*wp ■M y *w***w. ̂ i!!ii, m /m g^ B h ■'I f H - 'JLj C # |{ Uusinesa and Editorial Office: 1704 Marine Drive A PublisherF. F. IA)VE(;U()VE ̂ Fhoiu' West 3C;i Circulating in the District j)£-.^Vest Vancouver--Amhleside, Hollyburn^ Weston, Dundarave Ji.oo per year. Cypress Park, -Caulfeild, WhytecHff, Etc. 5u per copy. Vol. mm HOLLYBURN P:0., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, APRIL 3rd. 1941 N o. 51 THE SPRING IS HERE, ' Sprini,̂ has come early th is year. Moreover, quite a num ber of species of the m igratory brPds have returned from their \vintei' ill the south, indicating th a t the milder weather is here to stay, this being also shown by the growth in vegetation. For spring is the season when Mother Nature awakens from her long w inter sleep, and prepares for th a t perpetuation of life, which fills her'days to overflowing in the months that must elapse before the autum n frosts set in again. The dead vegetation and the barren ground, sodden with the winter rains, begin to disappear under a oloak of green. Buds are coming' on the trees and sh rubs,' to burst into leaf in a few weeks and clothe the bare branches with the ir summer gaiv. meat. And everywhere, the cold b l^ k ugliness of winter is (riving place to the new life of spring, heralded in by the songs of the birds as they busy themselves, with nest building. " Spring is also the 'time when the garden m ust be made ready, and the house generally cleaned up and painted, so that they may conform to the new beauty ■ of surrounding nature under the brightness of. the spring and summer suns. There i.s much' planting of seeds and plants to be done according to -̂a- plan, -which ..will, .ensure:,.th e fg a rd e O '# ^ . ijflhT 'tilled . with flowers until the cold Of late fall once more drives us back to There are places and even countries where man today is doing his best to "destroy all God's.handiwork, both animate and inanimate. And in th e slums df the great cities of the earth nature has little, chance to perform her annual miracle in the mean and ^squalid-areas of bricks and m ortar and the tin strewn backyards, where spring'^ means nothing to the dwellers but a surcease from w inter's cold. Heic in West Vancouver all is different. W e dwell in peace and in a place wherein occurs such a combination of sea and lMihtaiirs5enery~as~can~scarcely~be-found-^anywhere-else-in- the world- The climate is the mildest on the Pacific slope, and ideally located for the. m aking-pf-beautiful-gardens,-the-gen-1 eral unevenness of the ground and the outcropping rocks for ever precluding th a t orderly a r ra y , of homes with their mintsauce lawns th a t renders m any other Canadian suburbs built on a flat, terrain som onotonbus. It is u p io us now ,to make^ ready^m r g^^rdens and homes, our boulevards and streets,- for the approaching summer, which is very likely to be a long one. So shall our Municipality be a real garden of rest to those who come here to recover from the ugliness and perils of w ar as well as a mecca of beauty to the many tourists who will visit us from Eastern Canada and the United States. ' . , ' " TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD I.O.D.E. The regular monthly m eeting of the Guild will be held- a t the Ciachan on Friday, April 4 th a t 7:45 p.m. There will be a full business meeting a fte r which Mrs. Brian B. Gattie will speak on "Bundles for B ritain" and "Work' of the Mendicants." W ar Savings Stamps can be purcha,s- ,, ed at all meetings- The Book Club will m eet on