r> «"•" » ' Utr'/'H'K- ■ <-j„ĵ s|.«̂ '.*̂ vj4(,i!(-.Hfl̂ „,̂ «*l.¥V0 !_ ".I «4 ,/ ivfp,T«.t-»y,a . i *■ T '4(i - . . IV̂ PJ*(.W .1 5»-i»W* -"~1-.̂ UrfiW>}ln 'Writ'-'-i'ft' ■' ̂,lfM1̂ ^̂ •̂tiv-'.S<=̂ •̂_̂ ' k)<4,w.rjyrfl 'rj~'\*/W«« ' *<W»M«î «£S«'̂ s»MSWSŴ •«>' i in I t i T r " If'- ! r /f ! t;; '¥ I i- L I I-!:'■iff! »{■' ; 1 m- : : ; : r ; J : I-- i , i i p i '1m >1 '31 :fiM ttpH ili^: 5»'M',c iMmt- m t!' i itsSiP? "|S|I?; * i l l l i ' ' f ■,> i; IM/h i it.1 ' ' I K i l l I# v.|r- - . 4 1 . ■# ; 'im I =111i;w;.': l i DR. G. D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. - - -- D E M T I O T ' . X'ltny , ■ . .' y lUy Block, 14th «»m1 Marino Dr. Office Hour* 0 b 6) p.ra. KveninRs by appointment. Bhone West 72 t n-\. WEST VANCOUVEK EAFO ST CHDBCH , 15Ui mi<l Duelieea Ave* , . Stin4iy 8 « rr ic « f . , . |L 10:00 tt.m.--Church School In- ^ eluding Adult Clnge i l V.ih. & 7:30 p.m.--PreachlnF Service*. A hearty welcome to all DR. McRAK D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medlcal'Dental Building lloura: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment. l«00 Marine Drive West 432 « t. EHtaliliMhed on North Shore 25 Yeara (Lady Assistunt) HARRON BROS. LTD. jfuitcral Uiredors llollyhurn Funeral Home 18th and Marine ............... West 134....... ......... North Vancouver Farlora 122 West Sixth Street Phono North 134 Vancouver Parlora, 55 I 'enth Avenue East ' t*hone F'uir, 134 HOLLYBORN HALL 14th and Duchess Sunday, .May 18th, a t 0:45 a.m. Sunday School and Young I'cople'H Bible CluBB. Sunday Kveiiling at 7:30 (JoMpel AddroB^ by Mr. Mau rice r'anipboll of Now West mitiHler. WEST VANCOUVER Ciifistian Science / Society CHURCH EDIFICE 20th and Eaquimalt. Ilollyburn This Society i» a Branch of The Mother Church The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston,- MasBUchusotts Sunday Service; 11:30 a.m. Sunday, .May 1 8 lh SUBJECT; "AlORTAI^S AND I.MM()KTAI.Sjff Sunday Schbol at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.ra. , , The public i» cordially in vited to attend our servicoB and mootings. ■'*~**»*H*» 1* ^^ Bedding P lan ts ■ Now is the timo to s ta r t - p la n t in g ', your annuals. We have a largo sel<k>tion of all varieties, in separate colors, or mixed, by the dozen or by the flat. THE WEST VAN FLORIST 18th and Marine West .'505 McNeil & McCue THE REXALL STORE 140^ Murine Drive West Vancouver ■ Phone West 528 Ambleside Pharmacy Phone West 323 1401 Marine Drive W est Vancouver, IJ.C ruesday Evening, May 20th at 8 Ihayer and miniHlry of the icriptureH. Mr. .luhn Wallace will apeak nti "Our l.oixr.4 Prosonlatlon for Sci'Vico, W edne.H day. May 21, at 7:15 p.m. Voung Pcbple'a Service. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHlURCH 28r(J & Inglewood Avo, Rev. Father Van ■'"'aHtor ; Sunday Services Low- Mans-----8:15 a.m.. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction --• 7:45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class-- 2:00 'P*B̂ ' ' "' ' ■ ■ : ' Week-day Services ( Mass 8 a.m. Fridays-- Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:80 p.m, ----- ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH 22nd and Fulton Rev.' E. W. P. Carter PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, ÎVLAY 16th and 17th Sunday, May 18lh Rogation Sunday-- H a.m.