2 "Business and Editorial Office: ~ 1704 Marine Drive wang? — hn rey i ne roo n, D sb u g darae ve ‘Phone: West's63" Be per copy. 7 -. word wag “conference,” and business men: ‘would : go “into con- ~ ference” at the slightest: ‘opportunity, to ‘discuss any difficulty whatsoever. . ee mentioned it or its: possibility. an out-of-date. tingoist as:'well ogg an enemy of mankind.. In. some avay:even the opinion be-. . . came general that’ peace could always be maintained if only — 7 all talked about it: long enough. A. khaki shirt. or the, mention | _ order this to be’ done. in &@ com-— munity... where money value’ ig | placed ‘on the ee a vnorities ous position i in. ‘which our. *Bmpite f fa Ponty today on ____ Ottoe more 'we. are paying for all those blind nost war y years a which we kept‘ crying” “Heaoe,” peace” “when there’ wag oe have had a great: many windows | - ‘broken: at the above Substation, . which | is located — cal = uri ing! W , 7 no pea e and. Germany was openly and. impudently arming her- — a The League of ‘Nations wag then founded. and *maintained at. large expense:in the same spirit of mad-. - | . : self for: revenge. _ armed - forces still must.‘be.’ \ ledgers, and the mad race for wealth was on again iat a tempo | of never. before. known, indeed, to that: point: “where we supplied = - . gue enemies with the | money: to make arms—to be used against met your’ desire to Have: There ara main: ‘street. : ete a fen Eden, who. had 1 no: ‘Mlusiong, put. ‘their’ voices | “wore cco shouted. down in the: enemy-inspired chorus of the. many. peate- built, ‘there’ was.an. expression ‘ ~.. mongers and those business:men in authority who, not being .. _ of opinion: by surrounding prop- pe the old: tes did. not: understand government. ‘and could not— ‘yom? men were ts ay those. upon: ‘whom we are @ now: ‘ o go forth an ; a hate we e wonder if aay hesitate toe ‘their. ‘days. tO "CORRESPOND DENC ¢ Bo Reeve I ‘edward: Sears | ig in ~ veceipt of the following. letter, from. the. B.C,. Eleetrie. Railway . eo Company calling attention to ex 8 the BC damage - Lo windows in. the B.C. Electric Sub-station at. 18th Street and Bellevue Ave. . sete “Res. West. ‘Van. Sub-station | “Dear Sir: ness in spite of the fact that it obviously. from the first lacked — * ‘that wholehearted support. of the’ nations © which alone could _ _.., justify its existence, Our leaders, both in governments and'the __ thurches, listened to the specious lies of enemy agents that | out serious” thought ot daumag- - war was outmoded and every national quarrel, no matter how . | ~ matter hls. been taken. up re-. with your Police '‘De- | o partment, without noticenble « et. War Services groups . serious, could and would henceforth be: settled by. conference. And having listened, they talked to, US, their peoples, about it and we talked and. ‘all talked, arriving ere - long at the con-. | conven] USLON., that, everything’ could. be. settled by talk... The. great |. pesatedly — MR oy several: months: past, wee fect. ‘Bible. study group - evening at.7:30 as. usual at Mrs ' a Bellevue | ~ Ave. ‘and 18th. ‘Street. “The - damage has: evidently. been done © by. boys. throwing stones, with- home of Mrs. J. Martin, . ~ BRITISH. ISRAEL Colonel ‘Pringle ; “will, be “the” “speaker. next Monday evening, .. ‘July.7, at. 26th and Marine Drive. .. ~ Subject, “Red Retribution.” Xen are very: cordially invited come and hear : this - _ Scott's on Kings.” iil TOWNSWOME INS GUILD. GARDEN PARTY -Unier the auspices. ‘of the ‘West Vancouver Townswomen’s Guild,- wgarden party has been planned — for Tuesday, . July 8th, at the Marine. Drive. ~All ‘proceeds. are to be. used for the work of, the | of that organization. ‘But :the word “war” was: anathema, and he who wire screen. . fact that this will cost‘the Com-.- . Roe “anything. military. raised such’ angry | opposition ‘ as should _ i ~6C..schave told us, had we: ‘not: wilfully shut. our eyes, how. necessary oe - Yés, -we shad. returned to our) -: jaesthetio aspect of things; this | has been evidenced | recently. by this Com- - fromthe: stand~ | ‘pany. what © -am sorry to say. ~ from the outset. “trouble with. the. - “The ‘uly’ ‘penieay” that” We an” | 7 : apply 3 is to board up, the windows, “or protect them by 2. close-mesh : ‘from the - _ Apart. should be-.unneces- sary. ‘éxpenditure; IL. hesitate. to. consider able. ‘pany’s poles, removed. ‘from the “When our. "Substation . “was” -ty- owners that-the-Company - should build-a--good looking: Star “tion. In: deference ‘to this re-.” quest, we erected a: brick. build. 