i j i r P ^ c T w Y I j O 1 Business and Editorial Office ,,,4704. M»rln«*P)clrC.^«- Phone W est 55 A -. I'llUlIV 'TTVO*- Wl#,' %r '■ JL' ■ JL Circulating in the District o f West Vancouver" AnfPleside, Holly burn, Weston., n nBr vear. V Cyprcss Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. Publisher F, P . LOYEGKOVE Phone W est 363 Dundarave $1.00 per year 6e per copy. Vol. X V I HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. M AY 8th, 1941 No. 4 di M OTHERS DAY N{'X't Sunday is Mother's Day, when we, remember our mnihors. Not that we are likely to ever forget them, but this one day in th e year when they are especially honored, frhAher they are still wi'th'us or have passed on to that rest, wliieli so many, of them sorely needed and so few had not Mother love is the foundation upon which life is built. It - it' has e v e r been ,-the-m ost m ighty -force in- the. world, - without it the earth would be in . a few short years as omnix as the moon. W hich is why ,it was made stronger than 0 rht else. T h e'm ost"tim id creature, Which .normally de- S i s on its speed or nature's camouflage for survival, will ,rn and fight fiercely in defence of its young, regardless of hP odds Mother love and self-sacrifice have always walked niretherhand in hand, and between them they have managed to keep this old world going throughout the ages that have .. tvissed since man and beast were first created. • ̂ We can be, thankful that-, very few mothers are unworthy .. of the name, and unfortunate indeed is tU man or .woman . - whose membdes o f m other are not alm ost sacred. Even the J^g|..-oj..jnost-Gr-uei-usually-have a-warm_spotJnihe:ir„hearts----- - for this author-of their.bom g, and, cases baye occurred where murderers have* asked to see their m others bfore paying the supreme penalty. Like everyone else they- knew the heart of ? mother could find forgiveness for alm ost any crirpe committed, . ihv her offspring, whatever th e verdict, of th« wprld m ight be. Then there is Mother Earth. A hard parent, we will prob- ■ -ihlv sav when, we remerriber the workings of the jungle law, ; and vet th a t is not all- She brings us also the greater things which seem to belong to eternity--th e beauty of the sunrise; and the peace of the sunset, the glories of mountain and forest and sea, and the whisper of the night wind in the trees beneath « .summer moon. To h er .w e 'go like tired children when the; world has become too much for .us, and at the la^st^shenakes, us back' into ,her arm s and lulls us into the long sleep .; ' These days, too, we are reminded of a third mother, who ■ is coming to mean more to us than at almost any tim e in our: history namely, Mother Britain. She has been w ith few ex-; ; ceptions a'igood motl;rer,' a strong .'mother, anddike m ost such - she has-begotten_stnbg,^sturdY daughters, J B e t o e w ^ were-, born or cradled, she was old in m eeting and overcomin^g, those who sought to do her harm. Later^ like a true m other, she . stood between ,us and, trouble for ^ a n y a long-year as her navy ruled the sCas, a n d ,:'when alm ost three decades ago her very existence w as ohallengd, w e in the able to help her, and iU:doing so a o h iev ed U h e_ ^ L sta tu sio L womanhood. PUPILS OF B E IT Y CAVEN- DISH IN DANCE RECITAL l.O .D .E . A colorful "Chinese Fantasy" will be I the main attraction of the Annual Dance Recital by pupils o f B etty Cavendish in the High School Auditoriun(j^riday evening. May 16th, at 8 'o'clock. -Gaily costumed-children w illper- forni quaint and picturesque dances of the Orient. Other short scenes will depict a glimpse of Mexioo and a day with the "Wo man in the Shoe." The W est Vancouver Boys' Band will present a musical pro gram, ' to round out a varied evening's entertainment. HOLLYBURN HALL Mr., John......Wallace^jwfiJ..give. special addresses upon "Our Lord's Preperation for M inistry"; in Hollyburn Hall, 14th and Duchess every Tuesday evening during May at . 8 o'clock. , May "13th, Preparation and testing. May ,20th, Pi^esentatioh for Public Service. "■ ■ May 27th, Presentation for -Searching. - June 3rd, Presentation for 'Sufferingr Once again^we stand beside her as she fights the nrnst terrible and the noblest battle o f. her long career. She has already suffered horribly and smiled. She must suffer still more before^he tide turns, y e t in that suffeiing we know s e still will smile. That is why. the world honors her as never before, and why sh e should; be especially close to., our hearts as _we keep Mother's Day. . , . .. - - ATTENTION, RESIDENTS OF WEST VANCOUVER ^ y ^ im V e s t Vancouver, Branch 1 of (he Canadian Legioii has been v^ysfcriunate in securing the services of Charlie Chappell and his carnival troupe for a real bang-up .show at 1:he Inglewood. High School on Thursday, May 8, at 7:45 p.m. This com pany of radio entertainers includes m any of the favorite artists such as Sue Ward and Danny Andrews,, who was recently adjudged the best amateur actor in B.C., , This shqw is sponsored by all the leading businessm en 'of' Van couver and has been en thusi astically received by m any Van couver audiences. A n added at traction will be m any .valuable prizes , given to the audience by the sponsors. - As it is anticipated that there will be a full house, children of 'teen age and.under cannot be admitted. Come one and all and enjoy a real shoW. Adm ission free. , TEA SPONSORED BY BRIT- ^ ISH SAILORS' SOCIETY Under the auspices of the Brit ish Sailors' -Society .