fr;'::" .-.:" ll •', i>.i i 11:̂ l>l ■ i If:I 'i : '■ M 't j. 5 , gfi ^ I ' f r i "'If", ' 'I V .? ' ; I . $: I ' <iU ' -HA • - ! J 'im i ■ l i t ' I S l I ? r 4>- i, ' f ̂ >■?; ̂4> ^ i i i i i i f i i K d f ■'vtfif ̂ I 1 , r v 4 ' f ' l j - •■ j :« il!> '^ . ' § | g j # i | | i ̂ '4 d , i ' l l /•■-■■A--- SMITH'S MARKET ■•hou Well It A. Harvey Smith Me.u-w«its7o Snf;f;KSTIONS f o r FJU. & s a t ., m a r c h 28th & 29th M E A T S ROHINSON WISH CtlAMPIONSHIP l(<*d J U t Whi(4* Brand Burt* BLUM JAM--1»lb, till .............................,,:;i!)r QUICK OATH--Quukrr Non* Bi^rniiuiii. Laryt* pkl........................... UOIfN Ft.AKKH--Ki JIokk'h. .*J H f U t . |ik(H............................. .......... 25c BINKABBt.K (TJBKS-Black Labtl. 'thi .............................................. Mr .MFKBUOV Si)AB---Hi citkoH .......... lie Itoady (u l MACAUONI 2 Iba. lie NaiMJb ASBABA<;US TII'H nitd KNI)H-4-.'liii , , , ,, JO,. Bed Ai Willie Brand i*II/JIIAItli.H~- Tall tin ............................................Mr Bed t k Wliile Brand OOI.DKN r0 |{N _T aII lln ................................Mr N'aimb l)l(TOI) BKKl'H--TulI (in . lOe lÛ tl Ai Wliile Brand 'HiNOKB l*liAH-- Hii'vr : i . 'I'all (ill ............................»e West 270 RFEF FORK LAMB VEAL All OraeJe A & A1 OdicatcHHen BThIi Daily ■ Robbie Robi n sfiin?oifTbe*Hol»^« lyburn Pacific Ski Club's down hill champioii.ship yesterday to ■ .nose- jout-a .gtivjig^iialiLoCJioIfe bum and Vamouvor • Ski Club racera in-their annual club title events.^ Olie JidiaiiHon wa.s the first Viskie to I'uiish. . ' Hriun Creer liiiislicd third, and nnBvorv ^Ruiry Sotvedt i'ourlli. Joan i r te u e n v e ry Cran.swick to.dc Uic Viskie wo- men ';4 race, while Daisy Bour don was the best uf the Ilolly- burners. Jack Ib'atl took the sla lom, leading botii Vaneouver and HolJyburii skio s. LUMBER SASH <6 DOORS. SHINGLES, PLYWOODS, LATH BAJNT, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, ROOFING, WALLBOARD TIT p ^.,.,_ .A grntsLU A IfA PA TA IN M Q itfP jU ^Y X m .*^4*_ Thcro is no substitute for Quality < WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED ADS The rate for CInssiiled Advertisements is 2 cents per word ni!it>i».. I 25 cents. Except in the case of those haying regttlar accounts,* all c K " I fieds are payable strictly in advance. • I Remember Classifieds in the West Van. Nows get immediate Bid K Wliilr Brand BAB'I'I.EI'T BJOABS--l.uHdouH balves, 'J'in .....15c Satin-Glo Paint Sale Starts Friday Shower WEST VAN. JiOVS' HAM) AUXIIJARY The rcgulaj* niccling of the West Van. Boys' Jj;uid Auxiliary will be held on Apj'il Glh at 2:130 p.m. in the liiiicl) room of the Pauline Johnson School. All mothers of band hoys arc invit ed to attend. I'lva A. W estlak e , 2291 ' ------------------- --- ,u i . Uic m is fo rtu n o I'-LOOn S U K F A C m a-J . Sutherland. u iU u I,lined Mass J e a n M ac J av js li la s t bj-jday to s lip and b rea k We.s,t 483 or North 578. w ith a m isceila iieous sh o w e r a t h e r leg in th re e p laces. She w as " ---------------------------------- ---------M Wk t« 4 k d n i* K/T • . < KT /'I ....... Ill . . .a . i . . X...... I /' I i ̂ 4 • «■ h. . > . ■........... , »,*« w T V Vi X , a* wflu! ilome of Miss N. Gemmill on 'I'tie^sday eyeninj»- last. The gifts were presented in a model aero plane, and Miss M, Carmichael, chief operator, presented ' the hrid(;-t(Hbe with a silver .tea ser vice, the gift of the staff. The guests spent an eiiRiyable even- taken to St. IbiLil's Hospital, from which she returned to her home last Wednesday'. FOB BENT-r-Fi,'triii.slK'd, .sinuM house on beach. W. . A coni ribution of $15 for the,, -men of the Merchant Navy was sent through ' t«h e Overseas League in Ifollyburn, this .hav- ,B E A U T I F U L C A U L F iO IL D insurance, a..d mg at games. Mrs', MacTavish ing been collected by Mrs. G. M and Mi'Si Elgood presided a t the Farley. , ' urns. Tile tabl<! was beautifull.