'wfr'-ra' 7::hnSn*m :"'M w *y»*»" SAVE ®ME ANH MONEV--BUY AT T H E 0 . JfUST AHmVED NEW SFEING HOSE At I*l>imlar Brices w'6>lB1̂ »̂ "̂ CC3(VlOK*llOSE'"^*"T'~CIlto)te*S'^ANEt1i^"gOerB'̂^ White, Pink, Copon, Yellow, SiKea 4Yi to 7Vi. Fair ...............19c WOMEN'S AND MISSES ANKLE SOCKS White, Copen, Yellow, Sand, Green. Site* '8:,.'tn,:.l0 Vi..,' Fair ....,4'.....,,M„/„19e:' Shades; Sunbrown, Tan, Eeige. J ij to 10«/*. Fair ................ .....29c WOMEN'S LISLE HOSE In two extra qualities. 3 good Hhades. Sizes 8Vi to 10Vi. |,„ir .........................................39c-59c BOVS' GOLF HOSE Mixtures of Grey, Blue. Fawn. Sizes 7 to lOVi. Fair ................ ,29c Just Arrived--New Shiiimetii--Spring Fancy Buttons WOMEN'S MEllCEUIZEl) LISLE SOCKS White, Navy. Yellow, Coi>en, GrtH^n, Sand. 8Vi to 10Vi. Fair ........... 29c Miss I*. Ripley 1578 MARINE DRIVE H. Pout N O T I C E Has it ever occurred to yoii that noisy disturbances in your radip may be duo to faulty tubes? Until Monday we would be pleased to call a t your home, if situated anywhere . between 10th Street and West Buy, to give FREE TUBE CHECKING • PARAGON RADIO SERVICE (i. CUNNINGHAM K. McMlLLAN , 2910 Marine Dnvc West 1081 . ! (All types ol electrical appliances repaired) , s \„ GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP ** " 1886 - . IL Robert Kondrick, third son Fulton Avo., has joined the R.C. of Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Kendriok, A.F. leaving on January 29lh 190 21st Street, has been ap- for loronto. iiointed 8rd of fleer, wireless, on . . , , , R.M.S. Empress of Russia, and A .son was born at the North 'has assumed his duties. Vancouver General Hospital to ♦ ♦ * Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Beard (nee A daughter, Joyce Phyllis, Clara BouIding)j| ̂648 21st Street, was born last Monday „a t the _ „ , * , North Vancouver Generiil Hos- ., Mac- pital to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. C. dopald, 3271 Travers Ave., have Taylor (nee Phyllis Fowster), of bought a house bn Sinclair Ave. li4)^ Esquimalt Ave. and will shortly take possession. ' ♦ ♦ * A r . j * n * . . . ' . 1"'" Ex-T<3l-0 Club aro hold- . 1^ ' Macdougiill, son o1 Mrs. nig their next meeting on ilHies- Mary Maodougall ot 2012 Marine day, February 11th a t 8 p.m. in passed away on the 30th the Legion Hall, 856 Seymour ult. at Sheep Creek, B.C., leaving Street, Vancouver. A social even- a wife and one son. Funeral ser- inir will he held. Uefre.qhmenf.vi vices were hold on Sunday at Nelson, B.C. K ing will be held. Refreshments will be served'. Any ox-telephone operator wishing to attend is cordially invited. . ; To augment the supply fund for materials for layettes for C onservative M eeting Take notice that the Annual Meeting of the West Vancouver Conservative ,Association will be held in the Ferguson . Build ing (formerly Orange Hall), 2232 Marine Drive,, on Friday, evening, February 7th, at 8 p.m. Business, Election of - (Signed) JOHN T. FOX, Sec.-Treas. McNeil & McCue --TH-E-REXALL-STORE- 1402 Marine Driye West Vancouver Phone West 528 ; Ambleside Pharmacy WAR SAVINGS ---- l̂Unn«rWestr323^ 1401 Marine Drive West Vancouver, B.C. Geoghegan--Ciirrie Margaret Jessie Currie, second- Engugcineiit 1, The engagement is announced o f Patricia Mabel (Peggy), youngest daughter of Mrs. Clarty refugee children which is their and the late W. N. Carty of Van- contribution to the war effort, cuover, to Mr. Robert Denman the members of the Barbarian While, only son.of Mr. and Mrs. Girls' Auxiliary are planning a Bransby White, 2353 i Jetferson Spring 'Tea at tho Clachan the Ave. The wedding will take place afternoon of Saturday, February February 22 at 8:30 p.m., in 16, from 3 till 6 o'clock; In Holy Trinity Church. charge of general arrangements * *" ■* M is Miss Pat Wallace assisted by Shower , * Misses Marion Blair, Barbara Mrs. E. MacLeod and daugh- Sparrow, Jo Allan, Helen Ed.r ter Leone were hostesses last wards and Mrs. Tom . Lightly, week at their home, 1147 Marine Miss Jean Foi\syth is in charge Drive, when they entertained at of the