13ustncs» and Editorial Office: Mfritte JDrlve ./'■ Phone Publialt^r P. F. LOVEOKOVE Phono West I16IJ Circulating in the District of West Vancouver--Amhleside^ Hollyburn^Weston, Dumiarave $1 .0 0 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeild, Whytecliff, Etc. bc per Wy. Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER. THURSDAY. JANUARY 23rd, 1941 No. 41 POWER Kvoi-y human being: desires power, and in its pursuit the irrc'itcist crimes have been committed, from the destruction of nations to the ruin of oomparatively unimportant individ uals. This apparently inherent desire,■'Otherwise known as . -imi/itimi, has ever been a major mainspring of human action, * ' 'uui however much the manner of attaining power has varied Ivith the ages, the driving force behind it has always remain ed constant. For instance, |n the Middle Ages the road to power was paved with crimes of violence, while in this com mercial age it is littered with the starved bodies and the ruinedecareers of those unfortunates who have lost everything hill their lives. And this condition has become such a com monplace that it ho longer shocks us, just^ as our fore fathers regarded "battle and murder and sudden.death" mheh a matter of course. But in either instance the, driving force responsible remains just as cruel and deadly to human life and happiness, the method merely conforming to the iiniGS# For the essential difference between this age and those that preceded it is that nowadays the centralization for the acquirement of power is found in , commerce in contradis- linction to the latter, where all the centralization was in gov ernment. ■ , , i n Business centralization has become the keynote of our times, because in a col^imercial age money is the dominant factor. The very wealthy;are to modern civilization what the feudal baron or prince was to the Middle Ages, and wealth-.,, is built up on centralization in finance and commerce. Short ; of murder or personal violence, both of which are strictly ' taboo, the human element has oome to be ^^gely ignored, and, because that is and must ever be the most important element in any situation involving mankind, our modern civilization is "in grave danger of being destroyed by internal combustion, i. The Middle Ages were fighting ages, when the road to ■^owerwas"^y.armCand'the-b'arorriTrhiE-^ or prince on his throne for the most part held absolute sway.. through the swprd. Indeed, the central idea of the feudal system was dictatorship by virtue of the support of armed retainers, and the ordinary citizen who dared challenge such authority went in danger of his life. But there was this to be said' for the system, that it did c.ompel the ruler for his own. personal safety^.ta look,to it thkt his.retainers or tenants were adequately" fed, clothed and housed in accordance with the conditions then obtaining, whereas there is no such com pulsion on,the part of the employer today.. However, the con tinual growth of the people in numbers as compared with a gradual decrease in the feudal kings or lords and their re- tainers_through death in war gradually shifted the balance of power to, the former. In the case of England, the barons themselves first challenged the central authority, until over the ̂ 'passage of centuries the supreme power'-became finally. '^'ested"irrth'e~peopTe~Mxi"chrthe-same-proeess-of-events-oecur-red-- in most of the other "'countries in Europe, though, generally speaking, at a later date. ■ It is impn.ssible to'set the clook back, which is the reason why Hitler and Mussolini are so certain to be defeated. We of the British Empire who are an aiggregation of small self- governing nations held together by>-common ties of. blood and laws and loyalty to a King and Queen embodying in their own persons all the best qualities of our race are fighting today against centralization in government, in other words, for the rights of small, nations to live their own lives in their own way. Similarly, the great post-war struggle will centre centralization in commerce and.in the personal lives of the citizens. And whether a greater.civilization will emerge from this struggle or„ whether all will disappear in chaos must depend on the measure of sanity and fair dealing which we bring to the settlement. ACTIVE SERVICE LIST Keep record of men enlisting in H.M. Forces and any* change, of addresses of those already ser ving up to date by phoning Mrs. Heber Brown, West 1090-L or list at Post Office;*** KINSMEN CLUB ' m It is to he at tne The West Vancouver Kinsmen Wednesday, • January 29th, at 8 Club have