West Vancoofer Tennis Club A N N U A L M EETING St. Stephen*s Purish Hull FRIDAY. MARCH 7th, 8 p.m. j All Members and Prospective Members Invited >•1 Local and - Personal PARAGON RADIO SERVICE (J. CUNNINGHAM 2910 Marine Drive K. McMil l a n • West 1081 t,, (All types of electrical appliances repaired) Guaranteed WorkmanshipFree Estimates Given jpiddes* Jr. Fairlesli)i Vancouver enCerpinie(i iNooently f t Nortb Vancouver General to honor Miss Marjorie Manson. Hospital on Feb. 18,1941, a son. Miss Eva Hodge presided at the Lanny Clare.. urns at a table centred with ..r ^ w r. pear blossoms and green Itobin Bell-Irving, of tapers, and othdr guests included West Vancouver was a tea host- Mrs. James Manson, Miss Vera ess Tuesday honoring her niece, Locke, Mrs. P. Guthrie, Mrs. Miss Marjorie Manson, whose James Millar, Mrs. J. Harvey, wedding to Mr. George Weld will Mrs. Harry Peai'son, Mrs. Arth- take place in March. ur Hai-per, Mrs. Rodney Brown, * *. ♦ Mrs. Carl Dickie, Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Garland Ellis, of 186G Bellevue Ave;, have Mrs, Bruce Mackedie, Mrs. taken up residence in their new William Btott, Miss Fredena An- Benuett's BAK£RY BUTIKHCRUST H i t E A D saW rda*y Crcum Xukcu 25c s doi. Scotch R aisin , Ihmcukcs, Scones, Apple. Mince I'ics 15c each Delivered Every Day Sllctsl Wruppcd Broad 14(58 Marino Dr. Phono W. 27 home, 2397 Lawson Ave. M illinery LADIES' O W N H A T S Remodelled and Trimmed. 2946 West Park Lane Phone West I96.'Ri,3, BRIDGE PARTY . A delightful bridge party was given Fi-iday, February 21st, by Mrs. Oxley and the Misses Ful- ton ̂at their home on Marine Drive,_ a t which there was large attendance. The engagement is announced of Miss, Mary Hazel Sangster, eldest daughter of Mrs. Sangster and the late Harold Ross Sang- derson. Miss Betty JLord, Miss Dorothy Coombes, Miss Betli Wright and Miss Ethel and Miss Anna Hulbert. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Chest- ster, 2332 Ha>wood Ave., to who havp been a Private Arthur Pickering, R.C. visiting Mr. cfiester's mother, ) O.C. C.A.S.C. eldest son of Mr. Mrs. Pamphilon M. Vancouver,/ and Mrs. A. Pickering of Ingle- . ®vemng for the])/ EX-TEL-0 CLUB It was in aid of a wool fund ton Ave.', Vanc#ouver. The wed- were"fhen In n : A'Vlnil'̂ IrVni Vk «««« Ji ^ ̂i? ...._ ... ..." . . .Tu. . ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ̂ I*^hich. enables hundreds of gar- ding will' take place' quietly on "j? several pccasioAs of The Bx-Tel-0 Club are,holding ments knitted by the ladies of March 16th their annual re-uni'on'dinner in the community to be sent direct '♦ David Spencer's dining room, to Great Britain for the unfOrt- Thursday, March 6th at 7 p.jn. unate victims of bombing. All'telephone .operators are^ in-. The generosity and hard work vited to attend and those wish- of all in West .Vancouver, in- ing tickets can obtain isame by, eluding ̂ the school children, in telephoning Mrs. Rattenberry, giving their time and-efforts, can BAy. 6406-R or fr^om Mr. Palm- not be too highly praised, er, secretary, of the Legion Hall, I f everyone keeps on, there 85B Seymour Street, Vancouvov. can and 'Will be only *one'answer ---------------------- to the terrible danger that threatens us---the effort and sac rifice will be rewarded with a Albert Masterman, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Masteiman, 2337 Nelson Ave., has returned from St. Paul's Hospital where he was a patient for several weeks and Mys. F. Murphy, 19th and Marine Dflrivp, who is a sister of Mr. Chester. / Kelly--Bemadine A quiet wedding was ^lem- nized in the cha^T of the Van couver barracks of the New Holiyburn Theatre ANDTHURSDAY, FRIDAY SAT M AH' ,Feb. 27th, 28th, March Kst " Flight Angels" nl.Mo 'CROSS COUNTRY ROMANCE' A .story .similar to "It Hanponod One Night." and "THE DRUMS OF FU MANCHU" .SAT. FVI'3 AND MONDAY March .lot and JJrd WEST VAN. BOYS' The regular meeting of the peaceful and happy world for all West Vancouver Boys' Band . It is keenly realized by all Auxiliary will be held on Wed- taking part in. this work that we , . . . nesday, March 5th at 2:30 p.m. owe much to the heroic conduct parties prior to her is now-convalescing at his home. Westminster overseas regim e^ t»r ,1.. * t.r 'll I. , . . Tuesday, February 11,. when Mr. Walter Waddell who is in Mrs. Kathleen Bernadine, eldest camp at loco spent the week-end daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank at his home, 2386 Haywood Ave. Crook, Wadhurst Road, Edmon- "' * * ton, was united in marriage to Mrs. John S. Campbell of Ta ̂ Pte.