i (! II'T te l . II' f r h j *f f-' -3r- JI K;' &■ " h- K :3f 5.;' I ,! ,| .̂ i |i|',: i 5' t r ? i. - -t- ■ h} ^ a i i fr'Vi-il'SfH i."j '; : Hi-' a; ", •!'-A' . IvirM 4 i |^ : i l i t e S I B l 'i t i i i • t e »V , -f! ta. :||;§|||:?k: «,* H '! PWW«I4<„, A. H arv ey Sm itli „ M«i_w«im ... B t M f & r f MiiitJilf- - --«•«« C O R R E S P O N D E N C E PKICRS GOOD FOR FRI. & SAT^ MARCH H lh & 15lh M E A T Smumm w M ■ P ^mw , ' , i , ',... FnNBiDclIvery WAXKI) l'AI*EK~40 itbeeta pkU »r IftMlIund'a SANDWICH SI*HEAI>»~ AMortaNl varietim. *Aa, tin ............ 9t Ked A White (JUKKN CUT BEANH-- Tall tin ... ................. . 9c THKIUU S()AI*~AiHiRe^tlc, rlea^a- West 370 .... 9<Inf. 2'cake«l .... CallfcMnla EvVTINU IIATBS-- A pound for only JlOc Nalioli ASI»AKAt;US TIES AND KNHS--Tln ................... .,'......... l(k Red « While Brand CAHIiOTS AND I'KA.S--Tin ............... lie IBmI & White Brand WHOUB KKIINKL COHN--Tin ...... :.......„ . .n c Bed & White Brand SOCKEYK .SALMON--So. !j tin ................ , ,2Ic B«-d & While Brand EEACHEH--. HalvH tY .Sliced. Tin ........... ... I5c WHITE BEANS--2 Iba. ................iSc NeiltMin'R COCOA--•/idb. tin ......19c WHOLE CLAMS--Nabob. .No. I tin ..................... '....,19c Bed & White UIBSTEB .MEAT-- I in 19c ̂ BEEF PORK LAMB • VEAL ' ■ All (»rade A & A1■I Delicatessen. Fresh Fish Daily LA B(;K oYSTEBS--Nabob. Bif tin .................................. FANCY PINK SALMON-- K.D.. No. I tin .................... 19c 19c Ited & White Brand Irradiated COFFEE^Mb. tin ................. .49c .Save the coupon.s for free fifts 2659 Marine Drive, / Mhrch 9th 1941. Editor, West Van. Sews. Dear S ir : > W hat would you think.of any one owning a perfectly good car, who drove to and from the city every day in a U-Drive car . Yet although we, the citizens of West Vancouver own a fleet of first class huse.s, three out of four prefer to pay their good money to an outside transporta tion company. , . Surely, if we have decided to , live in West Vancouver, even if ' we are not ta.xpayer.s, it i.s to our advantage to promote the iin- uncial intere.sts of the Munici- pality, as the services, which we may need, are (iependent on the financial condition of the di.s- trict. ' ^ The service .supplied by the Municipality is the equal, if not superior, to the opposition--ex cepting in one detail--namely, frequency of service, which will automatically lx? improved, as we justify it by our patronage. Wq hear many an appeal^ to our patriotism these days--well, ■ ' ' ■ like charity Service L U M B E R . Quality SASH & DOORS. SHINGLES, p l y w o o d s ; LATH PAINT. BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, ROOFING, WALLBOARD, TILE Agents: CANADA PAINT COMPANY LTD. WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. W D. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CLA SSIFIED ADS/ The rate for Classified Advertisem^nta ia 2 eenta per word, minimum 25 cents. ISxcept in the case of those having regular accounts, all classl- fieds arc piiyable strictly in advance. , / Bemcniber Classifieds in the West Van. Neva get immediate resulu. GORDON ROBSON -- Solicitor. 