nusinesa and Editorial Offices , J704 Mirliie Drlw Circulating in the D istrict o f IVest Vancouver--Ambleside, Holly burn ̂ Weston, $1 ,0 0 p e r year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild,W hytecliff, Etc. ̂ Publisher F. P\ LOVEGROVK Phono W est 363 Dunclarave 6c por oopy. Vol'XVl HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, M AY l«t, 1941 , No. 3 M A m N E DRIVE foi I'ho plans being undertaken, as announced by Reeve Sears^ < till! widening of Marine Driye pavement throughout the business section of the municipality are very well. The more recent growth, of W est Vancouver makes such work necessary <111(1 tlie cost would not be prohibitive. But the widening of Marino Drive throughout its length or alternatively the con st rue of a heavy duty east-and-west highwiay, both ad- vooati-Hl by the. city press, are horses of quite another color. . In the 'first place there is a war on. And, as our leaders tell us and everyone oan now realize without any such as- suraiK'o, we are going to need every dollar and all our re source,s in order to win. Secondly, in spite of the .rapid growth of W est Vancou- vei' the last few years, much the greater part of the traffic on Marine Drive does not originate in the municipality at all: Most Of it comes from the city and other points in Canada and the United States, and, while as a primary highw ay three- (luarters of the cost of maintenance, or extension is borne by the ProVincial, Government, nothing like one-quarter of those using the Drive are residents of W est Vancouver. Moreover, there are other problems facing the municipality of vital con- to the health and otfffijort o f its residents and which from their very nature cannot be put off very much longer. And these will cost a great deal of money. ■ ' , Marine 'Drive, alm ost from the tim e of the laying down of the present pavement has been inadequate for the traffic using it. For years hardly a summer passed but one fatal ac cident at least occurred, chiefly on that portion of it w est of West Bay. However, m ost of these accidents were due to the failure of m otorists to realize that such a mountain highway, even if twice the width, was not suited for fa st driving. At last this fact came to be appreciated, by which tim e th e depress sion had ^arrived, and w ith it a temporary decrease in the --numbers-of-those-using-. cars.-- Now--vvith--the-return-of-war_ prosperity Marine Drive is becoming as crowded as it was .in the boom days of 1929. - As to the alternative suggestion that a heavy duty east- and-west highway be constructed, presumably somewhere north of the Drive, we would like to remind its propionents 4hat West Vancouver is preeminently a place o f homes, and homes mean children. .One trunk, highway, for that is, of course, w h a l Marine. Drive is, should be all that is necessary. To have another such road paraileiling the Drive would be doubling the danger of accident to children and would disturb the quiet which m ost people look for in choosing the location of a hom e., ' In many ways it is difficult for us in .Canada, who so far have been fortunate enough to escape attack, to realize that the world is at vvar. But the tim e is coming, and, indeed, is at hand, when it w ill be brought home to all of us, by the pocketbook at least, i f in no other w a y .,. ' ̂ _ Cities always grow westward, and there is little ii-doubt __that-with-the_years_the-suburban growth of Greater Vancou- ver on this North Shore will not stop at Howe Sound, that dh ' time it will cross that b(>dy of water and continue up coast. Nevertheless, whether this growth should- stop at Howe Sound or not, Marine D rive is already "for all practical purposes an arterial highway,; and as such should be the exclusive care of the Provincial Government. At the. same tim e, as w e'see it, nothing short of military necessity would ju stify even the* Victoria authorities spending