xl. r : liliSi'tIr February 27th, 1941. WORLD I>AV OF FEAYBR $ f f ' i ^ r •t*,' r r -fi .̂1; I ' imismsm"■Co";'-4̂7 *v t̂r<; '•̂ \̂ Y„ ji ?f AH women are asked to join in the hour of interce«»ion to bo "Held in St. Stephen's Church on W day, February 28th, at 2:30 |!)#llflf During the whole day, women all round the world are meeting in this service of prayer. Let UH make our link in the chain firm and sure. SOTVEDT WINS jfOMFINO CROWN Denis Nelson was the best o t .bbing 10 PLANT CERTIFIED SEED POl'A'rOKS I 'D GET BEST RESULTS ( 'fhere is far too much disease and poor quality in the table potato crop of Canada to please either the consumer or the pro ducer, stateH John Tuoker, Plant Protection Division, Dominion Department of Agriculture?. One big mistake the table potato grower sometimes makes is to think' that any potatoes of good appearance will make good seed tubers. That is not the case, for apparent soundness of the tubers constitutes no guaranty of freedom from disease, for po tatoes may carry virus diseases which cannot be recognized in the tuber but which neverthe less seriously affect the yield and quality of the crop. The only way to be sure of seed that is prac tically free of the.se troubles is to buy oertillcd seed. Certified seed are potatoes that., , have been grown, expressly , for . seed purposes. They are of good type, from vigorous plants and . are true to variety. They have been inspc*cted during the grow ing .season for diseases, andijnusi conform to definite .seed .stand ards, both in the field arid after ries official recognition of seed ^br-^such-secd Three of the Northwest's vet- ' .eran ski riders gathered major honors In the Red Cross" ski- jumping tournament on Holly- burn Ridge Sunday. Henry Sotvedt, Vancouver Ski Club ace, won the "A" class com petition by combining llawless style with leaps of 83 feet for a point total of 210.1. Hjarlam Hvam, the "Portland Express" from Portland, placed second with 205.2. He turned in jumps of 84 and 83 feet, but lost out on form to the stylish Sot- , vedt. Ole Tvei'dal of Seattle Ski Club, took third spot with 203.8. T h ^ s e .seasoned competitors found the small trestle very handy and proceeded to give the younger lads a few pointer.s. healthy margin, grabbing more, points (194.2) than Paul Strom, another Vancouver Ski Club skier. Russ White of the HoHybum Pacifio White, came down from the trestle with t̂ nlrd place. Doug Marwick, a Tyee, was fourth. Skiers and spectators, nuin- bering over 1000, stood with b^red heads in a minute's silence in memory of Erling Jorgensen Norwegian flyer, who was killed in a flying accident here Friday. Jorgensen was to have comiieled Sunday and his name appeared on the programme with the A. ciass jumpers. Commander 0. Rinimlap and two of Erling's comrades of the Royal Norwegian Naval Air Force here were on the moun- a U E E N G IV E S H E R N A M E T O F U N D F O R A I R R A ID and no other type of label car ries oflcial recognition of seed potatoes. If the official tag is not on every container the po- totoes should not be accepted as certified seed. When buying seed it is the buyer's privilege, if he pays more than regular table stock prices, to demand the of ficial tag? otherwise he may get only table potatoes withHPio reli able assurance whatever that they are free from virus dis eases. il •5* I Be«id« the Point Defence lawyer--"̂But how could this man be guilty of^forgery, when he can't even lyrit'e his own nam e?"' Proflocutor--"Sir, the prisoner Is not " charged - with--writing his own name. Best,of,the "B" division lads was stocky Adolph Dahl, Seattle Ski Club boy, who n'osed out Bill Irwin and Bill Robinson. Dahl was credited with 199.9 points, just a*fraction more than lm1iirwlrilFtlT(rPriircetoi^ ist was a point up on Robinson. Art Johnson, .Pacific North west "champion, was down to fourth place in the "A" division, a n d Karl Baaksvik, former Olympic skier, competing in his first tournament this year, fin ished fifth. The" "A" class fight was so close that