i i i, ^ • ,̂1), j hr<A2S i£ li2i i i- • v-ff 1-j'i} M '.» .■• ■VB-J THE WEST VAN NEWS \ ' a s p h a l t p r e m ix or our "SfMscial Road Gravel For YOUR DRIVEWAY- P0 AD~ M A T E ftlA tS -b IM IT E D - I . . . , . Worth 1141 ■ , I '■ « ALP ELLIS, West »23*L Local^ntd Personal McNeil & McCue thi*] rex all store 1402 Marino Drive West Vancouver rhone W est 628 n - AmMeside Pharmacy Phone West 323 1401 Marine Drive West Vancouver, B.C. Miss Beverly pflis, daughter Ar© you a renter or a property of Mr.*and M rs /A lt.E llis , was owner? Property pwners ride suc^cesstul i n ^ e recent Toronto oh (hFAIonicliMilTransp ConserviitorM examinations in System* which she ohtainod first class ' ♦ * * honors in prim ary theory. She Lance-CoiTioral John C- Bro- of Miss Helen Vance, denick,' who for the past week A .i.o.M . has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Broderick, 1867 Haywood, leaves this even ing ;(Thursday), to resum e, his military duties a t Camp Borden, Out. ... ............... -T-........................... ill " ♦. ♦ pa r a g o n r a d io se r v ic e G. CUNNINGHAM , 2910 Marine Drive K. McMILLAN West 1081 Westinghouse Tubes and Appliances ' «WESTINGHOUSE"a>r-Iis name is your guarantee > (All types of elOctrical appliances repaired) Tree Estimated GivcA . Guaranteed Workmanship Malvern Cate 1512 Marine Drive Breakfasts Dinners, Lunches, Teas Catering for Private Parties W. Nicholson, Prop'r. Tel. W. 616 Mr. and Mrs. Archer of West Bay have moved into their new home on Creery Ave. ♦, > * Pickering--Sangster The wedding took place on Saturday, 'March 15th a t the home of the bride's mother, of Mary Hazel, eldest' daughter of On Sunday afternoon,' the medical women of Vancouver entertained the women barrist ers a t Anchorage, the Glenengles home of Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Jackson. Among other honored guest.s were Miss Gi*ace Fairley, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Williams, south Dr. and Mrs. M- 'W. Thomas, Mrs. Raymond Collishaw, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Sigurdsoii. . Dr. Margai'c t Hardio am i Dr. Isabe,! Day received with Dr. Kennedy - Jackson. Dr. Lillian Fowler and Dr. Tthlyn Trapp presided a t the tea table, while Dr. Florence Perry, Dr. Christ ine Fraser, Dr. A. McDonald and Dr. C. M. R- Onhauser assisted A Benaett's BAKERY mriTKRCRUST BUKAD SATUUDAY SPECIAL Cream CaheM 2.'ic a do*. Scotch Paiicakc.s, Scones, Raisin, Apple. Mince Pies 15c each Delivered Every Day Wheat Germ Bread U()8 Marine Dr., Phono W. 27 Mrs, McMullen, 2611 Bellevue Aye., left yesterday for the Mrs. Palmer, a form er resi dent of West Vancouver, but who has since been liv'ing a t Prince George, has returned and is oc cupying a house a t 1595"Esqui- malt, Glcneagles Golf and Country Club, held it.s opening spring luncheon Thursday afternoon at the clubhouse. Members andin serving. . Also inv ited ^ere Judge Helen friends amending first liitioh- Gregory MacGill, Miss Edith ^on of the newly formed ladies' Patterson, Miss Aniie Suther- section wore Mrs. Fred Brown, land, Mr^. J. Brockelbank,, M ss Miss Beverly and Miss Betty Enid Willrams, Miss Isabelle. Barr,Mrs. G. P. Baiiibridge, Mrs. A rthur, Miss Winifred Langfield, W. Boyd, Mrs. Maurice Corkill, M rsT"SanBt€r7"~2332'-Haywood-*-M?Sf"BarbarayDunsmore,--3Misa ^M rs.