HHOVINCIAL X -jaR A n y Busin ŝ̂ Editorial Office* 1704"Marine Drive Publiahor 1\ F. LOVEGKOVE Phone West 363 Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver-^Ambieside, Holly burn, Weston, Dtindarave Cypress Park, Caulfeild,W hytecliff, Etc.$1.00 per year. 5c. per copy* wnktm Vol* H O L L Y B U R N P .O ., W E S T V A N C O U V E R , B .C \ T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 6th , 1941 N o. 43 EIRE This is the first war of any size in Europe for centuries in u/hifh Southern Irishmen have not ta ^ n a prominent part. A a ^ ^̂ <>̂ si8tent, It is the one war hi which Eire should be in the forefront of the battle. For it i R* nir fought by th e '|r itish Empire in order to protect small ■ nniLis^from aggression, to the end that they inay be, free to p$Huluct their personal and national lives in their own way. "now just that has been the burden of all Southern Irish complaint and the object of all their struggles for generations Thev demand to be a free and independent nation owning all Ireland, they want their own language, and,.most of all, ex cept in the matter of his much needed money for dairy and f/irm produce, they desire" no truck with the never-sufficiently- (vbe-cur.sed Sassenach. As a nation they have been for gen- iniHons a bigger thorn in the side 6f British statesmen than Si t K t ^ Empire put together, while individually and as regiments bringing more glory and honor |9. than almost any of those who have worn the Kin^s Certainly none have done, more so. And, therein shows.up the paradoxfcal . Southern Irish character, which insists for in- sUnce, on independence for itself, while d en y w the right of Northern Ireland to follow its own desires. Yet all this, which seems like summer^ madness to.-any other race, appears be ^i*fectly sane and reasonable to the Southern Irishman, as we who pen these words know^ having more Ox his blood hi our veins than that of any other race. The nearest one ian get to an explanation is that, if a Southern Irishman likes vou he will give his life for^ you-without a thought, bû t, £ l d he dislike you, you can give your life for him and he won't think any more of you. It is a t once a racial istic, which he eannot help, and his greatest curse. 'In wh]^h connection he hates the Sassenach. , • ^ Hence Eire is neutral and will most regardless of the probable loss of the goc^ wfil of all the na--tron¥wyho-are' f i g h i n g - t h e battle-for-Yreedom,,x^t.without love^r the Hun. But, should the latter invade her shores, then there will be, immediate war. . . Incidentally, the Southern Irish, will not of those who wage^total war, regarding all such as snakes. For as all the world knows, St. Patrick long since rid the isll îd of thdK reptiles, and they don^t want any recurrence of the pest. ... BRITISH-ISUAEE Colonel Pringle will bo the speaker for t h e DiuularaVo Branch at 25th apd Marino Drive on Monday, February 10th, at 8 O'clock. His subject: The Com mon Things of England. You are cordially invited attend this meeting, also the Prayer Meeting at 8 p.m. on Thursday evening.*** HOLLYBURN HALL 'BUSINESS SESSION OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE COMING EVENTS A Boys' and Girls' Meeting il lustrated by lantern sliders will be held tomorrow (Friday) even ing in Hollyburn Hall, when the speaker will be Stuart Sheppard. ...Next Sunday, the 9th instant, there will be Sunday School at 9:50 a .m ., a Song'Service at 7.15 p.m., and a Gospel address at 7 :30 p.m., wh^p, William Rae and L. S. Jamieson will be the speak- .ers. Tuesday, February 11th, at 8 p.m., prayer and ministry, the speaker being T. A. A. Hay, mis sionary from the'Island of For mosa. Wednesday, February - 12th, at 7:15 p.m. Young Peo ple's meeting, "The Pilgrim's Progress" with beautiful colored slides; speaker, J., M. Anderson. Adults are invited to this meet- _ in'g.-r--.. _____ ______ __ FRESH FRUIT AND VEGE TABLES AND FRESH CUT FLOWERS The monthly meeting of the Chamber of Commerce will be held at the Highland Cafe, 14th and Marine Drive on Wednesday, February 12.at 7 p.m. All mem bers are rod nested to be present to discuss the various items of business that will be presented by -the ej^ecutive after careful consideration. oT these matters by that body and to assist in planning the current year's activities. h'l'iday, hkdiyuary 21st--North Vancouver provincial Liberal Associations Annual Whist and Dance at the K.P. Hall, I'OWNSWOMEN'S GUILD^ H. C. SCO'ITISH SOCIETY The West Vancouver Branch of the, B.C. Scottish Country Dance Society will hold their regular pl'uctice at 8 p".m. on Sat urday of .this week, February 9ih, in the Legion Hall. A full aitendance is asked for. ' REEVE C A U ^ CITIZENS' MEETING ^ LINDBERGH • Lindbergh-hiw