home-cooking stall, and a miscellaneous shower in honor Miss Joan Parker and Miss Er- of Miss Margaret Currie. The nestine;Weeden will sell candy gifts were presented in a beau- during the afternoon. , tifully' deocrated treasure chest A musical .program has been done in green and gold. Games arranged, and the president, Miss and contests were 'endulged in Barbara McIntyre, will receive , by the guests, the always popu- the guests. A concerted drive to place fri daughter, of^^Mr. and Mrs: Geo; the business establishments of . E.,Currie, 1413.22nd. Street,, was lar "Treasure Trail" being much enjoyed. Mrs. Fraser won the prize. At the cldse of the even ing, dainty refreshments were .served. The guests were, Mesdames McPherson, Currie, Vance, Mo- Cue, Lloyd, McCrum, Fraser, The results of the recent Final Examinations in Accounting and Auditing, of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Brit ish Columbia are as follows: First, Thos. F. Griffin, not A. P. Gardner, as given in our issue i Greater Vancouver more than 20,000 pieces of display material advertising the current ŵ ar sav ings drive will be undertaken next Saturday afternoon by- the Vancouver Junior' Board o f Trade. Cooperating with them united in marriage to Norman Geoghegan, son of Mr. and Mrs,* John .Geoghegan of Victoria in St. Stephen's Church last Sat- M>Vav urday evening, the Rev. F. Ramsey officiating. To the strains of the Wedding March in their respective distnets will- played by N-orJuan-JJacEh-erson.. be the North Vancouver Juliior the bride entered, the church on Board of. Trade and the North the arm of her father, looking Burnaby ChamberAof Commerce.^ very attractive in a becoming The city has been divided into frock of hyacinth blue simply Rivers, ■Newmarsh, Wedley, Ma- of last week,, the latter being: cey, Williams, Leer, Cruick- second. shank, and the Misses Margaret . ' ♦ ♦ ♦ Currie, Edmuiidson, Madden, At the recent presentation of Rivers, Jean Currie, , certificates and diplomas in the Evans, Leone, Muriel and Ruth ballroom of the Hotel Georgia, MacLeod. , Beryl Scott, daughter of Mr! ______ * * * ̂ and Mrs. Edv/ard Scott, and :-- ---------- Shower-- ------------pupillblzM argeiw-R^JaEk;iZret A miscellaneous shower was ceived her honors certificate for given by Mr.s, Duncan Fraser, elocution for the junior examin- at her hom e,27th and Marine ations. She was also choseri td .AAÂ wvy__ _________ ______ . 1 1 A.. -1 1 w. j i, + Drive, on Friday, January 24th, recite for that occasion.tw ent-y-distTiotST-^nd-m ore-tban^--sbyJed7~a->tm yy^pm k-,---pm m ea-na.u.^.^l^^.^^^^^ -------- rr-- ^ 150 young business nien will be > and corsage of rie, whose marriage took place L.O.L. No. 2990 ......... " last' Saturday■_ evening. . The -" --------- mauve orchids -Completing the ensemble. The bride's sister, Jean, acted as bridesmaid and chose a frock of tulip rose worn with-a pink and blue flowered -hat and corsVge of white gardenias. Alvin Murchi- organized in groups to cover, them. Each merchant and busi ness man will be approached and as-lkd" ■ td-di-spla-y-^he--material- both _on the inside of his preni- ises and in his display windows, and it is hoped that by 6 p.m., Saturday every place of business in Greater Vancouver will be dis playing-the, War Savings mes-____ < Chairman of the Committee 'rooms of which were beautifully in charge is Earl ,M. Bennett, as- decorated -with ivy and daffodils. sisted by Hugh P. Kirkup and Walter McNaughton;. vice-chair man. ' many lovely gifts were brought West Vancouver ; L iNo.: in on a decorated wagon by 2990 had a very successful meet- Donald and David Ph:aserj sons ing in the Grange Hall on Tues- of the hostess. day night, February 4th. Prac- which the hostess served dainty tically all members were present son attended the groom as best refreshments was centred with with Worshipful Master, Brother Tnaii. Spring flowers flanked by yellow M. Davis, Hresidiing. Visiting Following the ceremony a candles. Games were much en- small reception was held at the joyed by the guests who were, home of the bride's parents, the Mrs. Harvey