lie Puainess and Editorial Ofdca: 1704 Marine Drive ...- - - • p i io t t r 'W e s t -S S -- r A Weeidy- Publiaher*P. R LpVKGROVB l'honc West 363 C i r c u l a t i n g i n t h e D i s t r i c t o f W e s t V a n c o u v e r - A m b l e s i d e . H o l l y h u m , W e s t o n , D u n d a r a v $1.00 por year. C y f r e s s P a r k , C a u l f e i l d , W h y t e c H / f , E t ' c . , . 6c per (x>py. V o lX V I ■ HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY,,MAY 15th, 1941 N o . 5 HESS wiaM n«M FOR YOUR GARDEN Hhss has struck Germany her first really damaging body hlow ot' the war. Internally, his flight will shake German morale and strain Dr. Goebbels* imagination to explain it satis- actoi'ily to the German people. Externally^ neutral and the .̂ndavoil nations will begin to wonder ju st how hollow is Ger man strength,"'niaking it more difficult for Hitler to hold the countries he has overrun or impress those he hopes to. 'Pile British authorities can be relied upon to reniember ....[yĝ vvho thoir m will see'to it th a t lie hears' ami sees nothing of any vital importance. If, on the other haiuf he gives them any information of value which they don't difficult th ing with the British Secret Service, the best in the world-- it will be m ost thoroughly checked before being believed, let alone acted upon. All th is H ess knew before leaving Germany, and, therefore, his chances of doing any t h i n g worth while by coming to England were very remote, w h i c h makes the plot.theoiry look at least unlikely. No,\^ll indications point to his having fled for his life, although the whole story a't the back of that is not likely to . be generally known for many a long day. So fhr as his desertion of his w ife and children is concerned, their doom ~ .;^ o u id T )c T h e W n e rw h ^ ler intended to murder, him. MISS HARRISON'S PUPILS TAKE FOUR FIRST PLACES AT FESTIVAL COMING EVENT'S Now is the tim e to start put ting your bedding plants in'your garden while the evenings are in recently concluded B.C. still cool and the ground holds' Musical' Festival, four first its moisture, but jiartioular places, tliree seconds, and tw o caution should bo taken against thirds went to pupils of Nellie slugs and bugs which will eat Harrison, A. T. C. M., Special these new.plants before they be- i Diploma. come strong enough to Lake care Dorothy Mae Arm strong was of themselves. A simple and sat- awarded first place in the piano isfactory cilice is to go out after , under 11 years,, and Beverley h nday, May fiOth--Garden Party at the home of Mrs. W. Dick inson. 780 I4th Street, to raise funds for Sentinel Hill Red ("Iross Unit refugee work. n iA SPONSORED BY BRIT ISH SAILORS' SOCIETY dark w ith a bucket of warm soapy water and some Black Leaf 40, spray or pour it on the plants and it will immediately kill these pests. A s there, is a shortage of some Brown, second in the same class. Last year these two clever child ren took first and second places, respectively, in the piano under 10 class.' In the piano under 12 class, on A tea for comforts for men of tho Merc'haht Marine will be hold from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. this Saturday, the 17-th i.nst, at the homo of ]^rs.,H'. G. Barker, 13015 Marine Drive, under the auspices ol the British Sailors' Society (Grace Darling U nit). A musical bedding plants this season, those, account of the large number of program will be aivon b v iho who act quickly in getting in ' entries, there were five certifi- Musicians' SewinSewing Gropir StVin|,r Meanwhile, w hat a paradox that a Nazi of his standing should choose Britain as a refuge! , CIVILIAN PROTECTION A.R.P: WEST VANCOUVER AREA gardens. This is also the time years, first place went to two 12- to spray roses , and watch for year-old students, Jean McKel- caterpillar nests i j the trees. If lar and Irene D'Aoust with 87 these nests are left to develop The second place in the same HOLL^RNJHALJI. S u nd ay '̂ "%ch odbelude business premises in par- and the cateipillars spread it class was taken by. Sheila D ines ^ ticular. .1 . w ill soon mean ruination to your and Jean M cKellar,: w ith -85 at 9:45 a.m nexTf Reeve J- Edward Sears, .. ~Ghairman,-Civilian..Pror tection Committee. Chief Const. A. W. Kruger, ' Chief Warden. . To All Citizens o f W ^ t Vancouver . " .Pursuant to an order issued 'by the Minister o f N ational De^ fence to act u n d e r Section 35 of ■the~Defenoe-of-Oainada--Regular tions, a blackout is to be held under authority^ of Majpr Gen eral 0. R. Alexander, General Ctfficer in charge of th e Pacific Command. " The blackout will cover the Y oung be held