S M I T H 'S M A R K E T .P i„H -,#«t..4a ,™ J> k *JfcjH :e^ ^ ^ Fre« Delivery Service • Monthly Account C O N SE R V A T IV K ^^^^^,,^^^,„_^. si;<;f;i;sTi()NS kou f r i . & s a t ., m ay isih & m h MEATSP WfMt .'170 - Free Delivery 'I'KA--Aunl Mtir>'H lUeiul. U>. G2c K«'d A: White Brand BlAJM JAM-- I'ure. l-lh. tin 40c HJFFKD WHKAT--<lufiker. .'{ pktH. ................... U«t<*n to FKWX Friday riU'lit at 5:45 and hear about free '̂iftK for box topH HnNM tiirr Faundry Soap-- :j cakcM ^........................ ............ He OXYDOI-- t&Yiiv Fkt, .... 22c H«-<1 & \Vhit{- Brand OKAFKFBUIT JtJlCF--FtiHWcHcned. IH*oz; tin 2.'tc Sunrype AIM'BF JF1CI'>- BIk 20*oz. tin ..................................I'lc DoI«*'h I'INFAIM'MC JU lC h;- 2 I.'l-oz. lina , ., 25c Red a White JFN.Y FOWDF>RS-- All FlavorH. ,;i pkta........ *. 17c HKKDBFSS RAISINS--AuHtrlilian. 2 IhH. ...................................... 21c Red A While Brand FIT)UR-- II'h (<narantei'<l. 21-Ih, aack ..........H4c ■ID-II). Hack . ........ 1U5EF I»OIlK LAMB VEAL All (Iradc A & AI J)elicalcHsen Fresh Fish Daily Red X While BAKINO POWDER-- 12-0/.. tin .......................... ..............;.-19c The annual mt t ' Vanoouver's Conservulivo t'lu), held Friday, May O at 1 son's (old Onimr*. Hall), "i large and quite tlu* Ihusiastic in several neW rnembt'rs were added increasing ranks. A very iiitei- esting program was mapfK-*d out for the ensuing year, and meet- ings will be held at iervals from now on. iJi'- t y""f Dorchester retiring, D. iJl .tA Beech was eltJcled new dent. F irst Vice-I'resideiit,yK. J. Powell; Second N'iee-PJ'tMdenI, Mrs ̂ C. J. Marsliall: Si^crAtary- ^Veasurer,' Mis.s <Jo Mai'.dhall, Exeedtivo, L. W. Makov.ski,/P. L. Chapman, Mrs. Jame.s Uussell, A. W. Blake, P. C. Woodcock, ex- officio, Dr. Frank Dorche.ster, John Fox; Auditor, II. A. Eager. l u m b e r ' DOORsT s h i n g l e s , P l i ^ t jO D S , l a t h " o. m m .n F R S ' SUPPLIES. R O O FIN a WALLBOARD. SASH & DOORS. suJUMMiJuiwai, jtjjx wuujdio, ju a x n PAINT BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, ROOFING, WALLBOARD, TILE ' CANADA^FAlKT. WMPAKT,Lm:: v̂ '̂ WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. -r .i, o. nrSvfl Phone W est 115 C L A S S IF IE D A D S The rate for Classlflcd Adrertl««iiie»t*i i« 2 cents per word, minimum larceot In the cose of those having regular accounte, all dasai- iS e m b e r C lassifloi in the W est Van. News get immediate results. P'ronli SAIR DAT'ES--2 ll)H. ...25c ',"..'....,....■$1.58' S«c<'l PRUNES--2 II)H.................. .'I9c CEMBTEKV DAY On W -̂dm?.sday, 21 s i iii.st., from 1:20 to 5:20 p.m. at the Singer Sijwing Machine Store, 1520 Marine Drive, Mns. Bates is having a di.splay of finished garments made by those vy'ho ut- londed lier clas.s<;s using Singer .Sowing Machines. The. public, i s _ cordially, invited. ;/ • : /. MAY DAY DONATIONS AND I>RIZES RED CROSS NOTES The regular monthly m eeting of the W est Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Red Cross So- oioty will be held at the head- (luarters- next Wednesday, May 21st, at 8:20 p.m. ; ■ A .shabby . once accosted a ■ttf .fil'ti !. m- lll' I I ' hfi'-Tiit fr it*;; ii: iti -i®' ' : V ■ •TT ■ i l i f IM--} ■ir-rf:;: "i It I : 'a:; imslor. ; . .. . "Sail, Ah'd like to join dis ehn'ch," he said. ' ^ ; ' rThe. ])astor wtis tak^ni aback for a , moment." "My Rood man," he said at last, "where do you live ?" "Ah lives in Ilahlarn." "Then don't you think it would be wise for you to join a church in your own ne%hborhood?"' : ' " Yas, sail, but Ah do.sires to join dis ehu'ch." The pastor thought a bit. "My good man," he said, "suppose you go home and pray over thi.s important step," This the Negro djd, returning the next day. " Pastah," lie said, "Alt went home and prayed to tie Lawd like you tofe ---me,~aii' 'axtafTlrhTTiow- AITTTeoulTITTgct into dis chu'ch, an' do bawddone ap- pear to me, and He say 'Rastus, wlia'- fp- you' ax Me how lb got into dat ■ ̂ chu'ch? Why, .man, fo' ten yoahs Ah - been trying to got into dat chu'eh Mahsolf!'