Wedley, Mrs. Mac Leod, Mrs. John McPherson, Mrs. E;:Dawkins,^M George Lloyd, Mrs. Dori.s Atwood, Mrs. Jack Mrs. Goodchild of 2047 Gordon Ave. "has moved to Burnaby. : FUELS Dry Kindling and Inside Fir Coal, Topsoil - S. LPWBIE Phone West 256-Y The wedding cake, which, had 'be§n especially baked by-Mrs. E. MacLeod and decorated by her daughter Ruth, was embedded in tulle to form-'the centre. of _the dining table, being flanked " by pink A candles in silver holders, the'floral decorations being cro cuses and violets. Those assist ing" were: Mrs. John MaePher- son, Mrs. Duncan Fraser and Mrs. E. McLeod, the serviteurs being the Misses Leone, Muriel delegates from North Vancouver ~ and Britannia Lodges helped make it a most enjoyable even ing. :The refreshment commit tee having served tea, san,d.wich- es and cake, the members dis- 3 Bennett's BAKERY BUrrKUCUUBT _ _ BREAD SATURDAY SPECIAL ; Cream Cakea 25e a doz. At»|)li% Kniain, and Mince* meat. Fic«, etch Bcolch Meat Flea 5c each 6 for 25c ,■ i' ' '*1' ■ SUcet! Wrapped Bread 1408. Murine Or. Flume W* 27 Hollyburn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. AND EVK. Fob. (Itli, 7th and Hth GbXlUGK FORM BY I'OLI.Y WARD " It's in the Air" 'a lso T H E DRUMS OF FU MANCIIU" MONDAY AND TUESDAY Feb. 10th < and l lth .ION HALL FRANCES FARMER "SOUTH OF PAGO PAGO" also. "NICE WORK IF YOU CAN 1)0 IT" 'TH E I. AN I). OF FIA)WBRS" WEDNESDAY Fob. 12 th BASH. RATIIBONE NIGEL BRUCE -TEhe-Adventures-- of Sherlock Homes" (once only -at 8:15) also "QUICK MILLIONS" Nellie Harrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory ' 1955 Inglewood Ave. West 1056-L Burrard Laundr]rLfd. well known fAMlLYirAUNDRf Phone North 1810 or West 691L Gilmore, Mrs. George Currie, the" persed to their various 'homes, Misses Margaret. Cufrie, Leone, R u tl and Muriel MacLeod, Jean Currie, Mrs. Murjel_Archibald, Violet and Gladys McNair. ' satisfied the evening had been one of interest and helpfulness. ; CUB NOTES 2nd and 6th Packs Two local lady motorists were fined $7.50 eachjn the local Po-. There will be no regular after- lice Court yesterday, the one exceeding the speed limit on the Friday the 7th. The 2nd and Lions' Gate -̂Bridge, and the Packs will meet along with , .1 T V .3 ow r other for speeding on the Moun- tbeir Troops at the United^ and Ruth MacLeod and ohirley Highway. A city motorist Church Hall̂ at 7 :30 that even- Ware. . was also fined $5 for operating ingr for the "going up" The happy couple left later in Without a driver's license. The parents of-Cubs WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Range Repairs, Sawdust Burners ^ -Phone West 39 the evening for"a honeym.oon trip to Victoria, the bride don ning a navy swagger coat over her wedding ensemble. On their return they will take up resi dence in Vancouver. * "going up" ceremony. "going up" ' For an Enjoyable Evening SKATE at The North Shore ■Roller Arena 135 W. 1st St., Nprth Vancouver Phone North 1735 Open Afternoons and Evenings • Parties arranged for. Extra Special Fir and r e f u g e e c o m m it t e e areespecially invited to attend. The Refugee Committee will meet at the home of Mrs^ F. A. Walker, 2337 Lawson Ave., on BARBARIANS' ̂ AUXlt IAR Y The Barbarians Girls' Auxil iary will hold its next meeting on Tuesday evening, February Slabs In sid e F ir, mixed cord, C.O.D. __ P h o n „e N o r t h 8 6 Miss -Dashw'ood of Caulfeild _has moved to Vancouver .__.___ Mr, and Mrs. W. R. Campbell Monday next," 10th'February, at H th at the home of Miss Jean of Vancouver have moved into 2 p.m. - - Forsyth, 1591 Haywood Ave. a house at 1402 Fulton Ave. "You Can See The Difference" , nelso ns LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C. C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE _ Phone WEST 782 EXPERT Watch and Clock r e p a ir in g - s T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd,, Montreal) I.>22 Mariiie Drive WEST VANCOUVER UNITED CHURCH W .A,, A nnual V alentine Tea a t 2:30 p.m. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14th. in the Churcii Hall Musical IVogram ^ - Home Cooking Admission 25c ' r