"" ■ '■ * u, *w* ^M. ' "'----- 1 SMITH'S MARKET A. Haurvey Smith ^Mno-wnt m Ff*« 0«Uv«ry 8« rfk« • ,^»«tW y Aceomit ir- PRICES FOR KRI. St SAT., FEBRUARY 7th & 8th M E A T S.!-:» I : V I ̂ ■*■*' IT -rm-pv • *,-. .-^leF MRS, STBBVES ADDRESSES PUBLIC MEETING _/̂ -X. H KtHl & White* IJ-rand TENUKIl l*EA8-- Slevf 4. Tin i... f , , . . . , . . - . . .« . . .4 l « ltt*d & Whit« Hraiid liANTAM fOKN--Tin ................................... l ie Nwboh DICED llE E I 'S --Tin ....... lOf U<d & White Krmid HAUTUiTrr DKAIIS--Cniform halves. Tin 15c |•|ll]NK.S--IUk size.,1.1).................... l ie KunkiNt OHANCEH-- Medium nize, dozen ..................... 2ic l.ftrife size, dt)zen ................... 30c Cttlifornia (iUAl'K KUlilT-- Dilf wize, I for ........................... ..15c Ited & White Brand Sel.|'oliHhinK LIQUID FLOOIt WAX--A real time Haver! IMnt tin ..................42c COFFEE--Aunt Mnry'H. I.b.......... 37c Bed & White liraiul I*LUM JAM-- I'ure. 4-lb. tin .............. 3!)c SWANSDOWN Fine Cuke Flour-- I*kl....... ................... 25c COBNED BEEF--tin .... '................. I5c West :i70 Free Delivery BEEF POttK LAMB VEAL All Grade A & Al Delicatessen Fresh Fish Daily A .number of West Vancouver residents attended the public meeting last TIvursday evening *'"'"in'TM'jKgib¥"indb" " Mra." D; G. Steeve.s, M.L.A., reviewed the proceedings of the last ses sion in Victoria as well as speak ing on the Rowell-Sirois Report*' W. T. Atwood acted as chairman. Little actual legisiatiom she said, had been enacted last ses sion in VJotoria, because the ., jHouse was divided into tho^ * Avho held all exinniditures should be cut in favor of the war ef fort and those who thought democracy shduld^\still J^e pre served by expenditures on social services,, this latter being the C.C.F. stand. England, for ex ample, was extending its social legislation. Tlie provincial rev- SerWee LUMBER «uatey SASH & HOOR$. SHINGLES. PLYWOODS. LATH PAINT BUILDEKS' SUPPLIES, R0OB1NG, WALLBOAUD. TILE There is no nubotitule for Quality WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 CLASSIFIED AD S The rate for Cla«»iaod Advertisements is 2 cents per word, minliiiua 25 cents' Except in tlie case of those having regular" accounts, all dassl. in the West Van. News get immediate resulu. GORDON ROBSON -- Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment. West 40!l. MARCEL SHOP -- Tliermlque Permanents; only best materials used. Expert operators. Phon, West 304. R.iyal Bunh Building. rBEAMEiTES--8-oz. pkt. .......8c onucs Were going up, it was true, B«(l A While IV'and PORK & BEAN.S--2 18-oz. tins ............... 17c Bed & White Brand MATCHES-- .'{ large boxes ..............................'..27c M X FLAKES--Pkt..........................22c IT' '! LEGION NOTES W EL L BA BY C O N F E R E N C E iy ii'- • T- thirdMeetingH iirHt, a n d Thuiwlay.4 each nionth. Tile .sound and movie picture .show, given by the Fra.ser Val ley Milk Producers' A.ssociation in the Jx>gipn Hall on January 2BnI wa.s highly educational and entertaining, and enjoyed by all present Ueemember the Wi5ll /Baby Conference which is open to all mbllier.s with babies and pre school,children. It iS'held on the fir.si and third Thursdays<of the month' in St. Stephen's Hall, from 2 to 4 p.m. For further in- lormation phono Miss Riddell at W. 1000. . ACTIVE SERVICE LIST due to war contracts, but the debt still stood at $151,000,000. Included in the legislation pass ed had been tlie Teachers' Pen sions Act, alteration to the Mothers' Pensions Act. etc. Turning to the Rowell-Sirois .Report, ahe stated it would be an election issue and will be a matter for every Canadian to consider for the next two or three years. She. said she had asked Mr. Pattullo in the House previous to his going to Ottawa, for hi.s opinion on the Report, to which he had replied he had not yet made up his mind, but that he would attend the Conference with an open mind while not al lowing B.C. "to be hogtied." Yet he had„ gone to Ottawa with all PEMBERTON REALTY C6bP. LTD. (Established 50 years) . 