money on any: such widening project at present.; And we have never yet heard the D rive mentioned as a possible part of the Alaskan Highway. . ■Maid of Honor D'oi'eeii'Fletelie-r May Queen Helen Jackson Maid of Honor Sheila-Gracey Helen Jackson, years, years, daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. Mdrniiig'; Guards Honor, B(>bby D avies; Guards o f Honor,day drew her nape from a hat retinue are a s follows: Frombefore a crowd of students at the Pauline Johnson School-- Flower • • t • High 1 School. Her two, maids of girls, Joan Smith and Barbara latrioui Hay M.' la tn c ia Jamir honor are Doreen Fletcher, 13 Shouve ; Crown Bearer, Shirley son, Elaine: Barbour. - ^T. STEPHl^N'S CHURCH WELCOMES NEW RECTOR HIGHLANDS CAFE UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT COMING EVENTS MR. R. E. WEMP LEGION NOTES Every-member of th is branch is urgently feques;ted to be in at tendance on Thursday evening Jlay 1st, not later than 8 p.m. lmpoi*tant business. Naomi c h a p t e r SPRING TEA We are fortunate in having R. E. 'Wemp as speaker for next ■ Monday evening, at 25th and Marine Drive. The sUbject," The Coming New Economic Order." This should prove a m ost intep esting address and you are cordi ally invited. Col. Pringle's Bible Study Class m eets th is week at Mrs. Scott's, 2321 K ing's, on Friday evening at 7:30. Every one is invited.*** NOTICE Y ■ Mr. and Mrs. Victor S. War- pastern Star, ..will hold its , , . ng Tea on W ednesday, May who have beeii conducting b in the Masonic Hall at 17th the Highlands Cafe-at lo th and Bellevue Ave. It will be of- Marine Drive for somh years, an- lly opened at 2:30 p.m. by nounce in this issue that they • Agnes Smith, W orthy * have taken over the Chalet at nd Matron, while receiving Horseshoe Bay, where they will •he door will ' be Mrs E. be serving breakfasts, lunches, •ghton and Mrs. W. Reid. A Jeas and dinners. There are also haUnvitation isi€x:tended" to '* Comfortable bedrooms, rates throughout are reasonable and ------------ ------- :-- - part i es are catered for. OYS' BAND AUXILIARY _ ' In announcing their newwent- • ---------- ure Mr. and Mrs. Waram wish to he regular m eeting of the express to the residents of West Vancouver = Boys' Band Vancouver their sincere thanks :iliary will be held in the for the support accorded them h room of Pauline Johnson a t the . Highlands Cafe and Thursday, May ' 8th , bespeak- the same patronage be- p.m. All m others o fih g extended to them at Horse- i boys-are. welcome. . shoe Bay. A m eeting of parishioners was held in the Parish Hall on April 22nd to welcome the Rev. E. W . P. Carter, who has been appoint ed by Synod to act as rector of the parish during the absence oh active ser.vice of the Rev. F. A. Ramsey. - The People's Warden, David Jay, on behalf of the congrega tion, tendered Mr. Garter a ver^^ hearty welcome to W est Vancou ver and called upon Mr. Ramsey ' to present the church keys and " register. In doing so,- Mr. Ramsey outlined the procedure' adopted by the Synod regarding priests proceeding on active service, and wished Mr. Carter great success in his work here. M r.'Jay then presented Mr. Ramsey with a m ilitary wrist watch and Mrs. Hampson presented Mrs.' Ram sey with a handbag containing a ■ purse. Thqse had been subscrib ed for by members o f the con gregation. Canon d'Easum (to; whom Mr. Ramsey had said the parish was deeply indeibted for his a;ble assistance in the ser vices of the church), spoke brief ly and was followed by Rev. J. P . Dingle, a former rector of St. Stephens. . ' During the evening the choir, ■ under the direction of Harold Keefer, organist and choirm aster rendered several item s which were much appreciated.