-Walter Kelly. The regiment- coma, the former Helen Corzette ; al chaplain. Rev. (^orge Turpin, of Vancouver, was entertained was the officiating clergyman. Given in man*iage by M̂^ in the lunch room of the Pauline of our fellow countrymen in the marriage. Miss Margaret Mayn- Leonard Miller, the bride was---I-- r. ̂ ,.-^.= 1--A-i 1 i . >4*-- ,--1-̂ .----- .-- --̂r - "ard'was'hosteBS'atTrlinen'shower attired~i,n~a~TRyudk'e bl ue~^TT7dhnsbrrSchool ÂH: mothers of B riti^-w ar zones and that it is band boys are asked to come. our privilege,, as well as duty, • The annual meeting was held to d'O' Whatever we can to help last month and the new officers them ,and, also to encourage the for 1941 are as follows: Presir marvellous flighting forces who at her home in West Vancouver, semble with a corsage of orchid.s while Miss Thelma York and worn on her fur jacket. She was Miss Eva Maynard were co-host- attended by Miss Margaret Kin- esses atdinner in the Vancouver ninm'ont, while the best man was "The Boys from ' . Syracuse " alHO ".SWING WITH BING" with Bing CroHby . and "CIIRI.STMAS UNDER FIRE" Nowh and Cartoon TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY March '1th and 5th " Those Were The Days "/ (Once only at ,8:15) "al.so "DR. CHRISTIAN MEETS THE WOMAN" , , with Jean Hcraholt, Dorothy Lovett dM, Mrs. Wm. M, Thompson; are nisking their lives in defence Hotel Miss Edith Fee and Miss Mr. Stanley Vey. Vice-President, Mrs. Lester Tay- of Canada and the whole British Marjorie. Robins were also co-■ After a reception at the home ler; Secretary, Mrs. J. H. Hall; Empire. Treasurer, Mrs. A. H. Jones; Sick Convener, Mrs;- A.^Rippoii'; Press, Mrs. P. E. Trussell; So- 'cial Clonveners, Mrs. Cyr, Mrs. Dowling, Mrs. Swanson. ifN vi^AR SAVINGS SHOW OVER CBC FEB. 28 hostesses at the home of the of the bride in West Vancouver former when they held a person- Pte. and Mrs. Kelly left for̂ . a al show% for Mrs.;'Campbell short honeymoon. WEST VAN. TEAMS WIN JOHN W. DAFOE TO SPEAK ON CBC's "CANADIANS ALL" SERIES British Columbia will contrib ute several items during the GBC's "Panorama" broadcast, West Vancouver High School studentsscoredadoubl^basket- sSedliled" for ball victory oyer Powell Riverscheduled for Friday, ^ ^ « r y Saturday night. F®?®"! ' """Shter of Mrs. B | l which Canada's war-effort from Tommy Rippon scored 15 ®®" ® '*'® *""^® ®̂ ' Of wide interest was the wedding which took placfe on Saturday in H o l y Trinity Church, decorated with spring flowers, .when Patricia Mabel Nellie Harrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory 1955 Inglewood Ave. West 1056-L \ r\ T T- 1 • X which Canada s war-effort trom ' -lominy ivippon scoreu lo .ri/>î j!+ Denman White of whose claim to Angles will be presented points to lead the West Vanebu- ^ Bransbv White that title is perhaps, as strong .to the public for consideration, ver boys m a 40-32 victory over . ^^^nsoy vynite, as* any living man's,- will, speak for the Dominion on CBC's "Can-' adians AU" programme, Wednes day, March 5 at 6:30 p.m. PST.' The Icelandic Canadians will be presented in - this second pro- gramme of the series. . John Dafoe, for 40 years -This is Broadcasts No. 4-in the present War Savings Drive of the Dominion Government. Bill 'Webster, thirty-year-old mill worker, will explain his work in a spruce mill, as will Jock the :P_owell River squad, shorty handed with their stars, Stan Richardson and Gordie Hughes, ill with measles. Three West Vancouver girls, Gloria Stamatis, K. Ward and Peggy Milner, scored 10 points each as their team defeiated theMelvillO, an angle ironsmith in a rree Press, is-the dean of Can adian journalists. He