.%n'- -r ♦4" ■*• >■»' MARKET l»li»i»# - W«it '̂-4«--- A * MeAU>-^Weflt 370 FftH?i Delivery Bervk* /*• Monlhly A<ccouint rUK.KK FOK I'lll. AND SAT.. Al'KIL lli^th AND 261h MEATS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE |{([n1 AI( White Dnind (.'OI'TKK-- in" "rinv-0-'i'Hi'tnr" Huk. Ht>efinl, |n*r Ih. . ............. 45c Kwl AL W'hi'*' ik«rid SOIT'S--- ('ream of <'or« nr rreain of FVu. .'t tills , ..............25c Sunkist OKANtilOS--l-arKC size. Dozen , . .....32c HunklNf liKMONS..5 for,.............. 13c IDwl White Hrand (iKAI'Fl'IlUrr Ji;i(:K-~ITisMeelened. 20*oz. tin lie' IH-oz. tin ....... '. ...........23c Siuirine AIM'M*: .Il'ICh^- 25'oz. tin .1. ,.l3c Dole's 1'INKAI'I'MO .HJJCh;-- 2 13-oz. fins ,,• , 25c Red White Urand TOMATO .IIIICK-* io*oz,^iin........ :... ....... :.... ....... ■......«c 25'oz. fdinily tin ....................... lOc Red Ai White IJniiid SOCKKVK HAT-MON-No. '// fin . .,20c Aylnnr's III.ACKRFRRIIOS-- 'I'ull fin ....................... 12c WfHt :m liKEF PORK LAMII VKAL All Oracle A & A1 DelicatcHsen Fre«K FiHh Daily ..lOc IdKlH Hynip DKSSICRT IM5ARS Tall fill . I.............................. Red iSi White Hrand ORKUN n r RKANS--'rall tin ........ *......'Jc Red .'Cr White Brand WIIOU2 KIORNKI. CORN--'rail tin .......... 12c I'KACIIISS--Dynn Valley' Halves, 2 tin.s ............'...........\......... 25c nNIOAIM'Dhi-^HIack Label Hrand. Sliced,'̂ t abed, Cnished. A kind for every deH.sei"'l. 'I'in ...... 15c ■u it ' in AIPPLEŜ ^̂ Y. N ew ton , per b o x 89c . TUANSPOKTA'^l'ION ( 'ou)it'illor K. A. Kfiy r<*t;om- niciifkid to U)(j (numcil on Mon- (l.'iy iiiKlit'l Inti a Ini.s U inninal bo obt.airipd a a h i o f (Jninvillc d'ho Council afUir dobai- inijf flu* nniUtn; did not arrive at a d(;ci.sion. , \ ' • ShowtT Min.s Joan Colclongh, Mis.s Paulific Sliarpd and Mis.s Diane« . i J 1 i ' 4 The second reached by the West Vancouver C h am to of Commerce on Wed nesday' evening ■ ]tistavh'pn,dE!|9il|r*.« dent Syd. Knowk\s handed ,ov î* the reins of ofnee to Booby Seeds, the newly-elected head| And the other officers selectedi to guide this active organization for the next year. This interest- ̂ Free Delivery ing function took place at the ^ Ranch in the pre.senco of a large gathering of members a n d friends following delightful ' .supper and reports from the re tiring officers. . / . The retiring Ib'e.sident in his address gave a brief resume pf the year's activities and stres.sed .Some of the more practical feat ure that had been developed to a successful conclusion. Close co operation with the Municipal Council in matier.s atfecting the interests of the business com munity had been marked with interesting results. Some future .activities were also suggested in this report. Distinguished guests from other Tocai clubs were present and assisted in the installation ceremony. Reeve,rEd. Sear.s installed the Pre.sident, Bobby Seeds; Bill Peake, -President Kinsmen Club, installed 1st Vice-President Bar- Service L U M B E R ....QuaMfx: SASH & DOORS, s h in g l e s ; .PLYWOODS, LATH PAINT, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, ROOFING WALLBOARD, TILE *--"%^ents'; TANADA"TAINT'-COMPANY<^TD.^^ f̂r^" '̂'--^ There is no substitute for Quality WEST V A N C O U V ER LU M B ER C O . L T D . 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 r ^ r A C C T 1 ? Y 1 ? n A F l CJLjf O X Jp A Mid MlM XV MlM O The rate for ClassiDed Advertisewents ia 2 cents per,word, mlttiniuin 26 cents. Except In the case of those having regular accounts, all clossl. Oeds are payable strictly ♦ . , „ . Remember ClaBsiQcds in the West Vom News get immediate results. • 4 . ^ it ' ' Ip .