T 1 i In \ WEST TAK. t m m o can B O i • €or. - tli^ ■ A' BiftttiitiE Aim>' 1953 FulUm Avano# Fhon« W«at 244«B Stmdir'SatrvyAi'r ll'iuia.WTsi&fJM." StTAttfiirt and Viiltom •l•.w•k<NBl• DR. G. D. H. SE A L E D.D.S.. L.D.8. m r w T i t t TAFSimSE EIJOPE X-Ray Hay Block, 14th and Marina Dr. Office Hours 0 to 6 p.m. Evenings by appointment Phone West 72 BAFTIST csmca ' Simdby 0ifid4M . 10:00 a.m.--Chttreh School In- , ,«,^cliidinff,Malt .Ck^ 11 a.»i^A 7:30 pjn^Praachtoir .. Sanrlcaa, A h t tk t iy welcome to all DE. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly o t 705 Madical-DanUI Building Hours: P to 0 -- Eveninga by appointment 1860 Marine Drive Went 482 Batablisbed on North Shore ̂ '26 Years : ' r f . ' (Lady Assistant) , HARRON BROS. LTD. funeral Birertors Hollybum Funeral Home 18 th and Marine West 184 North Vancouver Parlors 122 WiBst Sixth Street Phone North 184 HOLLYBUM HALL 14th and Duehesa Thursday and Friday Evenings Jan. 30th and 31st at 7 p.m. .Special Children's Services. Conducted by Mr, John Wilson. Sunday, Feb. 2nd, at 0:50 a.m^ Sunday • School and Young People's Bible Class. Sunday Evening at 7:30 Gospel Address. Speaker, Mr. John Wallace. Tuesday, Feb. Vancouver Pnclpra 56 Tenth Avenii^" East Phono Fair. 184 4th at' 8 p.m. Prayer and Ministry of the .Scriptures by Mr. John Wallace. Wednesday, Fei>l 5̂th at 7:15 p.m. 'VThe Pilgrim's Progress." Come and hoar Bunyan's won derful story as told by Mr; Jack Anderson, W E ST V A NCO UV ER' 'CKnstian Science , Society •"taOBCH EDIWCB ' ~ 20th and BsquimalU HoUybum This Society is a Branch of The Mother Church The Firat Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, ' Massachusetts Sunday Service: 11:30 a.m. Sunday, February 2nd supjBcrr: "LOy.E" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. The public is cordially in vited to attend our servicea and meetings. A t t e n t i o i ^ J I l u d U d e i s ! ^ SAND, <5RA?EL, NAVVY JACK EOAD m ifm iALS UPMUnrED Phone North 1141 or ALF ELLIS, West 523.L WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. P astor: Robert H. Birch ii i' I , * I1-̂, 4' ! if T t i1.;i III I, il> FUELS For Good Quality Loam To|>»oil, Wood and Coal S. LOWRIE Phone West 256-Y BAPTIST CHURCH 1344 Gordon Ave. Sunday, February 2nd 10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--^Rev. McRae of Ed monton. 7:80 p.m.--Rev. Allan Harber-- Tuesday at 2:30 p.m.--Mission Circle. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Sunday, February 2nd 8 a.m.--Holy Communion, 10 a.m.--pChurch School. i- : . | ! - | - v r - | : ■ , ■ : tl'i 1 '■! m \ k'J i / - ' i j : - ' ' sfr> 1 '■ ■ 1 VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SBARLE Phone West t Fertillzera o f All Kinds, ADCO i' '1 ■ '■ Wood, Goal, Builders' Supplies ̂ p 1 , ' ' S P E aA L I l f ' { \. ' U . l . --rr-------------- Sawdust ..... --pry-Slabs-. .̂ .̂iTTT^6jOO-per-cord-- Services: Sunday School, 9:45. Sunday Services -- 11 t.m . and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday--Prayer and Fellow- ship, 7:80. ' . ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH .23rd & Inglewood Ave. > Rev. Father Van ?astor Sunday Services Low Mass 8:16 a jh . " ' High Mass and Sermon -- 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 p.m, Catechism and Bible Class--2 :00 Week-day Services ̂ -Mass----8-arm. R eal E sta te L istings W ANTED XX SALES an d RENTALS x x ' For Qui(^k Results list with i. C. J. A r c h e r L m . We have s e v e ^ enquiries from responsible clients' PHONE W EST 2 2 5 ^ City Office: 823 West Pender M a.m.-rHoly Oommuhion and^^ Fridays--Rosary, Benediction Sermon. 7:45 7:30 p.m. -r- Evensong and Ser- Saturdays W EST VAN MOTORS W irecker Phones: Day W est 268 Service Night w. 1 14s standard Products BILL GROUT. Prop. mon. Monday,: 8 p.m.--Church Com- niittee. . . Si. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild 3 p.m.--^Evensong and Sermon. to 8:30 p.m. Confessions ; 7:30 CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST _/'LOVE" wiJl be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon in 'all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. The Golden Text i s : "The Lord hath appeared .of .old_ unto . from shed ... .. .$6.00 per cord from mill ....... $6.50 per.eord 8lab8-with-Barlr |̂4;00^^er"c6rd" Slabs A Edgings |8.76 per cord ^ PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 NOnOE KATHARINE ANNE BEBDHA51 DECEASED ri t ' I; I - 'i\i ■ I ! : ■ 4 - "1 1 ,} vu. i-" . 'r V it. 7.'.