-Jrm ^^ ______ Ave., and the late Harold Ross Cartw right Miss Hazel man. Mrs. Les Hughes, Mrs. I. Patrick's Tea arranged Sangster, and Lance-Corporal , Humphrey, Miss Viyieii Jaynes,. I atricK s le a ̂ r, n A n Miss J. K. Gilley, Miss Florence Migg Mary M cA rthur,. Mrs. J- Frost, Miss Elizabeth Grant and Par^in and Mrs. P. Whiteside. Mrs. 'Rennie Xurtis.""-^ .-- -- - : - " ̂ Engagement Jack P ra tt and Bud James, Mr. and Mrs. F ..L . Bowen of both of the Hollyburn Pacific North Vancouver announce the kfl9 II ^ x / r T plfnoix/i r(vm A rthu r Pickering, R.C.O.C., C .. by the National R efuge^ Com- Mr. and Mrs. ^ 4-u^ B ritish 'mittee in aid of the x^ruisir a . Pickering of Vancouver, the evacuees on the N orth Shore Rev. T. W. Scott officiating. The held at the home of Mrs- F . A. bride, giyen in marriage by her Walker,-2337 Lawson Ave. on grandfather, George-Lyle, Monday afternoon, was very successful,. Receiving with Mrs. Walker were Mrs. J. D. Hobden and Mrs. L.'i^b'Boall. A p rO ^am , , i *i-v. " delightful music was' provid- ' su it o t crushed s tra w b e r^ with ed by the Musicians" : Refugee . .*> .accessories. Private Swing Group and several vocal Bill P ickenng was his brother s ' ̂ -best man. wore a ' t^al blue tailored suit third, engagement of their only daughj- with dusty pink accessories, and .respectively, m the 'B class ter, Charlotte Winnifred, to Mr. liGr sistor Dorothy' who flctcdi*- competition oi the Pficiiic North-, ̂George William Sciunders, only as-bridesm aidr-w as-dressed-in-a..combined jumping ^and .,son-of-M r.^ndjm-s. G-. F , Saim.: solos were rendered by Mrs. Donald Ross, accompanied a t the piano by Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove. , Mrs. Walker thanked..the mu-._ sicians for their musical tre a t and added a word of praise for the wonderful work they were doing for the refugee cause in having provided and sent gar ments to Coventry. ■ _ The guest s]geaker, the Rev^ Mn Wong, was introduced by Mrs. W. K. .Woodcock. He gave a graphic account of conditions in China and told of how the refugees, who pour" into the cities, were helped by the Y.M. C. A. and Salvation Arihy^...^y funds supplied from the W estern Hemisphere." He spOke. of th e large sums raised by voluntary ̂contributions among the Chinese 'population in Vancouver and was confident that as long as w ar' is on, the Chinese will do their best to aid in. the E as t and in the West. A hearty vote of thanks was proposed to the speaker for his instructive talk, by Mrs. J. D. Hobden. The rooms were prettily decor ated with oarnations and spring blossoms and a buffet supper was served f ro m " the bride's table, the Misses Winnie Gibson and Mary Thompson acting as ser- viteurs. " • ^ For the honeymoon trip, the. happy couple motored to the in terior, the bride donning a . navy blue coat over her wedding en semble. cross country skiing champion- ders of West Vancouver. The ships on SundayatM ount Baker, wedding will take place quietly P ra tt won the cross-country in mid - April in S t.- John's race Saturday, and Irwin plac- Church, North Vancouver, ed second. B ert Irwin finished / * * .