0 o'clock so. keep the day open and - ing of good. appearance, but I | that.” almost we. “ha ve had’. breaking of Everything. has. been done to assure — afternoon | in “delightful. sur roundings. a | - Mrs. James Gray and Mrs. W ‘Partridge are co-conveners - with - Mrs. EB. AL. Ford in ‘charge. of the tea. and Mrs. Whittaker. and Mrs. H. G. Barker, the home | “eooking: stall: There’ will be tea- cup reading and several pupils — of Miss Betty Cavendish-will ‘be | seen in | dance ‘routines. _ “Two | pupils. of Mrs. Margery “Clarke, - ‘Miss. Beryl . Scott - and. Master . Peter Britton” “will: give: -yead-— “ings. The new president of the. Guild,. ‘Mrs. D.. McTavish,’ with | cher new. officers; will be on: hand” bo, welcome. the. guests.> ~The garden” party. atarts “at 3. -come | along: and .enjoy: a: cup. -of:: “tea: in- Jovely. surroundings: and. «know: that: whatever you: have to. spend | will be put. to excellent” ‘address, . a On. Friday ; 2886 ‘lovely | COMING EVE NTS. ‘ - puntos stata tieecnans Wedhesday, duly 16th—Carden ee at Wismer’s, Ferndale, Mo AVG Cypress: Park, in-ald: of: Seok Ba — the N orth Shore Lady Laurier vee Club. “SWIMMING” Competent “istruetion hye “beginners forall ‘ages. Monday, Tuesday, - wimming and. plain aiving f for _ Wednesday. und’ F ‘riday after. ‘noong ats -Dundarave | Classes | Phone 1127- Li, +e SON SOF SCOTLAND NEW_ Hileen’ nag “SEAFORTH CAMP OPENS a In the pre o8CeNCe: of four: ‘hun. veces “died” officers and” ‘members ‘ot rn! the seven Vancouver - and New > Westminster, “Camps, » new Plen commence » June™ 23, he branch: was. officially. opened indo. the. Horticultural, Hall on. Mon-) day evening. Over fifty new can- didates, which will. comprise the nucleus. of the. néw Seaforth | os Camp in North Vancouver, were initiated by .a. selected: team Of fk officers. from the various Camps.: | Organizer Wm.:D. Morrison, «=~ who | is responsible: for this’ work, sat ee ‘opened the proceedings. by’ in- 00: _troducing Executive Board mem-- “pers Alex. McDonald’ and the”: ~~ ‘District Chief for British Col, -umbia, Jack. Gilbertson, who oc- we . ~ oupied. the chair and conducted -" , the business of-the:evening,:as~."- sisted: by | Mr, | “other officers. ~The following “officers _ McDonald — an nd = : were ee “elected: and. installed in’ office: Worthy Chief, Archibald Stew- arty. Chief tain, “Wm. ‘The omson;-. “lighting fixtures and: “windows: ya “USE, ne nat an oe ve a Le ee he a ee 4 . . - oe 9 a = + “oy ie aot et ge. . . pHon:. ‘Past: ‘Chief, ~Captanr Jas. mm Wy a4 oO re eh. 3. - e _ go down to final defeat. = any time. disguised: Loulieell —a: Yet the: emergency exists and 1 mu ust tbe net nx we ‘are. su : “Winston | Churchill has never at - a the gravity. ‘of the: situation, and: Canadian. Wel other. ae nate Jeaders- have. always: ‘confirmed: his: ‘words. .- oe 3s Gee backed. Up. the | war: eff ort: with our money. -Tnls- damage: has. Feached- “such - proportions | in ‘recent. weeks. that. ~ something. must now. be done. : about it: I think you-will agree — Ce “Mini ons—Edwards ee = On. Friday evening; June. yr th, “at the. Church. of St: Francis- in- “are need-. ee it would be. Poor + advertise- | # --Margaret, eldest daughter of Mr. a str . | tht L pre ree . f “honed the’ Teas: ine We defence: of Canada: 3 ‘When. 