Arc You A w are th a t . 15.S.T- M arclu20tW :neBriy s IbUdu on th« * fjiitincnl will be changed to a different channd? . This will neocfisitate re-setting of radio push buttons for the new • chrmlil you require services of an expert radio lediniciah to * H ^,1 U i U r n , phono your order to us and we y ill send a service Othetwiso prior orders m^y delay attention to your r tl".tr '« e v e r« l days, pa r a g o n r a d io se r v ic e WEST 1081 LocaJ and -Personal g \ % s w r i ^ i T M r n r q A w v UJN JN Jl SiHkLilL A p r i l 2 n d , 3 r d , 4 t h a n d 5 t h 2402 Marine Drive West Vancouver Uf'i i CANADIAN LEGION W . A. Military Whist Drive SATURDAYi, March 29th, 8 p.m. IN LEGION HALL Admission 25c. REFRESHMENTS To: Our Manp Patrons in West Vancouver Municipality We Deliver every Tuesday ̂ n d Friday Supplying FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES and FRESH CUT FLOWERS Saiisl aclion Guaranteed --r Your order will be greatly appreciated -- Please phone MArine 4551 or 4552 before 1 p.m. * Parkview Produce Go. " 874 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C. Gooripfe Metcalfe, forinorly of West Bay,'is building a house a t 2Gth and Nelson Ave.« « E, H. Wheeler of West Hay is building a house at PalmerstotrAvey <tn * • iK'" ■■ ■■ Mrs. M, G. Ross is having two duplex houses built at the corner of 24th aiul Bellevue Avc. ................... The'oflicers and members , of the Vancouver Welsh Women's Patriotic Group have opened a fund known as "The, Welsh Air Raid Fund" to help siiirerers in Wales. Any interested are asked to phone group cai)tains for North and West Vancouver at North 85-L or North D27-R2.ii< >i( ))< . Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Long of Vancouver are having a. new home built a t 17th and Gordon by C. M. Sharpe.He 1)4 >|< C. M. Sharpe is building a house on McKechnie Ave., West Bay, for Mr. and; Mrs. McDlr- miad of Vancouver.H< ik • ' ')|4 , • A t a christening ceremony last Sunday a t 4 'p.m. in SI. Stephen's Church the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A; Macllae (nco Ada Albip) of Buniaby, received the namps of Winifred Irene.. 'The ReV. A. - Harding Pi'iest of- Billy... C{dlies.,-p|^,POTyLL Beauty Shop, who has been ilL for the past month, has gone to Kamloops to ..recuperate after _ , siionding two weeks in the North lotli anij Vancouver General Hospital.' ■ ♦ * ♦ ' J. A. Barrie of Edmonton Beach, Alta., is visiting his son- in-law and tlaughter, Mr. and' Mrs. C. M. Sharpe of W est Bay..' » * l(t * ...... ................ A (laughter was born last Sunday at the Vancouver Gen eral Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Carroll of Caulfeild. ».*H ♦ ♦ The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beard, G48 21st Street, recedved the names of Robert I'ldward Jolin at a christening eeremony last Sunday afternoon a t St. Stephen's Church, when the Rev. A. llaiaiing P riest of- lic'iatcd. The sponsors ,were Mr.' and Mrs. ,L. R. M. Boulciing, par ents of Mrs. Beard. The christening tea was held later at; the home of Mr. and Mrs. lb M,.^Bimten, 2642 Hay wood Ave., onl,y)relatives of the family being present. : , ' EASTER SUNRISE SERVICE Easter hynins and music arc a most important and stim ulat ing part of our worship a t this season. The EasteLService Com- HIGH-.SCHOOL-RLAY-S- ficiated, anct the sponsor.s were mittee therefore, are glad to say Miss Patricia Albin and Albert tha t again this year, the Mount Albin, aunt and uncle of the Pleasant Salvation Army Band baby. • will lead in the trium phant testi- Following . the ceremony ^ mony of "Christ the • Lord- Is small reception was held a t the Risen Today", and other such horde of tee m aternal grand- hymns. Although several of tee , parents. Mr. and Mrs. A..H. Al- band have "signed up" during We have been asked to c(>rrect te e following error and omission in the report sent in to us and published in our last issue. . In the auditorium 'of the High School the two- plays "Imagina tion" and the "Spinster of Lushe." The musical num bers between the acts were supplieci' by the pupils of Mrs. F. KnighteHodge. We regret Jacqueline Paterspn's name was omitted. The over tures played were "Italiana in - Algiers," "Rossini and Massin- ello," arranged for two violins, played by ̂George Brealey and Jacqueline Paterson, with piano bin,, of 2234 M athers Ave. The paternap grandmother, Mrs. C- Lynch, was also present. ' the past year, the Citadel will still be able. to .m uster fifteeen instruments. In addition a young . , ■ . J men's-quartette have been in- H erbert Bibbs of the Royal vited to sing special 'selections. Caqadian Engineers arrived here Overcome the- "sleeping in" on Thursday from Debert, Nova habit this Easter Sunday and be Scotia, and is spending his fur- up early-to seek God ■ and to lough a t the home, of his wife's thank Him for our many bless- parents, Mr. -fud -Mrs. W alter in g s; remembering th a t thou- Gourlay, 2322 Bellevue Ave. . sands of our fellow'.countrymen ' Mr. an d 'Mrs. Cowan and Mrs. Riddell and son of Gaulfeild have moved into the Cameron house a t Gaulfeild. D. McTavishv