* second in combined points to Clifford Tearoe returned to Hermod^Bakke of Leavenworth, his home a t 1640 Haywood Ave. B ert made the longest jump of last Tuesday from Trenton, Ont., theyday, 154 feet, to place sec- where he is in the clerical sec- Hollyburn Theatre THU USD AY, FRIDAY AND .SAT. MAT. Mari'h 20th, 21st and 22ml TOMMY TUINDEU .lEAN t:OIiIN ' "Laugh It Off" also ■'KNKJiri'S OF THE UAN(JE' SAT. FVF AND MO/SIDAY ' Mai'cli 22iul ami 24th miAiY LEE ' COUDELI. HICKMAN 'The Biscuit Eater ' ■■ also "MASTERY OK THE SEA" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Mai'i'h 25th ami 2(U,li llERPON CllURCHlLL GEORIJE SANDERS ^SO THIS IS _ ^ Q K L H O J ! i f* aisp "MEXICAN SPITFIRE OU T ̂ , WEST" tion of the R.G.A.F. He will be returning 'tonight to rejoin his unit. ' ' MR. & MRS. W. E. SEWELL CELEBRATE 55th. ANNIVERSARY Olid in "A" class. Individual jum ping honors went to Vancou ver Ski Club's A r t Johnson, who ■ made two leaps of 153 and 152 f ^ t . Henry Sotvedt, another James Durway kie, won the veterans' competi- (nee Hattie Young) of Washing-, bioii. ' ton, D.C.,: was . chosen by the * * * branch of the British War Relief A daughter was born on Mon- Services to receive Lady Hali- day a t the North Vancouver fax of the British War Relief General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs- Unit during an inspection. Nellie H arrison . . V ■ -I-',.': A.T.C.M, Special Diploma Teacher of Piano. and Theory 1955 Inglewood Ave. " West 1056-L Mr. and Mrs. W alter E- Se well, 1410 20th Street, West Vancouver, celebrated their 55th wedding anpiversary on Mon day. ; ' A family reunion was held on Sunday afternoon at* the home Hugh Brown, 2359 M athers Ave.)(C 4: 3|e Mrs. James Sinclair left .on Wednesday of last week to join her husband in Dauphin, Man. - J a r ic ^ i l lm landers of G of the West Vaneouver ,High School/- from overseas and is awaiting Frank Tearoe is building a new discharge from the army on ac- , house a t 14th and Inglewood. count of his youth- Burrard Laundry Ltd. w e l l k n o w n FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L * *• Miss Wilson has moved from Constable E. Bell and Mr.s. of their son and daughter-in- 2924 Mathers Ave. ,into a house Bell,* 16th S tree t,' have received law Mr. and-Mrs. Ted Sewell, o f' she has purchased a t 2342 Nel- word, from Ottawa that their iKQn Arrr. ArvtATio- fhnejA SOU Av€. SOU,'Able Scaman Alex Bell, ot ♦ the Royal Canadian Navy, has present w erer^ r-G eo g Ŝ ̂ , The Rev. CYril Baker of Ho^ 'been . seriou.sIy wounded HOUSE PLANS Plans, Blue Prints, and ; Specifications for N.H.A. arid "Other Houses .T. HUTCHISON West 82.3-U in action. A hand-sewn cushion top was rpoTri/^v t ari donatedand-is-beingL draw n.JV Irs..v -^^^-^i® ;^m 3^lBeall, West 408-M,'is in eharge aflem an gg cpojMge' a t San F ran- of the draw and tickets are now ' Mr reaching here on Friday The auditorium of the High on sale. A cot cover made by the TlnvH Tav* night, where he rejoined his School was well filled on Wed- Handy Helpers Refugee Commit- 1 wife and family, who came from nesday last,- when .students of tee, a group of young girls, 9. to England six months ago and the school presented two well- 10 years, was on display prior to it being sent to, th e Red C ross.. Mrs. J. E. Sears and Mrs- J. W- Cornett presided a t the* daintily appointed tea table, centred with daffodils. Hanked with green tapers. Mrs. A. E. Young was in charge of the din ing room and .. assisting were Mrs-- J. H. Hall, Mrs.