garden. F irst place in the ^iano duet 18th'"*in iRriliy A t the f-al's, 3348 Marine under 12 years was . won by J^e 7 -3 0 ^ mrivfi AT,mi will finrl n (rnnrl afnr»lr TV/Tnr. A »»v«o4-vr.rwY qyi/1 ti*- •* ^CrVice ih<lt day ________ _______ ________ ______ ______________ ___ _ _____ iu.i-ov. - Maunce Campbell o f New West- the curb or a'^convenient W k in g ' Fuller absolutely , guarantees. - - "^'-Kathleen: Cole- and -Jean-- space, eittinguish all lights and The number of satisfied custom- Kellar"took second place in the rn^ î r n ^ remain stationary. Occupants ers from ,previous years is a re- piano duet under 19 years, these w W Tvincif o+'T'ilrinnr QnV ArvTnmonao + irkn n-p fVio V>irrr*Qrla -r . 1 £! ■ o ... * Wneil »JOnil Wallace 4. I All traffic m ust cease for garden. ^ F irst place in the ^iano duet the period of the Blackout.. Mo tor cars and all other vehicles Drive, you will find a gpod stock Dorothy Mae Armstrong must refrain from striking any commendation of tee high grade two students being aged 16 and. wilDspeak on "Our Lord's Pres" ;Msbtei&ibl6 t b ^ ^ d ^ t h e progress of̂ t̂ out which is to be broadcast by radio., ' 5. -T elephones ,-should not be used except in cases of absolute Lower Mainland including the ^necessity during the Blackout. _ West Vancouver Area, and will ' g, ■ The pulling of electric be carried into effect on Thurs- sw itches at the mains is not re day. May 22nd from 10 , p .m .-to commended for technical rea- I' 10:15 p.m. _ ; sons, and lights should be tum - Local arrangements are in the ed 'off individually, not overlook lights fo r th e purpose of smok- of stock carried. . There ̂ hre s t i l l . 12 years, resjj^tively: Kathleen eiitation for S ^ v ta e " W edner mg. * a few bedding out tuberous lalso received a good adjudication dav 'Mav ^ 7 . ir Traffic hazard will be lessen-.^Belgian begonias available. Win- and in. the-Beethoven Son- ^Youmr Peonle's - ^ ed if citizens will .remain indoors dow boxes a^dYianging baskets ata daks, under 17 years, and ̂ ^ durm'gTthe" period. -:7This" WOuld-- are-a- specialty: 'Vice, COMMUNICATION Ma:y 12th, ^ 41- Editor, W est Van. News. ' Dear Sir-:■ ■ . ' - ■ ■ ■ rN ' . As' Chairman of the War Ser vices Drive in W est Vancouver I wish to express my apprecia- ata class, under 17 years, ̂ ______________________ Jean--obtained--third place w ith pttptt-g Vm? , 83% in the Bach piano under.-14 : - BETIY CAVEN- years, and- fourth place, with IN DANCE RECITAL • 84% in the very adVanted class fi , -- of concerto for piano, and breh- Don't fo ig et the Annual Dance estra Elsie Iwasaki was given Beoital by the pupils o f Betty third-*^place w ith . 83% in the Cavendish at 8 p.m. tomorrow Bach piano under 10 class- f in the High School Other children obtaining good Auditorium. The main attrac- marks were 7-̂ y ear-old , Sylvia Lon will be a "Ghinesê ^̂ F̂̂ ̂ Harper, who irreceived fourth Gapy costumed children ■ in tion and the"appreciation of the place, 81%, in the Bach piano . Oriental and other dances to- Greater Vancouver .Committee under 10 class;. Phyllis Taken- .̂®te^ ̂ vv^^^%'P®cial short scenes the' B a c r " pian6 - and a program by the West Vah-,____ of the A»R«P« ^ h ic h j^g hallv^ays, stairways, porchr - -- aka, 81% in „ , . , rr, 1 Arm-ir̂ v. i -i, , ' hasjbeen organized ., fpr;r"Spme--es%lyaseffi^^^^ -- .... vpr 1 aHW iT^d^ - Qnilei:Y2-classiY "atrickTErridge7- T a m o n th s past for f h e protection 7. The cooperation of each and by W est Vancou r ladies under gg^g^ly Brown, Maybelle Gi'ist, -wholljr-delightful even in gV lin - and care of the civilian popula- . every one to enable the Black- the chairmanship of Mrs. W. B. piano duet under 12 , tertainm enf. Silver collection for tion should any war emergency, out to be wholly effective in this Small. Whilst, under the Chair- and 14-year-old Jimmy McDon- arise. . Municipality is_earnestly sought, manship of Councillor Richard- aid who gave a very ^creditable Red Cross funds. The Municipality has been Citizens should not jaeed to be divided'into D istricts and Sub- reminded it is a. serious offence Districts,'each w ith a Warden in not to comply with these regu- charge. Further inform ation re-, lations, a n d infractions are garding the A.R.P. service you punishable by both fines and im- are advised to get in touch w ith prisonment. him, or A.R.P. Headquarters a t the Police Station, W est .804. Blackout Instructions The date, Thursday,- May 22nd. ŷarning Alarm' 9:50 to 10 p.m. Blackout, 10 to 10:15 p.m. ■ Blackout-- The "Warning Alarm " w ill be . sounded a t 9 :50 of the Police and BRITISH-ISRAEL Mrs. W. T. Hamilton will. give, the address on Monday even ing next at 8 p.m.,. 