J'VUIVi- U B fi-u .V Business and Editorial OfAce: 1704 Marina Drive '■ .....^ * A W eekly-He wspaper Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-*-Amblesieie, Holly burn, Weston, $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc, * Publisher Phono West 8 ^4. ■■ ■ ■.■■■' ..* -s-M> .. . Dundarave 6c per copy, HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 20th. 1941 No. 45 IWMWMwngn WIWWWWWI mem ■ p HAMUER o p c o m m e r c e t o ^" s p o n s o r c l e a n u p ^ CAMPAIGN Following a ^̂ S*'?** served at the Highlands Cafe iilst Wednesday, which was well ttended, the West Vancouver Chamber of Commercte devoted the evening to business disctis- gions on various matters of imr '̂ Phinf were made and a com ̂ mittee formed, headed by Wilf Munton, to arrange for a monster picnic during the coming sum mer to which the citizens wi all be invited, details of this will be announced at a later date. Under the chairmariship^ of Mr Perry, manager of the local branch of the Imperial Bank, a strong committee was formed to work out the details of a Clean Up Campaign" to .be launched throughout the Municipality and in which all citizens will be in vited to participate and the Municipal Council called upon for co-operation. . . j 4. ' - Attention is again directed to the lack of hre protection in the Municipality and the present poor state of the equipinent m use. After hearing reports from -members--and--:.BUggostio ^ -- temporary imprpyeinent a t small cost it was decided to again wait upon the Council with a view to having some action taken. body to make more efficient the present fire fighting appar'atus. It was also suggested that some more practical system of calling; the volunteer firemen out when the siren sounds, should be deyiSr ed as the system a t p r^ e n t m use takes considerable time to get into operation and the nre truck on its way. ■ , , ' . TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD. At the Clachan^ on -Friday, February 7th an enthusiastic audience listened with interest to Mrs. F. J. Rolston's stirring appeal"6nT)ehalf of the War Sav ing's Committee. - - Mrs. Rolston urged her listen ers to' systematically . purchase War Savings Certificates,, and in this way not only aid our country's war effort, but lish ar reserve or saving which will receive interest a t the. rate of three per cent, compounded' annually. ' . = ̂ ̂ . - • Earlier in the evening a, short business m ating 'was held at which reports were heard from Mesdames L. Hobden, H. Ost- rbm, -A. Cromar Bruce, J. Rich- ardsdn, F. Dollmah and Miss E. M. Philip, Mrs._A. Cromar .Bruce report ed having entertained recently at the tea hour for West Van couver's children war guests. It was unanimously decided on a motion from Mrs. j Cromar Bruce that the. Guild invite war ?uest mothers to become honor ary members of the Guild for the duration of the war. , The evening concluded with a social, this being the fifth an- liveraary of the founding of the rowiiswomen's Guild* pf West V̂ ancouver. - ■. A fine musical program was enjoyed, Mrs. Evelyn Sands of he Clachan very ably accomp-- mied at the piano, and rebita- dons^from Miss Rosemary Mc- WAR SAVINGS DRIVE The final organization meeting of the War Savings Drive was held in the Legion Hall, Tues day evening. Supporting the. r chairman weie F. W. Smelts, chief organizer for Vancouver and district, and Reeve Sears. Mpst of, the Active Units of , West Vancouver, who were ask ed to donate their time and ef forts, to thoroughly (Janvass the entire Municipality, > are , now hard., at work in-the Campaign fully equipped with , literature ^nd information. It is hoped to conclude the drive by the end of the month. On Saturday' of this week an interesting parade is to be held starting at 20th and Marine at 2:30 p.m. and finishing a t Am- bleside Park.whe?