^ A t the conclusion of the m eeting re- freshm nts were served by the ladies' of the W.A. ^ SPECIAL BRIDGE EXCURSION RAT,E^ Mrs. W. Brotherton of Van couver has taken over the H igh lands Cafe at 1393 Marine Drive, where, breakfasts^' lunches and dinners will be served- - Mrs.,, 'Brotherton; who has had years of experience in the restaurant business in Vancouver and other places, will specialize^ in after noon teas, also in home made pies, cakes and scones. She e l ic i t s the patronage of the mblic. Phone W est 983. May X7th-- Tea for comforts for men o f the Merchant Marine at the home of Mrs. H. G. Barker, 3015 Marine Drive. ATTENTION, RESIDENTS OF WEST yA N G O U V ER f PANEL DISCUSSION A new form of public debate on current topics will be. intro- du(ied in W est Vancouver next Wednesday, when a Panel Dis- .cussion will be held in the Legion Hall. The subjects will be varied and interesting': Total conscrip tion in Canada for an all out war effort, future democracy and social security in Canada after the war. Three pei sons will dis cuss these questions at a round table conference, the audience taking part in the discussion later. MRS. KNIGHT-ftODGE TO RESUME TEACHING The W est Vancouver Branch of the Canadian Legion has been very fortunate in securing the services o f Charlie Chappell and his ' carnival troupe for a real bang-lip' show at the Inglewood High School on Thursday, May 8, at 7 :45 p.m. This company of radio entertainers includes many of the favorite artists such as Sue Ward and Danny Andrews> who was recently ad i u ^ ^ ^ h e best ama,teur actor This show is sponsorecT^y all the leading businessmen of'V an couver and has been enthusi- iastically received by many Van couver audiences. An added at traction will be many valuable prizes given to the audience by th e sponsors. As° it is anticipated that there will be a full', children under 'teen age cannot be ad m itted , Come one and all and enjoy a real show. Adm ission free. The First, Narrow's Bnofee Company Ltd-announce in this' i^sue thaf they are putting on a special evening excursion rate over the Lions'. Gate Bridge from 1 st May to ̂ 15th October. This is a single trip cash fare of " 25 cents per car and an unlimit ed number of passengers be tween the hours o f 6 p.m. and .6.30 a.m. BARBARIAN GIRLS' AUXILIARY The Barbarian Girls' . Auxil- iary will hold its next m eeting on Tuesday evening, May 6tji, at the liome of Miss Peggy. Barker, • 2032 Gordon Ave. Mrs- F. Knight-Hodge, who. spent the Easter vacation on a ; v isit to her son-inJaw and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross, in Powell River,-has now resum ed teaching of the pianoforte, violin, and theory at her studio and residence, 1332. Duchess Ave. Students are now being prepared for the raidsummer exam s in the various grades. Anyone interested is asked to kindly phone W est 624-R or call at the studio. . HOLLYBURN HALL Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class will be held at 9 :45-a.m. next Sunday, May 4 th ,, in Hollyburn Hall, and at the 7 :30 o'clock seryice that evening W. Alexander will g ive a Gospel address. On Tuesday at 8 p.m. there will be prayer and m inistry" of the scriptures, while at 7:15 p.m, W ednesday, May 7th, a Young People's Ser vice will be held. RED CROSS HOME NURSING An exahiination for the class ju st completing the Red C p ss Home • N ursing course given under th e au.spices of the West Vancouver Branch of the Cana dian Red Cross is to be held on Monday, May 5, 1941, in the library of the W est Vancouver High School at 8 p.m. Jimmie Turner, son of Mr. a n ^ "Mrs. T. B. Tut*ner of 2B9D"Math- ers Ave., left on Friday night lor H alifax. He is a member of. the. Royal Canadian Navy. <■ MOTHER'S AUXILIARY TO 1st TROOP (ST. STEPH EN 'S) The regular m eeting of the Mother's A uxiliary to th e 1 -st troop (St. Stephen's) Cubs and Scouts held on Thursday, May 8th at the home of Mrs, J. H. Fletcher, 2283 Haywood Ave., at 2:30 p.m. W illiam Jenvey, who is with .th e D.C.O.R.'s . ^ .A .S .F .) at " Nanaimo, recent]^ spent a fur- •lough with his parents, Mr. and, .Mrs. W. Jenvey, 2544 Marine Drive.