formed a new execu- o'clock. Make up ^ table ând five as follows: Presiddht, W. S. come. For any further informa- Peake; Secretary,-Geo. Griffin; Treasurer, W. Tearoe; Sergeant- Wesf-547-L or Mrs. Kissick, at-Arms, D. Murray; Directors, L. Wainwright, D; Palmer. . This young and energetic ser vice club is already under, way With various Avar and community objectives for the coming year. It has undertaken the bolr West 252-L or Mrs. Harold Darl ing, North-1566. BOYS' BAND AUXILIARY The "Auxiliary of the West Vancouver Boys' Band will hold Y uas unaertaKon tne ooi- a social evening on Saturd^, ketion of magazines, suitable for February 1st, at 8 p.m. the the memof tftejllayy and Merch- Clachan, 25th and Watertr(5ht. ant .Marine, and would much like ,. All parents of band to know where any others , may cordially invited to attend. Iheie 00 had. Just contact any of the will be an interesting program above members and they will arranged for the evening. Ke-- . - culu Liicy will XVI. r * ..^ ai^ange to have them picked up." fr'eshments will be served. Ihe members also- wish to WELFARE ASSOCIATION HOLLYBURN HALL The annual, meoting of the West Vanoouvof. Welfare, As There will be a Children's Ser vice at 7:15 p.m. tomorrow (Fri- EX REEVE DAVID MORGAN l»ASSES --------- ---------- ---- -I , V - , -.1 I It II I . num ber,.of pioneer Hociation combined with ihe at Hollyburn Hall, whjon (•itizeus,. whom Westi,,Vancouver .̂'amily Welfare Bureau, will be lust in (ho last few years, leld in the Legion Hall, Tues- ' h \v had been more prominent or •"da:y7 . February 4th at 8 i).m., for the submission of annual reports, and election of oflicors. Everyone whoj contributed $1.00 or more to the Patriotic Services appeal is a member and is cordially invited to be present. A prominent speaker is being secured further details of which will appear next week. slant, Sunday School and Young People's Bible Class will be held at 9:50 a.m., and at 7:30 p.m. the same day John Reid will give a Gospel address, his subject be ing "'riioAVay to Heaven." Tues day,. January 28th, at- 8 p.m., prayer and m in is tr y o f the Scriptures by John Reid. PLACER MINING SClIOOL NEW RADIO SERVICE A Placer Mining School with, practical demonstratioiia and in struction on gold recovery was started January 7th at 7:30 p.m. Gordon. Cunningham and Ken McMillan announce in this issue that they have opened a new in the Mount Pleasant-School radio service in West Vancouver Annex, one block east of the cor- to be known as; "W|;«K0n Radio being 'Ben R̂ Service. ..They jnstall and lepair Barlow. Any interested can ob- ,an makes of radio, and guarantee tain further information by their work. Mr. Cunningham has the evening at the received a thoroug:h training in jja„dy ^nn Shop, 2442 Marine radio at the Fairyiew. School of -nrivp ■ Radio, while Ken McMillan has, '■ the same training and has since , p ip T rv M w a been doing radio servicing for a ^ ^ u w . . department store in Vancouver, had done more .for the Munici pality Ilian ex-Reeve David Mor gan, who passed away last Fri day in his 70th year at his.hume on Travers Ave. The deceasedPnV The Canadian Legion W.A: on j ravers A ye i ne aeceaseu i ? , ^ l ^ S , T '? ^ \^ t^ f^ i~ w i l l -h p ld - th e i r -u 3 u a l - -m o n th ly -- again in boys and solicit the patronage „„ Mondav 27th'-Janu- besides sitting qn the of West Vancouver residents. ^ a t V l5 n m sham This is ' Council in 1915, 1916, 1923 and Any wishing for their services the' first meiting of ^the new Always very much inter year, so make a. good beginning |st,ed m municipalare asked to kindly phone West 147-Ll. and be present. LEGION NOTES PUBLIC MEETING ' • Mrs. D. G. Steeves, M.L.A., will hold a public meeting at 8 p.m. next 'Thursday, the 30th instant, in -the Legion Hall, at , which she "will give a review of Wales, fate of many a municipal elec tion was virtually decided upon in unofficial discussions" by citi zens in hi's office at 25th and Marine Drive, where he conduct- ̂ ed a real ^ tate business from 192L-until, the time of his last illness. He came to Vancouver-in the past session in Victoria and wocre ne naci already sat on Don't forget the Fraser Valley the ' Sirois-Rowell Commis- town council, and moved here i picture show te-night at *• slon's report. ' The public are 101.5. o^O-Ck sharp. All ex;jervice poHiallv invited to attend. ah(i their wives and~Triends are cordially invited. All members of this branch are askedTdT5e"ra™hand-'early"as" it may be possible to hold a short _ business meeting at 7i30 _p.m. All members are wanted on par ade, for