^e the band will play "There'll always be an Eng land:" The reeve will speak and the National Anthem will end this particular feature. Let us all turn dut and'make this parade a real success in the drive. The following units will make up the parade: The Fusiliers, under command of Lieut. Hugh Taylor; Cubs and Brownies, Hol- lyburn school children, j Wert Vancouver Boys' Band. under ■^ire^ioirirf'MrrUomdcm--Pauline^ Johnson school children. Scouts and Guides, High School child ren, Red Cross nurses, cadets, W.A.C. CHANGE IN ADDRESSING MAIL FOR TROOPS , Postmaster General Hon. W. P̂ Mulock announces that owing to the i*ecently authorized change in the title of the military forces of Canada, the designation "Can adian Army", will now be used instead of "Canadian Active Ser vice Force (C.A.S,F.)""-Mail for •soldiers on active sei'vice should, therefore, now be adtlressed as, ^follows: Mail for delivery overseas-- The designation "C.A.S.F., c/o Base Post Office, Canada" is to be omitted and the words "Can adian Army ■ Overseas" substit uted therefor, as.follows: Regimental No., rank and narne; Name and details of unit (i.ei; Compaiiy.or Section, Squad^ ron, Battery; Holding ""tlhit, etc.) ̂ Name of Regiment or Branch of Service; Canadian Army Overseas. B. C. AIRMAN LISTED MISSING LEGION NOTES A meeting of the Legion will be held to-night (Thursday) in the Legion Hall. All members, ex-sorvlce men and their friqnds -are asked to keep in mind the sound film, picture show on Thursday, the 27th, at 8 p.m. The 'smokeF iind social held on Saturday the 15th was a great success and was much en joyed by all. N()UTH SHORE LOCAL COUNCIL OF WOMEN NOTICE Wlulo tho Editor Ih lompor- lU'lly u pFlloiit in tho North Vun- I'ouvor vuMtorul HoHpUul, Mr«. liovoarovo and th.u prlntcnH and fricmlrt vvilli what llttlo aHaist- anco tin* Kditor ran glvo them, are rontinuing the imblloation of the \Ve«t Van, Newa. Will I therefore, aerretariea of organi- zationa and llmae having aortal iletna, kindly aend ttiem in aa early as poaaible, As far aa ahe is able, Mra. I,ovi»g'rovo \yill rail on advertiaera aa usual. All tlioae who uaually phone in advortiao- inenla on Wodneaday movninga (0 W. lUi.'t aie asked to kindly do so on Tuesday or. Wodnoaday afternoon, aa Mra. Lovegrovo will be out on tho buaineaa.of Lhe paper on Wednesday morning. COMING EVENTS INCREASE BUS SERVICE TO ■WEST VANCOUVER , A new increased bus service from West Vancouver to Van couver will be inaugurated oh March 3. Business will run half- hourly , during morning and evening rush hours, and hourly the rest of the day. (The new schedule is made pos sible by--the addition to the mun icipal bus fleet of four new vehi cles, two of which have been in use since December, and two of which arrived recently; 'The new ^ert^ice~is"the. result^ of ~a'$40:000~ by-law for the purchase of. the four^buses, passed by ratepayers lastlAugust. ■ BARBARIANS' AUXILIARY Sergeant Richard H. Trafford, 19. who went to Ehgland in 1938 to join the Royal Air Force, is reported missing in a telegram -received-by-his-pArentsT^r-T-aiid- Mrs. (I!. H. Trafford, _. Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island. He had recently returned to duty after recovering from in juries received in a plahe.crash last October. Since the start of hostilities he has'rtryed as an air gunner. . " Mr. and Mrs. Trafford believe their son may have been in one of four planes reported as not having returned to their bases in the B.B.C. overseas news last Wednesd.ay. Sergeant Trafford was born in Australia and lived for a time with his parents in Victoria be fore going to England. A close friendJn the R.A.F. was report ed missing six months ago and turned up again after five days' 'absence. --'-- - ■ "We are still hoping the same for Dick," writes M r^rafford in -a. letter to his brother, Arthur E. Trafford, 2078 Marine Drive, West Vancouver. ...