510 W. Hustings, Sey. 4199 at .West Vancouver any time by anoointment. West 403. , MARCEL SHOP -- T h erm iq u e^ t^^ Perm anents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phone W est 304, R.'iyal Bank Building PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271 Local Representative, F. Bayliss (Notary Public) 2*130 Bellevue Ave. West 522-R FOR RENT OR BALE - Good tone hand-made violins. Very old wnnH Satisfactory rei)airing. W. 1065-Ui.' FOR I'LOWING, clearing, or grading with small caterpiller, phone W. 17-Y. 1717A Bellevue Ave. H. A ROBERTS LTDl Complete Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive West 546 The ExJ'rel-O Club held its Shower first reunion dinner dn Thur.s- Thursday evening Miss (lay, March 6th, in David Spen- Winnie Gibson and Mi.ss Mary surely patriotism cer's (lining r(x>ni. The Telephone Thomson were co-h(>stess€8 at a shuold begin at honie. C'ompany colors, purple and gold, .miscellaneous shower at the Finally, the so o n er we make Were used, and the insignia of horne of the former in honor of the service pay', the sooner we the Telephone Company centred Mi.ss Haz<d Sangster whose mar- can expect lower fares. the table at which were seated riage will take place shortly Car- Yours truly, , '__ ■ • rying out a military theme the u ■ • • ■ ■ K. I. Sherriff- gifts were presented in a gaily E.XCAVATED EARTH may be dump ed in rear of Home Gas Station, 16th' and Marine. J. EDWARD SEARS. Barriater. Sol- icitor, 1405 Marine Drive: P h C West 21. or [West 653-R-l, FLOOR SURFACING--J. Sutherland. ■West 483 or North 578.■ CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. gliestspresident, honored and committee. Three hundred guests were present and xifter the' dinner a musical programme was given. The honored gue.sts w'ere Mrs. A. J..,Javk, Miss H, L. Montgdrp- Reynolds were the prize winners ery, Miss A. GiMmaii and Miss Refreshments were sen'ed D. Howiiixl. The president of the from a table in the centre of club is Mrs. G. Stanley Forrest, which was a beautifully decorat- The club was organized for the ed shower' cake. HANDY ANN SHOP--2242 Marine Ankle Sox, Wool, Embrciidery Sup- -- pHes;--Babies^--rHahd«Kpitted-r-Gar-- WESTERN WOODWORKERS-Store and house fixtures turning, glass, ' __glazing. W est 740. W est ___L ments, Notions, Chinaware. decorated drum'. " The raffle for the hamper of Throughout '*the e v e n i n g groceries put on by the local games were enjoyed by all. Mis.s Pro-Rec has been po.stponed un- Doris I^shbrook and Miss Lila til Friday, March 14th. FOR RE.NT--Attractive room, con veniently situated; also comfortable 'basement room. W. 770-R2. CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, ragg Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves' Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91 purp<>scvof-dohig..war- work. , Mr. and Mr.s. W. E, Sewell, 1410 20th Street; will celerbate the fifty-fifth anniversary of their wedding bn March' 17th- ONLY $3200 ON TERMS ' Modern home of, five rooms, large nook, sunroom and sleeping porch, on large corner lot, -with beautiful view; hardwood, floors. Modern, cab inet kitchen; sawdust heating. New ly , decorated. Nice, garden, lots of CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun- try way; guaranteed; brick and North 8 7 ^ !!; ...LThe--guests..were,-.-..Mesdames-,..T,hey-were -macried,-ia-L.o.ndon,___ frujt.tre€5,..shrub.s,-. etc A. Cromar. Bruce of West Bay who returned last w<;iek from the North Vancouver General Hos pital, is convalescing at his home and is ^making a. satisfactory progi-es.s towards recovery. .Sangster, Hartley, McCrum, Gib-. -.England.,- The Harmony Service Club will hold a St. Patrick'.s bridge- tea Tuesday. .March 18th. at 2 .'30 o'clcxrk at the new home of .Mrs. ,H. L. Coville, 2578 Ottawa Street. Mrs. Percy ShackletOn and Mrs. O. M_̂ Daigleish are the conveners. Proceeds to the Crip pled Children's Building Fund and philanthropic work. .son,, Thomson, AVilliamson, Foot. The Misses Lila Reynolds, Doris Lashbrook, April leaser; Doro thy Sangster, June MahafTey, Dorothy Sharman, Gladys Mc Nair, Mary Thomson,- Hazel Sang-ster and Winnie (jibson. Phone Mr. Falkner, W. 873-Y. ArE;~AUSTIN "&"COrLTD7 ALLEN RADIO SERVICE, 2558 •Mathers Ave. Phone W. 116. 