Monday, April 21st a t the home of Mrs." L: a . H. Wainvyright, 2658 Nelson Ave. ' The regular monthly meeting cf the Duncan Lawson Chapter, I.O.D.E. will be held a t the home of Mrs. H. Ostrom, 1707 , Esquim alt Ave., on Monday, April 7th, a t 1:45 p.m- ' Owing to the visit of . Their ' E xcellencies,the Earl of Ath- "Tone and Princess Alice, the 21st anniversary "tea and bridge" of the Duncan. Lawson Chapter to Ibe held Wednesday, April 16th a t the home of Mrs. P. Jenner, 2283 Lawson Ave., has^ been postponed to Friday, April 18th- Phone W. 655-L and reserve your table for bridge. THE REASONS WHY The seventh annual Pro-Rec Gymnastic Championships and Maks Display, scheduled for April 17th hnd 18th, respective ly, a t the Exhibition Fqrum, show promise of' repeating the unqualified success of their 1940 counteiTarbs, and here are ju st a few of the reasons w hy; (1) As in previous years, be- , .tween one and two thousand Pro- Rec members from widely soid- tered centres will coordinate the work they have leariit during ■ the season, and mould the varied material into a brilliant series of mass dancing, gymnastic and ap paratus routines* •' (2), Net proceeds of the Dis play, which is expected to be shown before a sellout house, will .._be-turned_over^to_-the _Queen!s_ r Canadian Fund for Air Raid'vic tims, as the first Vancouver con- . tribution to the new charity. (3) The, Display will be under the distinguished patronage of His Honor, the Lieutenant-Gov ernor and Mrs. E. W. Hamber, who vvill in all probability be actually in attendance. Other, government officials and civic d ign ita ries. will also be lending thfeir patronage to the affair- (4) ~The"^Gymnastic-Champion~ shiB^,greatest, show of its kind -.-in (Canada, -will -take place- April- 17th, and will be featured by the presence of team s sent from the Okanagan, F ra se r Valley, Koot- enays, and Vancouver Island. (P.S. We still haven's enough volunteers to biilet these visit ors). As the time gets closer to the Gym Championships a iid ' Dis play there will be no trouble in marking up more "reasons why" th is Dispjay will surpass all . others. Tickets are being sold a t the Pro-Rec Head Office, 604 Hall Building,e a t the moderate prices of 35 and 50 cents. HOLLYBURN HALL A Boys' and Girls' Meeting il lustrated with lantern views will be held a t 7:15 p.m. to-morrow (Friday), in Hollyburn Hall, the speaker being J. Craig. On Sun day, April 6tli, there will be Sun day School a t 9:50 a.m., a Song Service a t 7:15 p.m., and a Gospel Service^.*at 7:30 p.m., when the speaker-will be Wm, Rap.-T^osday, April 8th a t 8 p.m. prhyer and ministry. Speaker, W. Mason- COMING EVENTS Thursday, April 17tli--St. Steph en's Inglewood W.A. Dorcas Tea and Side of Plants, etc., at thC; liome of Mrs. Batch elor, 1374 Gordon Ave. Friday, April 18lli --̂ 1311i An nual Concert of Girls' .lunior Choir and Glee (3nb' in tin* United Church. Friday, April 18(h--Watch and plaii for the big Spring HIo.s- som Dance on (his dat('. Keo]) the ('Veiling open. COLONEi. V. E. PRINGLE At th^Tregular Monday even ing meeting held a t 25th ̂and Marine Drive, Colonel Pringle will be th(2 speaker. His subject will be: "Turkey's Day of De- -cision.T-Y.ou- are __cordiallyi..inyltrL ed to be present. Did friends par ticularly welcome. Prayer nueet- ing on Wednesday evening for a few weeks.