; f ' i J ■ V il i ' i ' f c i t Si ' II ;■ . H rrJ . lit M t ; . 11 |S;:S 1 i'i* I*. 'In.iir ;f_ t t l #mM& % m ̂- iPlIlfel;' i i '|P M : i i w it •; m , L; -H W -w « .- -4 .^ - - -A ..H a r v e y - -S o a tI |_ , ,M ..t f c ,w « i^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Fr*« D«Umy SiarTk# - MwntWjr Ac<oiiJit a d j u t a n t ftlAUGAIlET STRATTON IS HONORED n ' Iti*d N o. Krd ^ :) tinri SinK«|M»rt' 'Hn 4 tinM ... ■ mm.................. ... i • . y KIUOAV a n d SATURDAY. MAY 2nd AND 3rd M E A T S West 370 Free Delivery W hitt* H A l<M O N "i" tluR, 2 f o r .. *'*̂ ^ W h i t e r K A U H -- B a r t l e t t ' s . .43c Slic«*d I M N K A P I 'L K -- ■'.........13c. .......'1/ ................... 49c 1{«.<1 A W h it e ( ; i ( K K N C U T T in ................■..........- ........* .................' I lK A N S -- T u l l till I ' i ' i i io * . . .. V ............ '«'•*•••.........- N hImiIi IU C K I) BKPH'.S-- T a l l G for ............................. l ie d A W h it e B r a n d B O U K ....... I3C .......9c ,.,-$1.05 tin 10c , . 59c AND i lK A N .S -- 18*07,. t in s , 3 tinK 2 7 c I T I I K B A U D -- S w iftH S i l v e r l e a f . 2 I'-lh. cnrtonM .................... . . . , I 7 c I O I ' I K B -- A u n t M a r y 'a. Uh. >• 3Hc n . O l ' H - ^ W i l d H o se P a n tr y . 10*11). s a c k ................... ■*'**' C A T S U P -- T a l l t in .................... . . . lO c P H U N K S t-- BiK,. H a n ta C la r a . P ou n d IB*d A W h i t e B r a n d T O M T O E S -- 18-oz . h(|uat t in BEEF PORK LAMB VEAL All Grade A & A1 Delicatessen Fresh Fish Daily l ied A W h ite I J .o / . b o t t l e l ied A . W h ile S liew l IV B r a n d C A T S U P * 16c P E A ( H E S -- h a lv e d , t in ............. lOc :t t in s , ....................................... ,....... l ied A; W h it e P E A S -- S ie v e 3. ta l l t i n s 14c ; 3 fo r S ie v e 5, ta l l t in « 12c; 3 fo r .l.'ic 43c ..... 39c ..... 33c ̂ A total of 5,858 children have lltS. F. A. WALKER ORIGIN- • f j -Q p , Qyoat Britain to TED SCHEME FOR EVACU- gyef^t children. Of . ... _ ̂ a * w « « « tf ly 'i V V t V ^ f 1 1 1 MRS AtVn G BRITISH CH IU)REN Thou.sandH of youpK truo.sl.s from Britain are romping happily in Canada l>ecause a gray ■* haired Wo.st Vanoouvei woman worried about the .safety two children. Mr.s, Francis A. Walker is *.th*'se 1,532 haV.Q been trans ferred under the Britush Govern m en tev acu a tio n arrangements and 4,3'26 came out , , --From the Montreal Gazette, 9 A p ril, 1941. Nteil l\^acock, son of Mr. and rancis **'■ Mrs. A. R. Peacock, 650 1^^^ LMV<'II credit for originating the street, who has joined the R.C.. scheme to. bring British child- a .F., left here on Monday for ren to ('anada for the duration the R.C.A-F. station in Brandon, of the war. The two youngsters _ * ■ * * ^ now eiiiov a carefree life a t the a daughter was born on Tues- Walker* home, far from the a t . the .Vancouver General Tlinm 'i"" o"f--<lr(>pping-v-?̂ -pl'osi-v̂ es-- i.i^.,jj.pi-tal-'to-^Ir-,^aud-J>liis^R^^ ami hurried , nights to bomb ' j^uinmerfield (nee Morva Batoh- sheltors. , Mrs. Walker, before coming to the Pacific coast in 1927, H^ed iit Fort Saskatchewan, near Ed monton, where Mr. Walker-was M.L.A- for the constituency of elor), City. of 404 West 1 8 th-Ave., A n d erso n ---Cast ell ^rhe-home^of--4))Iiw-and_M rs.^ .u.u./v. ivu ...c Wilfred Munton was the scene Victoria, now Clover Bar, in the • of a pretty wedding Saturday, AUicrta legislature. He acted as April 26th, at 9 p.m., Lilx?ral w h ip fo r som e y e a rs . . M a rg a re t C^istell, s i s te r o f M rs. The two youngsters are not Munton and eldest daughter ot reallv Mrs. Walker's grandchild- Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gastell ot ren' but she regards them as Belmont, Manitoba, became the such Their mother, the present bride of Mr.' Janies Anderson ot Aletha Orr of the'English stage. Powell River.. Mr. Anderson is wife of Sgt. Reynor Hexily of a British anti-aircraft unit, was brought, up ;~'*at ^Irs. M alker s Alberta home. Aletha Orr ^^as born at (Oak Lake, Man. -When-EurotKi began to fear war was not far oft' in 1931 , Mrs. W'alker ivUggested to.the English couple they send her little gii)« Yoaland. to the safety of her home in Canada if war. should , strike. .A second child, Anne, was born later. .The idea led Mrs, Walker to wonder why other children coiiUl not lie moved to Canada and she "put the suggestion before- her own unit of the Lwal Council of Women. It took a year of steady work before the unit approved a resolution to the Dominion body urging the -evacuation scheme for British children be the son of Mrs. Wm- Anderson and the late Wm. Anderson of Berwickshire. Scotland. Rev. J. D: Hobden performed the ceremony before the mantel upon .which burned white tapers i 11 crystn! candelabra. White broom* and mauve tulips formed th e ^ o r^ d ec o ra - tioii. The bride, who entered on the arm of her father, was lovely in a heavenly-blue sheer dress in afternoon' length, embroidered net in the same color forming panel design. A model hat of matching straw completed her costume and her corsage w as of pink rosebuds. The bridal table centred with tho wedding cake was pi'esided over by Mrs.! E. Munton, assist ed by Miss Fi*eda Igekmd and *'Open House" at the Salvation Army Three Service.' ̂ Canteen in .Victoria recently attracted a large number o f intere.sted friends, many of whom had visit ed the ca n to n on previous oc casions^ o f the kind, and others who had never before seen ^he attractive clubivxmis. The guests were welcorned by Mrs. W. H* Molson, president of the auxiliary, and among those who called during the afternoon were General Austin and Colonel R. S. Worsley, of tbe Red Cro^s Society, and C'ommander C. 1. Beard. , * .. A.ssisting with thei reception and with the s e r v i n g of coffee and the canteen's .s]>ooial dough nuts were Mrs. J. Lennox, Mrs. R. R. Taylor, -Mrs. Archi bald Harris, Mrs. Carew Martin, Mrs. Lindsay Foss. Miss Violet Wil.son (past president of the auxiliary), Mrs. W! N- Sheffield, Mrs. W. Morton Paterson, Mrs. L. G. W. Tallamy,' Miss . Sara Spencer and,JJiss Eileen Smyly, who had arranged the attractive decorations, th e" rooms being' bright with tulips, narcissus and , lilac, ; Adjutant Margaret Stratton, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. .J;_,M.. Stratton of 1443 Bellevue Ave.,' who will leave shortly for Win nipeg, where she will continue her work for the Salvation Army, had previously announc ed her forthcoming departure, and members af the auxiliary as well as many friends expressed' their regret that she will be severing her connection with the canteen. On behalf of the aux iliary Mrs. Molson spoke a few ~words"-of~appreciat;ion-of-Adjut-- ant Stratton's untiring and valu able assistance at all times, and added that it had been the wish of the auxiliaiy to present her with a gift.^As Salvation Army Tegulations"" do- not-perm it -the presentation of g ifts to its of ficers Adjutant Stratton was given a fragi'ant bouquet of flowers and replied to Mrs- Mol- son's sincere tribute of apprecia tion with a'few .words* The band from Work Point Barracks played appropriate selections during the afternoon, and th e visitors took keen inter est in seeing the new improve- Tiients to the canteen, the com fortable writinrg rooms, the games room' , and the spacious dormitoiy with its - attractvie blue and deep rose bedspreads, ..which, has increased the sleep-, ing accommodation which i t was necessary to provide.^ COUNCIL NOTES The Council renewed the Hol- lyburn Ski Camp lease, the same conditions as formerly to apply. put before the Canadian govern- Miss Gladys Munton. inent. An extract from the address of Mrs. George 0. Spencer. Moncton. N.B-, president, at the . annual meeting of the National Council of Women in Toronto. June 12 and 18, 1940, reiuis: "'INvo years agp Mrs-.Walker, of the North Shore Local Coun cil of Women, British C^olunibia sent forward the request of her council that the N.C.W. give some attention to the problem of British i-efugees should war For travelling the bride donhed a navy coat on princess lines ac cented with w'hite. - Her acces- sorfes w'ere in navy. A fter a wedding trip on Van couver Island the couple \\ill re side in