\ deeorateed nvitli spring flowers and candles. . . Those attending were Mes- dames MacTavish, Elgood, Ma son, Bartlett, MacMillan, Lamb, Jiiek, Smith, Hughes, Hyiidman, Bibbs, Colpitts, Ai'senoult, Hoey,' While, Reynolds and the Misses. Mac î-a WiH-l iiH\"rr7Gm*rrricrh aui;-- S'l'. .lOHN AMHUI:ANCE BRIGADE ■ Mimibei's o f St. John Ambu lance Bn'gado, 72nd. Division, en joyed a very interesting and in- striicfivc- evening oh Monday ol(l on Mi acre oJ' KTourui with mag nilicont view. eoin])i'i.scs spaeiouH living I'ooin, fini.shed in |)in,e j)unelling with large Cut stone iiroplaee,. dining room, 2 bed rooms, ult/a modern kitchen and Pembroke bathroom. Ba.seirient garage. .Saw dust' furnace and water heater. Brice $4200. Additional V i aero of land available if required at $;i(H). E.xclusivo list ing. Phone Mr. Falkner, W. 873-Y. A, E. AUSTIN & CO. LTD. GOBDON ROBSON -- Barrister & ■ Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any tipie by appointment, West 403. PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) ... 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271 Local Representative, F. Bayliss (Notary Public) 2430 Bellevue Ave. ' , West 622-R THE CliACHAN Bunquet Hull for your jiarties, teu.s;'danco.s, meetings. West 004. ___________ (Comi)Iete Notjt»riaI Services) All Forms of Documents Drawn and ■Executed Reginald P. Blower, J.P., Notary Public ____________ results. MAKCEL S H O i" _ Thorm l^^Tsta;^ Pormnnontsi only boat m atonS used. Expert operators West 804, Rnyal^ Bank Building.^^ FOR RENT OR SALE -- hund-mnde violins. Very oid^nSd' Satisfactory repairing. W. lOOrj-Ki.' , H. A. ROBERTS LTD 1429 Marine Drive West 646 Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO..,LTD. 1405 Marine Drive 'West Vancouver' ____ West 2 L and .204-M' J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister Sni c toy. 1405 Marine Drive- Phol' West 2 1 , or West 553-R-l. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- S a w ^ installed; furnace re p S ? G.^Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North . . *i , ' WESTERN WpODWOREERS-Store and .house fixtures, turning, glass ~^gIazing.-JWest-^740,~West-4&R"^- HANDY ANN SIIOI»- Marshall-Wells Paint 22nd to A])ril 10th. -2142 Marine. Sale, March LOVELY HOME overlooking the sea, Special kitchen arrangements or board. Clachain (i04. '^RfClTWlTcrrST^ a leeture on arti ficial re.spiration and (lemoiKstrated the 'use of the ^ iha la to r,loaned fo i' theoccasioir by (^2iiet of Police Kimger-^ . My. Roid's lite-saving experi ence has extended over a period of tweiity years, d u r i n g which time he lias been a very active member o f t h e -WancouVer Iji-aiich Royal Hjifei Sâ ^̂ eiety. He retired from the presi- 'I'hn ro . Cl I i dency of the Vancouver branch ..i,hc batin GIo I amt Sale starts recently and the members of St. lomorrow^ (hriday) at Smith's John Ambulance Brigade' are Mil fortunate in having his ex- ' lUaimcDmc. j perience available for their in- SAI I i-̂ i-rirkXT «truction in t h i s particularALVAGL (;0 LLLC I ION ■ branch-of first aid work. HOUSE. fiirnaco; Cement jjaxage,. Eatlie, I). S h a rm an , A. B rooks, I;. M cCruin, N. S earle , J . S h e f- lield, G. Jo h n so n ,. M. H u n tin g - ford,-I. A llen, B. S n iitli, M. D aw - ̂ k ins, J . IT itch a rd ,. A. C legg, V. G am ago, N. Gem-mill. ♦ ♦ ♦ Percy T. M aste rm an sold a lot on O ttaw a Ave. betw een 22nd and 2;b-d S tre e ts , to M r. R o b e rt- .