West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Jan 1941, p. 4

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-f«" ,■-,•&'•^<.tfĵ -*." . .̂ r= .. -, ' ', ff \h -,V,̂ «v«,,frs»i«̂fj?«i* t I {•̂>v >̂-■̂̂A,■ »>-j«F.(W' " «"« *r "'>'f? ■'i^' pf'K-'̂ -s'?, •--4p,.-wu fi *,'! ̂ ; . . j mm '■f g g W S r T O f-TfEWS' S S S S O E m f*iii>a« Went 46/': , .it̂ #. W bHlfl^Cy S t t l l t i l ; , A|®atî --W<Nit S76̂ , "Fr»e" ||ellteiy*Sfriii5t Montiilfif̂ -quiIvT irMJ'vA«#.K»+-»*/-w>/̂ i.̂ jrf'"» I'KtiJEK (ioOI> FOR FRI. & HAT. Jail. 17th & 18th ff:-1 ■■ I I ,"l I'f-' I !*■: }| i 'ji! IJ ■f§" f-f 'if ?| ■ l i :I'li^ |: |,; ,:? 'M: ii"k r:l ('y;- ?|; j ':M l l - . y : : ' ) . 1? . ? iiilllliiS i 1 'i ' ': .1' ,1 , '■',,1.. - < V lilliRS i 1 ! ' r M . i ti !■ 'h"i^ 1/ i > P " ■•; ' t! T irT '1- , :k t : f i r ' 'l '■, i >f " :f ti' 'at ,- . l ^ p Kfd At Whili*. Hnuid HOUI'H-- AN|iMruKU>4. Oxtail, Clam Chowder, Chirkett, MuHlirmim, Oyater. Vour rhoice, ,1 tina 27c', doxen $1.02 Celery, I'ea, Ve«:eliible, Tomato, t 'orii. Vour dioire, .'I tiiiH 25e; doxen 97c Ited a t While Ilrand KI*A(;iIlirrTI-- With Choeae and Tomato Bailee. So.. 1 fill ....................................... 9t* Red Hi While Ilrand IR)KK and IIKANH-- l,H-o/. Hifuat Una, .'I for 25c liOl.LAII .SODAS--Ked Arrow la big 2</j*ll), wood lioxea. Jiach ........,'l9c MACARONI, Ready Cul--2 Iba. ..9c .lA.M--.Murray'H Apple with Htraw* berry. l*lb. tin ....................... ..*l9c KIIRIiODHI) VVIIHAT--I'k t........... 10c UCKmiOV SOAI*-- 1 cakcH ........22c SKIiDUCHB RAISINSi-AiiHtrullan. Id)....................................................... lOC MEATS \Ve.Mt m HKEF .. PORK LAMP . VEAL All Grade A & A1 Delicatessen Frenli^l^V^h Daily CORRESPOHBENCE :frr:;.: The Editor, We.<i'1^hf M w lf 'if f Dear Sir: Two or three weeks ago I protest againifl the presentation which were intended as a mild ■ ventured ■"• to-- euhi'nit*'»sottiew'imes* of the Union Jack alongside the slogan - '-'There'11 -.al wayai;heiAn.,. England." So far they have not been comment<*d on but the slogan appears again in the same Free Delivery setting. Many people resent the u.se of, . the word "England" where "Britain" is obviously intended and they are not all childish, nar* » 'C Sf* 5wU I- rt Q u a l i tvM m Jkir iiW Il iP MwiW>1» ' •%> *■' • • • ' J r£,'titan v■> « SASH & DOOKS. SHINGLES, PLYWOODS, LATH PAINT, BUILDERS' SUPPLIES, ROOFING, WALLBOARD, TILE til i I ^ . A ' * Tf GĈ JHPiiiAjNpIfv There ia no aulistitute for Quality WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. 15th & Marine Drive Phone W ^ t 115 .t royvminded or grouchy. /D espite the many repeated CLASSIFIED ADS l .l'.X TOILET SOAP--.*{ cakeA .....Me Rid While Brand Florida (IRAFEFRIHT .lUiCIi:-- CiiKwccU'iiod, IH-oz, UtiH .....̂ ....!25c BED CROSS HOME NURSING Aj*rangements are being made ni 'ull, the indebtedness of the I'ari.di reduced, and plans for - - ........................... ilie future well in hand. The ,»o unmr ••I'HrMwii ■.mv-ivu mo to )iol(J fiiiotlier series of Home itector's report noted a consider- England" ;vhich is said to be Nursing Classe.s' under the aus- statem ents, in the newspiipers- local and otherwise--the press' is perfectly well aware that "Eng­ land is not an island", "No mon­ arch bears the title King or Queen of England," "There are no 'English' ambassadors to or from foreign courts," "There are no 'English' Houses of Par­ liament," "There is no Prime Minister of England," "There is no English Navy, Army, or Air Force.-' The song "'rhere'll always be The rat© for ClasBificd Advertisements is 2 cents per word, minimum 25 cents. Except in the case of those having regular accounts, all classl. lieds are payable strictly in advance. * , Remember Ciassifieds in the West Van. Nows get immii^iate results. ̂ * HANDY ANN SH0U»--2242 ivuST Ankle sox, Wool, Embroidery Siii). plies; Babies' Hand-knitted' ̂ Ga?. ments, Notions, Chinaware, GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey* 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. THREE ROOM HOUSE with bath. Half block'from waterfront; $1,800. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marino Drive West 55 MARCEL SHOP -- Thormique SU-am Permanents; only best materiala . used. Expert operators, phorie West 304, Royal Bank BuildinR. LOANS Dominion Housing Loan, Homo Owner's Loan, Builder's Loans, negotiated iinniediately, full real estate fService. Notary Public - In­ surance. Percy Jl\ Masternian, 2440 TWiirlno TTrivn. ...Wnuf- 1077. H. A. ROBERTS LTD. Complete Realty Service 1429 Marine Drive West 540 J. EDWARD SEARS, Barrister, Sob icitor, 1405. Marine Drive; Phoiie ' West 21. o^-West 663-R-l.- CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners installed; furnace repairs Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North her omj)loyci' vvouhi find such « .('our.so of the groat.est value in Uie umler.slaiKling and care of enuirgencj'e.s or illness in -the liume. A time that would be ir Parkes; V. IR-acewell, F; Dol­ man, and K. Garland; Alter- ..meagre support given . _ local shop-keepers and the lack of communal spirit in the Muni- Sutherland. West 483 or North 678. < i* J 11, r' î * I TVV1 *j v 'v n )T ' 111 L l i l i c i J h l J l l I L I H t l l U XYXLIJIX** t R- S. Silva-VVhite, c ipa lity ., T h e re m ig h t be an im r - - bm lay , G .i.^ L ane, ^ u c k - .shop-keepers ' J may, am L. H urley, 1 he C h u rch th e w i n d o w s tic k e rs PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) 418-Howe St. TRin, 1271 Local Representative, F, Bayliss (Notary Public) 243G Bellevue Ave. West 622-R PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J. H. Wedley. West 1022-L. WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house fixtures, turning, glass, glazing. West 740, West 443-R, lion, and j)ractice in the a rt of adopted to ondeavour.to clear the ̂ ^incpr^lv caring for illness in tho home. jjarish of all debt, by Easter. ' ' ' M n e k h ^ ■ SuhJeets. studied, are signs .-of: --'rim -R eotor,-the Rev. F. A_____ i -------- .sickness, care ol 'the pa-tient, ilamsey, thanked all those who l OFAl B T ocsi? t o p r o BP'pq feeding the. sick, balanced diets had cmitributed their part to LOSE. 1 0 I RO-RECS RENTALS -- We have a number of _ , rents, houses and suites, rea­ sonably, priced. LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive West 55 CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc.; nothing too big or too small. Burrard Junk Go., West 91. -Magh. l a r g e ROOM with fireplace near bus and ferry. >̂ Board optional' W Palmer, Capil 086-R. leeding the.sick, balanced diets had contributed their part to , 0 ,^ 1 i ' and (licLplanning. care of m aters .making 1940 one of the happiest ^ so^er mty i)aU«nt,s, iiifunt care, emer- and' l;Hsht6.sl vear.s iii th r h is ........ ■ • 1 * . CL. after beginning the new year. CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Coun. ,try way; guaranteed; brick and W North 81I-R-2. ano, gencies in the home, etc. ('la.s.se.s will probably be held Tuesday or Weilnesday evenings, lor Wedne.sday afternoon. The class room is at 2748 Marine. Drice. A .small fee is charged lory of the Parish. THIC BEAVERETTES The Beavereitci Club are dis­ playing some of the made-over g-arments* in with a ,;brilliant 4-T victory. Bad luck was prominent on West ;Vancouver's side throughout the game, which was played at ROOM AND BOARD available near bus and ferry. West 1075-L. GENERAL HAULInW--rManure, sep- tic tanks and rockpitsjinstalled and cleaned. Dump truck > ^ rk . West ALLEN RADIO SERVICE, 2558 , Mathers Ave. Phone W. 116.' 