\ i 'I !: ' TOC II TIk! U('v. Miidnid Coloinan, .acting Vicar of All Hallow.s, London,will .si)(;ak to the people at /I'dc 11 "lluest Night" iir the Dnndfirave School on 27th Street \yedn<!.sday, April 20th, at 8 p.ni. ■ You are invited._______________ Watt.s were co^hostesses,, ' at • a x sliower in honor of Miss Joyce , ney Buck; Kingsley ZL' Jkiwden, who.se marriage will Junior Board ot Tirade, North take place early in May. The Vancouver, installed^2nd .Vice- Hhow(*r was htdtl in the graceful President, Walter Tearoc; J K. selling of Mrs. H. W alters' Mitchell, President Lions Club,ing borne, P381 King's Ave. The gifts were presented iiv a red, ;Whit(' and blue ship, wheeled in by Miss Diane Walters, who was di'('ssi!(l ap])ropriately in a sailor middy. Miss Moira W atts assist ed her in presenting the gifts to installed Treasurer Dave Bar- hour; Mrs- Sharpe, Secretary- elect, was unavoidably absent through seikness. Mrs. Waite and Miss Simmion and E. Twyman entertained, to gether with some pupils of GORDON ROBSON -- Barrirtter and Solicitor, 510 W.' Hustings, MAritio 0011, at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. FOR SALE--Four room house with three largo lots, $2000-easy terms. LAW.SON, WALKER i&i PRIDE 170-1 Marino Drive West 56 (Complete Notarial Services) All Forms of Documents Drawn and ■Executed Reginald P. Blpwer, J.P., Notary Public , Real Estate, General Insurance and Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Drive \Vest Vancouver West 21 and 204-M FOR REN'r--O)mfortably furnished camp on beach, near ferry.̂ ̂ ; W 398-R.___________ ________ ■ . . BARCLAY'S PHOTOGRAPHERS -- 15G2 Marine, West 534, films .dev eloped and printed with one 5 x 7 enlargement free, 30 cents per roll. WESTERN WOOD WORKERS Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. West 740, West 13-L. LEROY S. CORELY, Domfand B.C. Land Surveyor.. ̂ Subdivisions. Lots ,re-staked; 814 20th St. West 384-L. i!!m - i v,m ■- {II ' ' l l : i - i ■ !l' . ■rrf-..'. iSI;B •j;.! V ;■ p.,■ If'- :■ '-j; v'i' ■ « t i i mom. was given. M.iss D iane ; Wheels" was presented on behalf Wal1('.i\s played three delightful of Begg Motors by A. Boyle and n'umlK'i-H at the piano. Miss was greatly enjoyed. Mai'garot White sang a few, songs very charmingly, accomp- an ied by Miss May Ray,'"' while Miss Norma Fraser entertained by various selections with the piano. ̂ ; Mrs. Jack" Bowden, mother of In a short address by Reeve Sears he congratulated t h e Chamber of (yommerce on its achievenients and.community ef forts in initiating various im provements or supporting Coun- cil in its efforts, to effect develop- the bride-to-be, Mrk Wright, ments "and improvement. The inothei- of the prospective groom, presided at the urns. The table was tastefully arranged, a silver ship jpredominatingY in t h e centre. . . Among those present were Mrs. R. B, Shai'pc, Mrs. A. W atts, Mrs. W. j . Colclough, Mrs-.^ Jacl^i Bowden,, Mrs; A. W right, Mrs. Kennedy, Mrs. H. Kennedy, Mrs. H. Walters, Mrs. .Stone, .Mrs. C. Dill, Mrs, H- F. Bird, Mrs. R. Horsepool, and the Misses M. Watts, J. Bowden, D. Walters, B. Stone. N. Fraser, J. W hitten, M. Bill, P. Dollar, B. Kelslev, A. Kay, M. Ray, M. White. Reeve furD ir advised that the initial move of the Chamber of Commerce for improved street lighting was gradually advanc ing and he hoped as a result of his own and Cc'UncrTs actions with B.C. Telephone .'