West Vancouver High School grade 10 class. Pictured in the photo (L-R top row) John Bradley, Murray Allan, Miller Unknown, Jim Blocham, Maureen Sherriff, Betty Gouslay, Frank Prebbl
A photograph of a West Vancouver High School grade 10 class. Pictured …
Mrs. Mould's grade II & III classes at West Bay school from 1963-'64.(Top row: L-R) Grahm, Lorne, Blake, Stephen, Kendall, Michael, Jim, Douglas H., Grant. (Second row from top: L-R) Kurt, Wendy B.,
Mrs. Mould's grade II & III classes at West Bay school from …