418 Howe St. . TRin. 127J Local RepresenUtivo, F. Bayliss (Notary Fubhe) 2430 Bellevue Ave. West 522-R H. A. ROBERTS LTD. Complete Realty Seryico 1429 Marino Drive West 616 J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister. Sol* icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or West 553-R-l. WANTED--Girl for liouKework. Sleep out. W. GG.> ■ -........ FOR UEN'r, by widow, upstairH bed room with private washroom,^also downstairs bedroom with full bath room. Suit couple or single, home privileges, fine homo and view. West 734-R. CHIMNEY SWEEPING - Sawdust burners installed; furnace repaira, G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North ' 822. FLOOR SURFACING--J. Sutherland. West 483 or North 678. FOR SALE--Six room house, almost hew. Fully modern. Large living room with fireplace. Gpod sized PAINTING AND DECORATING - , Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West . 1022-L. dining room. Modern kltchep. Large. WESTERN WOODWORKBBS-Store bedroom and bath downstairs, two bedrooms upstairs. ' I"ull concrete basement jwith new furnace. Gar age, concrete walks. Fully developed garden, with fruit. First class loca tion. $2800.00. Terms. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive, West 55 and house' fixtures, turning, glazing. W est 740, West 4il3-R, CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, ragi, Sacks, Metals. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Co.. West 91. Keep record of men enlisting his cabinet ministers except one Another good film show is , i„ H.M. Forces and any change;, and an army of officials together billed for Thursday, the 27th 'February at 8 p.m. to which the public is cordially invited. This; "s ira\viR"henTg~givcirby' tliF B rit^ mimm ish America Paint Coy. 'The Legion i.s holding a Smoker ami Social evening on Saturday evening, February 15th at 8 o'clock to which it invites all ex-service men. ITiis event is under the .joint sponsorship of the West Vancouver Company of the n o th * Veteran Reserve of Canada and Post No. 60. , Come on fejlows, get out on the 15th and get'acquainted. A good time is assured. 1 Acknowledgements of receipt. of parcels of cigarettes are be ginning to come to hand and it is highly gratifying to know how -appr̂ sej of ad(ire.sses of those already ser ving up to date by phoning Mrs. -Hebei--Ihi )̂wn7AVesfc-4-090-L---Oii- li.sl'at Post Office.*** aiiu a il VI 905-Rl. With a carefully prepared speech V------- --------------- -- against it. The C.C.F. objected LO.ST -- Rollieflex Camera January to this as posjsibly preventing a Fen-y. Reward. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Couh. try way; guaranteed; brick aud stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE First Division ; Teams; - P W L T Pfs. Dudes .............. 12 10 2 0 20 W.V. Sizzlers ....12 7 4 1 15 Canadiens ......12 7 ,5 0 14 4 6 1 0 11 0 9 0 -greatly tjh ey - - a le- Maple Leafs -....H Sockeyes .......... 11 Last, week's scores: Dudes 12, W.V. Sizzler.s 6.- 'Second Division Teams: P W L T Pts: Nifties .;.'.:..;L....15 15 _ 0. 0_ 30 . -Grizzlies--.T..