♦ t . ̂ ? -i . I W : i' 'I M ̂ U' :': :■* < <'i J ' ■ :':i : fif-f-r --« :<i 'iiff ipB,'xfr. i i ® t' * ' ' -- "'iM ;,- u p 4td •- -M ' W B S rv a 'N"KTO« m ; d | V *.\i % -■f - ' ?•' i•iS' ■j WEar VAN. UNITED CUUKCH Cor. 2lBi & £«4[|u]m«lt Avo, 1953 Fulton Avenuo Phone Wc«i 244-K Sundey ServiceN: llii.ni. A 7:30p.m. and Vbitore are welcome IIAFTIST CUUrtCH *" ' ' Sunday 8i»ihd[«€« " 10:00 «.m.--Church School in cludinir Adult Class 11 a.m. & 7:30 p,tn.«--PreacbinK Services. A hearty welcome to all Gwendolen Beautg Shop DurhiK the KohIci* Jfoliduys Ihc Hohool KiH.s are invited to come and inquire about our rtpeciai on'er ;in i)ermanent.s ' I540*U Marine Drive Weal 117 HOLLYBOSN HALL 14tb and Duchess Friday. March 28tii P d.vh' and CJirlH' meeting;, il- luMtrali'd with laiileni views. .SpeakVi', Mr. J. AmlerHoii. DR. G.'D. H. SEALE D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Uny Huy Slock. 14th'and Marino Dr.. Oirico Houra 9 to 0 p.m. lOveniriKH by appointment. \\ , Phone West 72 Hiiriday, Mureli 30lii 0:f;0 t u n , , .Sunday Sehool,<' 7:10 Souk Service. 7:30 p.m., CoHj)d Service. "7'eKtini<a>y MeotinK.", W ESI V A N C O U V E R Christian Science Society CUtlUCH KHIFICE 20th and Esqalnialt; lioilybum ' This Society 1b a JJranch of The Mother (.'hurch The F irst Church of Christ, Scientist, in llo.ston, Mas8achu.'<etts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday^ March .'iOlh SUIJJJECT: "KEAU'I'Y" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony MoetiaK Wednesday, a t 8:15 p.m. 'fho public is cordially in vited to attend our servicea and rncetinars. and 'I'lieaday, April Int 8 Fr.'iyer and Miniatry. Speaker. Mr. .1, Alexander. THE UNITED CHURCH 21fti and Esquintaii Avenue WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLU Marine and 2.'5t,li St. Pastor: Robert II. Birch Sunday School, 9 :'15. Sunday Services.-- H h.m 7:30 p.m. . Mornini>: Worship--Sj)ehker, F. Joyce. , Evening: Service--Special Pray er Tor the Empire. Wednesday--Prayer and Fellow ship, 7:80. Friday, 7 p.m.--Cliildj'en'.s Hap py Hour Club. DR. McRAE , D E N T I S T formerly of 705 Mcdicol-Donta) Iluilding' Hours: 0 to 0 -- Evenings by appointment, y ' I860 Marine Drive West 4.12 Sunday, March 30th J l a.iri.--Rev. A. MacKay, Mi.s- sion City, B.C. Soloi.st, W. R. Crawford. 7:30 p.m.--A .special Young Peoi)Ie'.s' Service will be held, when the guest speaker will ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC ' ' CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. . Rev. Father Van Pastor Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. likituhliHhed on North Shore 25 Years * » (Lady Asaiatant) ilARRON BROS. LTD. Ifunecal directors Dolly burn FuncruL Home 18th and Marine West 134 North Vancouver Parlors 122. Woat Sixth Street -- Phono North 134 ■ ̂ Vancouver Parlors ■ 65 Tenth Avenue East Phono Fair. 1.34 ,;e Rev. Francis II. Stevens of Rosary rad Benediction -- 7 ^5 at. James. United Church, p.m. " ^ be St, ulutua wiiuicii, p Vaiicouverp Several of the Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 young iieoplc of the congrega- ' p,m. ■ lion will participate in the Week-day' Se/viccs 7jerTrce-gminrHK~^hopcdH~hTit~di~^Mgs3 Extra Special F ir S la b s a n d I n s id e F ir , mixed ( o flO c o r d , C . O . D . ^ J ^ P h o n e n o r t h 8 6 the young people.of the church will make- a special effort to attend. ' Monday,- 8:15--Young' People's rnooeting. Citizenship Group in charge- Leader, 'Duncan Col- (]uhoun. Wednesday, 10 a.m.--The Red Cross Unit of the Church will meet and contimre all day. At 8 p.m-- Prayer and Bible Study Service Fridays-r-rrrRosary, Benediction, 7 :4 5 : . " ^ Saturdays Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. ST.-STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. Ai Ramsey, Rector Sunday, March 30th 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a .m -M ath re a , ....... ̂ .......... . Preacher, Rev. W- H. Gale. ; riie regular monthly meeting ^ P-di-- Evensong and Ser of the United Ghiirch W.A. will be held in the Church Hall on Tuesday, April 1st at 2:15 p.m: Hostesses will-bo Mrs. R. W. Frond, Mrs. James Gray and I-- Mrs. T. A.. Johnston.. A cordial invitation is extend ed' to 'a ll women'interested. BAPTIST CHURCH 1344 Gordon Ave. men. Wednesday, 10:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Evensong. Preacher, The Rt. Rev. H. E. ^Sexton, .Bishop of Columbia. St. Fra!ftcis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild Preacher, George Buxton. 