. and B.C. Electric Rly. Go. and the Pro vincial Government, to see the first part of the program of widening Marine Drive through put the business area from 14th to 17th Streets completed, dur- • ing-_pr_eseut year, other section s -WANTED--Experienced housekeeper PURCHASERS ARRIVE IN VANCOUVER We have a large number of enquir ies for 5 and 6 room houses reasbn- " ably 'priced according to condition and location. , .j. If you wish to sell yoiir home-or property, phone our office and. our representatives will call for a thorough inspection and offer, you the facilities of both our Vancouver and West Vancouver offices. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. 1429 Marine Dr.,: W. 546 HANDY ANN SHOP--2442 Marine. Hardware, Novelties, Notions, Sta- tionery, Babies' Knitted Goods. . FOR SALE--Brown continuous post double bed, cable springs, inner spring mattress, all good condition, $15. W. 211-R. LOST-r-Between 21st and 22nd Sts., . on Inglewood, a sun-burst brooch. A keepsake." Phone W. 571-L. would follow later. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD H Som ew here someone is w an tin g to h ea r from you-- Waiy no t c a ll to n ig h t h y " lon|e[ distance" ? IT---C 'fl- C O A S T B R EW ER IES LTD. A,. m ' • . .. V A N C O U V ER NEW W E STM IN ST ER V ICTO RIA A n 1 This advertisem ent is not publishedor displayed by the Liquor Control " Board or by Uie Government of pi t f«'5 -L "JfP ... ' • Ai" A'.AVV, • • A; • B ritish Columbia. BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. Mrs. Worth F raser of the Family Welfare Bureau will give 'a short talk a t the regular monthly meeting of the Guild to be held at the Clachan on Fri-- day. May 2nd, a t 7 f45 p.m. Her topic will be "An Ideal Balanced Diet." War . Savings Stamps available during the evening. The Soldiers' Comforts Group- of the Guild is asking for donations of used blankets or blanket pieces which are to be used -dWr, the making of helmets for the men of the Merchant Marine. For further information please phone' Mrs. J. H. Smith, 992 20th' Street;' ■ " - Mrs. T. M. English of West Vancouver, was a shower hostess on Wednesday afternoon to h'onor Miss Frances Grant. . IX)R SALE--Navy blue wicker bug gy. in perfect condition, $6: coat $39. West 265-R. FLOOR SURFACING--J. Sutherland. West 483 or North 578. f o r SALE--Talking parrot, $.50.00. Whytecliff 546. __________ • \yiLL PAY CASH for cheap lot near waterfront. ALma 0647-R. WANTED TO RENT--Immediately. Small house for two adults.. Box 2, West Van. News. ~ . FOR, RENT--Bedroom or light house-- ■keeping room. West 521-L.________ FOR SALE;̂ --Good used range, good condition. Hall Fuel and Heating. West 1091. ^ to take full charge three gentle men in family. State full particu lars and give references. Box 4, West Van. News. ACREAGE BARGAINS $1250 4% acres on Mathers Ave.,: Paved road, light, water,- (cor. 12th St.). Owner in India, This property, has' ;_a good futui^e, has a gentle slope and eventually will have wonderful uninterrupted marine view. Eves. Mr. Bayliss, " West 522-R. PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. 4^8 Howe St. PAc, 8241 2 BURNER OIL STOVE, good condi tion, wash board and wringer. 1479 Clyde Ave. IX)ST--Persian cat, black and white face with black triangle- on chin, white throat and four white naws. Reward. .Phone W. 354-Y, GEN ERA L H AULING---Manure, sep tic tanks and rockipits installed and cleaned. Dump truck work. West 187-R.