Powell River. - R. M. I^Iacdonald .wrote the Council re Lot "F " Caulfelid Cove. The w riter was thanked for his letter and informed that the Council would be pleased to cooperate with their committee and, when the proposed, deal is completed, would request they appear before the Council to dis-r cuss further steps which may be necessary to effect their pui*pose. ELECTRIC SERVICE INTERRLTPTION The B.C. Electric have repairs to make t o . their transmission ivxwKvv-o ..... lines Avhlch v.ul! necessitate cut- emergency Lclevelop. We were a l l , ting off the sendee for one hour sympiUhetic, but, for the most from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m- on Pi*ida,y part, felt sure that such neces- next. May 2nd in the following sity wouldn't come. Now that localities: Caulfeild, W. of Dog- Ave are in the .midst of war wor- wood L ane; Kew Beach, Eagle ries we ai*e grateful that from Harbor, Fisherman's Cove, Glen- our own ranks the warning was eagles. Horseshoe Bay, Garrow ̂ sounded." ̂ Bay, WhjTecliff Park. And so two little girls play to- rTT""-- 7"" ̂ TTT • gether at Mrs. Walker's home. The letter ot L. A. H. v\ain- The following offers to pur chase lots were accepted by the Council: Lot 41, Block 9,~ D-L. 772. by Mrs. Doris Lister; Lot IS. D.L. 1039 and Lot 7, D.L. 1039. by ShaiT>e Realty; Lot 12, Block 6, D.L. 555, by C. J. Arch er Ltd. R. P. Blower & Co: wrote the Council re debris on Lot 12, S.E. D.L' ̂1089. Referred to the En gineer "for attention. xjiist a s th o u sa n d s o f o th e r E n g - w r ig h t to th e ̂ Council re N elson lish y o u n g s te r* riAiiicr in A.ve» {2600 h lock ) w a s r e fe r re d J- B. Furniss wrote the Coun cil re Chatham Street east of Royal Ave., Horseshoe Bay. Re ferred to the Engineer for at tention. . rs are doing . m foster homes in Canada, ^"oa- iand, aged nine, likes Canada so much she doesn't w*ant to return to Ehigland. Both she and'her small sister have memories of huddling in shelters during bomb parks and raids in England. action. Ave, (2600 block) \ras referred to the Tarring. Program. . The m atter of the bleachers at ;Ambleside Park was referred by the 0>uneil to the Chairman of the Engineer for . 31rs. K. S. Jillings wrote the. Council re tarring of Fulton Avenue, between 14th a n d " 15th Streets. Referred to the Engineer for consideration when the Tarring Program is drawn up. Lj ' Service L U M B E Ja Qoality v a in t BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, ROOFING. WAIXBOARD, TILE PAINP, J k a p a i n t COMPANT^LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone W est 115 CLASSIFIED A D S Thi* ratis for ClasBifled Advertbemente is 2 cents per word, minimum 9.; e*JntS S fc c S in the case of those having regular accounta, all class!. the^ w S t Vaau News get Immediate rcsulU. GORDON HOBSON - "."f Solicitor, 510 W. Hostinj'.s, MA^ne 4011, at We.st Vancouver any tune by appointment. West 493. MAKCEL s h o p -- T h e rm iq u L sS Perm anents; only best material used. E xpert operators, rhone „W est 304, Royal Bank Buildinj;, KOI? SALE--Four room house with three , lar^e '.uisy ^ LAW.SON, WALKER & PhJPB 1704 Marine Drive J. EDWARD SEARS. Barrister, Sol icitor, 1406 Marine Drive; Phone West 21, or W est 663-R-L (Complete Notarial Services) All Forms of Documents ^*a\vn and Executed .Rog^inald P- Blower, J*I Notary Public Heal Estate, General Insurance and Rentals _ R P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. ' 1405 Marine Drive West Vancouver West 21 and 204-M CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Sawdust burners installed; futnace repairs, G. Meldrum, 1108 Lonsdale. North 822. CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer,- Capilano North 81 l-R-2. GORDON G RA Y -- Insurance, al] risks, one policy, all locations. SEy 4991 or W est 1065-Ll. BARCLAY'S PHOTOGRAPHERS -- 15G2 Marine, West 534, films dev eloped 'and~printedw^ enlargement free, 30 cents pet roll. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - SpeciaLm achine; __rep_ajrs, . part# W est Vancouver,Machine Shop, 144S Marine. ' WESTERN^ WO()D^ PAPERHANGING. Painting, Kalso 740, west 13-L. LEROY S. COKELY, Dorn, and B.C. lurveyor SubcilTsie^^ ̂ ,, RE-KOOPING-GENUINE DUKOII .t ^ e d . : 8 l / 2 0 t h .St. w est 384-1, » V w A M'rT7H ■ Younip ladv for house- mates. R. B. Cripps, V/est 88-R, s" ee7 in m usflive n par- P, V. Findlay. West 1096-Rl,- ■ Phone" ^ d o S i ' r ^ i n ^ ; "̂ WEST VANCOUVER JMESSENGEl HANDY ANN SHOP--2442 Marine.'^ Hardware, Novelties, Notions, Sta tionery, Eabies"Knitted Goods. SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, ligh "transf er'Workrpromptservice-W es 700. ACREAGE BARGAINS S1250 4% acres on Mathers Ave. Paved road, light, water^ (cDr. I2th St.)_. Owner in India. This property has a good future, has .a gentle slope and eventually will have wonderful uninterrupted marine view. Eves. Mr. Bayliss, West 522-R. PEMBERTON REAUTY CORP. 418 Howe St. PAc. 8241 TWO BEAUTIFUL view lots, 70x12; ft., cleared, reasonable. Phone AVes 354-Y. DECORATOR--Paperhanging, paint " ing,-kalsomining.- Clean,-fast_guaj: aiiteed work. A. H. Duncan, 135 Clyde. Phone "West 521-R. WANTED--Rags, bottles, scrap iror copper, brass, did batteries, alum (?FOR SALE--Navy blue^ wicker bug gy., in perfect condition, $6; cost |39. West 265-R.________________ inum, etc. H ighest prices paic Phone W est 91. We also collectin, for the Red Uross. Burrard Junk. FLOOR SU RFA CING-^. Sutherland. West 483 or North 578. BOARDERS WANTED--Two refine young business women. Nomina rates. Box 12. W est Van. News. FOR SALE--Talking parrot, $50.00. •• Whytecliif 546. WILL PAY CASH for cheap lot near waterfront: ALma 0647-R. MOTHER and nine year old daughte recently would like to share home wit family. Phone W est 521-L after p.m. ■■ - - - - - WANTED TO RENT--Immediately. Small house for two adults. Box 2, '(\"est Van. News. ________ FOR SALE--C.C.M. racing bicyck $16.00. Phone W est 254-LL FOR RENT--Bedroom or light house- keeping room. West 521-L._______ DOVERCOURT REST HOME for age and chronics. Rates reaspnablf North 1419-L. ______ FOR SALE--Good used range, good condition. Hall Fuel and Heating. West 1091. FOR SA LE ^N avy blue wicker bugg in perfect condition, $6. Cost $3. W. 265-R. ' WANTED--Cauabie girl, part time for housework and to look after baby. W. 228-L. ' ROBERTA . Ai VASS--Chiropracta practising a t 1733 Duchess and wi he glad to see old patients. All daj FOR SALE--Empire Range for wood and coal; 6 holes, $30. W est 747-M. LOST in front of Safeway Store, novelty brooch, gold with coral beads. Apply* Highlands Cafe. 13th and Marine. WANTED --: Strong delivery bo around 16 years of age for grocer; State salary expected, 3ox 10, A' e' Van. News. - FOR SALE -- 6-hole heavy Gurne ' Range; good waterjacket, SlO. >' 112-R. -- WANTED--Fully f l a s h e d homeAVILL" EXCHANGE five room bunga* ---- - low on Dunbar Heights, good riiw, l o c a t i o n f o r June and JJ • -fully modem, fru it trees, for simi- ..by a recommended and le.ponM vlar: property in West Vancouver H e P ' * W'ith view. A lm a 1885-R. reverse monthly, charges. * ' FOR SALE--Small four roomed house • with bath on very large view lot, beautifully treed, nice garden, $1,200, terms. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive West 55 Phone immediately C. j, Ltd., W. 225 or PAcific 454 AVANTED -- G eneralr 2 family. W. 465-L2. " adults FOR SALE--Regal oil burning rang in -A.l. shape. Cash or trade. ' 793-L. WANTED--Woman for light house* ' FOR SALE--10 x 12 tent and _work, part time. West 719. , l4 fly. W^est 857-R. : ^ 12 M ANTED -- Soldier's wife to share home with another soldier's wife West 329-M. .. ' WANTED-^Woman foe house^w several half one d a s r - w e e k . Kei , ences. Mornings ~Wesf lQ79-hi-_ PANEL DlSCUSiSION All Out War Effort For Canada Mrs. Sleeves, M.L.A. Arnold ^Vebster H. Gargrave LEGION HALL Wednesday, May 7, 8 p.m. Collection FOR SALE--Garbage burner hot water coils. 1618 Esqunnal^ BICYCLE FOR SALE--Good co^ tion. Phone W. 23-Yl fdr parties lars after 5:30 p.m. WANTED--Girl for light houseffor and companionship. Phone ' ings. W est 564-L. - ---- - WANTED--Reliable girl for work, 9 to 4:30, -6. days a weei ̂ 210-R. , -- - H. A. ROBERTS LTD; Complete Realty Service 1429 M arine Drive