Burin.» ,1704 HlMrto* WWW ■ ^ "'** 'p ifM S f'tW 8t;'»#^~ '■......... : , . . , - ' .........................y . . , ^ ............ » . «. , > •■ ..■ ■ Circulatins in this D istrict of WesFVancouver-^Ambleside, Hdllyhurn, Weston, $1.00 per ye«r. ' Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, ^Etc, Publisher F. P. LOVEGKOVE Dundarave 6c per oopy. HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. EEBRUARY 27th. 1941 / BRITISB-ISBAEL The regfular Monday eveningf meeting at 25th and Marine Vol* " ' c o m p l e t e d .............................. i ranid Drive as usual. An interesting Keeping' step witn f P evening is promised and you are ffi-owth of West Vancouver, B.C. tordially invited. Prayer the last day of Febru- meeting on Thursday evenings moves into new, at 8 o'clock.* to be able to offer be> ----------------------- more efficient service to its that date they move 1m old stoi* which, they K occupied for *•>? p a u y e ^ ..-msq the street to a lw«e building, specially designed to meet their ne^S. . The new store is a t 16th a„d Marine. Drive with 56 foot LEOION NOTES ' \ (vN 1 '< •■1 '4 I r; 1 o'.'.. COMMENTS OF COtfNCILLOU RAY It gives me great pleasure to see that the operation of our new bus schedule will commence on March 3rd, after an unex pected and unavoidable delay caused by the late delivery of the Ford buses, said delay because of prevailing war conditions. No doubt our citizens will be very glad to receive this news and commence to enjoy their travel ling between the City of Vancou ver and our beautiful munici pality . in the new luxurious •buses. Judging from the sub- NEW IMPROVED BUS SERVICE Marine'Drive wiin ow Aill ex-service men, their , fmntage on Marine Dr»ve and friends and members of the buses. Judging ftrom the sub- running 81 feet back along 16th. ^re asked to keep in mind stantial increased ̂ Pa^onage The spacious corner store is to ^ picture show to- since January 1st, 1941, when ifncc^unied shortly .by Ray's ^ . the two new buses joined the Mark^^ ̂ ^ service I feel confident that the S t e c t Ross.Lort, the,new t o q W YOUR LOCAL, : , citizens' support .of their own hnUfiniK is designed.^ tp add , KINSMEN............- : -, system, will continue to increase d S y . to West Vancouver's .During the next few days the and justify this : progressive "hoDoing area With the view to of the West. Vancouver venture. , . it still being in good taste in Kinsiheh Club will have the hon- The success of^^e tranpoita- i r to com e. Of white stucco. K " h8in n n a numWr of local tion system of thS . West Van ? ..Miu local ft., hon^'^that they couver Municipality will not onl; and display pieces.. urounu 2. Tp better acquaint tne mem- ~windows~affbrd--ad^uatp--rwm--ib̂ |>g=-nirith~their'dfellow-citizensrr-- for displays and give the store Thin* club, while supporting " Spacious, airy .appearance, 4.̂ ,̂ mav Affnrf. one hundred per for displays ana give ^ne Thin club, while supporuiig The a spacious, airy appearance, war effort.one hundred per well as the F e a t u r i n g ranges, refrigerators, «ent. W1 finds time.for local portation I^partment, a^^ lamiis and electrical appHances, gej-viJ. ̂work and will, within the in8 in I T Meglaiighliri will i^hiain in _a. K«.innr t.o the every endeavor t^. serve the in- vice versa, aiiu stm i-nc delightful sea trip at a low rate. K. A. RAY, Teacher: *'And where is the dot over the 'i'?" .Small Boy: "Please, teacher, the^hi any ,.̂ ,i^ugges-: ™ ̂ connection with the Ooening at\nine.Jpiiihe «iw „ -Al>^^iatioh"^ d '̂ i=hanks.,:.tp^4F^^l^^jP^®^^ in g ^ S y ? 28, the t h ^ e W h a v e so generously new store will remam open untd; turned S b in a tio n Uoket, by which the siturday! m^uai^r S 'm L r fn e Ind.are in d ^ a fi« sr " 5 « K » - e s s s s t i s r s ^ ~ merited sales staff will *>« on - suitable magazmca for hand to take care of the large pose are asked to kindly phone crowd and to assist in the num- TVest 84 and they will be picked erous Hghtinrand homd service dp and forwar^d demonstratfons which will be Give-the xhildren a Kinsmen conducted. . ' . • stamp : ^ e r - very attr^tive Main reason for the B X J . Elec- and a big inducement for the i. . '1 j," - v.;n>4iror iTiAr- IfiHdies to savo. .____ ^ric building this bigger, 'P®̂ - nanent store in West Va^coi^ ^er, is the great growth' Which, his community has oxpenencea n the last ten' years - and es- )ecially in the last three years. 599 new connections were made )y the B.C. E l^ tric into new lomes in 1940, ■ which brought -he total number of .electrical Connections in West Vancouver ip to 2680. 639 homes are now :6oking on electric ranges in the iommunityrThese^fignres-ahpw m unprecedented jump, due only ;o the great numiber of home- guilders who are realizing m greater numbers each wonderful, natural possibilities which West VancJouver has to Dffer. 