* . ' 'flu* May"Day Committee wish to acknowledge with thanks re- cedpt of the following donations and prizes: ■ ___. _ Miinioi])al Council, .$25; I.C5.D. E., $10; Towinswomen's Guild, $2; Hiin-tird Laundry, $3; Lions' CIub, .$ 1 0 ; Kinsmen Club. $10; B.C. (k)iicrete, $5; Terminal City Iron Work.s, $5; Sun Newspaper, $;C H. P. Properties Ltd., $10; "W. ir.", .$2; D. McMillan, $.5; "C. N .", $2.50; L.O.L., .$5. Prizes: C. P. Foster, Hudson's Bay Co., Associated Dairies, 'Giitb r^Pcrc h a--7Ru'b'beiv~J" Fletcher, Dad's Cookies LtcL, Geo. H . Hewitt, Gordon-Belyea Ltd., B.C. Electric Railway Co- Ltd., Robertson's Bakery, Mrs. V, V. Vinson, Councillor K. A. Ray. Donations and prizes may be sent to Mrs. J. R. Patterson, 2077 Haywood Ave., West 743. ftSfe t ' ■ Bright- Bov Teacher--Wlmt insect re.ciuiros llie leant nouri.shmont ? Johnny--The inolh; it eats hole.s. I 1 i i i '\ ■ .1 j'-.T |;.f lv|i iSMte'e-. ■ <r • H O U S E P L A N S Plan.s, Blue Prints, and Specifications for N.H.A. nndO ther House.s J. HUTCHISON - West 823-K ACKNOWLEDGING A DEBT The following incidenC occurred in one of the ordinary cafes in Birming ham, England, shortly after a period of heavy air raids. The writer saw two tired looking soldiers, members of a bomb-disposal s(}uad, seat themselves a t a small table. One was apparently out ' of funds, and the other counted his few 'pence -very.- careful 1 y before-giving a ^frugal order to the \vaitress. ' : The portions seemed very smalLto place before two hungry soldiers and indeed ' were soon disposed of, but funds would not permit anothei*. serv ing. At tha t point the w riter's attention was drawn to anothei*. table a t which a little workingclass woman sat busily going through her handbag searching for something obviously important and urgently Jieeded. The .search successfully accomplished, she loft her table and, in passing the soldirn'.q, she~ paused for _ just_a__ sec ond; and then without speaking hur ried to the door, and into the street, but by the side of one soldief's plate ; was a bright half crown--the little woman's silent gift to those tir^d and hungry soldiers. , We are informed tlpR (̂ 1̂ ' Board of Cemetery Tru.stee.s is desirous of inaugurating in West , .Vancouver' what is known in other districts a.s an "Annual Cemetery D ay" w hen reside^its and patrons who are interested join together in the old "Prairie Bee" fashion to assist in an en terprise where extra help is - needed._The_Boar.d-are_doing^lL they can to give every s a t i^ c - tion to the patrons and friends but. find the question ot weeds and the general keeping tidy of the Cemetery would necessitate a regular staff quite beyond the means ~6f the directorate to maintain and this condition^ is likely to continue until such time as . the site is on a completely paying basis, which at present, without undue charges being "levied,. i t lyTaT^fTom-ha v-i-n g-at-- tained. In these crcumstances it has been intimated that- therd are possibly many of our citizens who would be only too glad to assist i f the need were made known and in order to give an: opportunity for this suggestion to be implemented it is proposed at 2 p.m. on Saturday next, May 17th, to give it' a trial. The Board will, therefore; -be much encouraged if those friends who are willing* to help in this way^^ill be at the Cemetery at the time mentioned if the weather proves favorablcv An expert gardener advises iis that all that is required is a good knife coupled with plenty of determination. W ith these and th e ' assistance.'of- the Supe/in-" tendefit,' who'will 'be on liand to direct operations, it is hop'ed quite an impression will be made in beautifying the plots.