9:45 a.m.--Matins and Sermon. Sunday, Miirch 30th 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 a.m.--Rev. H. G., Estabrook. CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Coal, Topsoil S. LOWRIE IMione West 256-Y AA ii.ui.---i\ev. ri. u. liStanro • ' wilLbe the sub-, 7 :30 p.m.--Rev. H. G .Estabrook. "" Monday, 8 p.m. -- Young Peo- ^huiches of Christ, Scientist, on pie's meeting. All young peo- ̂ t pie cordially invited. , The Golden Pext-is: "The Lord Tuesday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. -- brought fo r th . our right- Rod Cross in church. ° eousness; come, and let us de- D-rvo ______--Lpr_d_aur_God'-i- (Jer.-S-l: 10) --an d-dBi ble-Reading.- W.C.T,U. . Among the ■ citations which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Grace and peace be multiplied VERNON FEED STORE Ferlilizors, Sm is, IVat Moss > Wood, ('oal 174G Murine West 9 . --------prom- be the guest cineaVeV ^hese ye might be ist M r f Mn,t • t,he. divine, nature,The soloist will bo Mrs H nnt' uie,divine nature, and R osem aryM cG ow an will give some readings. A. hearty lust" (11 Peter rW 'T ) welcome awaits any who are in- ^ e L esson 'sem on ' also in-torested. W e s t V a n N e w s - Published Every Thursday - Publisher ̂ F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West *363 ~ BuMrreTs~and~E<fftori^ 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 56 I -n ■ North Vancouver Office: ' 12S Lonsdale Are. 11.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail UNITY METTAPHYSICAL CENTRE (Non-Sectarian) of Vancouver, B. C. West Vancouver Service, Friday evening a t 8:15 o'clock To, be held a t Shangri-La ______2_485_.Marine-Drive____ Speaker, Rev, T, Conway Jone^s. Subject, Pray or-Faith-Results; Monday Afternoon Study Class, 8 o'clock Unity L iterature for sale at MI times a t Quaint Gift Shop. 2435 Marine Drive eludes the fallowing passage from the Christian Science text-, "Scieiice and Health with the Scriptures" by Mary Bakei'Eddy; "Man walks.jn the direction towards which he moks, and Where his' treasure is there will his heart be also. If our hopes and affections are spii itual, they come from above _ notTrom bene'ith, and they bear as of old the fruits of the sp.ilpit.' BARBARIAN GIRLS' ^ AUXILIARY ^ . /n*® Barbarian Giirls' Auxil- lary will hold its next meeting on I uesday evening, April 1st at of Miss Jean Hill, 1535 Fultoji A ve.. , . BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT • THE STORE OF QUALITY • JUST ARRIVED -- THE NEW "BR EN D A LEE" APRONS No. (luolily EiiBlioh . , I N y ..^ F )» r i i | print with________ Mercerized Sfuh. Plam > J ; , . Colors. IMald Trim. Fast Colors. E a c h .................. 79c Organdie Trim. Past Col- ors. Each ...... ........ 49c Extra Organdlc Trim, also White OrgandicAA S p e c i a l "***' **'*̂"'*̂ Trim. E a c h ................................................... u v C Miss P. Riploy 1578 MARINE DRIVE H. Pout , Dorothy CullioS will be pIouHcd to look a fte r all customers and lio|)e.B llial the many frieiids of her .lister, Billie, will continue to patron- ize the shoj)' tiui'ing the hitter's short uhsonco.' 'VtHt .'{31 1370 Marine Drive o«,..r EASTER OUTFIT at M ilady's Dress Shop 1660 Marin? Drive Silk Suits - Dresses - Handbags - Sportswear w "You Can See The Difference" NELSONS LAUNDRIES LT1>. LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS e. C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782 BUILDERS' SUPPLIES . Cement , 'N avvy Jack Sand Crushed Rock •c.Brick 'Lime" Drain V Concrete TEA Rb-E & S O N S '1'427 Marine Drive West 84 Ferguson's Storage . Reasonable Rates, Low Insurance ^ All Goods Wrapped and Demothed. Separate Lockers Phones: West 85, North 1371, TRinity 0429 ASPHALT PREMIX or ojur Special Road G ravel For YOUR DRIVEWAY ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone. Nortt. 1141 ,__________ or ALP ELLIS, West S23-L MnT IS ■ ■■ Mi Mi: -- garages any.night after \ the above picture duplicated \on every one of our buses. Every Pacific Stage _ bus IS scrubbed outside and thdrniigbly cleaned anpacuum ed inside, every night, ready o go back into service next morning. Buses saving the North Shore are no exception. Ride sure, clean. Pacific Stage way. I t . costs no more. - - - . frciFie si i di s P.S.-7