«• |̂ >?̂ f̂â -'ÔX/̂ <̂J rCT ";̂ */ ■ ll̂Hi# I ( 1 f >: r ' :i|. !■: !l:r im If; !i.: ! ! - I -. r . r J : ' h i { r- £■■■; l#!i | f ? ; "■'.i' 5 I "! ;■ '4 r ri. Ik , ■ ;■ 'A i- ' f* . ■•S ir.;: K a(fWi 'i r?'i? 1̂ " i M A WEST VAN. UNITED CHUECH Cor. «UJ & Eoqafniiat A m **»*■ .' 3053 Fulton Avenue Phone West 244.fi dumJay Servleee; 11a.m. A 7:ft0p.m. Stranif«r« and Vialtore are wefeom# M alvern Cate 1513 Marine Drive Ilrt*okfa»t», Dinners, Lunches, Teas (.'utering: for Private Parties W. Nicholson, PropV. Tel. W. 010 B A m S T CaUECB '. - SmiAajr - S«qri«»i 10:00 a.m.--.Church School In* eluding Adult Class 11 a.m. A 7:30 p.m.<~Preaching A hearty welcome to. all WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Range RepaDa, Sawdust Darners, Phone West 80 DR. G. D. H. S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Rny Day Dlock, 14th and Marine Dr. OlTico Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Kvonings by appointment. ■ ;ono W est 72 HOLLYBDRlf HALL 14th and Duchess Friday, March 7th Hoys' and Girls' mooting, il- luslrutod by luntorn slidos. . .Sj)oukor, Mr. McKerruchor. I Sunday, March 9th 9:50 a.m., Sunday School. 7 p.m., pray^,.m eeting. 7:15 p.m., a ^ g service. 7:.'j0 p.m., Gospel meeting. . Speaker, Evangelist L .' Brough, of Yakima, .Washington. Tuesday, March 11th K p.m.. Go»pel meeting. Speaker, Evangelist L. Brough, of Yakima. Washington. /* ' 1 ■ ■ All are welcome to these meetings. WEST VAKCpUVEB Chriiitian SciencIv<-, OT!;-':ii'nw awflpr WPf SpTniT'V -. ̂ -i .~w ^ Society CHURCH EDIFICE This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church Tlie Ffrat Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday, March 9th |!l!l I# UnJ JCinû A « ' uMAN ♦» Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:15'p.m. The public is cordially in- vlted to attend our services and m eetings. McNeU & McCoe TEE REXALL STORE 1402 Marine Drive "•■We r̂VaneottVfr Phone Weet 528 ■?». I(*lf 'll* Ambleside Phinnacy ' Phone W est 323 1401 Marine Drive , , W est Vancouver, a c . THE WEST VANCOUVEl^ HIGH SCHOOL PRESENTS "1MAGO4AT10N** **THE SPINSTER OF LUSHE" W EDNESDAY, MARCH 12th, at 7:90 p.m. Inglewood Auditorium'^' Admission 25c and 10c ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC k - CHUnCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. , Rev. Fathf^r Van^ '^afitor DR. McRAE D E N T I S formerly of 706 Medical-Dental I Building , Ilburs: 9 to <i------Evenings by appointment. IH50 Marino Drive W est 432 THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue Eatahlished on North., Shore 26 Years (Lady Assistant) liARRON BROS. LTD. jfuiteral iircctocs HoIIyburn Funeral Home ---- --18th-and-Mttrine - \ ' West 134 _ North Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors" 65 Tohth Avenue East Phone Foir. 134 Sunday, Miirch 9th I I a.m.--Rev. Bryce H. Wallace, M.A.-, ' B.D., Belmont Ave. Church, Victoria, B.C. Soloist, Miss Irene Martin. 7:30 p.m.--Rev. W. Evans Ful lerton, Prince George. Soloists, Quartette. Monday, 8:15--Young People's meeting. Fellowship Group in charge. Leader, Mr. Bud Tea- roe, Wedne.sday, 10 a.m;'--Red Cross J ln it-o f l.heLchurch. will meet. Sunday Services Low Maas -- 8:15 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Class--2:00 Pallia Week-day Services Mass -- 8,a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction ■ V '7:46.' ' ■ Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 to 8:30 p.m." To Our Mang Patrons in lVes^ Vancouver Municipalitg Wo Deliver every Tuesday and Friday Supplying FRESH FRUITS and, VEGETABLES and FRESH CUT FLOWERS Satisfaction Guaranteed -- Your o r ^ r will be greatly appreciated -- Please phone MArine 4551 or 4552 before 1 p.m. Parkview Produce Go. 874 Robson St., Vancouver, B.C. CHURCHES OF CHRIST " SCIENTIST and continue all day. 8 p.m. '-- Prayer and, Bible . study. s ___ ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector SPECIAL Sawdust ................ Dry Slobs .....;......35.00 per cord inside Fir:-- from ahwi ,„..,..86.00 per cord from mill ... ...46.50 per cord Slabs with Bark 84.007per cord . SIub.s & Edgings $3.75 per cord FRITAM'S FUEL Phono North 620 ___V e r n o n FEED STORE A. G. SEA RLE Phono W est 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, " ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders* Supplies Sunday, March 9th 8 a.m.--Holy Communion." 11 a.m .--Matins and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--^Evensong and Ser mon. Wednesday, 10:15 a.m. -- Holy Con^union. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Lenten Ser- / vice. Preacher, The Very Rev. C. E. McAllister, Dean of Spo- kanee, Wash., U.S.A. BAPTIST CHURCH 1344 Gordon. Ave. FUEL SUPPLIES SI.ABS and EDGINGS $3 per cord Inside 4"ir, $5.50 per cord Phone day or night NORTH 1581 Sunday, March 9 th 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11-a.m.