Fr«« IhfllTwy fl^vk* • MwitWy Acc<»itiit PKICEH FOR FRI. and SAT., JAN. aiBt and FEB. lat CKBAM OF WHKAT--Urjrc pkg. 22c Kcd & White Hmnd MAUMALAOE-- 4-Ih. tin .........................................»9c WIIITB BEAN8~Flhe Csnadian Grown IkattH, 2 IIm................... ...-9c l*KACIIE8--Lynn Valley Halvea. 2 tliiH ........................ .'........ ...........'.25c, Ued & WhlU* Brand FI.OUK--AII- PurpoHC Blend. 7-lh. Hack ............................... 26c 24*lb. uack <««.«.82c 49*ll>. Hack .................... $L66 GRAFBFBUriV-Callfvrnla. 4 ftr 15c lUNHO--Largo pkge.........................22c GUAFENUTS FLAKES--I*kt. .. . ,10c ;;::MEL0GUAIN BUAN--1b. pkt. ... lOc HERHINGH--<'loverloaf. No. 1 tin 10c I. OBSIER I'ASTB--Beaver. . %H, tin ............. 10c DICED BEEI'S--Nalwb Tall tin 10c Rtn! & Whito Brand TOMATOES-- Squat tin ........%..........................10c CATSUP.--Columbia. Tall tin ,,.„,10c II. P., SAUCTi--Picnic bIzo. Bot....... 10c MINU I E TAPIOCA--8-oz. pkt. ,.10c M E A T S West 370 Free Delivery JtJF Jtld iCi ill l*ORK LAMB VEAL All Grade A & A1 ' Delicatessen Fresh Fish Dally SOUP MIX--Lb............................... 10c RimI & White Brand SOUPS-- Tomato, Vegetable, Celery, Green Pea, Cream of Corn.- ■:{ tluH .......................... 1..'.......... ;.... 25c or dozen .................................. .̂... 07c } jy : if i! fl V If e sfll I ' r!i p >' I, ip l i ISfits? imy i p fiS li i IIII- i iiS Hi V> ' A , ■5 ̂\ j ' 111 m nk '%1" ̂i r ' I.'! SiiMB? I P Î V ffs! fiv'Zi'y; j ifep'i'SSi fei* ' l i p i ' p 4 m • I d p l i ; ' f it I CORRESPONDENCE a'o. the Editor, Dear S ir: „ I was very much interc'sted in a letter in your issue of last week over th<j signature "Mac- killie-Magh." While this may be miHspeIledJL.understand that the meaning is Go(k1 Man or Son of a ()ood Man, evidently a Scottish nom de plume even an English man would be pleased to have the temerity to use. Be that as ̂ it may, the question of the ex- eessive use of the name England is one that he should not take to heart. a« I am sure there is no motive in doing so.. It might easily be a residue of tha t teaoh- ~iiig we" rece1ve"d^n~the~irchT]rol7 trying to remember that long list of Kings and Queens of Eng land also that list of Scottish Kings. These were always a bug bear to me in the history class. However, we must remember that this repetion will break out now and again, whether we„wish it or not, especially as the popu- latioif of England is ,well over fifty million against less than ten million in Scotland.' It really makes "me wonder why we hear so much of this question (in view of the great difference in, population), unless -It--be-that-the-Scot-always--was- a good advertiser, whether It be through song prose or humor. jOf course if Mr. Mackhillie-Magh wants to go back into history, he will find that Britain did not include Scotland until the pre fix Great was added, result Great Britain. Then remember the other addition which made it Great Britain and Ireland, a n d t h e Dominions across the sea, which made u s all British, of which fact we are all proud. * ^ However I feel sure that your correspondent .will be charitable enough to let us relapse now and -agau^nto a feeing of jubilation at being English, as there is no -doubt--in our -minds-" "There-11 ahyayk be an England." Yours truly, Another Good Man, JOHN BULL. T w o W eeks SPECIAL T his R ange Complete w ith . Major Sawdust Burner $ 8 9 ^ Terms can be arranged SA W D U ST- We can also guarantee a supply of sawdust. Drop in and see this wonderful buy at Jordan--Bremner 'i'he marriage took place Jan uary 18th, at the home of the officiating clergyman, Rev. Geo. Pringle, who is also an uncle of the groom, of Catherine, twin daughter of Mr. and.Mrs. J. Bremner, 107'2 Barclay Street, to Mr. Bernard P. Jordan, Twelfth Street, West Vancouver. ST. JOHN AMBULANCE