25th and son, the men also took part it must, in fairness, be said that practically the whole of the amount subscribed was collect ed by the ladies, thus proving once again that for th is class of enterprise they«are unsurpassed. 'They worked both strenuously and long hours to achieve the result and l afn sure everyone Ih performance of the first move ment of the Beethoven Sonata op. 49, No. 2, in the Sonata class under;!? years, for ^which he re ceived 80%. ' iThC'Se talented studepts will be heard in recital in June. NORTH SHORE PREPARING FOR SHAM AIR RAIDS NEW SAFEWAY STORE TO, OPEN W est yancouvet will M p r o u d The fine new Safeway Store, - S ^ u ^ i r t o f i S tee t "itfry Preparations, are now complete for dealing with the expected sham -air raid on the North Shore. A.R.P, .squads are re hearsing continually and no de tail is beipg overlooked. -- Ch ief--Warden-G^Rv-Bates-has co-ordinated Marine Drive. .. You are very .when thny know the .(^m paign located at the'north-east y -- *...................... cordially invited to hear this Marine D r iv e ,^ i l l The raid; which will be rCpro- p.m. b y sirens very fine speaker. The-subject, $3500.00 in ^ sh . lh is amount ibe opened for business tomorrow duced in everything but: fatali- - ..... . . «ixd F ire Depart- "Things that m ust shortly come to be distributed amon^gst t^^ .(Friday). All interested are askj ^Pl form part of a mam- ments, by church bells .and fog-' to .pass." -Thursday evening following organizatio^^^^^ ̂ ̂ - --------- - . . . . . . o a mam horns. The Blackout w ill com- Bible Study under Colonel Pnn- adian Legion, the LQ .D licence at 10 p.m. g le a t the home of Mrs*. Scott, At 10:15 p.m. th ese devices . 2341 King's, at 7:30, to which "'ill announce the "A ll Clear" you are invited.*** over a short period o f operation. 2 ' At 9:50 p.m. w hen the >yarning Alarm" is. given, pre parations should be m ade by all EX£SERVIGE.:MEN'!;:::;'.-:y-v ATTENTION! „ ___ _________ _ „ . The n o th Reserve Gompa-ny, oitizcna to see that all ligh ts in Veterans Guard of Canada, are ̂ private dwellings and business askiiig for ex-service men to them down, but has contributed \ 5®fablishments are extinguish-r- . join up. The medical category re--su bstan tia lly to th^ip^elfare and to, except those provided -with" q u ire d is-A , B , or C and,R eserve, happiness when oft d ilty . Knights of Colqmbus Army Huts, the Shlvation Army, Y.M. C.A., and YW.CaA-., to be used for war charity purposes in the main although jm rt of it w ill be devoted to-locarneeds. The boys overseas can feel th a t W est Vancouver has not let but has contributed ed to refer to the advertisement on page 2 of this issue for the list of specials on'that day and Saturday. LEGION NOTES totally adequate shade^^^ ̂ ArinyVal:es o7pay are ĝ ^̂ ̂ Several residents were not at stand. During the Blackout the use f u l l u n ifo r m and equipment su p -., home Avhen tĥ e workers made W est Van^cw Aeroplanes will drone m oth , display to be staged at Mahon Park on Sunday, May 18, at 2 p.m. A drumhead service, conducted by the. military chap lain, will precede thq demonstra tion. . ■( A spectacular parade of fight ing services, A.R.P. .units, Can adian W omen'̂ Training Corps% F irst Aid, Engineers, .!i^ e Brig ade, Cadets, Frontiersrrien, Po lice, Motor (Cyclists, etc-, etc. will give the salute.before the grand of every outdoor kind whatsoever ^ ; and no illuminated --o - Permitted to be operated in a. ings. ^kely to cause it to be . ......... dUii there ' A dinner in Miss Ray's honor, ̂ be no night ligh t show ing a bride-to-be, was convened by U^P^^^nded and unoccupied ' Mrs. Adele Findlay, McLean P^i'son^ leaving prem- Drive, Vancouver. Miss Ray was unoccupiedten the n igh t o f presented with a beautiful gold-. plated compact as a going-away g ift from the Maids of Lebanon a t their recent meeting. contribution to the War Services Campaign Headquarters in the Marine Building, Vancouver, B.C. J. EDWARD SEARS, Reeve.- General Wismer, "General Alex- ________________ ander, Commanding Officer of MAY QUEEN CELEBRATION sure on the nig should m ake fmiv. are le ft visible the outside. T h is w ill m- Frank Tanner, R-C.A.F., bro ther of Mrs. Brown o f 25th ,and . „, . ^ • Marine Drive, has le ft for To- Neil and McCue's and Cunmng- ronto. \ .ham's Drug Stores. Price, 25o. • Reserve, seats in stand will be,plated on sAle next Saturday, May 17th, at both Mc- Mayor Cornett, and mayors of the grand surrounding municipalities. . ^Mr. and Mrs. Tait of Burnaby have, moved into their new home at 1012 Sinclair Ave. .. o ■ *4