- WEST VAN.'S BEST BUY IN A < FAMILY HOME 7vrooms, 3 bedrooms, den; hardwood floors in living room and dining room; convenient service-room with wash t̂ubs on main floor; full base ment,! furnace; garage. Large. lot m a good district. Terms can be pranged. $3750.00. 14:15 Marine Drive. West 225 MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best matoiriaU used. Expert operators. Phone West 304. Royal Bank Building, 3. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister. Sob icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 2i; or West B68-R.1. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairH, G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun. try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, all risks, one policy, all locations. SE y. 4991 or West 106B-L1. , --------- 'f.'".-----7-̂ ---̂------------------------ . LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED ~- Special' machine; repairs, pariu' West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso mining; first class work, at reason able rates. H. Gaines, West 96kR, ■ ---------- -■ FINE MODERN 6 ROOM HOUSE -- 66-foot lot. Close in'i location. Full cement basement and sawdust burn- ' ing furnace. All in perfect bohdition. Full- price $3150. SHAEPE REALTY '■ :■ ' W. 719 RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROIlT Shingles,; attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F. V. Findlay. West 1096-Rl, WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE-^Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700. __ TWO BEAUTIFUL view lots, 70x122 ft., cleared, reasonable. Phone West 354-Y. D^ORATOR--Paperhanging, paint ing, kalsomining. Clean, fast guar anteed work. A. H. Duncan, 1353 Clyde. Phone West 521-R. - FOR SALE -- Monarch Range, $40; and Moffat high oven electric range, $10; both in A.l. condition. 13G 27th St. LOST.--Pair of double vision glasses, between 25th; and Marine and Waterfront. W. 843-L. ^ DUNDARAVE--Room and Kitchen ette own entrance, furnished or unfurnished, Whytecliff 516. LOST--Change purse with bills and I small .change; Reward. W; 883-L. LOST--Monday, between 21st and 18th Sts., Sunglasses in case. W. 884.______________________• - WANTED T- Lady's Bicycle, l or Sale--Singer hand sewing machine. W. 411-M.__________________ _ FOR SALE--^Empire Range for wood and coal; 6 .holes, $30. W. 747-M. FOR SALET-Small house on over '/z -acre with year round brook, $2950. - Terms, _ LAWSON, w a l k e r & PRIDE _ - .1704 Marine Drive -- West 55 Wa n t e d --Rags, bottles, scrap iron, copper, brass, old batteries, alum inum,' etc. Highest prices paid. Phone West 91. We also collecting for the. Red Cross. Burrard Junk. WANTED--Small house., ^ ft ly fur̂ nished or 2 rooms with bath and :cooking facilities. Phone West 1I155-R3. _____________ FOR SALE -- Second-hand child s pram, in good condition. Phorib -W. 487-D. -_________ _ _ J _________ WANTED--Youth with wheel, deliv ery, etc. Dundarave Pharmacy, 2494' Marine Drive._______;;_____ _ FOR SALE--Five room bungalow, cheap for cash. Owner, 1160 Duch ess Ave.. _ FOUND--A .black • Marine Drive. Daeshund. 1.329 Tenders for Public Address Service ir, f Tw- Vancouver May Day Committee invite tenders for the cvef ̂ A adequate and satisfactory equipment for Public Address May Day Celebration on May 24th . reference given to local houses. Tenders should be 'delivered to . hl'fn? 2657 King's Avenue. Hollybum, B.C., on • before Monday, May 5th next. • J-. . P. or.