-;-^15--8--5-2-18- ft" JOnc 'rSoipient oF tobacco Ivrole '® a * fh o o te I= S ^ 6 '-8to .say that smokintr tobacco i.s ^ome « .......o 6 6 3 15 "--HO~expeiiHive ■thTilHtH^now-Ldie ̂^ ̂ ........... ^ Moreover " in ' the past, when things were not so prosperous in B̂ G-, Mr. Pattullo was all for constitutional revision and had indeed claimed to be the, father of the establishment of the Gom- misijion. The C.C.F, did not like the system of a National Aver age, suggested by the Report, which might militate against B.C., where social services are highest, and I they favored a So cial Security Program like those in force in 'England and most other countries. Both from a capitalistic- and a socialistic standpoint the Confederation PacL'mustrbe Teyised if Canada HANDY ANN SHOP-- 2442 Marine. Valentines, Wool, Embroidery Sup plies, ' Babies' . Hand-knitted Gar ments, Notions^Chinawarev ALLEN RADIO SERVICE, 2558 Mathers Ave; Phone W. 116. 20 years, experience in radio, repairŝ installations and sales. . FOR'. SALE-- Gurney Range, cream enamel; winddVvs with weights and sashes. Also piano, $60, 2232-Marine, West 85. GORDON .-jGRAY -- Insurance, all risks, one policy, all locations. SE y, : 4991 or W est 1065-Ll. WANTED----•'̂ Experienced gardener. Apply Friday afternoon a t Holly- burn Pavilion. LAWN MOWERS s h a r p e n e d - • Special machine; repairs---parts 'West Vancouver Machine Shbp, 1449 Marine. FOR RENT *-- ̂ Warm housekeeping ro o m p riv a te entrance, bath. Single lady. Dundarave waterfront. Box 71, West Van. News. PAPERHANGING, Painting, Kalso. - mining; first class work, at reason able rates. H. Gaines, West 962-R. y/ILL PAY $300 CASH for N.H.A- Lot about 50-ft. frontJge. No agents. • lI Atpply .Box_7P, West Yaxi'. News. RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID Shingles,- attractive, permanent Have roof measured now; free esti- mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F., V.' Findlay. West 1096-Rl. was to remain an economic unit. 'f- I■ - i F.1 ' IP .f i : -.xifMf ! i ill? i 'l kp.kV] Roamers ........15 1 14 0 2 Last week's scores: Nifties 10, Grizzlies 8. . Sharpshooters 14, Comets 4. Peledins 9, Sharpshooters. 9. H »blc of raising th« spirit's of one ' 5. prerogative of millionaires, and that he felt like one upon receiv ing this tobacco. It i.s fim? to know that the efforts of the pub- Tic in Wê st Cancouvei ^ERYICE"UMTrW7ATC7 VVILL PAY CASH for good used -Singer treadle or electric sewiyg -machines--WestHKMlT- COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVIGES All forms of documents drawn and executed. Real Elstate, Insurance, Rentals JRJB.JBL0LWJSR_j6U30.J6TIl wm ■Mhj.m * of our serving men to sucii ex alted heights. ̂ J ■■ S'Sk'ViHW •P-f- f, f > ) hi * 7 r, .R If' fr, '■> T' ' LEGION W.A. SPECIAL NOTICE ' " Will everynmember of the W. A. meet at the Legion Hall next Wednesday at 2:30 for urgent business? \The Big Seven Players: P L. Lefeaux (ML) ....49 J. Fiddes (D) ......... 60 B. Trafford (C) ....... 70 T. Fulcher (D) ....... 70 H. Wells (WVS) ....72 J. Lidster (WVS) -..72 L. Felker (D) ......... 70 W 39 48 55 53 ^0 44 36 'a 81 80 79 76 69 61 ol . If l>F l-iVfAtAf ' <} i f*>5 'if.*-' ISt'lis ■ - /at" 'f tS-f rs n VifvFf Vi'Fi jf t.C iB S S t-U. iJfm. ' February the month for B ARGAINS INVESTIGATE THESE ECONOMY BUYS 1938 Ford Coiuh .......... 1937 Dodge Sedan ...... 1930 Studebaker Sedan 1929 Plymouth Sedan .. ....:........... Special $650 .... ..................... " $675 ........ ............ " $250 ......................... " $175 Also a number of older models suitable for Boat Engines $35.00 lip . 100 more cars to choose fromTERMS-- BEG G M O TO R --TRADES C O . 1.- • - 1062 Georgia St. W. Esplanade. North Vancouver Phone SEy. 3161 -- North 930 AI Pj^cter Salesmen E* Archer The Service Unit of the W'est Vancouver W.A.C. ha$ adopted an Ambulance' Drivers' Corps in Barry, Wales. Though adoption of men's coi-ps is common, the adoption of a woman's unit is unique. The girls give full time duty, for which they receive a very sniall salary^ so a nionthly ' parcel from Canada would be of great benefit to them.