this show. T his/is lan order, so don't forget. v All members and ex-service Probably however, he will be WEST VANCOUVER AMATEUR CHRYSANTHE- m u m *:a s s n : longest-remembei"ed~aE~th(3"Tninr chiefly responsible for. that pub licity which was to result later in-thc^conatruction-of^the-Lionsi. As the membership in the above association is limited, those wishing to join are re quested to make apnlicatioii ______ . . . ... without any delay. Lectures bn men in the municipality are ask- treatment and culture will start ed to make note that this branch almost at once, and it is hardly of the Legion, in conjunction necessary to point out the im- with the West Vancouver Coy portance of attending these lee- The deceasê ^̂ of the n o th Vet. Res. attached -fures Annlication forms may be deceased was prominent ima 1 tJ ov, n'lieiiipra will AppiicaLiuii iVTasomc circles and a member ofto the 2nd Irish husiliers, will obtained from any of the mem-. Vancouver Welsh Sor-ieiv 1-- v,«in;v,o- o emoker eve.ninfr on r... rt-Qiiinf,- Q pne Vancouver vvcisn bocicty. Gate Bridge. It was he who with the late Lukin Johnston, maga zine editor of the Vancouver Daily Province, was instrument al in the publication of a full- page illustrated article of such a proposed bridge in the maga zine section. From that time on it was merely a question of tirniF until the bridge became a rea'ihty ■T LADY LAURIER CLUB - V' WHIST & DANCE be holding a smoker'evening on bers, or by calling S. MacKay, tt • „„„ The North.Shore Lady Laurier Club is planning a social even ing, with cards, dancing; and re freshments. A good time may be had for tlie srnall admission of only twenty-five cents', and the proceeds are for refugee work. It is to be at the Clachan, on 1 '..1 Francisco, and two sons, a real social K- meet ng t . Hywel of San Francisco, and The members of this branch p.m. Tuesday, January 28th, in ^wart of Cuba, gave a return supper and sdcial the Orange Hall. - ^ large number of represent evening to the members of the , ____ _ ative citizens of West Vancou- Women's Auxiliary on Saturday gT. JOHN AMBULANCE others attended the last last. About a hundred persons - --_ -- rites, which, wei'e held at 3 p.m. .were on hand including members Dr. A. C. Nash will hold hi.s Monday, in the city, followed by and their wives in spite of the gt. John Ambulance first .aid orematibri. The serVicb wet weather. Len Holland, ac- classes commencing January cordionist and his pianist enter-. 29th, in the Inglewood library tained the guests with popular ■ at 7:30 p.m. S'Ongs and dance tunes from 8 p m until 9 :15 p.m. when every- b .C. SCOTTISH COUNTRY one'adjourned to the dining hall ' DANCE SOCIETY for supper. This was greatly en- ducted by the Rev. J. P. Dingle, who in a brief address eulorgized the deceased as a husband, father, and good citizen. He was assisted by the Rev. R. A. Ram sey. Out of respect, to the, de parted, the real estate ^offices joyed by all, as there seemed to The next practice of the B.C. h'̂ gre were closed during the be an unlimited variety and Scottish Country Dance Society, afternoon quantity of all kinds of good West Vancouver branch, will _ things to eat. Whilst the men of held at 8 p.m. on Saturday of this branch would like to take this week, January 25th, in the full credit for having put on this Legion Hall. A full attendance supper and entertainment, they of the membership is requested, must admit th^t outside of mak- ■ --.------ -̂-------------- BRITISH-ISRAEL ing the sandwiches,- their-wiyes------- RED CROSS ANNUAL must get the credit f or h a v in g _________ MEETING . made mo.st of'the other good ' Mrs. Brereton of North Van couver will ^be speaker next Monday, evening,-January-27th, at 25th and Marine Drive. Her subject: "Remdmber the things things. Several rounds Of Bingo The annual meeting and elec- of old." You are cordially invited' were played before, leaving the tion of officers of the West Van- to hear Mrs. Brereton, as she their appreciation to ,those ■ Fred Murray of the Municip^ faithfully support-' bus staff is seriously hi.m North 6d the T.B. Seal Drive. - Vancouver General Hospital. tables, the guests and members couver Red Cross Society will be continues her most instructive' resuming the dancing and sing- held at 8 p.m. tonight ' in St. talks on '"the things 'of old." ing at 10 p.m. ,till midnight. A Stephen's Parish Hall. It is Prayer meeting on Thursday most enjoyable evening was had hoped that all the members and evening arid', Bible Study with by all. others interested will attend. . Mrs. Cornish as arranged.*** i .