on<^ more made ,himseirofe^^ whole of the British Empire and m ^ t of^hia own ^ And one can only hw e that, his re ^ n t ̂ h ib ition plorable ignorance m m litary and air im tte r^ _ h ^ P iw o n s will not.be asked for a^ain: -Apparently heJnever r ^ s news^ papers and refuses to time haVe perhaps heard d ̂the R.A.F.. p ^ i n - fallen asleep for the > f t slept little and-learned a few h i r f ^ u n d viry and admired iriends_tbe German. Air Ferc«>JL___ ------ "" ^IfowevS!' .what this somewh^ °f"* ^ v ^ to o r tS e * * "w l or does not think^has ceased to be of a y P ^ mow who he represents and why. ciinnld so deliber- ^gret tMM a man of his attained standing forffotten a&y ̂ t his course for the port of ostracised and forgotten The Parkview Produce Com pany of 874 Ro .̂son Street an nounce in this * is^ue to their many - patrons . Jn West " Van couver that they now deliver'- -■ eyery Tuesday a n d Friday ' .throughout the Mujpicipalflty . fresh fruits and vegetables and ' fresh cut flowers. They guaran tee satisfaction with their goods, and will greatly appreciate the --furt-her-patronage-^of-t-he-publicf- Please phone MArine 4551 or 4552 before 1 p.m. , . LO.d Ie . On Tuesday evening a great rally of West Vancouver citizens will be held at the Legion Hall at: 8 o'clock. Reeve Sears, Chairr man of the, local War Savings Certificate .Campaign, inylteŝ .â ^̂ ̂ community organizations,' in cluding Women'ŝ Auxiliaries and Service Clubs to attend. This will be the opening gun in. West Vancouver for the drive to col lect pledges for War Savings Certfiicates..an4,imy.^.tizen wh-o wishes to ally Himself or heh^elf with, any of the local groups for the purpose of a whirlwind cam paign is invited to attend. Cam paign Headquarters . will be sending two very interesting speakers.to address-the meeting, when all details will be given as to requirements for canvassers, Mr.s. F. J. Uolsibu will bo the gue.st .Mpoukor at the .regular monthly meooling at the Clach- jin, Friday, February 7th. She will bring a vital nie.ssage from tlie War .Suving.s Committee of which she is a member.. Following a. sliort biusine.ss s<'s.sion momber.s will meet for a social time togetlior. Ladies on the social committee are Mesdanies H. G. Barker, J. Fox, D. McTavish, H. O.strom. Do not,forget to purcha.se War Savings Stamps. Book Club. At a recent meet ing held at the home of Mrs. E. 'riierrion. the book "Tragedy in France," by Aiulre Mauroi.s was very al)ly reviewed by Mrs. H. Weber. She spoke with deep sympathy and understanding. , Next meeting of the club will be at the home of Mrs. T. Wal lace, 2522 Bellevue, Monday,.Feb ruary 10th. Mrs., Wainwright will review the book "Vincent Van Gogh," the life of the Dutch painter. . ' ■ V.O.N. ANNUAL MEETING The West Vancouver Board o f. the Victorian Ordbr of Nurses •will/'-hold their annual meeting i,pij^Thn3&iuifty:r Febnuary,.13th at ■ 2.;30 p.m. in the Legion Hall, .^i^cated on 18th Street, north of Marine Drive. ^ THE NORTH SHORE LADY LAURIER CLUB men. THE MUSICIANS* SEWING GROUP CONSERVATIVE ANNUAL MEETING This group will be giving an entertainment one ni^nt tms IhbhH rfsr^tK e-purp^e-ot-ra^^ ing funds to supply the necessary materials' to contmu their work of making, for the people in ^be bombed _ areas of England. I t will be under the auspices of the Already nearly three hundred garments have been sent over seas, including several jjirtons 0 wool sweaters and qunte, wnicn were sent to Croydon in res^ n se -to a direct appeal from the editor of the Croydon Times. The entertainment will take the form of a play ^ i t t e n by the well known West Vancouver writer, Miss Berryl Gray. Intervals of patriotic music played by an orchestra drawn from the members of the g^'JP ' and community sin^ng led by a small choir will also be a feat ure of the evening. - Each-ticket --will-entitle the. holder A.o a chance on the tap estry picture which will be fled off during the even^g. Fur ther details will be announced m a later issue. " - >Sally: "When you refused hifu your Consent, Dad, did he go 'down o». his knees." , . Dad; "I didn't ■ notice where he fit*" ' All Conservatives are a^ked to remcm'ber the annual meeting 01 thp West Vancouver Conseryat- ive 'Association which willbe held at 8 p.m. to-morrow (Fri day) in' the Ferguson Budding (formerly the Orange Hall), at 2232 Marine Drive. Business of the meeting will be election of officers. A large attendance of the membership is asked lor. llOUSE PLANS - J Hutchison announces in this issue that he--is prepared to execute house plans, 'blue P^mts ,̂ and'specifications for N.H.A. and other houses. Any interested are asked fo kindly phone him at West 823-iR. ______ b e a u t y s h o T u n ^ n e w MANAGEMENT Mrs. Ruth Cori>ett