. / \ \ SAVE TIME AND MONEY--BUY AT t h e s t o r e o f q u a l it y • Women's Cotton H«^o-- Z9e J-Tounllties' 3 good ahftdo^ JS t« >«'/*• ............. Hoyg' (Jolf Hose-- {feather Mixtures. to 10^,. Pair ....... Miss r. Hipley Lisle Hos©-- 69c .29c Wopen's nnii ChiWTOi*» Ankle ' S(M:Klh» White, Copeit« SnnA Yellow, Green. Site© 4Vi to lOy*. Pair 19c Womon'M and Al'isses* Teiry Ankle Ŝocjka*-- Green,- Copen, Turquoise, Uoa«, Red, Yellow and White. Sixes %Vt to 10 1̂. Pair ............25c 1578 MARINE DRIVE H. Pout Local and Persipnal Are you a renter or a property owner? Property - owners ride ̂ on the Municipal Transportation System. p a r a g o n r a d io s e r v ic e (J. CUNNINGHAM 2910 Marine Drive K. McMillan W est 1081 (All types of electrical appliances repaired) Free lilstimates Given Guaranteed Workmanship The Council have made a donation of $10.00 to the West Vancouver Braiich, B. C. S.P. C.A. ̂O'.. « tf.\- 1 ^ ' " ral services were held The regular meeting of the last Thuraday In the North Van- Mothers' Auxiliary to the 1st couver Chai»l of Harron Bros. Troop Scouts and Cubs (St. followed interm ent m Capi- Stephen's) will be held Thurs- tano View Cemeterj' for Herbert day, March 13th a t the home of Crawford, whose brother John Mrs. Davies, 1386 Gordon Ave. is a resident Cove.. . , of Fisherman's A son was born on February 26th a t the Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. ami Mrs. J. H. Mitchell, 2808 Bellevue Ave. . 4i 4i iti E. W. Munton^ of Brown and Montx)n spent the forepart of the on Vancouver Island on, business connected with the As sociated Radio Technicians of B.C.^ ■ " "You Can See The .Difference" NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDBBBRS . DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C. C . FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782 ̂ ^ was born to Mr. The next regular meeting of and Mrs. James Rattray ot 1849 the Rhoda Faulknor "Y" will bo nE squinialt Aye., on February held at the home of Mrs. J. N. \ 5%7th nf flip Vancouver General a..-27th a t the Hospital. Attentioii Builders! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY J /^ K , ASPHALT PREMIX. ROAD M A TER IA LS LIM IT E D Phone North 1141 ________ or A LF ELLIS, W est 923-L Mrs. Montague Furber, of Vernon Park, West Vancouver, was an informal Sunday tea hostess honoring Lieut.-Col. M. J. Francis, D.S.O., of Port Arthur, Col. W. J. Williams and Major A. B. Noble. Gillies, 1365 Clyde Ave., on Tuesday next, March 11th a t 8 p.m., when a special speaker will be present. All,young women interested are cordially invited to attend. CORRESPONDENCE March 4th, 1941. The Editor,. West Van. News, 2227 Lawson Ave., West Vancouver, B.C., March 3rd, 1941. B ritish Pacific Properties Ltd., Marine Building, Vancouver, B.C. Dear S irs: J t is w ith a great deal of Mr. and Mrs. Rutledge, 3283 Marine Drive, celebrated the 55th anniversary of "their wed- „ ding on Tuesday. They received The Rev. F. A., Ramsey, for congratulations from several of the past nine and a half years their old-thue friends.' rector of St. Stephen's and St. » - ♦ ♦ * Franois-in-the-W'Ood Churches, has been appointed to the Chap lain Service, Active Force of the Canadian Army, and has assum- «,e(jLhis duties with the Coast ^Brigade of Artillery. He will'of ficiate a t all services, on Sunday next. ' , ' '■'■■■ ' . have 2105 Dear S ir ;. _ . ---------------------- ---We-^ndose--heraWRht~X-QpL6.a__..letter-of--^fcoday-^s-4ate--which-con- of correspondence th a t hais pass- firing the verbal -information ^ between Reeve J. Edward g-iven to me last week.^.While I Mr. and Mrs. McManus moved into a i house at M arine'Drive.. ♦ * ♦ Engagement Mr. and Mrs: W. J. Graham,' 1114 Comox . Street, announce the engagement of their third daughter, Doreen Violet, to Mr. R obert: Edwin Kerrid'ge, onlyThe Lions Gate Riding and pleasure th a t I acknowledge your Polo Club war service prganiza- , son of Mrs. Kerridge, 3l56-Tra- tiom_inv-ites__lhe-- wivjes__and_*:v-ers-A-verrWest-V-aheouveis^ mothers of the men of the p e late G. S'. Ketridg^. T ^ wed- Sears and ourselves regarding not agree th a t the diversion Coast Blrigade (Van.), R.C.A., Lawson Creeek. As considerable of Yirater-from Lawson Creek as 'C.A.S.F. to attend a tea meet- public interest has been