^J. M artin, " -Mrs. J.-D.--H dbdem ^d-M rs--L.- , B- Baell- Among those present were: Mrs. J. W. Cornett, Mrs. J. E. ^ r s . Judge G. McGill, G. H! bomrie, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. well,.Miss Helen Sewell, Mr. Ted Negreponte, Mrs. Dave Brown, and ian, Mr. and Mrs. E- Gallop of Cloverdale, and Hersey and Gwen Sewell. have sinbe been .occupying the ebntrasteid:; play Hobson house at 22nd and Bel- And ; "Tbe Spinster Of L u sh e / levue Ave. Mr. Baker, who is a Grade Y who took part bi other-in-law of A- J. Addy, in the first play were Charmaine had considerable difficulty in Gruchy, Susan Trought, Ray-Jor- One daughter, Mrs. C. B. Larhb getting out of China where both dan, John Kennedy and Bob who is in Pasadena, was unable ^nd his wife havej l^een mis- White. The all-feminine cast of to be present. The,eldest son, sionaries for several years. He "The Spinster of Lushe" con- Mr. W alter Sewell, resides m Escaped from one place,, which sisted of Betty Kennedy, Betty Bellingham, and the youngest was being bombed by the Japan- Robinson, Wilma Gerrie, Vivian Isdn. (jorporal Norm an Sewell,; is anese,j)n_aJ?ic^le,^ finally reach-^ Viau,, Mary Wilson and Dorothy with the R.C.A.F. in Montreal. ing the coast by airplane. He is Harvey-Smith. Intermission mu- Mr. and Mrs. Sewell were mar- a t present on furlough but ex- sic was supplied by Alma Sher- ried a t St. Alphege's Church, pects to return with his wife and . ton, Norma Minions and George Greenwich, where General Wolfe family to Honan next June. Brealey. * is buried and their daughters. SAWDUST MILL & BUSH WODD MANURE, GRAVEL ^ T O P SOIL also BUZZING WOOD J. SMITH Phone West 1066-R E x tra Special Fir Slabs and . Inside Fir, mixed (O 00 cord, Rhone No rth^ 8 6 uW oodcc^kriirr^ff mKs. f ' a ! ^ r i n g a visit to the 01d"Goun- Are you a renter or a property Mrs.^^Doiiglas Dewar enterV ^ Kindling and Inside F i r , Walker, Mrs. E. H. Jupp, Mrs. E. try , saw the record of their par- owner? Property owners ride tairied at tea recently a t .hei| Coal, Topsoil Mightingale,--MrsT-Mors€rMrs.--ST B- Bracewell, Mrs. L. B. Beall, R. Fiddes,.Mrs. J . D. Hob den, Mrs. A. E. Young; Mrs. A. L- Laffere, Mrs. W. Gourlay, Mrs. J. H. Hall; M rs. F.-H. W ar- ^ n , Mrs. J. M artin ,'th e Misses Ynilip, Mrs. L. Rankin, Mrs. J . W. Lang. Donations were also f ^ w e d from Mrs. J. F. Boyd,, ^hd Mrs. G. C. Adams. . t -ents'-wedding register. -in - th e--churcTi- System. HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOL C LA R ES West 341 on-the-M unic ipaIT ransporta tion^^"^^-^^--^^'i-^ -d j guests were the group oi women who started the highly success ful "chiain" of luncheons and teas held in the early spring in aid of war f u n d s ~ 7 " -̂---------- ----- FUELS Sr^LOWRIE----- Phone West 256-Y EXPERT - W atch a n d -Clock REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd.,, ■ Montreal) T522 Marine D rire Have you tried a Helfene Curtis Cream Permanent Wave for soft glossy curls? Come in and let me tril you aibout it. M. Taylor--1520. Marine Drive, W. 828. -------WEST VANCOUVER-- - Sheet Metal Works Fam ace; and Ranj^a Repairs, Sawdust Burners Phone West 39