1- ■'S'.-::,;, I U 'ff:J1'S ii(j ng ly. %.ttr* f>tn alB )ne< )46 tol. >ne : usr iw. rtb nd. est ore iss,. K9.. 'ea, too 91. an- ind no/ 558 20 irs,/ I y. . ■ ■'■-.v'S'l rts- W9; SO- ID nt. ;ti- uS. . ,v| nd f j I■ Pd -m l1.. r -- "y| 99 '■'•'I • ' 1 rp 3, ■ p - I 1. - Business and Editorial Office: Pfione West 55 Publisher K. F. LOYEGROVE 1'hone West 363 Circulating in the lt)istrici o f West Vancouvef-PAmbiestde, HoUyburny Weston., utindarave Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc,$1,00 per year. Su per copy, VoK XV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. B.C., THURSDAY. JANUARY 30th. 1941 No. .42 THE ROWELL.SIBOIS COMMISSION'S REPORT The nerves of the citizenry of any country engaged in a life and death struggle often become keyed up to near break- nu noint.' Any little disagreement, which m normal times mild be approached by both sides calmly on its merits, is -itif then to be mutually regarded as based on malicious intent, it was for this reason th a t in a previous editorial we suggest- ofi the report of the Rowell-^irois Comimission m ight be dis- pmsed but th a t ho attem pt should be made to implement , its findings until a f te r the war. As it is, the fa t is in the lire w i^ a vengeance and a very b itte r quarrel has developed, which, unless the disputants soon assume a more moderate attitude, pan only result in the Commission's report being thrown into the discard altogether as a totally unfit base on which to re build Confederation. ' . \ ̂ ̂ ... To the im partial observer it does not appear th a t either of the parties to the dispute can have .stated so fa r the real reasons for the actions each has taken, th a t behind all the orossfiring there is something which has "not yet been given to the public. Therefore it would be both w i^ r and fairer to withhold judgm ent , for a while until all the disputants have had the opportunity to fully explain their_ actions, in stead of going off a t half cock and uhloadirig quantities of abuse upon one or other of them. In this connection it was notice able that the Prime Minister in opening the, Conference laid the report before the Premiers without comment from which it would seem reasonable to assume th a t he personally was not in favour of any action being taken a t this time to imple ment its findings. • n 4- That there should be a strong central government in Pf- tawa air are-agreed, but, unless the changes necessary to its creation Can be made amicably with the provinces, a continua tion of the present unsatisfactory status would be preferable. And, as we see it, so much calm thought and dTmTnust4?o4nto-any-^uccessfukre-dra£tmg-ofJ:heXontedej:a:L. tion Pact th a t it is impossible of accomplishment in such a time as the present. . p i v. The situation as it now stands contams fa r too much dynamite for the good of the country as a whole and of a uni fied war effort. I t miglit help m atters, however, if Ottawa would remember th a t it was the provinces and not ^ e y ^ h p , joined together to make Cbnfederaition,. apd that, therefore, the wishes of the provinces.must still ^ federation is to hang together. It^ would east to keep in mind the fa c t tha t, whereas they have depend ed for many years on the west for ^ ^ the west could get along very well without t ^ to it. Moreover, it m ight surprise many in Montreal and To ronto to know th a t there exists in British Columbia Qude a large body of informed opinion-in favor of th a t province leav ing Confederation and becomihlg either a separate dommion:or '■"P tb in ^ a t any rate, is sure in a host ^ u n c ^ m n tie ^ --n am ely -th a t:^y ^ resen t:a ttem p i^ :X ^^ impossible; for which reason the sooner the dispute ^s cbsed the-better for Canada and th a t continued unity of in ^ ^ " war effort demaHded by the penrous-in ternationah situation. NEW FORDfBUSES ■ T EXPECTED SOON y LEGION NOTES The regular meetings of the Canadian Legion will be held on the first and th ird Thursdays of ^eMlTmonthr; The~Aexfrmeeting- will take place on Thursday, February 6th. A full attendance is requested.' . ̂ ^ The Council have received a letter fro mthe Ford Motor Com- ;panV th a t they expect to deliver the ̂ two new buses diere on 14tn February. Oouncillor Ray in formed us that, if no delay oc curs in their delivery, the new ̂ city; service will b e . started as after the above date as pos- Interest is m ounting. steadily in the series of "chain lunch eons" which ard^ contributing to the war effort. Friday afternoon Mrs. A. J. T. Taylor was a host ess at her W est Shore hoine, Kew House, when her guests in cluded Mrs. R. W. Wood, Mrs. Mayne D. Hamilton, Mrs. W est Jones, Mrs. Francis V. Lamb, Mrs. W. E. Ainley, Mrs. Christ opher Reid - of Kelowna, Mrs. Ernest WoodWard and Mrs. John Wade. " At Mrs. D ouglas'. Dewar's luncheon for the" same cause a t her Caulfeild home. Gray Rocks, guests were Mrs. M ary Riddqll, _Mrs._C.