s»w»ns'*' - -■'•» • ^ </'f , i I ■ĵmm *B?r̂"5-'-flA"=W'̂ k? "iT'« ■i-:V . * w m r VAN. t iN tm emritcH C«r. t in t A £t(|tili»«l| A m . . . t m m u r n A m m jPiiiHlt W t#| *44*E Stiiul»r S«f;jrle«ft iliuiii«A tiSO |i.». B A r r t i t m v n m SiiiMUl/BfrrIcf# 10;(K) «.tti,>>Ctittreb Seb«K»l in*' ' disdlns' Adult ̂ Clsss n «.m. A 7:30 A hearty welcome to all I J l i HI-;! Gwendolgn Beautv Shoppe Phone Weet 117 For liKAUTY EFFICIENCY and COMFOItT 'IVy our now MuchinloHa Per- muhont W uve~ TadoU" Stoumod In a bath of oil. HOLLYBDRII HALL ' 14th e»d Duchewa Friday. Fd>. 28. 7:16 p.m. Hoy«' and Girls' mooting, il lustrated with lantern views. Speaker, Mr. T. A. Hay from the Island of Formusa, Japan. 'eMMNt ' #!<**«> MM Adults are invited to this rneeting. ;il: i D R, G. D, H, S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S, DENTIST X-Ray Hay Block, 14th and Marine Dr. Office Hours 9 to 6 p.tart. Evenings by appointment Phono West 72 j Sunday, March 2nd !»:50 a.m.--"Sunday School. 7:15 p.m.--Sprig Service. 7:30 p.m.--Gospel Service. Speaker, Mr. Beaumont. Tuesday, March 4th 8 p.m. Prayer and Ministry. Spei^ker, Mr. J, Y. M. Aitkcn. WKST VANCOUVEB CitristijUî Science Socie^ CHURCH EDIFICE '■20lh"'*ilid'*Ki<lttiBiitt'*" He4IylMiv»« Thlf Society is * Branch of The Mother Church The Firat Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts ^ t t ^ a y Service: U:30 sum. Sunday, F e b ru a ry 23rd SUBJECT: "MIND*♦. 4< Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. „ Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. . The public is cordially In vited to attend our aervices and meetings. H-1#D .iH* SAVE"nMB; ANp:lziONE¥.i-B# i«r 'M n im " g W i l j j e W ^ A e * a | t 'T A i ' ' 't> |< v WOOL FOR KNITHNO ALL T Y P m OF GARMENTS STAR G to --White and €<d«»ra. ' 2-niiaMee«'aktIm-Eadt 40e PURPLE HEATHER--Plain and Mixiurea. Ounce skejna. 2 for ....35c BEEHIVE--3-ply. Plain and Mix- turea. Ounce skeins. Each BEEHIVE -- Non-shrink Baby Wool. White, pink. BkyV̂ Ounce akeins. Each 1578 MAKINE:t)RlVE Ounce balhs. Bach DUNKIKK-F« K»Mii Ov««M C«rm*»|s. N « y . kh.ki. * r . j , a? Force blue- 4-o*. balls. Each ROYAL FINGEIiING-20 coio™2 balls for ................ Knitting Needles and kAutinr Books " Miss P. Ripley H. Pout ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F, A. Ramsey, Rector McNeil & McCue THE REXALL STORE 1402 Marine Drive West Vancouver. Phone West 528 Ambleside Pharmacy. Phone West 323 1401 Marine Drive«■ , West Vancouver, B.C. 'i -■>■ DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly of 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 9 to 6 -- Evenings by appointment. 1860 Marine Drive West 432 If i j "II'f '1 I r r I I iJ; U'-'- Established on North Shore 26 Years . (Lady Assistant) HARRON BROS. LTD. )fu n rea l f i i r rc to rs ni- i-V;."'* 1-. ;•i #wm&i: |;H h i TUollybum Funeral Home 18th "and Marine, West 134 North! Vancouver Parlors 122 West Sixth Street Phone North 134 Vancouver Parlors ■ 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Fair, 134 BAPTIST CHURCH 1344 Gordon Ave. Sunday, March 2 10 a.m;i--Sunday School. 11 ii.m.--Rev. Eatabrobk. 7:30 p.m.--Rev. T. B. McDor- mand. Monday, 8 p.m.--Young, People's meeting. ' ' Tue.sday, 10 a.m ̂ to 4 p.m.--Red Cross. Wednesday, '7:45 p.m.--J^ayer . and, Bible Reading. Sunday, March 2 8 a.m.i--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Holy Communion and Sermon. 7:80. p.m.--Evensong and Ser mon." Monday, 8 p.m.^-Church Com mittee, Inglewood S.S., Wednesday, 10:15 a.m. -- Holy Communion. Thursday, 8 p.m.--Lenten Ser vice., Preacher, Very Rev. H. Spencer Elliott," Victoria. St, Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 3 p.m.