20 years exqaerience in radio, repairs, installations and sales. which covers th,(i-cost of manual leaiU by Mr. Seeds. ' ;ind all sundry c.xponses. For in- ■ The club again wishes to ex- lonnation please phone Miss press their appreciation to all Uulh Blairrli.C.F.R., West 101, those whojiave so kindly donat- Seci-etar\', West Vancouver Red ed clothing, etc. The 'need of - (h'oss Society; or ..Miss Elizabeth warm clothing is as great as _('opeland,_ West 55 (evenings), ever. (!!lonsequently they ar^ in e 01 rne macie-over . 4-u ■ the store kindly 0PP<«ing team r-. " being the Pro-Recs. The latter took an early lead with two single goals, and the locals were W ILL^THE PERSON who took his umbrella (keepsake) a t Baptist Church in mistake for own please phone Mr. Huggins. West 791-L. GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, all risks, one policy, all locations. SE y. , 4991 or West 1065-Ll. LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED -- Special - machine; " repairs, parts- est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 TVIarine.^ uaio, dlitl LlltJ lUCclIb VVtjltJ Vh .L . :■■■ .'r- aw arded tw o p e n a lty k icks, b u t ^ ^ ® a t h e r coat, good pAPERHANPiMr*-F 'j-u •*.! T-» condition; overcoat, about ten vear ̂ Painting,. Kalso- ta iled to click w ith e ith e r . P r o - . size, cheap. West 768. ' . first class work, a t reason- Rec tallied one m o re , an d B u ^ - ------------------------- _______________ able rates. H. Gaines, West 962-R. ('onveonr,- 4Vcsl Vancouver C'ro.sH H om e Nursi.ng. Sr. STEI*HEN'S CHURCH into children's slipners^V shoes. Red need of, men's and'women's suits, c o a t s , pxianias, underwear, Blankets, hats (which are made ess scorbd 'imit: West Vancouver's WANTED TO RENT--3 or 4 roomed -'bunigalow; modism^--- f o r --^i'etired' A 'N N U X L' M EETiN C r anicl "childreiits^ g n ra G a i- rnents which are in good condi­ tions are sent as they' are, the remaining made. The Beaverette Club is working in c6-bperatioh wit̂ ^̂ Business Girls' i4>nor̂ ̂(̂ the War Charities Act, register- Next week the locals are to meet Premiers, a t Ambleside, 'Saturday, January IS tk Kick off ~2rl:l!rpTni. ...... .... . couple. Box 44, West Van. News. ■ A very well attended snpper and satistVictory reports featur­ ed the annual meeting of St. Steplien's Cliurch <>n ■' Monday night. Over one hundred sat down to suppei' prepared by tin JOHN DAVIS PASSES ■Testifying to the respect in which he was held throughout the Municipality, a large- num­ ber of old time residents and others attended theLfuneral ser-' WEST VANCOUVERITES! Your prospective buyers are from Van- __ao,majiv~not™We&t™Vaneouveh-- -Wc have an overflow of buyers for West Vancouver and 'vicinity. List with us. .Aim Real Estate, TRinitv 0897-M, SEymour 4354. Shingles, attractive, permanent. Have ro6f measured now; free esti­ mates. R. B. Cripps,' West 88-R. F . V. Findlay. West 494-R. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES All forms of documents drawn and executed. - Real Estate, Insurance, Rentals b l o w e r & co. l t d 1405 Marine rDr., W est V^ancouver Phones: W est 21, 204-M, 913-L down Lo .suppoi- prepared ,hy th('. the War Charities Act, register- luiierai ser- ->V.A. whicli was followed by an ed in Ottawa. Please help us to afternoon at the inspiring address by the Very help the people of Great Britain, tt̂ , Home ofR/>\r f T .Svwtjno/\M ■ n 11 A nMv,s A.....-- _ • i'̂ . xiarroii Bros. Ltd. for John Arm­ strong Davis, o f 2477 King's A GENUINE SACRIFICE 6 room modern semi-bungalow in perfect condition. Basement, fur- ------------------------------- nace, j?a ra^> .