„_E. _ Thomas; _ Mrs. Ed;: ward Carter, Mrs. W. L. Mac- Tavish,- Mrs. Graeme King, Mrs. Phillip A. Curry, Mrs. James Eckman, Mrs. Jarv is Newbury, Mrs. J. D ^ e l l , Mrs. Frederick Buscombe and Mrs. John Rose. Mrs., C. Albert Mitohell was also among Friday's "chain" host esses entertaining informally a t bridge. sible. Tn, order to publicize this eveiit, it is the • intention to in- vite_a member of Government and city officials to take part m the'^opening^by riding as guests bn the first buses initiating the n e w municipal service from West Variooiiver to the city^ ; b r it is h -is r a e l - Mrs. W. T. Hamilton will give the 'address on Monday, Febru- aryfSrd a t 2^ and Marme Drive. Her subject i s . The Everlasting Gospel." You arq vei^ cordially invited to hear M^ He^ address is always very interesting and most instructive. The meeting opens BOYS' BAND AUXILIARY The Auxiliary of th®.,W«st .Vancouver Boys' Band will hold aso c ia l evening next S a tu rd ^ J February 1st, at , 8 p.m Clachan, 25fh and W aterfi^^- A lbnarents and friends of band boys are cordially invited to at- t e ^ . An interesting program has' been arranged for the even- ingf Refreshments will be serv ed.;̂ a n n u a l R E I W r w o r k COMMIITEE WEST VAN- COUVER RED CROSS The Work Commillco is in charge of all wonjcn's work, in structions," lists of supplies, co- oiierating o rpnizations,' auxil iaries and units. Record of; Work Knitting Distributed: "ool Socks .939 lb. 10 oz. 1̂ (2539 pairs socks),- bod Sweaters ..;...178 lb. 9 oz. (283 sweaters) . > Wool Amputation ^ Covers, Body Belts, Convalescent Sweaters ........-- 6 lb. 10 oz. (33 ampt. covers, 2 'body belts, ' 1 con. sweater).. Cotton Warp .........i lOlb. 8oz. Total .............4...1144 lb. 1 oz. Hospital Supplies; cut and distributed: Hospital Gowns .................... 521 Bed Jackets ....... 50 Bed Pan C overs........ ........... 329 B e d ro c k s 10,4 Binders ....... I®® Handkerchiefs (gauze) ......1538 Handkerchiefs (khaki) .....;1694 Hampton Pads ........... 212 TH attress Pads .... j......--134- Pneumonia Jackets .... ...... 668 Pyjam as ................-.......... 16^ Slings ................................. 197 Surgical Towels .......... .-...1365 Pillow Cases ..... :................. 534 Sheets ............... -................. 128 " Totai ..... ::,.:rj;i.^?.........'.:7805 Donations: - Pyjam as ................................ 12 Lap Robes ............ ° Socks ................:................ 1® Total ................................... 86 Surgical Dressings Made: Dressings (in 5 sizes) ........5946 Bandages (cotton) ........... ...2336 Bias Bandages (flannelette) 633 -Bandages (T) ---- 8T_ -- Total ^ ^»,9002„ Overseas Garments cut and distributed: 933 garments of various types. 58 lb. 9 oz. wool. Donations -- 1451 articles: af- ghans, quilts- and all kinds of clothing. Samples-- . . . . At the request of Provincial Division, the following saihples were completed: Pneumonia Jackets ............ 160 Hospital G ow ns................. 200 Arm Bands .......................... 75 Ho.spital Mitts ................ 90. Bed Socks 99_ Patterns for Overseas Gar ments (4 patterns in each set) ....................-■.....; ...... 199 An emergency call for new and used blankets met with a ready response. Thirty pairs of new blankets and ninety-one pairs of .-oised blankets wqre donated; ahao $256.86, which was forwarded to. the Division tc purchase blankets a t $1.75 «ach. . ^ The standard of the work of this Branch has been maintain ed, as only two bed gowns, one binder and seven pairs of socks have been returned for correo,^ tion. Acknowledgements of ship ments are always encouraging., and any comments helpful. Sir Truby King, the famous « New Zealand surgeon, always- gave--this advice to those train- ing'under Kim, "A little delay Ms soon forgotten, but bad or poor wo.rk is never forgotten." The Red Cross slogan m ust be "Qual ity of supplies, not quantity," ' Plastic surgeons have found that the human skin jpaji be stretchedy like Apiece of rubber/as much as 43 per cent. LEGION W.A. COMING EVENTS The W.A. Canadian Legion had a very busy afternoon on Mon day making arrangem ents for a busy program of \Vork. A very large turnout of members was present, also two new members. Mrs. J. S. Forster and Mrs. H. Gaines. Letters of thanks were read from the lodal boys in Can ada and England from land,, sea and Air Forces, thanking the W. A. for Christmas boxes. These boys are fighting for. the Bni- pire's freedom. Lot, us never for get them. I Mrs. W. Green was nominat ed to work w ith ., Mrs. Eber Brown on 'the Cigarettes Com mittee. The members "of the W.A.' spent a'■very enjoyable evening , a t the home of Mrs. T. E. Batchelor on Tuesday, 21st Jan uary. Mrs. T. Turner, President, on behalf of the W.A., presented Mrs. F. Rivet'S and Mrs. M. Phil lips, with very suitable g ifts , in appreciation of their valuable services. ' / Refugee Clothing Another boat leaves in Febru ary for England, and the date ha!s, been fixed for February -15th-to-receLye_clothing.,-Aii5LftnCL t'rida.v, February 14th--United Iflimvh W.A. Valentine Tea.4i 6i i$i Friday, February 21st--North V'aiicouvcr I'rovincial Liberal Asswiation's Annual Whist an^Danco at tlie K.P* Hall. WEU'^AUE A8SOCN. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the West Vancouver Welfare As- '• sociation will be held at 8 p.m. nc.xt Tuesday, February 4th, in the Legion Hall. The guest speaker will be the Rev. J, W. Leighton, Chaplain of the Mis- ■ sion to Seamen in Vancouver. A hearty invitation to attend is ex tended to the members and the public,, generally, in which cop- liection it should, be explained that all those who contributed $1 to the last Patriotic Services Ap- : iieal are members. . * * CONSERVATIVES TO HOLD ANNUAL MEETING who can please help in/this , way by giving clothing o r shoe^.for children. The Legion Hall will b^ open oh th a t date to receive same. Over 350 articles oiE cloth ing were in ̂ the Iqst shiipment from this branch in West Van- .time\ A l̂ consignjpentjj,are tak§U. couver. Let us make it more this free of ,, charge to the Legion Headquarters in Lnodon, Eng-, land. Everyone may .be assured. good use will . be 'made of all articles. W.A, please note: ■ The date for the W.A. Cana-, dian Legion to entertain- the troops at the Legion Hut, Sea-? foriK-ArjhorleS-,_is Friday, 14th MFebnrai'y:--------------- -- The annual meeting of the West Vancouver Conservative : Association will be held at 8 p.m. on Friday of next week, Febru- ary 7tlTri'frthF'M ^gasoir B ing (formerly th e^ fan g e Hall), 2232 Marine Drive. The chief busineiss of the meeting will be the election of officers. A full I turnout of the membership is re- \ (juested. 1.. COUNCIL NOTES Plummer, Craig Ltd. wrote the Council re surfacing of road past Lota 2, 3, 16 and 17 in Block "A", D.L.^811, Caulfeild, etc. For consideration when the Tarring Programme is prepared. Mabel King wrote the Council 3®ZLGhHjtofiuzSJbreEf^ WCRWTAN'S~ATVlBUr7ANCE CORPS The W.A.C. held a very suc cessful meeting in the Legion Hall on Monday, January 27th. " The commander, Miss Ola Mc Lean, gave a lesson in signalling. This was followed by the first, of a 'series of lectures in A.R.P. which will be delivered by Miss Morris of Neiy Westminster This series is the last to be con-., ducted by the .government for some months. As an attendance at five lecturesrlsT equiT ed^i^^ members who wish to sit for ex amination, it will be necessary.; to close this class ^to new mem bers on Monday, February 3rd.- Prospective members should,, therefore, be on hand at '7 :3Q, p.m. on Monday next in the Legion Hall. • • Sergeant B. Black will take charge e f the drill in the last half hour. Bay. Referred to the Engineer for a report/ The Council purchased the fol lowing bonds for Sinking Fund purposes/from Riddell, Keenley- side & Co. L td .: $25^000.00 Province ,of Brit- i.sh Columbia 4% due November 1st ,1950. Price 99, plus accrued interest. Yield Chief Constable A. W. Krug er reported to the Council re traffic conditions Marine Drive, 1300 to 2600 Blocks. : The m atter was. I'oferred to HOLLYBURN HALL To-night and tomorrow, Jan uary 30th and 31st, at 7 o'clock special children's services will be conducted in Hollyburn Hall by John Wilson. Next Sunday, Feb ruary 2nd, there will be Sunday^ School and Young People's Bible Class a t 9 :50 a.m., and at the 7:30 p.m. service the same day "John Wallare wiirgive-a-Gospel address. Tuesday, February 4th, a t 8 p.m. prayer and ministry of the Scriptures by John Wal lace, and on Wednesday, Febru ary. 5th, a t 7:15 p.m. "The Pil grim's Progress." Come and hear Bunyan's wonderful story as told by Jack Anderson. "the Chairman ̂ of Transportation, Public Works Department and the Chief of Police with power to act. J. T. McBeath made :an offer to the Council to purchase Lot 23, N Ei^ D.L. 1063. Offer was accepted. City Clerk, North Vancouver, wrote the Council re contribution to Ambulance Service. The Municipality's contrib ution. of $15.00 per m o n f h towards the Ambulance Service Was increased by the Council to ^$20.60 as , from January 1st, 1941. W. F. .Meirick sent an invita tion to the Council to attend the United Church Service, Febru ary 9th, at" 7 :30 p.m. He was adviisedi tlKat the Reeve will request the Council "to " attend if-possible.--------------- Mrsl K. S. Huggins wrote the Council re access to 2669 Math ers Ave.. . ̂ ' . The applicant was informed th a t the Council could not see its way to take any action in th is riiatter. ■ '