„The..iiegular of the North Shore Local Coun cil of Women will be held in JSt. Stephen's Church Hall 011 Mon day afternoon, February 24th at 2 o'clock. , Mrs. Dortthy Steeves, M.L.A., will speak on the Rowell-Sirois Report at 2:45 p.m. A good attendance is request- ' ed and anyone interested is in- , vited to attend. --Friday, March-7th at 8 ibin,. ■annual meeting of West' Van couver Tennis Club at St. Steph en's Pariah Hall. ACTIVE SERVICE LIST Keep record of men enlisting in H.M. Forces and any change of address of those already ser ving up to date by phoning Mrs. Heber Brown, West 1090-L or list at Post Office.**;*" WESa^VANGOUVER, HORTICULTURAL ASSOC. Arrangements are under way for a moving picture lectute on gardening by H. M, Eddie, , of Sardis. With this will be com- Ibined the annual meeting and .election of .directors ..for,..,thi,% year. An advertisement with details will appear in a later is sue. REV. RODDAN TO LECTURE The Barbarians Girls' Auxil iary will hold its. next meeting on Tuesday^ evening, Feb. 25th, a t the home of Miss Margaret Bill, Sandy Cove. NOTICE All Scouts and Cubs parade at 2 p.m. sharp at 20th Street Play grounds on Saturday, Feb. 22nd, Gibraltar, now so vital to the British oause, will be the subject, of a lecture by the Rev. Andrew Roddan, who for years minister ed to that place. Mr. Roddan needs no introduction, as ..has been proved in the past by the, ' crowded audiences-aL.his . prev ious lectures. :: The lecture is under the aus pices of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church and will be held on Wednesday, March 5th at 8 p.m. The proceeds from the charge of 25'cents ad- . mission will be equally shared by . the W.M.S. funds and Mr, Rod dan for his very deserving work at First Church. ^A N N U A I-M EETIN G 01^-W B Sl'- VANCOUVJBR BRANCH V .O .N . . At the Annual Meeting, of the Board of the Virtorian Order of . Nurses, West Vancouver Branch, held February 13th, the follow ing officers were elected: - President, Miss LrMcCallum; 1st Vice, Mrs. E. H. Jupp; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Sinclair McKay ; Sec retary, Mra. L. A. II. Wain- wright;' Treasurer,. Mrs. A, T. 'Johnston. Miss Elizabeth Riddell, nurSc in charge of the district, report ed 2344 visits to 259 patients. There-were 210-paid visits, 362 partially paid, and. 1598 free visits. The average • time per visit was 57 minutes. There were 174 visits to Metropolitan Life Insurance h o l d e r s . ------------- BRITISH - ISRAEL ater daihty ~ refreshments e served by the ladies in Surprise Attack . Dentist--r="Stop waving your ' arms and yelling! I, haven't, .even touched your tooth yet." Patient--"I know ;it, Bitt ~ you're standing on my corn." Mrs, Brereton of North Van couver will continue her address on "Remenuber the things of Old" at the regular Monday evening meeting, Feb. 2,^, at 25th and Marine Drive. You will enjoy hearing ' Mrs. Brei'cton, and you are cordially invited. Weekly prayer meeting on Thursdays.*** NEW HAT SHOP Mi.ss Collie, who for ; many .vears owned^ 'The Fr(3nch Hat Shop" on Soutb Gra'riyille'_SlrccL,__ will remodel ladies' hats, at he»; own house, 2946 W. Park Lane, near 30th Street. Bring all your last year's hats and have them made like new, at small cost, using your own goods. Telephone W, 196-R3. Mrs.,M.- a : Taylor, an expeid- enced brauticial, who recent ly returned f r o m L e e d s, England, is opening/ ' a modern, beauty parlor on Monday,.Feb. 24th, at 1520 Marine Drive, Mrs. Taylor specializ'es in facials, scalp treatments and marcelling andj.s assisted by Miss Oakes, ̂ who is an expert in permanent waving, hair styling and pin . curling. A cordial welcome is extended to the ladies of West Vancouver to inspect the shop and .enquire about the opening specials. GolferL-"WeIl, what do you think of<?» SOME WEST VANOOufVER HOMES my game, C ^d ie--"I suppose it-s--all right, but I still prefer golf."