less than 10 points separated the first six men. Juniors aiid "C" class per formers turned in some of the classiest-efforts of the day. The ■junior dompetition was won by Roy Farrell, from Revelstoke. He.made two fine, jumps of 74 and 75 feet to n'ose out a Revel stoke boy, Ernie Gniffith. Grif fith's longest hop-was 79 feet, blit he lacked Farrelfs technique. Larry Bruin finished third. tain during the ceremony and tournament. - George Garrish, Viskie presi dent, figures they took in $485 at the gates Sunday without counting advance s.ales. '^GBi'tie~Wepsala7~iineen-of7the- tournament, became a little flustered when Alderman Grey- ell announced that she was going to jump. Dr. G. M. Weir and Mrs. Weir, who'accepted committee chair manships for the meet, 'were on hand, as were- several others, ia- cluding Reeve Edward Sears of West Vancouver and ex-Reeve Joe Leyland. Lindsay Loutet and Mrs. Loutet (nee Tess Mur- by) made their first appearance on" the mountain as man and wife. . ■ . 'This noisy modern world of ours must be very trying to old- fashi'oned ghosts," rernarks a writer. Some of the poor things -Can -hardly--hear . themselves shriek. l '4 l i i m -- T i Mr; N. T ustin M iss R . M. B lair Mr. I. T. M eglaughliri who a re nioving into B. C. Elec tide's new W est V ancouver hom e this week, - The Queen, who Is repeatedly^ braving danger to bring consolar"' tlon to victims of air raids in Great Britain, has granted the use of her name to a fund to 1^ raised on a nation-wide basis in Canada to assist those "in the front line" in Britain who have suffered from air raids. This will be known as the Queen's. Canadian Fund for Air Raid Victims. The Queen's Canadian Fund, organized w i t h Government authority, will serve as a na tional framework for local funds throughout the country, many of which have started spontan eously in recent weeks. 'The na tional appeal will be formally in- , augurated early in April. The Qq.een's Canadian Fund, whose headquarters are at 231 St. James' St. West, Montreal, Will operate in Great Britain through the Lord Mayor's Na tional Air Raid Distress Fund, is supported by newspapers throughout Canada, with a com- It is supported by newspapers 000, and will be operated through the newspapers only, except in sofar as local organizers desire to make their own arrangements. Subscription lists' will be open ed at all branches of the Royal Trust Company and some of the , daily newspapers and national ; week-end newspapers will also collect funds in their own locali ties. . Shopping m faster and easier when you have a Wholesome aAd^VeUcirous t U C K V fQ ni o/ the World's- really ftni; beers COAST BREWERIES LTD, ' Vancouver • Nevv Westminster ■ Victoria. l̂-s is a^veiaisement is not ijublisherl or displayed by the -Liquor ̂ C Board or by- the Government_ of British Columbia. - BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. NOTICE While the Editor is tempor arily a patient in the'N orth Van- couver General Hospital.^ M Lovegrove arid the printers and friends with what little assist ance the Editor cari give them, are continuirig the publication of the West Van. News. Will therefore; secretaries of organi zations and those having social items, kindly send them in as early as possible. As far as she is able, Mrs. Lovegrove will call on advertisers as usual. All those who usually phone in advertise ments on Wednesday mornings to W. 363 are asked to 'kindly do so on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon, a s . Mrs. Lovegrove will be out on the business of the; paper on Wednesday morning. Cement Navvy Jack Sand Crushed Rock Brick Lime Drain Tiles Concrete TEAROE Sc SONS 1427 Marine Drive West 84 A ttention Builders! SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT PREMIX. ROAD MATERIALS URfltED Bhone North 1141 or ALF ELLIS, West S23-L ."You Can- See ;The -Difference". NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDERBRS -D R Y c l e a n e r s C. C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE ̂ "Phone 782 -I.