aroused sought by you would have done ing a t the Bessborough Armor^^ in this matter we shall be ex- no h ^ m to the garden owne tremely obliged if yoa can see along the-Greek below the point your way clear to publish these hf ' diversion I do appreciate your, courtesy in w ithdrawing yoiir application as requested by me.. I feel sure th a t all the ra te payers in W est Vancouver will respond to jTpur desire to work Manager, in harmony with the other prop e rty owners and th a t the fine Searchlight, Anti-A ircraft,; 15th . ding will take place_at the home letters. Yours truly, British Pacific Properties Ltd., P. Drummond Willoughby, ies,j>n Friday, March 7th, at 2 p.m. , '■ ■ V-, i(e' . :'4l. . Engagement Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Clement, 606 E ast 13th, N orth Vancou ver, announce the engagement of the bride,-on April 5th a t 8 :30 p.m. Honoring Mrs. A. Gaylw, her many friends\ met a t the home of Mrs. D. - Mitchell, Monday evening. During the evening games were played. Wh iJe re- freshm ehts were served a brace let was prsented to Mrs. Gaylor. March 3rd, 1941. spirit you have shown, in this Reeve J. Edward Sears, m atter will be appreciated not "Municipal Hall, only by the property owners West Vancouvw, B.C. along Lawson CJiv^k but by all With reference to your le tte r along the course o f the many ------------------- of February "11th, regarding stream s th a t help »to beautify C H A M B l^ OFjCOMM^^ of their daughter Kathleen Ivy Among those present were Mes- (Kitty) to Mr. Malcolm Stevens, dames A. Gaylor, R.-P. Blower, only son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. h . Collom, J.^Connell, S. F ra se r ,- Stevens, 2595 Nelson Ave., West Foote, E. S. Gamage, H. Harri- Lawson Creek, we have given this matter our careful con sideration. . We can assure you th a t it has ' never been our. intention to do anything that would in ju re the properties of W est Vancouver residents living in the vicinity of Lawson Creek, nor, in our opin ion, would the term s in which our license was to be issued' iier- this area. Yours t)mly, J. Edward Sears, Reeve. ;<V': Vancouver. . The wedding will J. L. Hughes, G. W. Kissick, take place.on March 22nd at 8 Metcalfe, D. Mitchell, G. L; p.m. in St. Stephen's Church, Hodgson, J. Sheasgreen, E. Sen- West Vancouver. " . tence, A. E. Wheelwright. ' Mrs.' A. Gaylor, her son and daughter, left for Montreal 'Feb ruary 27th, to join her husband.^ DRAMA FESTIVAL HOLD ELECTION OF OFFICERS - NORTH SHORE LADY LAURIER CLUB The regular monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held at Whytecliff Lodge, Horseshoe Bay, Wednesday next when an important business ses- mit of any, injury. ' ■, 'b e f o e a i ^ l election of officers ¥ '"7 e to .T ju n fo r" H i^ h 'school The fiow of w ater in L a w s o r - -¥ ^ '>l»ra a ^ Uv 4 h e ^ a i ^ ^ f f l | a -- - auditorium on- Thn rsd a j^ g n d - Creek-seldonu-ises-aboy«-a20,- D nve enlisted th e ir help in ey e r y j ie mber is requested to p rijay-evenings,-M arch 13-and ........... .............. .. ■ Transportation will be The West Vancouver High . , - , w . -1. School Dramatic group is busy ^ , , . X x i . S i o n W i l l be rounded ou t W i t h an . nrpnarinff for the Mr^^Cfolta February '" t m S t e m r r f S f s r w i l l Vancouver and , L W Mainland Drama Festival, to be held in canvassing. Miss Lulu Ray gave a talk on "Folk Festival." The Red Cross Auxiliary of the club now meets a t the home of Mrs. J. L. Hughes, . 1204 Esquimalt Ave. every Wednesday afternoon. 6th B.C. Se X SCOUTS AND WOLF CUB PACK 000 gallons in -summertime, ex cept after heavy ra in when the surplus water largely runs to ivaste, and we are s 'a tisfi^ th a t Aversion of th is surplus would lot, in fact,m ake any difference 0 the^water gardens along Law- ion Creek. ' • However, we realize th a t the >resent situation has • caused liarm among certain residents 'Ud as it is our d ^ i r e to do very thing in our power to main- ain cordial relationships w ith he Municipality and whenever '< î'ble to meet the wishes of ourself and your (Council, We jv̂ e in the circumstances decid- Q to accede to your request and ' ,------ 7" . ,, ave withdrawn our application T bf local branch of the Lana- 3y;he water license in question, dian Red Cross Society has made ours