who has been may have spent tee night ,in comfortless air-raid shelters or all tee day down on ruined homes. . ' The service will be held at' Am- bleside Park a t 7 a.m. •. . (four hands), Alma Skerton and J patient in Shaughnessy Mili Norma Minions. . YOU'RE READY FOR EMERGENCIES ̂ WHEN YOU HAVE A TELEPHONE When help is needed in a hurry i t's im portant to have a telephone handy. F o il the q u ic l^ t "way~to~reaoh-doc-- ToTTiJolice--crr'firemen-i^-by--- telephone. ' Even if the need to sum mon help by telephone neveu arises, it is' comforL ing to know you are pre pared. A telephone in the home is a g reat protection a t a small cost. tary Hospital, returned on Sat urday anci is now convalescing at teiS'̂ home^at--l-5te-and-Ottaw^-: LEGION W.A. The Red Cross Unit of the W.A., which meets _in the club room every Monday; is asking for the loan of two sewing mach ines, which are very badly neeci-- eel • Ave. * =k Announcement Mr. and Mrs. D. McTavish, 15th and Ottawa Ave., announce th a t the wedding of their daugh-^ ter Jean to Corporal Jack Ogden Elgood, R.C.A.F., has been ad vanced one week owing to mill- Sergeant-Major A. H. O. Free- tary rearmngements, The_ wed- i^^-iahtle-of 1751 Haywood Ave., ding, will teke Hollyburn, holder of the D.C.M. and M.S,M.. who made h istorv a . : decade Ugb by winning prizes ih SERGT.-MAJ. FREEMANTLE WINS WORLD CAMPI- ONSHIP 8 p.m. in the United Church. -Mrs,i-D-Ouglas^-ew_ar of Caul^ feild left on Wednesday t o spend several weeeks in .Penticton. She will resume her bridge lessons'in- aid of te e Red on her re turn to the city. ' •"sk * * ' tee Irish Sweepstake two-years in succession (for a total of $6500) stepped into the limelight once more Saturday afternoon to shatter a world's pipe-smoking- record in Hudson Bay Company's Georgian room. ' The veteran of th(3 Northwest Rebellion and tee Boer W ar who' U N K y u r a n t is -the beer you^hear -- 0 much about these days. hov4M̂ today and see ^ good, good beer can be. COAST BREWERIES LTD. V^ouver - New Westminster - Victoria BRITISH COLUMBIA -TELEEHQHE C_Q._ Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Grant, Cy press P a rk , West Vancouver, an nounce the engagement of_teeir_became "Rattlesnake Pete" dur- - only daughter, Frances Victoria, ing the Great War, smoked one- to Mr. Thomas Evans Lougheed, eighth of an ounce of tobacco, younger sop of Mr. and Mrs. M .' lighted by a single match, for A, Lougheeed, 2908 Oak Street, one hour 57% minutes. According to Hudson Bay Gqmpahy officials contest, this is a world's record. Bennett's BAKERY IUITTEUCUHST ̂ IIUKAI) Cream I'ukes 2r>r n doz. Scotch Pancake,s. Scones, Raisin, Apple. Mince Pies 15c each , , Delivered Every Day ^̂ 'hca( (Jerin Bread MGS Marino J)r. Phone W* 27 Hollyburn Theatre TIIUKSDAY. f ih d a y a n d S A T . M A T . Î lnivh UTIli, L>Sth mul iJDlh S n iK L lO V T K M P L K .I A ( 'K O A K IK " Yoiing People" (S h ii' lo y 's liilo si, p io lu r o a m i p ro b a b ly luM' la s t iiH a ju v o n ilo ) , , , .abso • " K IN O O F T l lK K O Y A I. IM O UNTK D*' SAT. KVK AND-MON DAY March UlHli and Mlst: I'YKONIO POWER **Brigham Young" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ------- A-|) ri 1-1 s L'-J 1-1 ui-&i 1 (I- *Mein kampf- M y Crimes* N ellie H a n so n A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory ■ 1955 Inglcvrood Ave. West 1056-L , Burrard Caundry Ltd. FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North'1310 or West 691L ..HOUSE PLANS Plans, Blue Prints, and Spccificatiions for N.H.A. and Other Houses j , HUTCHISON West 82M-R SPECIAL Sawdust ............... Dry Slabs ............$5.00 per cord Inside F ir:-- from shed ........$0.00 per cord from mill ...■ f..$5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord " Slabs & Edgihg's^$3._76 per cord _ PIllfA M 'S FUEL Phone North 620 The wed.ding will take place quietly April 19th. Miss G rant attended the Convent of the Sa cred Heart in Vancouver while her fiance is a graduate of the Breviou,s high was set at_ one hour 3434 minutes. The winner, University of British Columbia, used a. largeteowled Boer pipe :* * * -with a long stem* Have you tried a Helene C urtis, Cream Permanent Wave for soft glossy ourls ? Gome in and let me tell-you about it.-M^TayIor,-a520- Marine Drive, W. 828.*** 41-7 <lisp̂ la%d published Liquor Control or by the Government British Colmnbla of HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES W est 341 EXPERT W atch and Clock e e p a i b i n g . T: CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., ' ' Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive M R .F R E D „B . F A U L K N E R W ISHES TO ANNOUNCE that he has voluntarily severed hig connection with R. P. Blower & Co. and has been' Appointed W E S T V A N C O U V E R R E P R E S E N TA TIV E . of A. E. AUSTIN & CO. LTD. Phone West 873-Y SAWDUST MILL & BUSH WOOD MANURE, GRAVEL TOP SOIL ^ • - also------------ BUZZING WOOD - J. SMITH. . Phone West, 1006-R . . FUEL SUPPLIES SLABS and EDGINGS $3 per cord Inside Fir, $5.50 per cord Bark, Per C o rd ................... $5.00 Phone day or night NORTH 1581