'that is’ fully ‘appreciated: ae all its bearings, and. ‘that nroney & mieter re | ey “Those. who poy i proved that, ptt {col ours: V very’ truly: y Tt PeCCOH Poe should appreciate “much: if you would give this mate. ter your. personal. attention, ‘and — “lave the necessary. steps. ken for prevent a continuance of tt : es in, a. ‘eal ‘green. silk pee ce ) "T.INGLEDOW, = _ Stents are: ce are ¥t every day the more obvious, there will” de, as there always. has been: aoe te those oats British stock dents the. . authorities | to. ee oA pete and MYS, “who have. AS pase Ime mon nth sat the ‘ The ces Gh ub is J] oldi ties, the raffling of .a: ‘lustre cof-~ fee. service ‘and a ‘fruit. cake. The. Primrose Club do not receive any help from.the Red Cross: and.the. proceeds , ofthis garden party. . willibe given for. the club’s work. among our. ‘soldiers. and: sailors. ed ‘tables. fand:to Mrs. White. for her. wel- fare’ work, among , A" fine. of $7.50 apiece was ex acted in. the cases of t three local pleaded: ‘guilty to. ‘driving. ate ex : cessive speed: on’ Marine. Drive, 1 he another: city. autoist. being fined . we $2. 50 . costs - pe parking ‘on the. rtionof- putting a; stop. to this van “and: that. parents. warn thos their care. that. ‘serious conse-. “quences may result if ‘this un-: — My conduct ds: not. Aves oung. Be ; at aes and July: 10th. | Among the: attrac- tions will be a sale of rare plants, --pooks, home. cooking - and novel- _ : home’ given. by Reeve and. Mrs; Jo Edward: ‘Sears | last ‘Tuesday. and their wives attended the Kat. ‘afternoon: in: the: peautiful- “gar- dens ‘of their home at 3120: Tra- ~ Mrs. Mackay. Later in the even- ‘ing: ‘the: bridal ‘couple. left for a e-- motor tour of Vancouver. Island, 1, For. travelling the bride donned Cay a brown wool boucle dressmaker Bo suit,: Kentucky. ‘colonel. ‘brown . ‘felt - vers ‘Ave., on the waterfront. ‘Tea councillors, Mrs. ‘W. Mrs... AS: “Harvey Smith Mrs. Je : cau | Game AL: oS the u inemploy- presided | at. the. ‘urns oe mare 18 serviteurs od ar Hadfield, - Mrs. i Md vas i ae Bilis r id) . Marine | ‘stopped. A large. “number = eitiz Ss served from um 0. rella: a shad The. Wives : “were. Mrs: Charles Chief Engineeh stew with vlaey. celles, ‘and beige ~aecessories. Her- corsage was of. - Mdme- Wymess. Quin roses.’She- > help 4 in. was. attended: by. her sister, Miss : se in beige. ‘sill, ‘jersey. dress,” white. accessories. | was attended “by. his. brother, ee ee cay te ‘informal. ‘reception : “was ‘ERT. LIN held at: the home. of the bride’s. |. -parents.” ~¢ake graced tihe bride’s table and “the urns were. “presided: over. by Mrs. F. G: West: and Mrs. S. Lee-. -gon,- aunts of . the . pride. and “groom, ‘respectively. to, the. bride was. proposed - by occupy” their. new. home | in. Wes Vancouver. : ne “the. ..Wood, “Caulfeild, ” ~ Sheila” te io board Pup Ute oie ‘Bin Br West Vancouver. a oS oo. became the bride. of Mr. Ross. y James Minions, elder: son of: Mr. -and «Mrs, E.. HE ‘Minions, : 1705. : Duchess. ‘Ave.; “West. Vancouver ‘The ceremony. was. mee My over. a. beige | dress straw. hat of deep: rose color, and ~The groom “Mack: Minions.- A’ three-tier. wedding ) ind’ béige . -acces- Ories. “On their return they. "West “toni ght se igs -'pooks. of. raffle, tickets = . meet sted | to t turn them in at the . ‘The: toast : “per capita — been. worked out: “hat of ‘Vancouver. ae “West. Vancouver .. “Loinses & While. these - may. hot be. ‘the : ‘it is not. expected: a ‘that when the closing analysig is” — ase made. there will | “gub= : (At the ‘West. Vancouver : Police Ss Court. ‘yesterday. morning — five persons. pleaded: guilty of failing to. take out.a dog. licence, and each Was assessed. $1. 50. costs on obtaining the license. - eae final figures — OWT ryt te; ~Chan plain,- “Mirs-- -M—Dur-—-— pans Recordin; g Secretary, Wm, © - Carmichael; Financial. Secretary, Mrs. B. Smi th: Treasurer, J. Mee : ‘Don ald’. Senior Marshal; P. In-) .. Fle: arer,. aminnig™ Physician, | Steele; J.. Ross, D. Davidson‘ -Refr reshmen ts brought to a’ “close. what: can, be. the Scots in this: 5 district. eS al - i wae es Junior Marshal, G. Sm ith; ae and. "danioing. rightly. called: ae gala: night. ‘for ‘The ‘yegular ‘meeting ” of. ‘the Canadian Legion, West Vancou- & ing; “Senior | re uard; De “MeD¢ on- ald; Junior: Guard, -E. Barber;) 3). Pianist, Mrs. M.. Laidlaw; Ex. MeLaughlin; Trus t ee 8, Ta as. ver. Branch, will be held at. 8 P, m, ee (Thursday yy yo, int the ae “ All members are’. gion: Hall: asked. to. attend.» 2. . Any members. “who. have sold ve eevee en eee eee awe wenee ae “be™ any _ i : their home ‘at. Radcliffe J ‘Ave. ond ‘Marine. Drive a and have moved to” ‘are re- > | “The following: statistics: on TICS pubseriptions have oy a $26 00° i J 00. a