(Grace Dar- line U nit), a Tea for comforts for men of the Merchant Marine ' will be held on Saturday, May 17th, from 2:30 p'.m. to 5:30 p.m. .a t the home of Mrs. H. G. Bark er, 3015 Marine Drive. A s funds are urgently needed to provide comforts for our ^ 1 - lant seamen who c p r y on their heroic work, so quietly and e i- 'ficiently, an invitation is extend ed to every one interested in the work of the British Sailors' So- -^ciety.' A musical programme will be g iven during the afternoon. CONSERVATIVE ANNUAL m e e t in g . VICTORY LOAN The annual m eeeting.and eleo- tion of officers of the W est V m - couyer Conservative Association, will be held at 8:15 p.m. tomor row (Friday), in the Ferguson Building (old Orange Hail down sta irs), at 22nd Marine Drive. It is hoped that all niem- bers and prospective members will make a point of being pre-. A -preliminary get-together meeting of the Citizens' C om m it tee formed to organize th e com munity effort in connection, w ith the forthcoming V ictory Loan Campaign was held la st 'Thurs-^- W evening in the • Council- Chambei. Trustee, H oward N. Walters was in the chair, and there were present th e provincial organizer an^ several others -of ms staff, who .gave considerable i|#ormation re thfe-..campMgh soon to be! started. ' sent. b r it is h -i s r a e l / Rev. Mr. Fry o f St. Margaret s Episcopal Cliurch, will be the speaker Mon day,' at 8 o'clock, . at 25th and Marine Drive.. You are . invited to come and enj-oy hear- ~inff this speaker. Colonel Prin- g l l s Bible Study Class Thurs-. : day evening-^ 7t30. ^ ^ . are welcome to attend this class-*** - June 10th, Presentatiom for Succoring. W W est Vancouver U n i t e d Church. _ beautifully ̂ decorated with tulips, lilies of th e valleyT lilacs ,w hite broom and delphin ium, was the scene a t 8 :30 p.m. last Saturday o f the wedding of Marjorie Joyce Bowden, daugh- _ter-4)f-Mr-^nd-Mrs^ack-.Bo!wden_ of W est Bay, to Mr. John Arthur W right, son o f - Mrs. M. E. W right, 2534 Bellevue Ave., and the late Mr. H. D. W right. The Rev." J. D. Hobden officiated. The bride, w h o . was given away by her father, looked _ charming in an aqua blue gown and quilted bodice, afternoon length, with beige and brown ac cessories and rolled Breton hat. Her bridesmaid, M iss B etty Kilsby, wore a soft blue gown and a navy hat trimmed in. soft > blue. P etty officer Harry W right brother of the groom, was best man, and Messrs- George Turn er.' James Blexham and W illiam Bromley acted as ushers. Mrs. G. Sheffield played the wedding march and Miss Margaret W hite sang "Because," during the sign ing of the register, A reception was held later at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowden at W est Bay, when the bride and groom were a ss ist ed in receiving by . Mrs. M. E. W right in a figured satin bodice and black skirt, black accessories and black hat, ̂ and Mrs. Jack Bowden, who had chosen a b l^ k orepe dress trimmed in white, pleated bodice, w ith black a cces-. sories and a black and w hite hat. The rooms were beautifully dec orated with spring flowers, and the bride's table was centred with a three-tiered wedding cake in naval design, flanked by w hite tapers in silver sconces and lilies of the valley and pink carnations. Mrs. H. Stone and Mrs: T. 'Kils- by presided at the urns, and the serviteurs were the p i s s e s May ■Ray, Argent R ay, -Pauline Sharpe Diane W atts, Margaret Dill, Joan Colcleugh, Barbara- Stone and Phyllis Dollar. Captain Alec W atts proposed the toast to the bride. The honeymoon was spent on , Vancouver Island, the bride go ing away in a deep beige coat over her wedding ensemble w ith chocolate brown accessories- The h ap p y . couple will live in Vic- , toria. ' ' , ^ ■ The May m eeting of the Dun- ,,oan Lawson Chapter was held Monday, May 5, a t the home oi Miss Gertrude Lawson, 680 17th Street. The regent, Mrs. W. B. Small, was in the chaif. To commemorate St. George's Day, April 23, Mrs. R. A. Allan, Educational Secretary, reported a St. George's Shield . made bv pupils o f Hollyburn School, class-room instruction at Paul ine Johnson School and patriotic songs and a guest speaker at the W est Vancouver High School. The Standard bearer, Mra. H. B. Gray, reported attending the festiv ities for H.R.H. Princess Alice, the Burrard Choir celebra tion on St. George's Day, and the . opening of the annual m eeting... Good progress was reported by the May Day Committee. A donation of $10 was made to the May Day fund. Mrs. A- J. Gleam was appointed convener of the annual luncheon to be held in June. Mrs. Gordon Gray is in charge of entertainm ent. War Savings Stamps, , value $20.25, were sold at the m eeting. In keeping w ith its war tim e -program m e, the Chapter eiyter- tained 360 soldiers at the: Sea- forth Legion Hut on April 28.