-- Holy Communion. I I a.m.-- Matins and Sermon. and Ser- Canterbury Tea Deliciously , .; refreshing.1-lb. pkg.............. :Lb, mon. Wediio.sday, 2:30 p.m. --, Ingle- ' wood W.A. meeting. Thiir.sday, May 22nd (Ascension Day)-- 10:15 a.m., Holy Com munion. St. Francis-in-the-Wood C^ulfeild Sunday, May 1 8 th: :5' p.m.-- Even.song and Sermon. Bread BEEFGovernment Graded and Inspected Steer and Heifer Beef , Guaranteed to sa tisfy • ;Unwi*apped Loaf 5 c. BLADE ROAST A Beef, Grade .... ..............................f * - lb THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esqiiimalt Avc. WEST VANCOUVER ̂ TABERNACLE 2f)lh St. and Marine Drive I*iustor: Robert H. Birch PEAS Royjjil City, sieve 4, 16-oz, can ...... .... 2 for 21c SIRLOIN ROAST A -Beef,-G rade________ ____________ ROLLED ROAST Beef, outside, G rade ............?.. lb lb. E ^ ^ ^ lic a l.- _ Independent. S u n ^ ^ ^ h o o l--9 :45 a.m. M orni^^V orship-- 11 a.m- E v e n i^ Service-- 7 :30 p.m. " Wednesday, 7:30 p.m.-- Prayer Children's Happy = Sunday, May 18th 11 ,a.m.-- Rev. J. A, Donnell. Soloist, W. R. Crawford. 7:30 p.m.-- Rev- Austin A. B'dI-. ton. Quartette. Monday, 'The Young People ai-e joining in the Annual Spring Fellowship. Rally to be held in Canadian hYiday, 7 Memorial United Church, 15th Hour Club. Ave. and Burrard Street, Van- - Horseshoe Bay couver, at 8 p.m. Sunday School-- 1 p.m. Wednesday, 10 a.m.-- Red Cross Visitors welcome. . Unit of the church meet and « aptt«t PHiTwrH will continue work all da-y. BA PTISl CHUKCH Wednesdav, 8 p.m.-- Prayer and l*'̂ th and Duchess Ave Bible Study, Paster Jessop BEANS - King Beach Kentucky Wonder, cut green, 16-oz. can ........ PLATE OR BRISKET A Beef, for boiling, Grade ........... ..... lb. 2 4 m -l7 C PORK ROAST FOWL 'Loin,. rib end .......... ............;...:Lb. GORN Country Home, 16-oz. can .. ...I 2 for 21c 22c OIN ....Lb. 27c Boiling average 3 to 5 lbs. G rade A ............ lb. 21c WEINERS PEACHES Aylmer, sliced, 16-oz. can .... ..... . LAMB ROAST No. 1 lb, 19c 2 for 25c Fresh frozen/ trim m ed, loin lb. 25c SALMON 2010 Marine /D r._W. ..1010-L. C H U R C H E S O F C H R IST S C IE N T IS T 10- o Z y .c a n C Sundayb̂ May l 8 th I SOUP 10 a .m . - - - Sunday School. | Aylmer, tomato, ..uTrvorpA ^ a.m.-- Rov. Ernest E. Jessop. rvA n 1 ■ Subject, "Outward appearance TALS will be'tho'subjcct ot the Inner Life." . Lesson-Sermon. in all (duircho.s p ^ -- Rev. Ernest E. Jes- of Christ Scionti.st, (>n Sunday-. Subject, "The Ministry' of The Golden le x l IS, Jrprsakc Encouragement." -It; the foolish and live; and go im. Monday, 8 p.m.-- Young People's the way ol understanding (1 ro- meeting. All young people in verbs 9:6). Among the citations which Tuesday, 10 a.m.^to 4 p.m.-^Red comprise the I^sson-boimum is ' church. the Mblo: Wednesday, 7:45 p.m--^ Prayer T he Spirit ilsell bearcth wit- Reading. -mess^\4th^)ur-::^^^ F in 'd a y n S Ia T T 6 th " a t " S T 'n i . T-- the children ol (.rod: and d Mission Circle Brthday Tea. children, then heirs; heirs ol _________________ 1 God. a n d joint-heirs w i t h Christ" (Romans 8:16, .17). .... 2 for 15c PARIS PATE M eat Spreads, assorted, 3-oz. can .... .