20 ....years- experience ■ in radio, ■ rfepdirs',' __ installations-and-sales,-- ________ Flying Officer James Sinclair, M.P., R.C.A'.F., has been trans ferred to an advance training school a t Dauphin. Manitoba. T A B L E T E N N IS L E A G U E Young--Grimes Mi's. Alan Young has arrived in V'ancouver from Seattle- The former Mary Anne Grimes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. L; Grimes of Seattle, her marriage t oMr. Alan Young of V'ancou v er . son qi Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Young of 14th and Marine Drive, With last week's play complet ing, the league schedule, new teams become holders of the challenge cups competed for an nually'. In the F irs t Division, the West V'ancouver Lumber Com- pahy Trophy, in its third year of competition, h a s 'b ^ n wPn by the Dudes, while the Bev. Rhodes (Complete Noterial Services) All Forms of Documents Drawn and Executafd Reginald P. Blower, J.P., Notary Public ■ Real Elstate, General Insurance and Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD. 1405 Marine Drivê^̂^̂^̂ ̂ ̂ ̂̂ ̂̂ ' West Vancouver West 21 and 204-M GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, all risks, one policy, all locations. SE y, 4991 or W est 1065-Ll. , LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED ~ Special, machine; repairs, parts West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. SITUATION WANTED--Experienced. hopsekeeptr, good ' cook, practi- cal nurse. Box, West Van. News. PAPERHANGING. Painting. Kalso- mining,* first class,.work,.at reason able rates. H. Gaines; West 962-R. FOR SALE--M<ki;iary Stove, cream enamel with oil burners, $50. 2124. Mathers. RE-ROOPING--GENUINE DURGID Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof m e a s u ^ now; -free esti mates. R .B .C rip p s , West 88-R. F. V. Findlay. W est 1096-Rl. Mrs. J. C. Young, 14th and ^l^rine prive. returned last Sun- took place last week in the Puget G>taUenge T rophy^donated ! p t s> - ____ _i • • r .iJPil'Rnn nPf'̂ATTl̂ Ks t h'pl^und city. Mr{ Young, script yiiU 'r for CBR, is known to * i lJ .1̂ - .oi_.several day.s :-.radio,„H^teners--as--Master--of in beattle, where she attended Ceremonies on "The Stag Partv" the marriage of her-son,-Alan.- programme. A ttention S tliden ts! NIGHT CLASSES W ilP eliminate difficulties in your weak subjects FOR BOYS, GradesDAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL 1-12 W'est. 637-.M season, becomes the possession of the l^ g u e winning Nifties of the Second piyision. Pinal Standing F irst Division Teams: ̂ P W L T Fts. Dudes ............... 16 13 W ILL PA \ up to $4500 for 5 v^oom modern bungalow. Must have extra large living room. Will make good cash payment. W. 873-Y. w e s t VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light _ work, prompt service. West DUNDARAVEl--Two room suite, fire place, full kitchen privileges. Private entrance. Whytecliff 516. _GftRDON._ROBSON------- Barrister-A- Sohcitor, &10 W . Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t W est Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 403. W.V. Sizzlers „..16 10 Canadiens........--16 8 Maple Leafs --16 6 Sockeyes.... ...... x.16 ,0 16 0 The Big Seven Plavers: P J. Kddes (D) ..........84 L. Lefeaux (ML) ....66 „B. Trafford (C) ........94 TTFuIcher 3 0 26 4 2 22 6 2 18 8 2 14 0 HOUSEKEEPING ROOM, kitchenette (hot and cold water, oil burning range). Private entrance, Whytecliff 516. FOR RENT---Comf(Viable furnished cottage- on beach. West 398-R, ^I^V^CLES and Children's W'heel Goods a t very reasoriable' prices. Jones, 1439 Marine. New C.C»M. b icyc lesin stock. \V 69 53 72 82 80 77 t o r SALE!