View of two men standing on the edge of a shingle bolt flume in Capilano Canyon. The men are leaning against the railing and looking towards the river.There is damage to the original print in the for
View of two men standing on the edge of a shingle bolt …
Guests at the farewell party for Tom Sewell and Cec Wakely before they set off for New Guinea. Guests include (L-R) C. Hoodspith, W. Thorne, I. Ackery, Tom Sewell, Dan Sewell, and Cec Wakely.
Guests at the farewell party for Tom Sewell and Cec Wakely before …
A street view of Hodgson Clark Building Supplies, located in the 1400 block of Marine Drive, and a group of men standing outside on the sidewalk. The men in the back row are Ray Clark (left) and Ceci
A street view of Hodgson Clark Building Supplies, located in the 1400 …