- ...If any one has games, magazines (Can adian), knitted goods, wool or- any suitable articles which they could spare the local unit they will be vety pleased, to callect them. Phone West 1137-R2 or -West 17-M. FOR PLOWING, clearing, or- grading with small caterpiller, phone W. 17-Y. 1717A Bellevue Ave. 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancouver Phones: W est 21, 204-M, 913-L WANTED TO RENT--By March 1st, three or four roomed modern house.-, vicinity Ambleside or Hollyburn, above Marine Drive. TRinity 5651-R. WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, littht transfer work, prompt service; West 700. , ' LOST -- English Silvtvr Coronation Goins of sentimental' value (child's keepsake), spent in mistake. Would anyone having these please phone W. 961-R. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister A Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 ■ a t We.st Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 403. LOST--Since Jan. ftth, girls' red jacket. Finder please phone W. 169-R. WORK WANTED -- Landscape gar* dening, rock pits, septic tanks, gen eral labor! Phone W. 50-y. ^-WANTED-- 4 or 5 room bungalow with view. Purchaser \vill pay cash. A. E. AUSTIN & CO. LTD. MArine 2431 or West 548-M BICYCLES and Children's Wheel Goods a t very reasonable prices. Fred Jones, 1439 Marine, Neff C.p.M. bicycles in stock. LOST -- Child's Red Auto, name scratched on i-ear. Reward, W. GO'l. HOUSE PLANS Plan.s, Blue Prints, and Specifications for N.H.A. and Other Houses J. HUTCHISON West 823-R BASS FIDDLE PLAYER wanted. Preferably 'teen-aged. No experi ence necessary. Male. Phone W- 473-R. BICYCLE (C.C.M.) FOR SALE - Cheap; perfect condition. 1430 Ar- gyle, near Ferry Wharf. SNAP $200.00. 50 X 122 cleared view lot. SHARPE REALTYi %■ 719. FOR SALS--4 pairs lace curtaiift practically new; " wooden curtain pole; 2 cliandeliers. ,W. 83. . FOR SALE--Used kitchen range, saw- dust burner, $15. Clachan. W.'604. r V Tor-O il and SawdustziBurnePs- 0 >al and W ood Ranges (REASONABLE PRICES AND EASY TERMS) ■ . SEE'/' H A L L F U E L C O . 1447 MARINE DRIVE WEST 1091 / SAWDUST MILL & BUSH WOOD m a nure ;, g r a v e l GENERAL HAULING also ____: BUZZING-WOOD J. SMITH Cor. Eleventh and Mathers ------Thone-West 1066-R=----- GOOD BOARD AND ROOM, ond or two sharing. W. 49-R. FOR RENT -- 2 or 3 room modem suite, apply 2464 Marine during day . or 2463 Bellevue ' evenings^_____ _ ON „ _ ,WH/U<E BROWN & MUNTON 1642 MARINE DRIVE WEST 366 ______ AlmhCTsi A.R.T. of EC,' LOST--Vicinity Radcliffe and Marine, Monday, black cat, not white hairs under chin, name Ku - fy." I f anyone has him please re turn. Reward. W. 391-Y\_____ _ 3 LOTS to choose from, 99 ft. x HJ -- f t . 'Light-clearing,--$250.00 each,, 'close offer will take all. . C.' J . ARCHER LTD. West 225: ---------- HOLlYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES YVest 341 ^H E _C orporation „of_ th_e_ .District of West -Vancouver has for sale at P CARD OF THANKS Mrs David Morgan and family bo ,jxtend their heartfelt thanks to ^1 their friends for their ac'ts of kindness anal for the' beautiful^^^floral tributes rweived in the passing of a~ loving hus band and father. certain Bus Purchase bearing interest a t 595- p,ii ing btetween 1941 and . x̂ g particulars may be obtained a Municipal Hall. -_____ ________ IF YOUR PROPERTY" is for sale, ^ me have particulars. -Am re lists fo r Spring selling -.PERCY T. MxASTEILMAN ^ . 2446 Marine Drive) W est 1 0 / ̂ -Estate----InsuranceljiiL^Noba^.____ come Tax returns made out.