- The play "Veronica," w ritten by Beryl Gray, was produced by local talent. Miss M argaret Mc Intyre and her m usicians assist- -ed-by-^an-able-chorus,-provided the musical programme. Aubrey Clarke was a w itty and able m aster o f ceremonies. The fol lowing young people took p a rt: The M isses Norma Nagel^ B etty IGarner, BetTy" Grayr Brenda Wicking, Bernice Barbour and Mary Wilson. i The Silver Rose Bowl raffle was won by Miss A. Charlton of Ladner, B.G.. Ticket No. 1426. A t the Annual Provincial m eeting Mrs- W. J. Lang was elected Provincial Councillor and appointed 4th Viqe-President. A motion of confidence was made and congratulations were ex tended to Mrs. Lang by the Chapter. ■ ' "Give us the tools and we will do the job,">poke Mr. Churchill. Consequently all B.C. Chapters have pledged them selves to raise $25,000 to buy a Spitfire for Brit ain. Because th is motion- was made by one of our own mem bers, the Duncan Lawson Chap ter already fee ls a personal share in this Spitfire. . A tour of W est Vancouver gardens is planned for June and many other fund raising activi ties are in the making. The Order has again inaugur ated the , wearing of war bars where members jhave husbands, sons or daughter^ on active vice. . . , " '• Mrs. Stead, Provincial Presi dent, reports, "The LO.D.E. was founded forty-one years ago and has thus given service in three, wars, " but we feel we are doing our work' in a more practical and effective manner n o# , than ever before"' From January. 15, 1940, to March 15, 1941, the following have passed through Provincial Headquarters: 6 2̂ tons wool value $22,525; 6 tons or 25,730 articles, value $17,201. ' The Junem eeting of the Chap ter will be held^at the home of Mrs. J. ;B. Leyland. - ^ Mrs. Tayior H enry-entertain ed informally at luncheon recent ly a t her home at2368 Bellevue Ave. Covers- were laid for Mrs. Hugh Martin, Mrs- John Gorm- ley ̂ Miss Stephanie. Richards and Miss Jeannie Scott. NAOMI CHAI^FER SPRING TEA The Spring Tea of the Naomi Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, will ..take place next Wed nesday, May 14th, in the Masonic Hall at 17th and Bellevue Ave., Mrs. Agnes Smith, W orthy Grand - Matron,.... will....officially. open the Tea at 2:30 p.m., and receiving a t the door will be Mrs. E. Creighton and Mrs. W. Reid. A cordial invitaton to attend is extended to all- CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TO MEET A business session of the Chamber of Commerce will be held at the» Chalet, Horseshoe Bay, next Wednesday, May, 14th. Supper will be served at 7:15 p.m'. sharp to be followed by an injportant business m eeting for which purpose every member is requested to be present. Trans portation will be provided, cars leaving 15th and Marine Drive at 6:30 p.m. LEGION W.A. COMFORTS TEA A tea is to be held at the -hom e-of--^Mrs.-T.-E.--Batchelor,_ .1374 Gordon Ave., on Tuesday, May 13th from "2 :30 till 5. The proceeds to be added to the com forts fund. These little packets are very-useful, the boys are not- long Jn finding that out. They ■ contain-such things-as cigarette: . tobacco, cigarette pftpers,. gum, chocolate, tooth paste, tooth brush, socks, handkerchiefs, writing paper, needles and _thread , batchelor buttons. Any such g ifts will be very accept able and certainly oom e in very handy for our boys, who have, left their homes for service in the Army, Air Force, Navy and Merchant Marine to help us to still keep our homes. Have the spirit o f these young ; heroes. They will appreciate your kind thought. Kedp| the date in ; mind, Tuesday, May 13th. W AR SERVICES CAMPAIGN OVER QUOTA J. B. Leyland, Provincial Cam paign Manager, informed, us that the results of the Canadian W ar Services Campaign in B.C. w ere as follows:: Greater Vancouver .,..$290,000 Vancouver Island ..............125,000 Interior ............................. 180,000 ' $595,000 Quota for B.C................ ..$550,000 COUNCIL NOTES - The Vancouver Exhibition A s sociation wrote the Council re putting a float in the Annual Parade on 25th August. They- were advised that the m atter was- being referred to the local Chamber o f Commerce w ith whom the CounciFwould be glad to cooperate. Roy Drew wrote the Council regarding re-surfacing and re- farring . N elson Ave.,- between 22nd and 23rd Streets. Referred to the tarring programme, this being also done in connection w ith J. G. Rimmer's letter re Clovelly Walk. T he W est Vancouver Imperial Service wrote the Council re . parking o f buses on driveway. Referred to the Ferry Manager for attention. F itz M. Clark wrote the Coun cil re dust nuisance at 764'* Ma- ;:rine Drive. Referred to the Prov incial Government'Highway De- parti