̂............ SAUSAGE Swift'.s Premium, ^ 14-oz. can ............................................... Ea^h Z Z C HAM Cooked, - - -........ n 1 sliced~~:.:.........;.v...........3^-lb. u 1 C NO; 1 F resh R ed Spring piece ............... ...............lb, Sliced .......lb. . 2 for 1 5 c SALMON Aviator, sockeye, flakes, 8-oz. can .................... P IG K L IE S Fam ily Circle, sweet mixed, IQ#* 10-oz. bottle ........................................... .......... Each lA C 2 for 23 c Fdward'si Coffee drip or ' 'M €% ^ regular grind1 lb can W.M.S. APPLES! The Les.son-3ermon also in- The regular monthly meeting dudes the following pa.^sage of the W.M.S. of the United from the Christian. Science text- Church will be held~on^uesdayvr^| book, "Science and Health with May 20th, at 2:15 p.m. Reports Key to the Scriptures" by l\Iary from the Presbyterial (Local Baker Eddy; "'Fhe, spiritual Branch), m eetings will be the man's , consciousness and in- chief item in the proceedings dividualily are reflections . of ana the word for roll call is God. They are the emanations of "Life.' Him who is Life, Truth, and . This w ill'be the last meeting Love. Immortal man is not a"nd before the summer recess and a U i t t i e i ^ vited to attend. fes' ' C . never wasTiiaterial. but ahvavs . spiritual and eternal." - W e s t V a n N e w s i. . . Published Every Thursday Pubtisber \ \ P. F. LOVEGROVE 11 ■ Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: i 1 1704 Marine Drive \ " Phone West 55 Wine.saps, crisp, sweet. Extra Fancy and Fancy 10 lbs. .. 2 f 3 c Kox........... . 3 5 c •I.'.:. , ■ ■ • ' *> _• ^ Extra Fancy and .Fancy Yellow Newtons .... ................. .......... 7 5 c ORANGES Large size, Valencias .............]' - i*{, ......................................................................dozen « • C' GRA PEFRU ^ ___ Gingei^ Ale Canada Drj'-, 12-oz. bolflrs , (p lus b o ttlesl 2 f o r 2 5 « - ^ CRISGO Purely vegetable/, 1-lb. can ...... .Each 1 9 c California, full of juice ......... ...... 3-lb. can ............................Each 55c (I -I North Vancouver Office: 123. Lonsdale Ave; fl.OO a year by carrier: t2.00 a year by mai{ To honor Miss Marion Blair, who will mai*ry Mr. Jack Rapsey the afternoon of Saturday, May 31, Mrs. Richard Fladgate and Miss Violet Blair entertained at luncheon today at the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. Low arrangements of pastel spring flowers graced the table, at which covers were laid for Mrs. -Colin S ta n ley ,. the M isses B etty and Ruth Blmr, Grace T^Tiite, Pat Wallace,^ Margaret (fillet ajid Jean Forsyth. for 19c NEW POTATOES White V ariety .............. .*................... 9ibs. 25c JAM , Empress, pure straw ber^, 4 7 /* 4-lb. can .............?.......... !...Each ^ GELERY Crisp and firm ........... lb. 9c 9c GUeUMBERS Largg, 1 >1 • White Spine .......... Each 1 ̂ C LETTUCE Large crisp , fresh heads ............ Z for POTATOES No. 1 Local Gems (in handy Easy-to-carry' «i /v t>ag) ......... ..... i U lbs. Z Z e COFFEE Airway. See i t grqim d, know it'.s fresh. 1-lb. pkg. ........ ;..:..Lb. 34c GRAHAM WAFERS I.B.C. 16-oz. cello 1 3 r | package Each SAFEWAY STORES LIMITED WE RESERVE THE RiaH T. TO LIMIT QUANTITIES cT'