announces in this issue that she has taken ov^nGwendolyn-BeautyShoppef 1546 Marine Drive, and on the staff will be found' smart city l i t e r s - including M arpret".t^iams-Speheer, fomerly of David Spence*;, w m 'Please phone West 117 for ap, ^ h tm e n t. ed to inquire about the Valen, Hne Special." ' The annual meeting of the Duncan Lawson Chapter I.O.D.E: will be held at the Clachan, Mon day evening, February, 10 at. 8 o'clock. This is the 21st anni-, versary of the chapter and mem bers have invited their husbands and friends to attend. Mrs. F. J. Rolston, only woman member on the provincial war savings drive committee, will speak at the meeting on the February War, Savings Drive. DANCING AT THE PAVILIOfr Stan Grant, a former well known resident of West Vancou ver, but who has been away for some time, has just returned from Australia and will reopen the Hollyburn Pavilion for Dane- • s*/ " ' -ing. S.P.C.A. The Humane Societies of Can ada and the U.S.A. have receiv ed the following cable from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty- to Animals in Lon d o n "Greatly in need of addi tional financial assistance to cope' with war problems, here. Would you be prepared to help?" If anyone in West Vancouver wouId 11 ke to make: a : contribu- tion. however small, to the work ^bf those mTIhgland'-;'who are helping the animals in the bomb ed areas, would they send such contributions to Mrs. D. C. Ri cardo,' Wadsley P.O. The We^t Vancouver S.P.C.A. would very much like to .send a donation from the residents of West Van couver. and when' the urgent necessity? . for a • successful local' campaign will be stressed. West Vancouver has earned the reputation for "Going Over- ■~i;he"Top^in'alFpatriotic~appeals,~ and the Reeve and his Commit tee, representing all community associations, are quite sure that the citizens wilT rally to the '"CEUS6*' ' Definite districts have been, assigned to different organiza- . tions for the Campaign as fol lows : ' " ° I ^ 1. Horseshoe Bay to Cypress • Park: the -three western Red Cross Units; 2. Cypress Park to West Bay Trestle: TocH; 6. Wesf Bay Trestle to 29th Sti eet . Lions' Club; 4. 29th SfreeT-to 25th Street: Townswomen^s Guild; 5. 25th Street to 22nd Street: I.O.D.E.; 6.-22nd Street to 17th Street: Legion and -Legion W.A.; 7. 17th Street to 14th Street: Women's Ambu lance Corps (B.C. Auto ,As*^cia- tion); 8. 14th S t o t to East ern Boundary. Kinsmen Uub and Women's Auxiliary of Unit e d Church and S t . . Stephen s. If you see some smart looking young women in uniform on the streets you will know that they are the hew local Corps of the W.A.C. who have done such re-, markable work in this campaign in V-ancouyer City and who with the assistance of our local citi zens expect to do their share m West Vancouver. Headquarters of the Campaign Committee are located next to the Red Cross-"Treasure-Hou.se,-- No.̂ 1678 Marine Drive. . 'This is a great opportunity for a public and patriotic service and every organization is re quested to have as full an at-, tendance of their, members as possible at the Legion Hall on Tuesday nextvat"8T).mT - - The Executive and Members of the North Shore Lady Laurier Club were hostesses to upwards of one hundred jrguests at a card party and - dance held at the (ilaciian on Wednesday, January. 29th, the occasion being for the "purpose-of raising-funds-for war- refugee work. Prize winners were: Mrs. A. E. Young, Mrs. Helene Weber, ■ Miss Edna Wright, Mrs. E. W., Marentette and Stewart Johns-^- ton. Door prize (hamper), Mrs. W. A. Brown. Prize numbers were drawn by Mrs. J. E. Sears. J., Lawson drew the numjjer for the_ Valentine box of Moir's Chocolates raffled,by Miss Car men Johnston, won .by -Mrs. L. Hughes. Two violin solos were charmingly rendered by Mrs- ,Paul Matthews, who was ac companied, at the piano by Mrs. Alf. Ellis. Also very pleasing were the vocal solos - by Miss Margaret White, whose accomp anist was Miss May Ray. . Mrs. J. Sheasgreen and Mrs. G. W. Kissick were general con veners, assisted by Mrs. Will Wright and Mrs. F._ M. Johns ton, (cards), Mesdames R. P. Blower, P. Gamage, |L. Hughes, L. Wheelwright,- R. Fraser, H. Harrison and L. Macaulay. Mrs. Clarence Darling, Vice-President and Mr. Darling were among those froni North Vancouver. Dance music and variety en tertainment were provided by Miss Evelyn^ Sands , and Mrs. Helen Stephens of the Clachah. Sincere appreciation is tender ed to the following who.se dona tions assisted largely in making the evenirig~a success-:-Blue Rib bon Tea Co. Ltd., Window Baker ies, Turner's Dairy, Safeway Stores-Ltd., Ridley's Dairy, , The next meeting of the club will be held at the home of Mrs. ()olih MacLean, 889 20th Street^ Wednesday, February 19th, at 2:45 p.m. ■'iS'"