(on of N orth V anooiivei', wdio is lin tterm ilating bu ild ing a $5 ,0 0 0 lioiisiybn th e p ro p e rty . GOOD () ROOM basement and ' CehtraFTocation.' Fall ' jirice $2250, Sharpe Realty, \V. 711). • LOIt, HALE--Pontiac Baiige with oil burner, j$35.00. Guaranteed. Hall -- r uel and' Heating, 1001.~ l ' ( ^ SALE--Splendid small Faw'cett Range in good condition, $19.50. Hall Fuel and H eating, West 1091. WANTED -- Unfurnished house by May, 1st or 15th. W. TQ91. Chev. Light Delivery, $30. Phone- West 963-R. ______ WORK WANTED -- By carpenter, machinist on general handy man. Any work. West 33-L. ■ ! A'l' DUNDARAVE--Wanted, young couple, no 'objection child, to share, own entrance, $15 monthly. 2508 Marine Drive. _______ _ FOR SALE--5 room house with good basement, bath, etc., on surfaced road, '-one block from bus.. Good wclJ improved lot. Full price $1800. --I -̂WSONr-WA-LKiE-R'-&-PR-rDE--1 r?n ,1 Ti ir.. • t-v • . FOR SyULE^We are instructed to ask for offers for a beautiful 8 room home, on Sentinel Hill; o u ts id fiS |shed in California stucco, full base' and one Pembroke bath installed. Interior plaslored but unfinished. Unobstructed viJw Must be sold to clear up estate li^W SON, WALKER / pbid '| _1704_Marine Drive________ West 55 QHIMNEY SWEEPING - Old Coun try way; guaranteed; brick and ... 1704 Marine Drive West 55 ~ --" -- ^ ^ Evenings, West 48'7-L ' 'ALLEN RAD IO' SERVICE f u r SALE--Oak (roll top^_desk. ■ ■ . uOi •' >v. between 15th and 17th on Marino. March 21st. Apply 1510 Marine. Reward. CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture,' Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co.', West 91. w o u l d LIKE batchelor suite near Ambleside. Phone West 827 between 8:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. --^ GENERAL HAULING--Manure, sep- . tic tanks and rockpits installed and cleaned. Dump Truck work. West 187-R. y ANTED--Light housework during day until 4> or minding children evenings. AVest 1112-R._______ ^ morning between • Bellevue and Marine on 28th Street, bus driver's ticket punch. Phone West 803. Reward. Mathers "Ave*" P h o n r W ^ n o ^^20 iw o u ^ repairs,installations End sales. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, all °-S,PoUcy, all locations. SE y. - 4991 or W est 106S-L1. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- JJ®|^yancouver Machine Shop, 1449 TlTpbcaniraiich of'the Cana- the ^ . ♦ • • ̂V X ■ V T 'X * ' * ' ' ' ...... .........................' --' p C h ^ p ro g ra m m c ^ a iT a n g e T fo r ' b e a u t i f u I; n e w r e m n a n t s i i r r .......... .. he flext few weeks includes the colors for cushions, etc., from' 25 rJlmviiKr- cents. Jacks, 1 6 1G MflriTi« __pqi_tation. West 1017-Y(lian Bed C ross S ociety has m ad e following: ' ".........w.v. cents. Jacks.T5irrMarqi^o (iim T m -'tr " ' ' i ' Chemi- TWO BEAL'TIPUL v i e w L o t , , 7.1x122 ,.,,|l,,„j[ , , C-.), to .make i'll! ^^^u-foro; April 7th, Practical £.*""'*"■'<1. reasonable; Phone w tolloctions scrap material, ^Problems, Poison; April 'H I Il'Ae c> n 1*0 i \ 1 /I 4. 1m T J. . - L - . . > p a p e r h a n g in g . Painting, Kaleo- mining; first class work, a t reason- i^ qDf | n ( : ^ S t o attractive, permanent, mates. R B. Cripps, West 88-R. _________________ ________ _____ f . V. Findlay. West 1096-Rl. I OR RENT APRIL 1st--Unfurnished our room bumralow. ■npm'. pyonc SERVIGE--Parcels,-Baggage light 'work, prompt service.' West E A S ^ R s p e c ia l - 6 3x5 Photos in lolders. 4 proofs. Barclay's Photo graphers, 15(52 Marine Drive, West t)o4. ■ ■ ■ suitable for Ladies' Ready to Wear N o S h ^ 2 9 8 L o n s d a l e ; Phone c a r ^ l l u I i H c " ' r a d ^ ' a l ' o r a j f i i N i 'AHAVB-RooiTi^nr;;;;;;:. tit«,,sii.s, pi,^ A p ril . 