-' 4 i •'* iciSSssSSfsj- Mn NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ail peraons having claims against the estate of Katharine Anne Boedham of 2196 Argyle Avenue, West Vancouver. B. .C, who died on the 14th Septem ber, 1940, are required on or befoi*e the ISth March, 1941, to deliver or- send by prepaid letter.full particulars' of their claims duly verified to THE ROYAL TRUST COMPANY, Ex ecutor of the Will, of the said Katli- arlno Aiino Boodham deceased, at its office 626 W. Ponder St„ Vancouver, ■ 'B. C* AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the Executor will proceed to distribute the assets of the dwoased among the persons entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which it shall then have had notice. , - DATED the 13th January, 1941. ROBERTSON, DOUGLAS . & SYMES, Vancouver, B. C. Solicitors for The Royal Trust Company. W e s t V a n N e iv s Pnbliahed Every Thuraday Publisher F. F . LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue Sunday, February 2nd The,Rev. Dr. J. W. Melvin will occupy the pulpit both mqrn- jpe, saying, Yea, I have loved ■ ing and evening., ~ . thee_ with an everlasting Ipve: 11 a.m.--Soloist, j^rs. Colin Mac- therefore with lovingkindness Lean. _______ have I drawn thee" (Jeremiah L7i3Dlpma.=^:^dldistr^^ - 31-:^ . - - -- ------------ -- Monday Evening at 8 o'clock. Among the citations which / you afe invited by the Young comprise the Lesson-Sermon is w- .People's^SocieJty,jo hear--Rev.=;^he^ollowing=rfromi,the_4Bible.:- Dr. A rthur Earner give a "Beloved, let us love pne an- lecture on his.work among the other: for love is of (5od; and Indians of Canada. All are eyery one that loveth is born of welcome. God, and knoweth God" (I John Wednesday, a t 8 jp.m.--Prayer 4: 7); rand Bible Study!: The Lesson-Sermon also in- The regular monthly meeting eludes the following passage of the W.M.S. of the United from the Christian Science text- Ohurch was held on , Tuesday, book, "Science and Health with 21st insti, with a large atten- Key to the Scriptures" by Mary dance. Mrs. Reid, in the absence Baker Eddy: "The starting- of Mrs. Vance, conducted the point of divine: Science is th a t dedication -ceremony installing God, Spirit, is All-in-all, and th a t the officers fo r 1941. The meet- there is no other m ight nor ing-heard-%vith-gratitude th^"anF-- Mind^thai7~God'^B""tove; and nouncement .that the allocation . .th e rm re He is divine Principle . ANNOUNCEMENT BARCLAY'S p h o t o g r a p h e r s WILL MOVE TO NEW PREMISES 1562 MARINE DRIVE, from Feb. 1 Films Developed any size roll, 30c, with 5x7 freie enlargement Some feller sed onet thet a slip of the tongue was no fault of the mind, but some felle_rs_ tongues is mighty__ slippery: , . "Now,, be .sure to writ plain on those bottles." said the farmer to -the-druggist--" which-is-ifor-the - horse- and_which ...is for me. I don't want anything to happen to that horse be- _fpre_I_get_alL.the hay _cat.I!___ ___ FUEL, SUPPLIES SLABS and EDGINGS $3 per cord Jnside Fir, $5.50 per cord Phone day or night NORTH 1581 of our society to the Missionary Funds had been met. Miss War ren and Miss Dymond both gave most interesting accounts of \ T Baainess and Editorial Office: 1704 Marble Drive Phone W est 65 North Vancouver Office: . 123 Lonsdale At*. 11.00 a year by carrier: 82.00 a year ' by mail TABLE TENNIS LEAGUE First Division . - Teams: * P W L T Pts. their work in China, indicating" D udes... 11 9 2 0 18 th a t in China the "Fields are W.V. Sizzlers";::.'!! 7, 3 1 15 fast becoming white unto har- C anadiens............12 7 5 0 14 vest," in the fires of persecu- .Maple Leafs .... 11 4 6 1 9 tion, belief in their old super- Sockeyes . 11 0 f t 0 0 atitions IS fading arid with child- Last week's scores : like fa ith th a t would shame the Dudes 14, Canadiens 4 ^ e ra g e so - called Christian W.V. Sizzlers 9, Maple Leafs 9. miracles of healing take place, Canadiens 14, Sockeyes 4. and old and young are eager to Second Division know the Christian Gospel. Teams: P W T. T pfo ----------- N ifties ................. 14 14 0 0 28 Grizzlies ............14 8 4 2 18 Sharpshooters ..13 7 5 1 15 Comets ..............14 6 5 3 16 Peledins ............13 2 11 0 4 : Roamers ............14 1 13 0 2 L ^ t week's scores: -.•Nifties 10, ^ m e ts 8.- Grizzlies 15, Roamers 3. • Sharpshooters 16, Roamers 2. The Big Seven 7 Players: p w % G. Bradley (N) .....:..66 57 86 F. Pepper (Gj ........72 61 85^ B. ^Hamilton (N) ....54 43 80 iL>.Mastermau (S) :...78 55 80 • L ^ lm a n (P) ........76 51 67 G . /Turner (C) .„78 49 63 B. Abram (C) ........78 48 62 UNITY METAPHYSICAL CENTRE (Non-SecUrlan) of Vaneonver, B. C flTeat Vancottver Service, Friday evening at 8:16 o'clock To'be'held' at'Shangri-La 2485 Marine Drive Speller: Rev, T, Conway Jones Subjkt: "Mind, Body and , Affairs." Monday Afternoon Study Class, ,8 o'clock Unity Literature for sale at all times at Quaint Gift Shop, 2435. Marine Drive .X-------------------- Jv.----- SP U niM fi HEADACHES take a severe toll in nervous tension*T~usually indicate eyestrain. H ave, y o u ch eck ed y o u r ligh tin g lately? Adequate, correct lighting, cspftp.ially fnr rcadi higj c lu u in a te headaches cau sed By eye strain.' G o o d - b y e h e a d a c h e s , w i t h 'BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIG HTI 11-40