--^Rev. H. G. Estabrook. 7 :30 p.m. -- Rev. H. G. Esta^ brook. Monday, 8 p.m.--A hearty in vitation is extended to all young people to attend. ' Tuesday, 10 a,m. to 4 p.m.--Red Cross. Wednesday, 7 :45 p.m.--^Prayer and Bible Reading. Thursday, 8 p.m.--̂ h o i r pracr. tice. _ ■' ■ "MAN" will be the subject of .the Lesson - Serfnon^ in all -^Churehes-ofTCI^liri^tT-S.eient-sV Sunday. The Golden Text is: "Beloved, -now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is" (1 John 3:2) . Among the citationis which comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: "Every good g ift and every per fect g ift is from above, and com- eth down from the F ather 0;f lights, with whom is no variable^-' ness,' neither shadow of tu rn ing" (James 1:17). The Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the following passage from the Christian Science, text- ■ book, "Science and Health with Key'to the Scriptures," by Mary" ' Baker Eddy; "Man and woman as coexistent and eternal with God ̂forever reflect, in glorified ■ quality, ..the infinite Father- Mother God." FRANK WILLIAMS Teacher of Violin for Beginners and Advanced Pupils For appointment-- (Call mornings) W. 364-R2 ON iNY MAKE BROWN. & MUNTON 1542 MARINE DRIVE WEST S6S >IiMi)1>crH A.R.T. nr ,6.0. W.C.T.U. The monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held on Thurs day-the 13th March a t 2:15 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. N. Gillies, 1365 Clyde. The special sp ^ k e r will be Mrs. Bpyer, Provincial Supt. of S.T.I. The soloist is Mrs. W. Humphreys. , Visitors and friends will be m ade, wel come. FUELS Dry Kindling and Inside Fir Coal, Topsoil S. LOWRIE Phone W est 256-Y Ladies* H ats Remodelled using own goods MISS COLLIE 2I 46 W e^ Park Lane 196-R3 E xtra Special Fir Slabs an d Inside F ir, mixed € 0 HA cord , C .O .D .^ ^ = P h o n e n o r t h 8 6 LO.D.E. "Last night, dad, I dreamed you gave mo a ahilling." "W<.'I1, you've boon a good boy, ij:y son. You can keep it." WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch " Services: Sunday School, 9:45. Sunday Services -- 11 t.m . and 7 :30 p.m. * Wednesday--^Prayer and Fellow ship, 7 :30. ' The Maroh meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter, 1:0. D.E. was held a t the home of Mrs. J, Hamilton-Smith, 1488, Gordon-Ave. -Thejregeht,- Mrs ̂ W-.-Bi Small BEYOID SHiDOW on BOCBT... Kenworth Clipper, buses which' serve North Shore people, are the smoothest, surest, safest buses ever perfected fpr passenger safety and comfort. West Van News Publiahcd Every Thursday Publisher F. F. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 _ Business , and. Editorial - O ffice 1.704 Marine Drire Phone W esr55 ~ North Vancouver Office: 133 Lonsdale Ave. . UNITY METAPHYSICAL CENTRE (Non-Sectarian) of Vancouver, B. C. West Vancouver S i^ ic e , Friday evening a t 8:15 o'clbclr' To be held at Shangri-La 2435 Marine Drive Speaker, Mrs. J.' Conway Jones.I * \ Subject, "The Law of Vision." Monday Afternoon Study Class, 3 o'clock U nity Literature for sale a t "a llt im e s at Quaint Gift .Shop, . 2435 Marine Drive 11.00 a year by carrier: $2.00 a year by mail Are you a ren ter or a property owner? Property owners ride on the Municipal Transportation System. was in the chair. . A heavy agenda of war work was discussed. Conveners and committees were appointed to handle the different branches of this work. A beautiful water, color of a Gaulfeild scene, donat- ed by W. B. Manning' of Rich mond Arts, is to be raffled by ' the chapter. The regent was appointed dele-. gate to the Provincial annual meeting to be held April 22, 23 and 24 in Hotel Vancouver. ̂ J. R. Mitchell, - principal of West Vancouver High School, wrote, thanking the chapter for the practical interest shown dur ing the past year. As a representative of the chapter, Mrs. W. Gourlay gave an interesting account of the ; maiden trip of West Vancouver's new bus Ijieet. , ^The April meeting will be held a t ^ ^ o m e of Mrs. H. Ostrom. 170'7 E sq u in ^ t Ave., Itfonday, April 7 a t 1 :45 p.m. Officers take imibe: A meeting of the executive has been called jfor Monday^March 10th, a t the home of the^regent a t 2:15 p,m. , , " ■' •X'. s ? v1 in the morning until the next morning a steady round "-service, .to and from Vancouver is in effect, with a great many additional trips added during rush hours. Careful, courteous drivers, most pf them North Shore residents, see you get super service. Daily inspection of all buses ^ guarantees perfect safety. Arm-chair comfort insures relaxation after the day's work. " . . , It costs no more, to avail yourself of these advantages. Ride with us and smile.