is also a member of the Rowell-Sirois commission,, the. Chancellor of the University of Manitoba and Melville will tell briefly his job in building corvettes, latest fighting craft of the Royal Can adian Navy. LEGION W.A. NOTES An average CanadianT wording possibly the most distinguished -'man with a wife'and two cfhild- A whist drive is to be held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Childs, 1756 Argyle Ave., . on Friday, 2353 Jefferson Ave., West Van couver .i-The ceremony Vyas per- formed by R ^ N. D. B. Lar- month. Given in marriage by her uncle, A. P. Moore, the bride chose white satin for her gown, which was fashioned . with a basque bodice, buttoned to the waist, and the shirred skirt wid ening into a brief train. A halo of white lace held a long veil, and she carried white lilies and freesia. . •*- Her sister, Miss Doris Carty, M. A. TAYLOR Beautician 1520 Marine Dr. Come in and have...... t ■ your hair styled by Miss Hearst. Phone W. 828 / student of'Brifeh cW tttuttonal ren will set forth the reason he " '^^28th"'a^^ 8 «m'*"]ytoke ' "'■T ® " " P®?"5 ??'®practice in - th -e -E m p ire .-^ g n d e r^ h a s_ ^ ^ g ^ ~ p a ^ ^ iY a lw ^ o _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m- ae ed a e a. er his,editorship, the Winnipeg Free the Federal Government in the ^ ^ pleasant evening. Press'achieved distinction as a current can^aign for w p say- J ' . ̂ : r powerful advocate of Dominion ings funds. This speaker has yet Status, .and manV of hi.<? to be selected._____ _̂_________ 5al objectives in this regard are Chairman of the British Col- ___ ______ embodied in the Statute of West- umbia. division,. ()hris Spencer, gj.Q^ing rapidly, which is ,very The Canadian Legion' W.A. held their usual meeting on Mon day with a large turnout, of rnem'bers. The • membership is minster. He represented the will give a report on the progress Canadian Press at the Versailles of the campaign in this province, m ce Conference in 1920, and The millworker aiid angle has attended many Imperial Cqn-, ironsmith will broadcast direct terences. - from their .respective plants. endouraging. All are welcome to the W.A. meetings. I.O.D.E. were pink and blue spring blossoms, and her tiny hat a Marj ̂ Queen of Scots model Mf. James Chapman was best man and ushers were Mr. Robert Lemon and[ Mr. Douglas John ston. ' ' f A reception was held in the home of the , bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Moore, West 14th, where the bride's mother, wearing a beaded en- Burrard Laundry Ltd. w e l l k n o w n FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L Used leather jackets, coats,sem ble with velvet hat, was as gloves, cushion tops, etc. are sisted in receiving the guests, by urgently requested by the Dun- the groorn's mother, who.se black can Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E.. triple sheer jacket-dress was This iWther is made into jackets 'worn with a large, hat. for the boys 'of the navy and the' After a honeymoon on Van- mine sweepers. Those brave boys couver * Island, Mr. and , Mrs,, of the soa who face their duty in White will reside in Victoi^ia. all kinds of weather, keeping The bride travelled, in a rose Britain's life Idi® open. Sixty of beige dressmaker suit with wine these jackets have been cdmplet- accessories, topped with a seal HOUSE PLANS Plans, Blue Prints, and Specifications for N.H.A. and Other Houses .1. HUTCHISON W w t 823-B ed by a small group of,workers; more groups are needs! Tf^u -can work in your own_home-and a t your own time. Materials and in structions for making , will be furnished by the chapter. - If you are interested: and .feel you would like to help kindly phone Mrs. J. W. Lang, W. 82 or Mrs. H. B. Gray, W. 770rR. c<>at. E X P E R T . W atch and Clock REPAIRING t. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal). 1S22 Marine Drive SAWDUST MILL & BUSH WOOD MANURE, GRAVEL GENERAL HAULING also. BUZZING WOOD J. SMITH Cor, Eleventh and Mathers Phone West 1006-R Are you a renter or a properly owner? Proiierty owners ride on the Municipal Transportation System. '.V tU J ) \\ ; I. i