*" HORSlCSIiOE BAY BUSES WEST VAN. BAND TO MAKE GOODWILL TOUR JUST WHAT THE DOCTOR ORDERED West Vancouver has suffered severely' the last few years On Saturday, April 12, fifty- five boys of the W est Vancouver Boys' Band will leave on an -eight-day---tour_of_JB.C-.l-an(L_A L-z- berta, giving concerts in Kam- Jpops, Tranouille. Revelstoke, Golden, Banff and Calgary.' This year, owing to the many patri otic appeals, the boys are pay ing almost their entire railway fare, so th a t the proceeds , of these concerts may be turned, over to the various funds being- raised .in eaoh of the towns. Before leaving ,the band will give its eleventh annual concert in t h e Hollyburn Theatre, through the kindness of' Mr. Fletcher, on- Sundqy afternoon, April 6. Tickets must be pur chased in advance and may be had from any of the band boys or a t the B.C. Electric store. Any ex-ba'hd boys who have not turned J n their capes are asked to phone Mr; Condon. The programme is as follows: '0 Canada" ; 1. March, "On Tlie Municipality running a .shuttle bus service'^'^betweon West Bay and Ilorseshoo Bay, as per the scluulnle carried in, th is issue. At present th is ser- .vice..is being conducted by .one, non-union driver. Whether this will be increased or not remains tp-be seen, bid, the West Van couver drivers who are members ,"of the Street Railwaymen's Union here agreed, it is undor- stood,..iinde^' protest to operate over the section if necessary, pn orders from th(i ixicve,. Council lor Ray. informed ns that, while he was a 100 per cent, behind -t-he--uM-i (>nr-h c-trh (Ui g-h t;~f h a t--thc- convenienco of the public should -take--precedence--so_faii_as_the_; transportation staff and Council were concerned. He intended to , suggest the new service be made permanent. A SAFE BEACH FOR THE YOUNGSTERS WEST VANCOUVER TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM ̂ W EST BOUND ________ W est Bay ̂ to Horseshoe Bay ___________ _ Lv W. Bay Cyp. Pk. 'Caulfd.Fish Cve. Gleneagles Arr. H.S. Bay A.m. 7:15 7.21 - ■ 7.25 7.45 7.51 - 7.55 . 8.15 8.21 8.25 - ^ 8.45 . 8.51 . 8.55 9.00 9.65 9.10 P.M. 12.15 12'.21 *12.25 12.30 12.35 12.40 1.45 1.51 ■ ,1.55 £̂̂ ^̂ 4.45 4.51 ' 4.55 ' V : ^ 1 5 5.21 ^ 5 : _____ 5.45 5.51 5?55 I - 6.15 ,6.21 * 6.25 ■ ̂ 6.45 6.51 , 6.55 7.00 7.05 7.10 11.15 - 11.21 11.25 The Following C a ^ JF a re s will be charged: West Bay to Caulfeild Gas S ta tio n ........ :............. 5c Caulfpild to Fisherm an's Cove ......... ..................... 5c ________ Fisherman's Cove to H. S. Bay .............. ............■.--•5c_________ EAST BOUND ----- ' Horseshoe Bay to W est Bay________ ___________ R-S. Bay Gleneagles F. Cve.. Caiilfd. Cyp. Pk. Arr. W. Bay_ A.m. ^ . • 7.35 7.39 7,45 . 8.05 8.09 8.15 . ~ ■ 7.40 - 7.45 " 7.50 8.35' ' 3:39 ' ^'20 9.23 9.26' 9,35 9.39 9.45 P-M: 1.25 1.28 - 1.30 1.35 _ ' 1-39 M 5 ' ' 2.S5 2.39 2-45 4.20 4.23 4.25" 4.35 '4 .39 4.45 ■a 5.05 5.09 5;15 5.35 5.39 5.45 . * ' 6.05 6.09- 6.15 6.35 6.39 , 6,45 7.20 , 7.23 ' 7.25 7.35 7.39 7-45 11.35 - 11-39 .11-45 th a t IS, as fa r as social aptivities parade" (Edwin Franko Gold- go, and now, more than ever be- j^ ^ n ); 2- Concert Waltz, "Live, fore, all the social relaxation Laugh and Love" (W. R. Hey- possible^is needed. A young and j^ an n ); 3. Cornet Solo "Polka enterprising local club h ^ seen ju p ite r" (Goldman), Sioloist, th is great need and on Friday, Gordon Bradley; 4. Medley Over- April 18th, they are holding a i j Favorites" (Geo. Mammoth Spring Blossom-Time ■ p a rn a rd ) ; 5. Vocal Solo, "Danny Dance, Everything possi^^^^ h a ^ ̂ Delamont; 6. Inter- ibeen done to make th is an e v e n / Scene, "In a Persian ing-that all attending will great- ,]y[,ai*ket" (A:-Ketelbey); 7. .Violin - t y W 05/M ake/p -your-pa^^^ Selected," Soloist; Mary Friday the 18th ancLrevel fo r the .Mathews; 8. Junior Band; 9. evening in an atmosphere of selection, "Community Land" hilarity and fun. Dance / the Stoddon); 10. Scottish -music of-_a grand _^ches^a_._ Danny-Andrew-;- 1-1-̂ under the setting of Hawaiian Medley of Waltzes; 12. Vooal beauty. Plan for this big event, - L^rd, My Shepherd," and you 11 n e v / forget it. I t s Doris Rees and Vera Delamont; for a very needy local cause. jg Humoresque, A Musical Switch, (Kenneth A lfo rd ); *14, March, "Alouette'̂ ̂ (Goldman);; "God Save the King-" The W est Vanoouver Kinsmen Club are sponsoring an evenings of bingo and other attractions to be held from 8 to 12 mid night on Thursday; April 10th, in the Legion Hall,_ the purpose of which is to raise funds to build a really safe and sanitary beach for the youngsters. The cost is very small, being only 5 cents per. card, and the prizes to be^given away are all worth whiley including t e a, coffee, chinaware, chocolates, etc., etc. Ever3Hbody knows how to play „• bingo, everybody likes the game, and with; the other attraoUons a grand evening of fun is as sured to all. Then everybody knows the need here for a safe and sanitary beach for the kid dies, so everybody make up a party and come along.. •' ' ---------- WAR SERVICES CAMPAIGN NEW BAPTIST PASTOR TAKES CHARGE The Rev. - E rnest E. Jessop, the new pastor of the W est V ^ - couver Baptist Church, will cem- duct the nrorning and evening services .for the first time next Sunday, April 6th. He comes here from Regina, where he was pastor of the Cana.dian Memorial Churchj previous to which he "has'been in-charge of-a-Titmiber': of other churches during his ministry7------- ----------------------- r ' West Vancouver Tennis Club wrote the Council re statem ent of financia:! operations, 1940, and renewal of lease. ■ . ■ ■ • : - The lease 'tvas renewed by the . Council for 1941 land the cjub was thanked for the ir statem ent of 1940 operations. CHRYSANTHEMUM AvSSOC'N. 'The monthly , meeting of the .West Vancouver ' Chrysanthe mum Association was held on Tuesday, March 25th, in Fergu son's Halh I t ..was a v e ry en- thuisiastic gathering, almost 100 -per-ceht.-of-the-memberslbp-^be:!^. ing-present. President A. Corlan introduoed some new members, and the three hundred plants do nated-by a m em ber-were dis tributed. There was a good attendance a t the public meetnig called by Reeve J. Edward Sears last F ri day--evbning --in -- St.--Stephen's Parish Hall in connection with the local campaign to rxdse money for the Canadian War Services Fund. Captain Robin son, Major Reginald Tupper, and Douglas Broom addressed the meeting, and the final organiza tion of - the W est Vancouver Drive' was completed. Reeve Sears was elected chairman, and . Mrs. W .B. Small and Councillor John Richardson, vice-chairmen, Mrs. Small being in charge of the women's, section and Coun cillor Richardson of tthe men's section.Team captains included: Mrs. J. B. Ley land, Mrs. P. C. "C bap MrsT" J :"M. "Gemmi 11 ,-- M rs.'J . W. Lang, M rs. T. B. -Turner, "" M rsr James - McTntyrer Mrs. M. D. McCarthy, Mrs.*R. M. Young and Mrs. William Mc Mahan. "I t makes a vital difference to the United States which side-prevails in the present conflict. I refute / e state- -ment tha t our national security is n<)t involved in a British defeat."--Wend ell li.W illk ie. Mrs. Dollar and daughter, who have been occupying a suite a t : the Fortune^Cup Inn, moved yes terday to E ./u im alt.