T m WEST VAK. NEWE.,̂ 3 BUY W ITH CONFIDENCE AT (iOSSAUD FOUNDATION GARMENTS . ..^BEABSIFKBS Satin, Poplin, Luco, WhiU* and tearone. Sixes 32 to 40. For your choice, each 39c, 59c 79c a n d .............................. ................ $1.00 Hosiery Special --------) „ g s - s i M m a x x _ -- ^ r.rnionl 11'"' ®*"™"■ Sc « (r» support and o«m - 5! !! :):.' 10 .............. lUONT LACE CORSET , w. iontrol where necessary. *0 32. Each ................ $3*50 ' v\ A STIC CORSELEriTB stretch. Small, med*, ; 'V 'i!iuh ............$t.95 and $2.95 KI.ASTIC GIRDLES „ sirelch. Tearose...... . and ' white 1............................. $1.00 , , l- 'in iN G ROOM FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE . ■ Silh Crepe Hose Discontinued line. Mock fashioned.^ 3 KQod shades. Sixes 81/2 to 10Vi. Regular 79c, pair 69c IViirof'i' MISS I'. HIPLEY 1578 MARINE DRIVE H. Pout p a r a g o n r a d io se r v ic e 1,1,0 JIAIilNE m U V E . _ WE^T 1081 \Vo invite you to come in and see our latest models of WESTINGHOUSE RADIOS AN D WASHERS also FRIGIDAIRt! REFRIGERATORS Wo also call your attention to the fact that you do not have to j'o to town to have any electrical appliances repaired. Wo can do it here and -save yb'u money. Mr. and Mrs. Cole have moved from 29th Street into a liouse Mr. and Mrs. Chalmers, 2760 Bellevue Ave., have moved to Vancouver. 4i ■> a Mrs. Blundell, who has been sta5dng at "The Gable.s," has left to join her husband in Vic toria. Mrs. Robinson of North Van couver has moved into a house at 23rd and Nelson Ave. i(( t(< >•< Mrs. Madison has moved from 2584 Argyle Ave. into a house at 2956 Park Lane.K( 4i ><< Mrs. Minnie Mathews of Cal ifornia has been a visitor in West Vancouver. T n the early days she lived at "Lafalot" here, and her brother-in-law was J. B. Mathers, who was a member of the first W est Vancouver Council. U r , , , ' , ' Victor Black, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Black of 25th and Marine Drive, left on Tuesday evening to join the R.C.A.F. in Brandon, Man.* * * The W est Vancouver Scottish Country Dance Society are giv ing a social to wind up the season at 8 p.m. on Saturday of th is week in the Legion Hall. . >K , Mrs. Loutet and daughter, 2587 King's Ave., have taken a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn and are n(nv occupying same.\ ui ♦ u< Mr. and Mrs. Goodwip' 2 1st and A rgyle Ave., moved today to the city. ^ Bedding Plants Now is the time to start , planting your annuals. ,; w<̂ have a large selection of 'all viarieties, in separate colors, or mixed, by the dozen or by the flat. . THE WEST VAN FLORIST ISlh and, Marine W est 305 Capt. C. J. Archer was elected president of the W hizzbangs' A s sociation (2nd Canadian Mount ed Rifles) at the annual pieet- ing in Canadian Legion Hall, Seymour Street. A special guest at" the gather ing was Col. L. M. Miller, D.S.O., officer in charge of administra tion M ilitary District No. 11. Adj.utont Margaret Stratton, who has been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Strat ton of 1443 Bellevue Ave., is leaving tonight for Winnipeg. Engagem ent . The engagement; is announced of Margaret Glenn, only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Glenn of Bowen Island, late of Glasgow, Scotland, to Victor R. Logan Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of 22nd and Marine Drive. - The wedding will take place late in May. Saunders---Bowen N O T I C E ! MR. and MRS, V ICTO R Si W A R A M wish to convey their sincere thanks to the residents of W est Vancouver Tbr their^kind p a tro n a ^ d f The~HighIsmdr under" their ownership, and hope for a continuation - of their patronage at T H ^ CHALET, a t H o rse ^ o e B ay which they have taken over. , ̂ ̂ ̂̂ Breakfasts; Luncheons, T eas,, Dinners, Comfortable Bed-', rooms, reasonable rates. Parties catered for. Engagem ent , Councillor and Mrs. K. A. Ray of 2124 A rgyle Ave., W est .Van-̂ epuver, announce the engage- rnent of their , eldest daughter, Lulu Katherine, to Mr. George -D .-Sphier,-only--son-of-M r.-and- Mrs. D. Sphier, of Los Angeles, California. ' The wedding will take place on June 2nd a t the Hblyi Rosary Cathedral, Vancou ver, at 10 a.m. First Narrows' Bridge Company Ltd. Evening Excursion Rate over the Lions* Gate Bridge from M ay 1 st to October 15th, SINGLE TRIP C A SH FARE ^ 25c per car. and unlimited number o f passengers, between the hours o f ------------------- -̂- 6̂"p".m."-and:^b."30;a;̂ m.rr-r:....... ....... - I Engagem ent ^ Form al announcement of the engagem ent of Miss Marion Grajht Blair and Mr. John Paul Rapsey, was made on Sunday afternoon when the bride-elect's m other entertained for her at their honie at 1527 Gordon Ave. Miss Blair is the daughter of - M r and Mrs. William Blair, and her fianoe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A,...Rapsey of Toronto. >He attended - Ridley College, St. Catharines, and graduated from he becam ea_- member of .Delta the U niversity of Toronto, where,, Kappa Epsilon. The weddinjg will take place in the Church o f St. * Francis-in-the-W ood, Caulfeild, on Saturday, May 31, at 2 :30 o'clock.. ' St. John's Anglioan Church, North Vancouver, w a s banked with clusters of Easter lilies and spring flowers for the marriage April 15 of Charlotte W innifred, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Bowen, North Vancouver, to Mr. George William Saunders, -only--son-6f--Mi'T-and-Mrs--C.