^o st convenient loca- WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER Pull price SERVICE--Parcels, Baggage, light$2750.00...Sharpe Realty. W. 719. Rev. (\>Swanson, p .p . All the Anyone wishing further inform- reports showed satisfactory pro- ation, please phone Miss Hall, gross, with all :obligations :met. 1595 Esquimal.t Avoi, W. 738-L. So^lsthing New for Sawdust Ave., who died on Wednesday of last week in his 69th year. The Rev. Leslie .Best officiated and interment was made-in-(Japilano View Cemetery ENGLISHWOMAN' requires position as caretaker or housekeeper for widower or bachelor. Box 42, West Van. News. I^^^usfer work, prompt service! West f o r s a l e --1928 Pontiac in goodi running condition, $40. Apply 15ig Marine;'Drive. ---- ; RQBSON -- Barrister & -- uhmtor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment,. West 403. The deceased, who was' born PUR SALE --- single bed, d«-essing VNirOBM ^ AUTOMATIC HEAT / in Ontario, was-a pioneer resi­ dent of West Vancouver, having lived here;28 years. For many years he wUs an engineer on the Municipal Ferries, from which he retired on superannuation table, 309-L. WORK WANTED------ Landscape-gar­ dening, rock pits, septic tanks, gen­ eral labor. Phone W. 50-Y. bedside table. Phone W. WAN-TED AT O N C E -3 rbom suite, nicpy funushed, or would share with another lady. Son overseas. Box 45, West Van. News, • FOR SALE)--Fawcett Range wilh ^w dust burner. In good condition. Price $35.00. Phone West 920-R. xci-ueu on superannuation A * . ^ ----------------~ only a few years ago. Surviving ^UR SALE--Firebasket for coal nrn hir, J.........-- -r, or wood. West 398-R.. Q O ' O ISIS 1=1 laioiiB i Everett ot Trail, and Carl of Seattle; -a granddaughter, Beverley Jean, in Seattle, and a brother and two sisters in Toronto. f o r , SALE--Bicycle. C.C.M. 20-inch drop fram e; overhauled and paint­ ed; splendid condition,- $15; 1430 Argyle Ave. COUNCIL NOTES FOR SALE--1936 Chev.' coach, .$500, or reasonable offer. Phone W. 441-R. NO UNDERHEATIN6 . . . , NO OTERSHOOTING I I ENDS PURN.A.CE BONDAGE J. A. Campbell wrote the Council re road tp the NW'A p.L. 1093, i.e. I5th and Union Streets. : \ The matter, was referred to the-Engineer for a report. - Fae. Harden made application SALE--Cheap, Moffat electric to th e O u n c il for access tn l 4 f splendid condition. 4 burn- 17, D.L. 1050. S w S ̂ oven, warming oven. W. 1J4. Referred back to the Engineer- PUR SALE;-- *̂31 Ford coach, new seat ----- - Uohd condition, $150. : W^121-M. VERNON ou not'd never worry nlMiut forgetting to check the furnace once you mslull Snmp.sell Dampen-Control. Sfet the Thermo­ stat and let your Santpsell Control do the rest- I t maintains an even lemperaUire while saving fuel. , On Display a t , • „ H A L L F U E L C O . 1447 M A R IN E D R IV E W E S T 1091 F E E D S T O R E A. C. SEARLB Phone West 9 Fertilizers o f ^ Kinds, ADCO Wood̂ Coal, Builders* Supplies . ' .yhe Council dealt as follows Platters contained in the Nwember, and December re- "ports of the Hollyburn Ridge -Inspector: 1. Condition of Ski Camp ^phone. LOST--New umbrella, Friday after­ noon in Ambleside waiting room oi- _ ferry bus. W. 25-L2 evenings.____ . That the B.C. ^Telephone Co be requested to have this line put in order. 2. First-Aid Station, foot of Romstad's Hill. POUND--On Marine Drive, between i i i i f jn _and__16_th,_a^pair_of-Jadi.es!_l g lo v e s . PhoHR W. 733-R. ®^UYCLES and Children's Wheel ^oods a t very reasonable prices. Jones, 1439 Marine. Nevi; bicycles in- stock. . ' T h a t th e S k i-P a tro l be g ra iit- ^'^ANTED--Housekeeping room for ed p e rm iss io n to bu ild th e cabin objection to■ o "** *'*"'̂ *<*̂ *»* XI u UUJCCViUli, vw basement room. Box 46, West Van. News. •indicaited a t th e i r ow n expense an d a lso to m ak e a collection -- ---------- -------------------------- --- - f r om-;t h e -'h i kers-'to~as s is t 'i iT 't ho~--~^EBRIEN CED--•, jA PA N ElSE-- gî "l e n te rp r is e _. ^^n ts house work by day or hour; ■ ' ~ Pbone ,-West 439-Rl. ask for Irene.■U m u :.