1 Moiifiay» March 3rd, 1941 will mark another milestone in the history of West Vancouver's own transportation system, for on that day the long awaited morn ing and evening rush hour bus schedule is to be established be tween West Bay and the City. Buses will leave West Bay at 6 :45 a.m. and every half hour until 8:45 a.m., from Ambleside 7 a.m. and every half hour, until 9 a.m., then hourly until 4 p.m. From 4 to 7 p.m. every half hour and 7 to 12 midnight every hour. From the City the half hour ser vice will start at 3:45 p.m. ̂ and continue until 6 ;45 p.m. and then every hour until 12:45 a.ni. (midnight). - The history of West Vancou ver Municipal Ferries and Bus System is well known to the old timers, but for the benefit of new residents it may be of interest to state that had it not been for the foresight of early adminis trators in establishing their own transportation system. West Vancouver could never have de veloped to the extent it had, be fore the building of J i r s t Nar- rpws-Bridfee.- ̂A- great-.deal_of.tM_ credit belongs to John Lawson and the late W. C. Thompson, who established the first ferry service in 1910, and in 1916 a bus servce between 25th Street^ and Ambleside wharf was started to take care of the growing popula tion a t Dundarave. The munici pal bus and ferry, system, from the first ferry with a comple ment of 30 passengers, andi a seven-passenger touring car, for a bus, gradually grew to an or ganization in 1938, ^ r ry in g Mg 037,000 passengers and a statt. of 40 employees. The building of First Narrows Bridge has brought about vast changees in the matter of trans^ portation between the City and; West Vancouver, and while there w a t i lF a large-number who-pre-j- fer to continue to use our fer ries, and we hope they will in crease with additional p^opula- tion, we 'also wish every success to the increase^ bus service. ̂ I.O.D.E. COMING EVEN'l'S lYiday, March 7th at 8 p.ih.. annual' mcHHing of West Van- couver Tennis Club at SI. Steph en's Parish Hall. •* The regular monthly meetiii]^, of the Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E. will be held on Monday, March 3, at 1:45 p.m. at the home of Mrs. J. Hamilton S.mith, T4S8"Gordon-Ave:------- ----- ■ C. E. MERRIMAN PASSES After a lingering illness, Charles Edwin Merriman pasBed away February 21kt, in hfs C2ml year. He was lute of Daw«6n, Y.T. Ho leaves to mourn his loss two brothers, William, with whom he resided at 2112 Miith- ers Ave., West Vancouver, and. ' John, Fidinburgh, Scotland; one sister, Mrs. J. Sabiston, Sieii- . ness,, Orkney, Scotland. Funoral' 'services Tuesday, February 25th. at 3 o'clock from the Hollyburn Funoral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., 18th and ,Marine Drive., West Vaneouver. Rev. William Stott officiated, followed by cre mation. f Are you a renter or a properly owner? Properly owners ride on the Municipal'Transportation System. THE BEAVEREITE CLUB The Beaverette Club has. great pleasure in announciiife that over 1,500 garments have\ now been ^sjuRPlld to Great 'Bri^iin. We wish to thank ail tho.se who have so kindly donated gar ments, etc., but again want to. bring to the notice of the peo ple of West Vancouver the dire need of used clothing to be sent overseas. The need of sWcos is one of the main problemB so please look and .see whether those shoes can't be sent overseas. It has come to our notice that rumors have been spread, to the effect that m'oney only and not clothing is needed in Britain, ̂ Anyone giving this minor;.any thought will easily realize that the use of money 'is no use if the shops and warehou.ses hoiis- ing materials have been destroy ed During the next month the -Caravan donated by-an aaony- mous American to the Business Girls Donor Club, for collecting bundles for Britain, will appear in West Vancouver. Anyone wishing to donate to the tjWb any clothing or wishing further particulars, need only to phone W. 649-L, Miss Hall, 14(>J Esquimalt Ave., West Vancou ver. ANNUAL MEETING WEST VANCOUVER TENNIS CLUB _ The annual meeting of the- JL lie Llt*l ■■■ ■ V* A »Cl ■ -7.-- ■„ k J ® " the,pains m m . members are invited to at tend. EA.VE WEST BAY-- EAVE AM BLESIDE- V a0 couver to V ancouver W eek Daya o n ly 7.00 7.30 8.00 8.30 WSOr r T> nyr p M P M P M. P-M. p .m . P,M. B.M. P.M. P.M. P'M. P.M. 1 ^ . -, A A i: a ;m .A A I , A J f . A . ^ lAVE VANCOUVER-- 7 3AVE AMBLESIDE-- - - - - ^ , WSO: Wednesdays and Saturdays Only P.M. P.M. ,46 1246 ,00 1.00 ;a v e w e s t b a y M AVE AMBLBSIDE-^^ VANCOUVER-- AVE AMBLESlDE-r- A.M. A.M. A .M .-A Ji 8.45 9.45 9.00 10.00 A.M. A.Mi 9.45 10.46 TfOniO ILOO gifttdaya aiid P M pi® .' P.M. P.M. P.M. P . ^ P..M. P.M. P.M. P^M ̂ i0 ^ 5 .11.45^ i g x ^ 1 " ^ 10:00 ILOO 12.00; MR. BLACK RETIRES FROM FUEL BUSINESS Edwhrd Black wishe.s If) an nounce his retirement from the fuel business he has conducted in West Vancouver for the past 21 years. He wishes also to take this opportunity to express his sincere thanks to the customers whd patronized his business for many years and also the many new people it has been his pleasure to serve during West Vancouver's growth, also. to the-^WesrVancouver telephone^ operators have given such wonderfulservice.----------------- - When a girl calls a man "l^mb it means she's going to pull the w.OoLover his eyes,