--F-.T iSaund'eris of 843 22nd Street. Rev. T. L loyd . Rimmer was the officiating clergyman. - -The bride, given _in m arriage by her father, wore a taffeta navy, dressmaker suit with navy and white accessories and car ried a colonial bouquet of white carnations and pink rosebuds. She was unattended. A t the reception for immediate friends and; relatives at the home of the bride's parents, Mrs. Bow en in black sheer wool . crepe with / matching accessories was assisted in rece iv in g " by the groom's mother, who chose a navy ̂ blue e,nsemble. Mrs. R. F. Archibald arid Mrs. A. L. Alex ander presided' at the urns: For her motor" wedding trip through the Okahagan -Valley, the bride travelled in a pearl grey and turquoise ensemble with accessories en tone. Mr: and Mrs. Saunders will reside "at Stanley Park Manor. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cameron ..of Kerrisdale have taken a suite at the Fortune Cup Inn for the m onths of May and June. • A son was born on April 25th in the Vancouver (^neral 'Hos pital to Mr. and Mrs. E. Seymour de Gruchy of 2659 Mathers Ave. *------ ' LOD.E. A m eeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. will be held at 1:45 p.m. next Mon day, May 5th, at the home of Miss Gertrude Lawson on 17th Street. She's a whopper all r ig h t--sim ply huge! Brand new , hig and b e a u t ifu l . . . sem i de luxe . . . 19-41 G ibson o cUr ft. e lectric refrigerator w ith nefw'quict 1941 ally-sealied u n it gu aran teed 5 years, new FOOD STORAGE CAPACITY 6 cu . ft. . . . SH E L l AREA, 12.5 sq. f t . . . glass dessert tray . . . an d ~ lC E CUBES, O f BOURSE! Latest and greatest G ibson refrij. «>199-o". LAST RITES FOR MRS. A. BARRON Last rites, were held a t 3 p.m. yesterday from the Hollybum Funqfal Home of Harron Bros. Ltd. for Mrs. Ada Barron o f 1487 20th Street, who passed away Monday in her ^2nd year. The Rev- J. D. Hobden officiat ed, and^ interment w as made in Capilano View Cemetery. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. A. J. Turner,, here, and one broth er, Charles , W heatley, in San^ tiago. Miss Joyce Bowden, bride- e lec t ,' was" entertained at a shower by Miss Margaret White ■and Miss' A rgent Ray, at the home of the latter on Thursday, April 24. The bride w a s ; the recipient o f many lovely gifts, which were tied T q_ streamers_ - suspended "from ' a beautifully decorated pink and white shower can. Miss Lyda Carr, Mif ŝ May Ray and Miss Margaret White, entertained during the course of the evening. Mrs, Bowde^ and .Mrs. W right presided at the urns. Among those present were Mrs. Bowden, Mrs. Wrigh^ Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. H. Kennedy, Mrs. K. A. Ray, Mrs. W. R. White, Mrs. Michael Ray, the Misses Joyce Bowden, Betty Kilsby, Di ane Watte, Lulu Ray, Joan Cdl- olough, Pauline Sharpe, Lyda Carr, ,Lila and. Evelyn Ray, Margaret W hite, May ;and Ar- ,gent Ray. . ^ Bennett's BAKERY BU'ITEUCRUBT BREAD SATURDAY SUECIAL ■-Ci'lltim Cakea'25e. a. dox. ' Scotch PancukcH, Scones, RuIhIii, Apple. Mince Pies 15c each Delivered Every Day Wheat Germ Bread i ' , 14118 Marine Dr. Phono W. 2T Hollybiirn Theatre TllimSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY < May 1st. 2nd and 3rd HENRY FONDA (;ENE TIERNEY "The Return of Frank Jameis" also news, oarLoon, etc. SATURDAY EVE. AND MONDAY May 3rd ami 5th CHARLES LAUGHTON CAROLE LOMBARD "They Knew What They Wanted" I also"" , •THIS IS ENGLAND" TUilSDAY & WEDNESDAY May OLh and 7th OLIVIA I)E HAVILLAND .lEFFREY LYNN "My Love Came Back** (once, only at 8:10) HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOLCLASSES W est 341 \ N ellie H arrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory 1955 Inglewood Ave. West 1056-L Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L HOUSE PLANS Plans, Blue-Prints, and. Specifications for N.H.A, and Other Houses ' J. HUTCHISON W est 823-R Mrs. Fred Murphy of 19th and Marine Drive, entertained Mrs. T. Crickmay, Mrs. J. W- ^ w d en , Mrs. Bruton, Mrs. W illiam Ball, Mrs. W. Jam es,. Mrs. SteVens, Mrs. A. H.. Johnson and Mrs. W. Pamphilon. £ .x c y ' -Z7,; a n te . % m a n n RKAL R STATE INSURANCEVALUATOR ' NO TARY PUBLIC Have you tried our shampoo and pin curl special ?.JI. Taylor, 1520 Marine Drive, phone W- 828 for appointment.*** .:S j2tcluU ziin j P n ^ W t i l ^\^utiaouvt,x i f iz o fz t l t l t i . OrFICE: 244S MARINE DRIVE . PM6NI;; WEST; 1077 EXPERT W atch and Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (fonm erlyw ith Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive MRS. KNIGHT-HODGE . (In union with London College of Music, Eng.) PIANOFORTE, VIOLIN, THEORY Students are now preparing for midsummer exams in various grades -u Studio and- Residence, 1332 Duchess Avenue - Phone W est 624-R