Research to Remember: In Their Own Words. An Interview with Carroll Strelaeff
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1.0. Who are you? 1.1 What were your first months... 1.2 What duties did you have... 1.3 How did you become a cadet... 1.4 What did you do after your retirement... 1.5 What is a colour party? 1.6 Why did you choose to join... 2.1 What was your time as... 2.2 What were your parents like? 2.3 Why do you think cadets chose... 2.4 What was your lifestyle... 2.5 What did you do for fun... 3.1 Can you tell me more... 3.2 How did the WWII impact your life as a child? 3.3 Did you view collecting scrap... 3.4 Did you follow along with news of the WWII... 4.1 Can you tell me about your uniform ... 4.2 What type of work have you done... 4.3 How did you and your husband meet? 4.4 Tell me more about your husband's... 5.1 Tell me more about your training... 5.2 Did you face limitations... 5.3 Have you noticed changes... 5.4 How did your time in the military... 6.1 How has West Vancouver changed... 6.2 How has Vancouver changed since... 6.3 Who is someone you met... 6.4 How do veterans of older and more recent... 6.5 How has increased civilian presence... 7.1 What advice would you give to young... 7.2 What part of your military... 7.3 What should young people think... 7.4 Are you still in touch with any... 8.1 What do you think about your family's... 8.2 What did you know... 8.3 Where do you think your sense... 8.4 What do you want you legacy to be... Research to Remember: Interview Transcript Research to Remember-Image Attributions
Research to Remember: Research to Remember: In Their Own Words
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