1̂ ^ ° - . 1 h(. collector will vuluc v o u r ■ d en t Cases* Arn*!*! 9 8 fVi i' -i- ------ ™ _______________________ ■ _ hxvd in te re s te d in f irs t a id i n - ' unfinished attic. ^^USINESS l a d y with furnished . . ni xx. wx. . . i - o t si ru c tio n an d p ra c tic e a re in v ited stove. West Vancouver. Panoramic .s.iKagi, and lu r th e r in io rm a tio n . to g e t in i.nneh wtifi-. . u»-g^k>t--{tfi-m--g-ni^en-{md^jjjjiF==^-Y»-c^jLr.jmuMaJikoiHadvisnv-^^ . • produced on this to share-same. Box 50 Westpiopcrty paysj: the:rtaxes. , 'Owners h o i f «'■ H-' c': o sb ;™ : p r o p e r t y is for sale, let lic-f particulars. Am revising Spring selling. T .'MASTERMAN 2446 Marine Drive, W est 1077. Real Instate - Insurance - Notary - In- come Tax returns made out. ^ ■ 7 room fully modern iiouse on I ^ r g e m t a s x 130. The _iiy^^^opm-^dinin^ Marine at 15fh jacks West7KL.1 FUKNITUKH MADE TO ORDER Re-covered. Repaired and'French Polislied leaving.c_iiyanu£it-soll. Ideal location one, block ofl Marine. _ SHARP EREALTY. W. 719 FOR SALE Oli E.\-CHANGB -- Very S ': w S l '" '" " 'I FOR s y r n.■-- ^ ^ '̂'" ^®ff^vrn--=rooster;--West-- LH'i-^ALE ' "I 'I HIKE 01! CONTRACT ^<"Gas l ^ r i / r ' l " '■f̂ H'?'- A1ver ' Lonsdale, North Vancou-^ u TTr mile-portation ______ _age, $60' cash. ;S f |- r " ' >'5 , | :■ " : H i 'V - You'll have a chance to push 'buttons on you r radio on M arch Z 9th PLANTS P<'reimiah. opceui now, fourteen for ,S1 00 post free, no two alike, or write for list. „ GEORGE NORTH Lynn Creek P O. If .vo»r riuiio sot h.Ms push-button tuninjr vou'll need on IhT V'r «nor Mnroh i»9th. for- iV-tiorUv 'V'"' assiKni'd tomiTn. f 'in thp continent. The .UA- -Y---'- * - o I ®*̂*1 --1̂0 -min Kot onlTTl on yvorliippinK of stations.Pit onl.\ Jl.Oil we will mijuai the push buttons on votir A VKKR If your riuiio needs a i-tuno up" we will jilndly irive hi'-b"*! our service work we use only the ' irio K adK n.r"^" includinK Kuarantwd General Elec- BROWN & MUNTON Members. A.R.T, o f B.C. 1542 Marine Drive >Vest 366 mm Scottiepup. Housebroken. 1052 Gordon 2 1 i)T?n e s t a t e^D-IGO. Best view in West Vancou- veV South of Park Nursery, $700. ̂ lots on Marine Drive west of Dr aug^ Hall, $275 each ^ ' ' PERCY T: MASTERMAN 9JJ> M Public 2146 Marine West 1077 WE TAKE PLEASURE IN THE APPOINTMENT GF MR FRED. B. FALKNeh our REAL ESTATR. Representative lor West V» •■■nd are confident that he will g i y e the 'Trieodl 7 """ '" ' '" ' onjoycd by our many Clients and Friends, for the pasrS5 " " " - - - past 35 years. A. E. AUSTIN & CO., LTD WHST S73-Y i>r , . MARINE 2431 en are all large. There_are three * upstairs with cedar ' closets and-a smaller bedroom J ^ ^be main floor; also a undry room. Pull basement and ' ferms $3750. Easy w a l k e r & PRIDE 1Y04 MariiieTDrive ^ West 55 --Have youg bicycle over- fiauled and painted now for the spring_ season. Guaranteed- work- ^ * " ®b^P^Pred Jones, 1439 Marine, employment 924 !̂ ®®̂ Vancouver. Telephone West ® ^^® ^U prigh t Sherlock -Man- _pm g. Beautiful tone. 2813 Bellevue. - 7 (4 seater) Saloon re cently overhauled. Price $290 terms. ,.:;ajnes Brooks, 2 1 5 4 E ast 5 th Avê , _ Vancouver, B..C _ modern Simmons^ , ^ 1 1 double bed. coil springs, felt ™ ^ e s s ; good condition, $15. W. - - WANTED--DeIi"very"b'oy ~f or "^rbee n* ----0 *̂6 . Box 22, West Van. News. - -- --Room and Board, close in. single gentleman; write full par- • _ ticu lars. Box 25, West Van. News. , i^§^T-jT-Attractive room, ,con- V ®nmntly situated. Comfortable -oasement room, can do gardening _£ o r part board. W. 77Q-R2 ._______ DUNDARAVE--Two room suite, firer, place, full kitchen privileges, Priv- ate entrance; $15 monthly. Whyte- eiitt 516.