-It may be that some of the helpers would prefer to work on particu lar sec tions and in that, event the "Si^pierintendent will only be too happy to indicate the exact loca tion o f any area it is desired to* clear. , ^ ■; " f )'v ( - n o t h R eserve Com pany | | : ■' ■■ V eterans' Guard o f Canada • •' '• V . ' ' • ̂- ■' '■ ■ '.-L Former service men are invited to make application for service in the above formation. .Medical category A, B or C. Reserve Army rates of pay. > :'Vv: " ;,v Full uniform arid equipment. - For full iKirticulars apply-- , / CANADIAN LEGION HALL, FRIDAY EVENINGS « , God Save the Kingr ' y, . s....< , ' ' . ■................ - Come in and v isit our N ew RECORD COUNTER We have the latest VICTOR and BLUEBIRD RECORDS 27359 ■{ ( Everything Happens to 1 • Me 27360 I Whatcha Know Joe : -- Dorsey & 0*rch- The Wise Old Owl Toy Piano Minuet -- Reichman & Orch. 27349 Amapola Your the Moment of a Lifetime. --Sammy Kaye & Orch. GORDON ROBSON r a Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, M A m e. OOM, lit West Vancouver any time by apfiointment, West 403. _____ - MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique s T ^ Perm anents; only best matcriala used. Expert* operators, ihonp W est 304. Royal Bank Buildln^r. FLOOR SURFACING--J. Sutherland. West 483 or North 578. ______ (Complete Notarial Services) All Forms of Documents Drawn ana Executed Reginald P. Blower, J.P., 1 Notary Public Real Estate, General Insurance ano > Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Drive West Vancouver , West 21 and 204-M WANTED -- Men's Suits, Shoos, Trunks', Leather Suitcases and Club Bags. Highest prices paid. Phono West 91 and w© call. r T ®J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol- iciitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone W est 21, or W est 6B8-R-1. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs, G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. BARCLAY'S PHOTOGRAPHERS -- 1502 Marine, West 534, films dev eloped and printed with one 5 x 7 enlargement' free,' 30 cents per roll. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun. try way; guaranteed; brick and stone . repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. ' WESTERN WOOD WORKERS -- Store and house fixtures, turning, glas.s, glazing. West 740, West 13-̂ L. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, all " risksrone policy, all-locations, SE v." , 4991 or W est 1065-Ll. ' LEROY S. COKELY, DOm. and B.C.. Land Surveyor.' Subdivisions. I^ ts ,rO"SLaked. 814 20th St. West 384-L# LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs,, parts West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. , a 82300:00 ' G room house (needs some repairs) on a fine view lot 60 x 175. 4 min utes from ferry. ACREAGE BARGAIN , Owner in India authorizes us to ^ell a'-cres ' oir north-side "Mathers- Ave., 330x627-ft., between 12th and 13th Sts,, paved.road, water, light. RE-ROOFING--GENXnNE DUROID Shingles, \ attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti mates. Ri B. Cripps, West 88-R. P. V. Findlay. West 1096-Rl. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels. Baggage, light . transfer work, prompt service. West 700. phone available. Price $1250. 1 acre top of 26th . St., 500-ft. elevation. 141x331-ft. Good road, -utilities available. Original trees, "Al view property. "$700. Eves. .Mr. Bayliss, West 1157 , . PEMBERiTON REALTY OORP.; Ltd- 418 Howe St., PA.'_8241 DECORATOR--Paperhanging, paint ing, kalsomining. Clean; fast guar anteed work. A. H. Duncan, 1353 Clyde; Phone W est 521-R. BOARD AVAILABLE for business people. Phone West 332-Y. ■ 1' ' F(jR SALE--'31 Whippet roadster, $65. Phone ,Ed. Black, ..West 843.L, : WE BUY Furniture, Tools, Bottles, Rags, Scrap Iron; Copper, Alum- ' inum, etc.: Highest prices paid in spot cash. Phone West 91 and we call. ' We also buy newspaper and ̂ magazines if they are bundled.' Burrard Junk Co., Phone West 91. FOR RENT--Six room modern hdme, hot water heating, $45. References. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1429 Marine Drive West 546 FOR SALEk--6 Holly tarees, heavily berried, about 4-ft. high. W. 159-111 FOR SALE-r-1928 Paige Sedan, model 6.^45,-$50.00. West 1187-L. FOR SALE^--5 room house with good sawdust furnace, fireplace, -etc. Choice location and - view, Semi- waterfront. Price $2650, terms. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 179^ Marine Drive. . West 55 FOR SALE--Lot near Taylor Way and Marine," 99-ft. x- TlO-ft. -Cash.- $300. Owner, c/o» West Van-. News: HANDY ANN SHOP, 2442 Marine- Mother's Day Suggestions, Cards, 'Wool, Notions,'; Hardware, . China- - ware. ___ REFINED Educated Housekee;per, practical - nurse; adults preferred. BAy. 5068-R. DOVERCOURT REST HOME for aged and .chronics. Rates r'easonable. North 1419-L. FOR SALElrrDining- Set (8 pieces).' solid oak, , $35; Floor Lamp and Shadb, $4; All Enamel Range (Jubi- : .lee), o il. burner (Pulson), $50; Radio. $10; Bell Piano, $75. West • 1079-Rl. ROBERTA A. VASS--Chiropractcjr, ■practising a t 1733 DuChess and will be glad to see old patients. All day. LADY GRADUATE, M.Sc., Honors previous experience in University . :.'L0.d_..High^Scho6L .coaches students. : _. in ̂ ajl branches of Mathematics and Science. Phone West 25-L2. LOTS in good locations-- Duchess Ave.-, only $175; Palmer ston, 50-ft., $250; 22nd Street, 66- ft., $300;. Jefferson, 60-ft., $400, Gordon, cleared, $500. Terms arranged if required. C. J . AROBER LTD. . . 1415 Marine Drive i W ANTED--Reliable girl,^ help house work, cooking, 9 till 4; sleep out. W. 443-Y A. E. AUSTIN & CO. LTD. Newly painted and decorated five room bungalow with sleeping porch, lovely view, nice garden., low taxes, good location; full cement, basement. Sawdust burnei' furnace. $2100.' If you waTit a family home at a snap price see this. ' Eight large rooms, Pembroke bath, large lot and beautiful' garden. and . fruit, magnificent view, situated in a very good district close to transportation at the extremely low price of $3000. : Pllone:~Mr. Falkner, W. 873-Y. "BLUEGATES," Weston Lake, Salt Spring Island; beautiful location. Lodge and cabins. Warm swimming, ' regulation diving boards, tennis. boating, fishing; etc., farm, produce. $16 'per week (free--tennis coach ing), swimming, diving and danc ing instruction by Molly Edwards. Open June 1st. W rite or, phone Ganges 20G. Props.; B utt Bros. FOR NU-BONE Foundation Gar ments call Mrs. Bates, expert cor- setiere. W est 1041. FOR RENT--Room, kitchen prhj- leges, elderly person. Phone >' • 411-M. - ■ ' CARD OF THANKS Brown & Munton 1542 Marine Drive . West 366 Members A.R.T. of B.C. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Greene, Miss Rachel Greene, Joan and June Cornwall would like to ex- pi\ess their heartfelt thanks to all those wbo so bravely and herdic- in saving, the.. lives Ox the family and in fighting the hre on the night of Thursday, -ftkiy 8th, also to those who as-, sisted in rendering first aid and providing the. shelter and coin- fort of t l ^ homes, also to .their m any/^ends who have made enquifcigs and given such gen erous: help. .• • WIDOW with lovely home by sea would like gentleman invalid wit man servant, /chronic case. com fort and luxury. Terms arrang: , ed. ]^ x ,50. W est Van. N ew s^_^ BEAUTIFUL" large, airy bed-sitting room, suit business couple and wife; kitchen privileges. Boa optional. W. 905-Rl. ____ A PEW": GOOD furnished let. C. J . Archer Ltd., 1415 Ma ■drive. \ ' - --------- -------- ------------ FOR RENT--Modern bungalow-im; . . mediate possession Phone w - ° _ WANTED--Young girl for house immediately. Sleep in or W- 286-Y. out. $1̂ '