--Evensong and Sermon. , To Our Manff Patrons in West Vancouver Municipality Wc'Deliver every Tuesday and Friday ' Supplying FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES and FRESH CUT FLOWERS Satisfaction Guaranteed -- Your order will be greatly ̂ appreciated -- 'Please phone IVfArine 4551 or 4552 before 1 p,m. . ' . P ark view Produce Co, 874 Robson St., Variebuver, B.C. - CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue :SuifdiiyrMKr^lr2 11 a.m.--Rev. V(. E. Galloway, B.A., Grandview Church. Mix ed quartette. 7:30 p.m,--Rev. Dr. J. G. Brown, principal of Uni^n College. Soloist, Mrs. C<olin MacLean. At this service the Women's Christian Temperance Uni,on will attend in a body. Mbnday, 8:15 p.m.--Young Peo- , "CHRIST JES^yS" will be the subject of the .Le.sson-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text is : "Unto us ■%*Chrrld"is~bornT~UTito" US"ar"Son- is given . . . Of the increase of , HORACE. TROWSSE PASSES His government and peace there ____ LECTURE ON GIBRALTER by The R ev . A n d rew Rtfdden at the United'Churchy W est Vaheopyer on W EDNESDAY. f^arcH 5th, ,at 8 p.m.. Admission. 25c. Last rites for j Horace Trowsse, 78, of 1545 Ea^t Tenth, Vancou- I I •1 ■} > ^ i p l mir SPECIAL Sawdust ............... D ry S la b s ........: .. . . |6 .0 0 p e r c o rd in .side F i r : -- from shed : ....16.00 per cord froth mill ...;....$6.60 per cord Slabs with Burk $4.00 per cord Slabs & Edgings t3.76 D*>r cord ____^^_PRITAM'8_FU E L ______ P h o n e N o r th 620 ; t*- i ii-rt t Vy. ■W. m Ilfs hI8 M'-l iHI ir .1 cl : ism VERNON FEED STORE i l WMS- A. C. SEA RLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Tidilders* Supplies " shall .be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His Kingd'om, to order it, and to establish it , j- j • oi. with judgment and with justice Shaughnessy. from henceforth ever for (Bver" Mi"l'Ary Hospital on y;Monday,̂ (Isaiah 9:6, 7). were held Wednesd'ay at 1:30 Among thi^ citations^ which- with I^y* J. ,W. M^yin «f- ......______ r--,-- _____ * __ comprise the Lesson-Serfnon is delating. Burial took place, in the- pie's meeting. Citizen Group the;^following from the Bible: Returned Soldiers' Plot, Mdun- in \:harge. Leader, Douglas "Behold, the days come, saith View Cemetery. i . Colquhoun. " the Lord, that I will raise unto Born- in Quebec, Mr: Trowsse Wednesday, 10 a-.m.--^̂ Red. Gross .. David a righteous- Branch, and had lived here for 28 years. He Unit, of the church meet and a King shall reign and prosper, served overseas during the Great continue all day. ' ' and shall execute judgment and War as a sergeant with the 89th. At 8 p.m. Rev. Andrew Rod- justice in the earth" (Jer. 23 :5)"̂. Battalion, dan of First United Church j The Lesson-Sermon also in- He survived by a brother will give his illustrated lecture eludes the following passage Henry, in Quebec; a nephew d ' from the Christian Science text- W. Trosse, of -Vancouver and a booki^-Science and Health with n iecb -^sv^^Ir^affer^bM Key,to the Scriptures" by Mary Vancouver. ' ' ' - Baker Eddy: "Jesus was the ____________ highest, human concept of. the perfect man. He was inseparable from Christ, the Messiah,-- t̂he divine idea of God outside the flesh. This enabled Jesus to de monstrate His control over mat ter." Mrs., F. Warren, 2423 King's Ave.,, has .moved to .2596 Marine Drive, '. LaBicis* Hats Remodelled using ;own goods' m s s COLXIE ' 2946 West Park Lane W e s t 196 -R 3 'on "Gibraltar" dn the chdreh. ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH ^ 28rd &_ Inglewood Ave. Rev. Father Van ' C astor FUELS Dry Kindling and Inside Fir Coal, T̂ ppsoil S. LOWRIE Phone W^t 256-Y TOCH Sunday Services Low Mass -- 8:16 a.m. High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benedictioii -- 7:45 p.m. Catechism and Bible Glass--2 ;00 p.m. jWeeltBay-Seryices STILL ROLLING ALONG From this date the general meeting of Toe H will be feld dm the 1st and 3rd Wednesday'-in each month in place of Tuesday as heretofore. E:Ktra Sp^ial Fir S lab s and ^ Inside F ir, mixed {O^QO 1.0 ,0 ..cord , C. P h o n e N o r t h 8 6 The flour ^milling industry of Cand:da has a capacity to prc^ duce whatever flour may be ,'i - J ̂ ^ Wml9SSM m J I /;■ !>i; y ... SLABS and EDGINGS $3 per. cord Inside Fir, $5.50 per cord Phone day or night NORTH 1581 Mass -- 8 a.m. Fridays--Rosary, Benediction 7:45. Satuidays -- Confessions: 7:30 to~8:30 p.m. _________ needed to satisfy the demands of the war. Even if the industry worked only at 75 per cent, of Its capacity,, over 27,000,000 bar- rels of flour per annum could be -Fulton : Avenue, HOLLYBURN, B ic. II WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 26th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch Services: , Sunday School, 9:46. Sunday Services -- 11 r,.m. and 7 :30 p.m. produced. This would allow for an export of 17,000,000 barrels every year, a figure several mil lions above the average export. p p i l P i i wmmmMsm: W e s t Vein N e w s EXPORT SHIPMENTS OF EGGS TO THE U.K. In 1940 a total of 10,677,300 dozen eggs were exported from Wednesday-r-PrAyer and Fellow- Canada to the United Kingdom. LENT + 7941 THURSDAY EVENING SERVICES ' * 8:00 pan. 2 7 th -- The Rev. J . p . Dinvle ar. Very Rev. Siwncer E lllo lt, O.D Mar iath TV®"vM ar. 1 3 th ~ T h e Very Rev. C. E. M cAllister. D.D„ Litt.D , Spokane. Wash., U-.SA. M an 20th-- T h ^ . ,^ v . A., H a ilin g P riest, M j\ ., B J) Publlahed Every Thursday Sffi m I * Publisher, F. P. LOVEGROVE ------ Phone-WesL363----- Business and Editorial Office; 1704 Medne. Drive Phone West 55 i p ^ s p North Vancouver. Office: T23 Lonsdale . Areu UNITY METAPHYSICAL CENTRE (Non-Sectarian) of 'Vancouver, B.C. West Vancouver Service, Friday evening at 8:15 o'clock ---- To be held at Sl^ngri-La -- _____.24S5_Marine -Drive Speaker," Rev: TTCbnway Jones." Subject;" "l i i e ' Secret Place." Monday Afternoon Study Glass, 3 o'clock Unity TJfpraUire for sale at Exports from each province were - in the order of quantity, as fol lows: Ontario, 5,001,270 dozen; vManitoba, 1,563,900 dozen; Sas^ katchewan, 1,272,600 dozen; British Columbia,-l,()53,27i) doz en; Quebec, 839,040 dozen; Al berta, 819.720 dozen; Prince Ed-' ward Island, , 120,000 dozen, and -NovarScotiar 7,500-ddzeh: None was shipped from the Province -of--New--Brunswickr^ Mar. 2 7 th -^ 1 ^ ^ Very Rev. d 5>„ Apr.v;. 3rd-rr"The■'Rt ■ Rev"' "C"""*'""""e.'W'""' ns.u Sejeton, D.D., A o r iO»K B .C . Thom pson, B A ., RJ>., S t. M a rtin s Church, N or.^ Vancouver, B.C. C onfirm ation , 7 .3 0 p a n ., M a rc h 1 6 th . / S U N D A y ' ^ E R V ^ E ^ ^ S - _aan. --4Hol y C o m m u n io n .HOLY WEric iAn^v V 7.30 pan.(A p ril 7 - 1 0 ) : 10 :1S a .m ., H o ly C om SiunioP . GOOD F R ID A Y (A p ril n t h ) ; . lo5?n -- f****̂ *"®**'® Service. " _________________ Service. --------------------------------------------- 8 on P Jn .-- " W a tc h H our.'* 8 .0 0 p .m ,-- C a n ta ta : S ta in e r 's " e r u c i . fix ion .". . --̂ 1 w Avi# aife o ....... _.TheJl940 export shipments of . eggs , were the largest made from Canada for many years. EAST.ER DAY (April »3 th ); E v S ii^ « ? " v ^ ® ®7m; 11 a.m .7;3Qvpmi. Are you a renter or a ppoperty GOOD Caulfeild s.45 aon,. Holy Cumpamiion. -3^00-̂ . - Even5o;^ i j ♦1.00 a year by carrior; |2.00 s year I by mail all times at Quaint Gift Shop, 2435 Marine Drive owner? Property owners ride oh the Municiiml Transportation System. The Rev. A . Ram sey. L .S .T - . li|> ■ V .. -J