BRIGADE 'Fhĉ 72nd. Division (West Van.) St.: John Ambulance Bri gade met as usuaf on "Monday evening a t the Annex Pauline J()hnson School; The members " atteiRleji~l 00î " atTd-itre~"l^oki ng- forward to an interesting yearns work, whiph will include instruc- I tion in Gas W arfare, F irs t Aid and Ambulance work. There are still vacancies in the Division, which at^full strength will con- .sist of 32 men, and anyone in terested in receiving instruction or advancement in Fii'st.Aid and Ambulance work should immedi ately get in touch with L. C. Reid, West 317-M, or H. C. Os borne, West 628-Y. There are no fees or charges of any kind, but members are |expected to valunteer for public duty from --time-to-time. This consists of at- tendance a t publio gathenfigs and sporting events in order to •assist in rendering F irst Aid in case of accidents or injuries. They are also expected to answer calls in the event of a major ac cident or catastrophe, any "siich duties • being rendered by the mem'bers of St. John Ambulance Brigade without financial re muneration of any kind. I t m ight be mentioned that, while membership in the Brigade does not carry any legal obligar tion, there is always the pos sibility of volunteeres being call ed for, for overseas service in the war. There is also a ladies' nursing division. Ladies inter- ■ ested are~invited to-geH irtouoh- - w ith ; Mrs. MacAulay, West 4()8-R. Mrs. J. W. Lang is join ing the ladies' division and will instruct in home nursing. H A L L FU E L CO . 1447 MARINE DRIVE WEST 1091 Mr. C. E. Wil.<on, president of - General Motors Coriioratip^^ jast week announced completion ot arrangem ents for extensive ad ditional participation of the Corporation in the aviation de fense program, calling for p̂ .e- paration to, produce iH»ub-assemblies for 200 twin-, engine bombers monthly and for increasing ainilane engine pro duction by 500 engi,nc ŝ montyy to a total of 1.500 a month. I has will involve an in the Corporation's employment, as the program reaches a peak, to 40,00.0 men in aviation alone. The (Corporation i.s pushing;this program ahead aggressively pending the working out Qi Iinal contractual arrangements. ■ -W ith th e urgen t. need lor bombers, it was announced that the Coi*poration will begin im- ' mediately preparation for the manufacture of parts and sub- assemblies for twin-engine B25 medium bombers wdiich will be finally produced by North Am erica Aviation, Inc. In can- nection with this program, North American Aviation, Inc. has announced that it will begin immediately erection ol a plant a t Kansas City, Mo. It is expect ed that parts and assemblies will be in production in General Motors so that final assemblies can s ta rt by late summer. ' The Buick Motor Division ot General Motors will erect art-air plane engine plant with a cap acity of 500 engines a month. The engines will be the P ratt and Whitney radial, airrcooled type.. ' : . ; . When negotiations now m pro- --gress~a re--completed-,:--̂the--t.Q.taJ_ Buick contract for engines, spare parts, plant, machine tools and all equipment will amount to ap proximately $125,000,000. Tbis includes'$24,313,150 already al lotted by the Defense Plant Corporation for a plant and a $36,497,520 contract for engines and p a r ts . awarded by the War Department. This project alone, when it gets into full operation, will employ 10,000 men a t the new plant. The time when pro duction will s tart in this plant will depend upon the date of delivery of special machine tool equipment. The ~buTraihg ■■ of~Prat1r-and- Whitney engines and the manu facture of bomber parts and sub- assemblies will be in addition to the aviation engine, work now being rapidly pushed-at-the-Al- lison Division in Indianapolis where another addition to the plant is being completed. The Allison'Division, which is now producing a t the rate of 350 engines a