WKST VAN MEWS K b ra a ry "ffftlirW ll SUCCESSFUL EVENT Tile ent«rtainment given by the Musicians' Sewing Group at St Stephen's Church Hall last FVkiay was a great success. The hair was to capacity' with an enthusiastic audience. The play written by Miss Beryl Gray for the occasion was well jierformed and directed. During the interval, Mrs. W. B Small spoke briefly on the activities of various West Van couver groups engaged in refu gee work. The drawing for the tapestry uicture was also held in the in terval, the lucky ticket being No. 118. Selections of national airs were given by the choir and orchestra the audience joining heartily in tile choruses. Joe*̂ Leyland led the oom- munity singing arid made a most efficient master of ceremonies. A f f i . PRO-REC NEWS Canada's greatest mass de monstration of fitness the B.C. Pro-Rec Display, will be held this year on Tuesday, April 8, a t the Hastings Perk Exhibition, For um, according to word received today from Prp-Reo headquart ers. Pro-Rec members in t h e eighty-odd centres throughout the province are preparing their work now for the mass display which will climax the seventh ■ season of trie Recreation Cent res' activity. Although rio' com petitive events for women will be staged, the nien's gymnastic championships will pncC again be run off, on the preceding even ing, April 7. . /Di.e_jmass_disp_layLjyjlLJb_e_Jj^ 3 T ^ C . - i as AT HOME Feli.2>8 and Mar. 1 LIGHTING DEMONSTRATION the joint charge <of • Mrsi Hilda ,M. Keatley and Jerry Mathison, menil^rs of the Pro-Rec Execu tive Board and provincial chief instructors. Ticket sales will be commenced in the near future. We're "At Home" in our nevF store next Friday and ^ tu rd a y --J come in and help us celebrate the opening, and inaugurate a niew* period of public service in West Vancouver. You're invited to drop in any time . . . our staff will be glad to take you on. a i^rsonal tour of W est Vancouver's newest store!--show you the fine display of ranges and refrigerators--answer any of your questions. There'll be a home Ughtin|f expert on hand to discuss any lighting problems you may have^ and explain the new lighting principles/ to yOu. A special display of portable lamps will occupy one section <)fe-the showroom, and emphasize these new trends in Bettor Lighf for Better Sight. Thrae'U A lw ays be An England COOKING DEMONSTRATION STORE OPEN TILL 9 O'CLOCK I- General Contractor for the B. C. Electric Building' W . T inney BUILDER and CONTRACTOR Telephone W est 322■ H.. ' .V177 20th Street ---West-Vancou ver- w. . t - • ' • _ . 0 , . ' ' , « The staff, augmented b y , staff members from our Granville. St. Store, will demonstrate table appliances of all kinds and a spwiaU Home Service Advisor will be glad to .answer any of your questions on cooking problems and kitchen planning. Come any time of the day-^both days--stay as long as you like!) Drop in on your-wny to_the show . . . the store will be open until, 9 o'clock both evenings, and we're looking forward to seeing you there, and as often ns possible in Uio future. ■X V 1624 Marine I d } i C S l j t £ t u e ^ STORES ^ West 101 Lucky is the bride who-mar ries the best man at her . wed dings--^ ----rrf------------ "There's a man to see you, sir.}f > "I'm busy. Tell him to take a James had_ obtained a position as a butler and become very friendly with the other servants of the house. It isn't the slightest use - ing to feed a pelican on odd -Hscrapsy^r^marked a" zoologist. That "doesn't'fit" the-^bill-at all. chair." "He has, sir. He's taken them all, and the table as well, and he's moving out the big desk now. ^He's from ~the~~hire~^~urch~ase company." "In my last place I used to take things fairly easily," he said. "Weli, it's different here," exclaim ed one of the servants. "They k e ^ - everything. Iocked_up,.l! -̂--------------- THE STORE FIXTURES r- MANUFACTURED AND INSTALLED BY The W estern W oodworkers W. 740 Residence phone W. 137 1488 Clyde Ave. ROSS A. LORT, M.R.A.I.C. H. H. SIMMONDS, M.R.A.I.C. ARCHITECTS 340 Burrard St., Vancouver, B.C. MAr. 3436 Plum liing - Installed by Garrod &. Nelson 2460 M arine Drive W est 226 M U N IC IPA L S T A T IS T IC S ..16Jdiles.LENGTH OF SHORE-LINE ON-BNGLISH-BAY AND-HOWB SOUND-- ^ _............. ;...................... ' ........_____________ _______________ ...32 Square Miles ^ ----------TT^r^^^-S-WSSiiii^Iifri#fgT2-kh-d^isT'ic M y ^ o w ^ br'Natiu^-as^^ of Greater V a^ u ver. Mumcipal ferries connect X ? te t e ^ S '" ^ t™ a n ^ r e r t^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ h i& y _ -y ia ,tb e Lions' Gate Bridge, North Vancouver Ferxdes andJhe ^econd 'ww> . vv _AŴ IliallTAlv TAfll HDTlfjHl. Aat reg^ar intervals with-^ancouver^^ there ̂also bring alte^ate routes ̂by-mô uor̂ i»̂ ^̂ ^̂ IocaJ«on at thf foot of pine covered hills tend tomake permanent homes. The Municipality has many churches; modern public whools, .and miles of water and the beautiful and thousands Hollyburn Ridge.