w i S T y J y i l i M ^ sMM SI'KCIAJ/POST KATES EX* TENDED TD H.5!. FOKCI*::S - - HKKVIN'4 ' OVEItSEAS-..^ V' i t I ■' P\i « ;; •I ; . '.: I ikIiI I j I ■'II , ■■ Is'v ( I >■ ■ " (U : u ?&■ f > "'i' { ̂ ̂L..W' ■ Hi i®r?3f*nf5v P i § . ■ r , ■■•■, :■ , i i i ; m ' v t<! . . ' l l1 # ■ a 1f}| -1:i) ' . postfiiasU'i- (i<*nM'al Willlann P. , -AIukjL'Ĵ . further-.faviUtwtw, the wndinr!^ <d' c'UiifurtH to our force,N /tfu-ond. 'I'hrouKh arruiijfe- nieiitH with the Dritinh ■ PoKtal uulhoritic.", all Hirf MujcHty'H ' forces .-rj vinr over,scan will now • la-netit from Du- special reduced Vale ui' ]2 cents a pound (woij^hl li/riil. II poimds) on parcoln mail ed to them fnan fanada, aecord- ifÛ to afi apiioipicenK-nt from the l*oKtmaster (ieneral today. i I'lie l'>w rate of 12 cents a pound (limit ol • \vidi?ht 11 • pounds) applies now on parotd.s ' for' ov<'rs<'as mailed from C an-. ada address<-d ,to the followin^r: Memhers of Hritisli, Canadian, Dominion o r o th e r Colonial tro(»ps serving in P«»ted KiiiKdom (>rdti j)Iaces outside the Unit<'d KiuKdorn. , Miunhers ol t)u! official Auxiliary Services in . Uat Unileil Kingdom. Members of the forces of Ceneral de Caiille serviiiK with the liritish forces in tin- United Kingdom. Mehihers of Uelgian, Polish and oU ier Allieal forces serving with tin; Itritish forces in the United Kingdom. . Members of the Can adian army on duty in, Iceland. Menibers,of tlie Canadian army _oji-d-u.ty-U;i ■ t li.e-W-.ea.l .1 n ^ 20 pounds)," Personnel of H.M. ships and Il.M.t.h ships abroad. Note: 'fbe rate oh parcels to nienibiu'.s ol tlie'(/aiiudiiui army on duly iii Newloundland is 10 cents a' fiotfiul (limit 2() pounds). ^ * , A JulSil#' i91 f/lC E " A. C. SBAKLK Pbone West » A » € 0 WiMMi, Coal, . ̂ Builders* SuppUes Scenes in West Vancouver I.O.D.E. NOTICE The Duncan Lawson Chapter send.s out another SOS this time f o r , two treadle sewing machines. Vyould you like to lend -y<>urs-for-wiii*-work-in-oui'̂ sew' Nurs<!s the above the sanu' for postal titled to • parcel-post attaelied to units of. forces are classecl in caU'gory as .soldiers puri)oses and are en- lie .re.spective special rate.- • ................. -- (OURESPONDENCE ing room? Have yOu neglected to bundle up that old leather for seamen's jackets? PJpase do it now. The need is greater than the supply. Phone West 638. . Miss Bessie Fry has knldly donated a beautiful water color paihting "View of Caulfeild," to the chapter's war work. ,Tickets are no won sale- "This 'year tKe" 21'st"ahni- "ver.saTy"of ~the "fbundi ng' of 'th e LIEUT. BROWN ON FLAGSHIP W. H. Porter has asked us to Mrs. Brown has heard - from state tha t he-did not^say he was - her husband, Lieut. Tom Brown, the mo.st, useful man in. West who is an officer on.the flagship Vancouver but that he was the of the home fleet, that Mr. Wins-, most useful man to the Cana- ton Churchilb inspected his ship, "diaTirGovernment^ir"VV^st^yTqi=--airivhfch'^me-~UTS7-Envoy"Hop-- doiiver, which is a very different kins was present as a guest. Mr. thing,--Editor. Churchill talked with a number of the officers, and Lieut. Tom • You're not going to oiTend mo by Brown had a friendly chat with coming to my door or ringing me on him. At a newsreel a t the Hol- The Doctor quickly when ■ *'0' ... you have a telephone * tho telephone and telling me that I've . lyburn Thea^e^ Mr. Churchill's gone oir half-cocked. I want your visit wag showii' on the screen honest criticism, and advice. I shall and Lieut. Brown was recogniz- weicome them.--Mayor Arthur J. Rea- ed by his friends here among tĥ g. umc, of Windsor, officers. _*J!Vou_Can_SeaJrhe -Dilf e r^ce! a ' 1288 22nd Street, , Ilollyburn, I March lU h , 1'941. Editor, West Van.' New.s. Dear Sir: V{'sf onlay ' morning a young lad (^aW^l1T*#n'i\(io(>r and ask ed. could he do' somo work for !i meal? 'rhere- was no .doubt fibout Ins being real hungry. He had a letter from an army of ficial to .say he had applied for enlistment, but was refused on account' of being underweight, but he could apply .again when his weight was regained. He said if he could get in the army lrc"Wnnld"sooir gain- \veight with regular meals. .The letter was written in a kindly lone with the object of Duncan Lawson Chapter, - 1.6. D.E. April 16th has been chosen to celebrate this occasion by a birthday abridge and tea, a t the home of " Mrs. P. Jenner, 2283 Lawson Avo. NELSONS L A U N 0 1 ^^ LTD, L A U N D E R E R & X JQ B Y ym ^ - DYERS C. C. FINNEY. IQCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782 BRITISH COLUMBIA - TELEPHONE e O r "I've just finished a law case against a man whose dog bit me." "Oh, really! How did you get on?" "Rotten. His lawyer proved that I bit the dog." ' helping the lad to obtain employ ment but the lad found it only obstacle, no employer-waiit- a half starved man. This;is )U5W thing. Surely Christian Canada can devise something better for its youth. Tom Rus.sell. an ed no CORUESPONDENCK Open letter to Reeve .1. Ed. Sears, West Muicouver, B.C. Dear Sir; As a properly owner on Law- son ('reek, I wish to thank you most sincerely for your valuable lielp in winning a ' satisfactory ending to the dispute over the water supply. •' Yours vcM-v truly. (Mrs.) G. M. Farley, NOTICE We shall he greatly ob- ' ligetl if any householder not receiving the West Van. News null kindly notify us, in order tha t the omission m ay be corrected. It is our, desire and endeavor to place a copy of our issue weekly in everyTiouse in the _ municipality .regardless _of,. whether a subscription is paid or not. The attention, of our readers to the above request will be appreciated.^ as it is the only way open to us of checking up on our deliveries. -- EDITOR. Compare What You Get For What You Pay! Check up the extra advantaged, at no extra cost, that Chevrolet brings you! Besides the features illustrated above there's a bigger, more beautiful Body by Fisher, of the same design and quality used on many higher- priced cars . . . There's a safety-increasing reinforced Unisteel Turret Top . . . an easier- action Tiptoe-Matic Clutch . . . and per- fected, full pressure Hydraulic Brakes . . . You get all . these features plus record C hevro let econom y, at low price in XCERTIFICQTF«' Chevroletfor '41, General Motors'No. 1 Carl lo t {JictiUi...rUJURX ... 7 sfiviNGsX J s e a t o w c H i McMillan motors ltd. CANADIAN-BUILT BY GENERAL MOTOISi 3rd and Lqiisd^^ n o r t h VANCOUVER &I04IB m l m i