month, is expected to step up production to 1,000 a month by late fall. A t th ^ t tim^. it is expected th a t this division will be employing 15,000 men at Indianapolis, a t the Cadillac, plant in Detroit, and a t Ander son, Ind., where an aluminum ~ft5undry"has~:just~been~complet-- ed. Manufacture of parts and siib- assem'blies for the bombers will be the Fisher ;Body Division of General Motors, \vith. the work allotted to various Fisher Body plants and to other plants with in the Corporation. Studies of the manufacture of airplane parts have been conducted by the Corporation for some time. In this connection, groups of supervisory employees and tech nicians have been sent to the North American Aviation plant in California for first - hand study of airplane manufacture, and satisfactory cooperative ar rangements have been worked o u t Much of the wqidc on bomber parts and sub-assemblies will be done in Cleveland and in the Detroit..area,_as--well-as in. other- plant cities where General' Motors is now operating. Mr. E. F. Fisher, vice-president of Gen eral Motors and general manager of the Fisher Bojdy division, will have general charge of bomber parts production, and will be asr - sisted by Mr< A. J. Fisher in this work. It is expected th a t 15,000 "men will beXemployed in this work, * , V SASH * DOORS. SBINOLBS, PLYWOODS. LATH p a i n t , BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, ROOFINO, WALLBOARD. TILE ----- "jfjJjmfcjiiJADA'PAUl'P'COBIPAWy-WD.'^""*"-- -- T iiv* !• nF n lv tU iitc (or QuiUty WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phon^'West 115 CLASSIFIED ADS Th. raU. foic Clarified AdverUamanto p« word. mlalm„„ 25 cents. Except la the case of those having;, regular accounts, all classi- fledn are uavablo strictly in adv.ancOa Remember Classifleds in the West Van. News get immediate rcaulu. "'^"'iANDV :̂ ANN ■.SHOP, ̂2442 Ankle sox, Wool, Embroidery Sup- iplies, Babies' Hand-knitted Gar- imonts, Notions, Chinaware. GORDON itOBSON - - Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 408. _______ LOANS . Dominion Housing Loan, Home Owner's Loan, ) Builder s Loans, negotiated immediately, full real estate service. Notary Public t In surance. Percy Ti Masterman, 2446 Marine Drive West 1077. PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) ^ 418 Howe St. TRin. 1271 Local Representative, ' F. Baylisfl (Notary Public) 2486 Bellevue Ave. West 522-B WANTED--Cottage, preferably^ un furnished, with stove from March . 1st for 3 months. W. 724-R. WANTED--Housework, 25c per Hour, afternoons. Phone'W. 749-M even- .ings.' ^ ̂ FOR RENT--Small furnished house keeping su'*̂-' for business lady. ' 1368 Clyde Ave.____________ FOR RENT--2 or 3 room suite, priv ate bath; clean and quiet. block Diindarave Pier. Private entrance. Box 60,,. West Van. News. FOR RENT--Rooin and suite.' Apply 2438 Marine Drive. MARCEL SHOP -- Thermique Steam Permanents; only best materlalH used. Expert operators. Phone West 804, Royal Bank Building, H. A. ROBERTS LTD. Complete Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive West 540 ---- -- : ■■■■' ■ ■-- .. .. PHIMNF.Y SW EEPING--. Old Cean-P"imOnFCre'^ALEr^hoganrfihi6h7--^" ; " ™ steel frame, splendid tone and con- gtone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, dition. West 525-R. _____ ' j^orth 811-R-2.. ALLEN RADIO SERVICE, 2558 Mathers Ave. Phone W. 116. 20 WANTED -- Old' "Ster" or "Dodge" car or engine. Condition olf. car no object, 'if engine good. ' Gash. W. 906-L.____________________ ^ TO RENT--Modern, small house, 3 bedrooms, sitting room, dinette, fireplace, hot and cold shower;"one block from beach, $30. W. 282-R. WANTED-^Girl for housework. Sleep out. W. 66. f o r RENT, by widow; upstairs? bed room with private washroom, also downstairs bedroom with full bath room. Suit couple or single, ̂ home privileges, fine home and view. __Wjeat_734=R.