- Children ride in a convertible automobile while participating in a May Day celebration parade.Children ride in a convertible automobile while participating in a May Day …
- A group of youths ride decorated bicycles while participating in a May Day celebration parade.A group of youths ride decorated bicycles while participating in a May …
- A group of women, dressed in fancy dresses and riding in a convertible vehicle, participate in a May Day celebration parade.A group of women, dressed in fancy dresses and riding in a …
- Young children are seen maypole dancing and riding on a Chamber of Commerce float decorated with Union Jack flags while participating in a May Day celebration parade.Young children are seen maypole dancing and riding on a Chamber of …
- A group of youths ride decorated bicycles while participating in a May Day celebration parade.A group of youths ride decorated bicycles while participating in a May …
- A man is towed in a row boat following a large float decorated as a fish while participating in a May Day celebration parade. A large "Horseshoe Bay" sign can be seen attached to the fish float.A man is towed in a row boat following a large float …
- A group of people, and a horse, are seen riding on a float decorated with Union Jack flags and flowers while participating in a May Day celebration parade. A sign on the side of the float reads "HorsA group of people, and a horse, are seen riding on a …
- The West Vancouver Band is led by a small boy playing the drum while participating in a May Day celebration parade.The West Vancouver Band is led by a small boy playing the …
- Three May Queens, dresses in formal dresses, ride in a horse drawn carriage while participating in while participating in a May Day celebration parade.Three May Queens, dresses in formal dresses, ride in a horse drawn …
- Image of the Maypole dancing on the grass field at Ambleside during the May 23, 1960 May Days.Image of the Maypole dancing on the grass field at Ambleside during …
- Image taken on May 23, 1960 of the convertible car carrying the May Day Queen flanked by her maidens walking alongside and cadets marching behind the car. The picture shows the spectators circled aroImage taken on May 23, 1960 of the convertible car carrying the …
- A view of the May Queen and her attendants participating in May Day celebrations.A view of the May Queen and her attendants participating in May …
- View of May Day Celebrations with procession of May Queen walking across field, Ambleside Park.View of May Day Celebrations with procession of May Queen walking across …
- View of children dancing during May Day celebrations at Ambleside park with large crowd in background.View of children dancing during May Day celebrations at Ambleside park with …
- View of May Day procession with retiring May Queen, Jean Warner.View of May Day procession with retiring May Queen, Jean Warner.
- View of Mavis Noreen Whipple (aged 7), crown bearer to first May Queen.View of Mavis Noreen Whipple (aged 7), crown bearer to first May …
- View of May Day celebrations at Ambleside Park. Young flower girls are spreading flower petals on field.View of May Day celebrations at Ambleside Park. Young flower girls are …
- May Queen Judy Vyvyan and her attendants. View of barracks at Ambleside in background, May 1946.May Queen Judy Vyvyan and her attendants. View of barracks at Ambleside …
- Street view of marching band during May Day Parade passing in from of Safeway grocery store, 1583 Marine Drive.Street view of marching band during May Day Parade passing in from …
- View of first May Queen car for May Day parade, May 25th 1931. Car is decorated with paper flowers.View of first May Queen car for May Day parade, May 25th …
We are grateful for the generous support of the British Columbia History Digitization Program, Friends of the West Vancouver Memorial Library, West Vancouver Historical Society.