truly, . ̂ ■ arrangem ents with M|r. Horen British Pacific (Burrard Junk Co.), tO' make attend. ̂ provided, cars leaving 15th and Marine Drive at 6:15 p.m. Sup per will be served a t 7 o'clock, around Vancouver have entered the competition, Which is being held under the sponsorship of WOMAN'S AMBULANCE (jORPS I The regular m eetin g jo f the W.A.C. - J. , • XT_ Y • V eonic times as its ie.stival piece. March 3, 1941 m th e Legion Wilma Gerrie, Betty the Department of Education. The local school has chosen "The Spinster of Lushe," a fine comedy of manners of Napol- Bennett's BAKERY " HUTTEUCUUST m iEAl) SATURDAY SPECIAL ' Cream Ciiken 25c a dox. Scotch IhincakcM, Scones, Raisin, Apple. Mince l*ie« 15c each Delivered Every Day Wheal (ierm Bread 141)8 Mnriitc Dr. i'ltoiio W* 27 Hollyburn Theatre T llim S D A Y , FRIDAY AND SAT. MAT. March (Hli, 7lh ami 8lli VICTOR .lORY ANN SAYERS "The Light1)f Western Stars " "POP . , alao ALWAYS PAYS" SAT. EVE AND MONDAY Miwch HUi and "10th RONALD COLEMAN OINOER ROGERS "Lucky Partners " also ' "MOMENTS OF CHARM" TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY * M arch*nth and 12th 41AY MII.LAND : PATRICIA M ^U SO N W U N T ^ E D i L (Onc(i only at 8:15) also "THE LONG SHOT" N ellie H a rr is o n A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher o f Piano and Theory 1955 Inglewood Ave. W est 1056-L Burrard Laundry Ltd. w e ll k n o w n FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or W est 691L HOUSE PLANS Plans, Blue Prints, and Specifications for N.H.A. and Other Houses J. HUTCHISON W est 823-R SA W D U ST MILL & BUSH WOOD MANURE, GRAVEL TOP SOIL also -^BUZZING-W-QQD__ J. SMITH ------ Phone We.sfc 10C6-R A get-together evening for the mothers and fa thers of the above pack will be held a t the Claohan on Saturday evening, March 8th, a t 7 :45. SALVAGE COLLECTION -----Properties Ltd.,------- P. H. D. Willoughby, -̂---- ' - Manager; LADifeS' O W N H A T S Remodelled and Trimmed. 2946 VVest Park Lane Phone W est 196**R3 collections -auch_as rags, bottles, ;scrap iron, car batteries, radiators, kitchen utensils,'papeg (bundled), etc. The collector will value-your donation,'give a receipt, and the money will be turned in to the local -branch. For collection ot salvage and fu rth e r information, call the Red Cross Treasure Shop. West 1018. Hall. There was the usual rout ine' of business, signalling, A.R. P. lecture and drill. Sergeant Black conducted a route m arch to Ambleside Park, where he theii instructed individual mem bers to drill the corps. The unit would be g ra te fu l the donation of ^n old car or car- Wednesday, March 12. parts which could be wilized in j£ p^st performances of the the Motor Mechancs Course to school dramatic group-are ■be given in the near future. criterion, those attending Members special coming performance are as- notejihat the A.R.P. lecture will_gQ^ed- of-a-very jenjoyahIe_.ey_ent Robinson. Betty Kennedy, Vivi an Viau, Mary Wilson and Doro thy Harvey-Smith are working hard at .rehearsals" and costumes. This play, and "Imagination," a one-act play by Grade VII. pupils, will be presented locally a t the Inglewood Auditorium, on of s c r # "material; 7 :'30 p.m. Monday, March 10th. e x p e r t W a tc h a n d C lo d c - BEPAliONG T. CHRISTENSON : (formerly with B |rks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drire ing. For further particu lps watch advertisement .appearing in the next issue of this paper. TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD NOTICE ■ ■ 'd. . We shall be greatly ob liged if any householder not receiving, the West Van. News will kindly notify us, in order th a t the omission may be corrected. It is our desire and endeavor to place a copy of our issue weekl3T in every house in the municipality regardless of (v)vhether a subscription is paid or not. The attention of our readers to the above request will be appreciated.^ as it is the only way open to us of checking up on our deliveries. ^ , --e d it o r . ' The Red Cross Sewing Group will not meet Friday, March 7, but will resume m eetings ;^arch 14th a t the home of Mrs. Ost- rom, 1707 Esquimalt Ave. "W hat ^id your father die of ?" the doctor asked a negro ^who was being examined for life" insurance. "Ah don't know, boss," he rcjplied, "but it wasn't nothing serious." A.