___________ . ' years experience in radio, repairs, ' installations and sales.__________ GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, all risks, one policy, all locations. SE y. 4991 or West 1066-Ll._____ LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine.. ______ ~ _________ RAPERHANGING. Painting, Kalso- mining;"first class work,'at reason able rates, H. Gaines, West 962-R. FOR SALE---Six room house, almost new. Fully modern, Large living room with fireplace. Good sized dining room. Modern kitchen. Large bedroom and bath downstairs, two bedrooms~upstairsr-- F̂ull""ci)nl;rete" basement with new furnace, Gar-, age, concrete walks. Fully developed garden, with fruit. First class., loca tion. $2800.00. Terms. LAWiSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive West 55 FOR SALE--̂ McClary Electric Range, steel top, $125; chesterfield suite, $65; Hoover Vacuum, $40; radio, $60; 3 sleds and preserving jars. W. 597-L. . -___________ FOR SALB--1936 Mowis "8" Coach, . ..low mileage, excellent condition. Reasonable price. Phone W. 260-M. 1-GOOD USED-Coal arid Wood Range just right for small home,. $20. Hall Fuel & Heating Co. W. i091. UNITED CHURCH W.A. RE-ROOFING--GENUINE DUROID - Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have roof measured now; free esti mates.- R. B,r priPPSt West 88-R. F. V. Findlay. West 1096-Rl. ^ COilWiETE NOTARIAL SERVICES All forms of documents dravm and executed". - p Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals R. P. BLOWER & CO. LTD 1405 Marine Dr., West Vancouver Phones; West 21, 204-M, 913rL WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, tight transfer work, prompt service. West 700. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister A Solicitor, 510 W - Hastings, Sey. 4199 at West Vancouver any. time by __appointment,. W!est_403^______... The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Association will be held in the Church Hall on Tuesday, Februafv 4th, a t 2:15 p.m. Hostesses will be Mrs. A. Cromar Bruce, Mrs. D. Dewar, Mrs. F. L. Deacon. There will 'be special business to attend to and it is hoped to have a large attendance •of memibers and friends. ^ ^ A N T M A K E BROWN & MUNTON pauiHt onivic west-see----------Alwiibcw A.n.T. or -B.Cl----t------ WORK WANTED -- Landscape gar dening, rock pits, septic tanks, gen eral labor. Phone W. 50-Y. BICYCLES and Children's Wheel ■ Goods at very reasonable prices., Fred Jones, 1439 Marine. New C.C.M. bicycles in stock. GENERAL HAULING--Manure, sep tic tanks and rockpits installed an cleaned. Dump truck work, .wes 1^7-R. __________ -- LADY WITH CHILD desires room with kitchen- facilities in exchang for. part-time services or ren ̂ Phone West 749^M after 5 p.m:-- ' FOR SALE--Magicoal electric fire place w ith, H.EP.C. -approval. ' 662-Y._______ ------ - STRAYED from 3321 M a r i n e Drive, male ' tabby cat, very - answers to *'Edgar." Reward. 728-L3.________ -• - - -- FOR SALE--2 walnut beds, springs, --1 and -mattresses. ■■W._465-b̂ ' BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Cement Navvy Jack Sand, Crushed Rock Brick . Lime Driain ^ le s Concrete . TEAROE & s o n s 1427 Marine Drive ' cr'-'. . West 84 J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marino Drive; Phone West 21, or West 563-R-l. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust • burners installed; furnace repairs, G. Meldrum, 1108 Lonsdale. North . 822. . .. - '; FLOOR SURPACINgU j . Sutherland. West*483 or North 678. . . . PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J. H. Wedley, West 1 0 2 2 -L ._________________' WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store , and house fixtures, turning, glass; ' glazing. West 740, West 4«3-R. . CASH FOB JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing tbo big or too small. Burrard Junk Co., West 91. iv