--G.E. Refrigerator,*^good ' condition. Cheap for cash. W. 563-L. «6--7o- 68 71 63 51 51 FOR Saw dust H ot W ater H eaters A great convenience in the spring and sum m er season . see h a l l f u e l CO. 1447 MARINE DRIV'E ̂ WEST 1091 ■ m : ' ' A TD) ........88 H. Wells (WVS) ......96 J. Lidster (WVS) ...,96 .60 L Feiker (D) ........94 48 G. MaeVean. ■ (C) ....90 46 Second Division Teams: P W L T Pts; Nifties .........20"-20 0 0 40 Sharpshooters ..20 12 6 2 26 Comets .............;20 9 8 3 21 Grizzlies .........20 '8 10 2 18 P e l^ in s ...............20 5 14 1 Roamers ............20 2 18 0 The Big Seven Players: P B. Hamilton (W) .. 84 F. Pepper (G) ..... 78 G. Bradley (N) ..... 78 "Jr^MastefnTaiT (S)"̂ 120" LOST--^Blue Lovebird. Reward. 59-Rl. IV. 4F Y.OUR PROPERTY is for sale, let Jl̂ p ksve particulars. Am revising lists fo r Spring selling; PERCY T. MASTERMAN 2446 Marine Drive, West 1077. Real Estate - Insurance - Notary - In- --como-Tax-^'̂ ternsr-made out. ~ TO R ^ T --̂ Unfurnished room with' kitchenette, good view, near-^ bus "and ferry. W. 179-L. L'DV'̂ ELY r o o m overlooking the sea, _ ^^oard optional; reasonable. Clachan. W. 604.. --24-in. drop frame boy's bicycle. Light and generator. Like new. W. 971-̂ R. .\NTED--Gifl for general house- sleep out. Phone IV. 747-Y."' BUSINESS LADY wants furnished suite or cottage. Bellevue district. Must be reasonable. Apply Box 61, West Van. News. W.A.NTED- 11 4 ■> , -Small house or cottage, fu rn ish ^ or unfurnished; reason- VV.: 236-Y. ■ '■able. Ta Our Many Patrons in West Vancouver Municipality We M iv e r every Tuesday and Friday Supplying FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLE and FRESH COT FLO W EI^ Satisfaction Guaranteed --' Your order wiU be greatly ai^reciated -- Please phone MArine 4551 or 4552 ' before 1 pan. P a rk v iew Produce Co. 874 Robson St., Vancouver, B.CL I. Pelman (P) ........118 J. (London (N) i.... ..114 J. Mitchell (S) ......120 W 72 66 .64 -86- % WANTED -- Covers for chesterfield and chair, second.hand. Wf. 254-M2. 86 85 82 72 f o r S.VLE -- Restmore single bed, nearly new, $21.00; library table (oak); walnut, finish table __chair, .Phone-W-.--7-38---L;-̂ ----^ easy. 81 73 76 69" 64 63 WANTED- FOR SALE -- 7 room fully modern . house on large lot 68 x 130. " The by^^^ room^ dining room and kitch en are ■ all large. There are three large bedrooms upstairs with cedar lined closets and. a smaller bedroom and den on the. main floor; also a laundry room. IJ'uIl basement and g()od garage. Price $3750. Easy term s. L ^ ^ ^ O N , WALKER & PRIDE Ŵ est 55 i1704 Slarine Drive . , T^Board and Room in nriv- ate family. Hfeip g^arden for ai'atio "small fomunerdtion. van. News. Box 2, West FOR SAXjE -- T̂wo 50xl32-ft. cleared lots. Cheap. 2!496 Mathers Ave. . \ s m o is REPORT Heax M rs. Steves, M.L.a . Reply to Dr. .W'eir ovjer CJOU FRIDAY', MARCH 14th - 7:15 • 7:45 p.m. OFFICE WORK -- Intelligent virl M^Jt^ll; not. L s e n t l l l i '; R i ' , pub:; ov GENERAL HAULIN^l--Manure; sep tic tanks and rockpits installed and cleanied. /Dump truck work. West ■ 187-R. ■ "I . a l m o s t NEW $67.50 model Goblin • ?or quick.al( $<L.o0. Lngli.sh eho<sf«vfinij j .; h a l v a ' s o h o s t e r f i e l d and ■ tna„, j;.,2.60. Fxtention table $22. Inhfid checker S45̂ M. ' tnblo, $17. West CYCLlSTS-^Have you#' bicycle- over hauled and painted now for the spring sdaspn. Guaranteed work- maftship. Fred Jones, 1439 Marine, W ̂ 712-M. iTte I i'. property ™ 1, . ' ro'.'e"'y owners ride Svs^m '•'roPsPortation , $2650.00 Large 4 room fully modem bunga low, cement basement and furnace,, Glorious view location in select dis trict. ' ' SHARPE REALTY W est 719