West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Jan 1941, p. 3

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" . « h ' H IE STINUB OF QUALITY • ■ - - ... '•■■■•-MANUPACTOHfiH8<-BUBST-ANOAROS~-~™-- - Biitli T o w e ls . ___ Slight Iiii|>©rlfis€tioiis in Weaving--No Holes p l a in p a s t e l s -- *"PANCY JACQUAULS „ i 5i*t* 21x42 and 22x44-- Sr' (i'uam}-. Ea'I< ............ :..... ®"' '®"' ......... ........................f®' CmsI TmnO»,' I5x2». Each ............................................... 39c miss I>. Kipley m a r i n e d r i v e H. Pout Local and Personal a n n u a l m e e t in g RED CROSS SOCIETY The Annual Meeting of the West Vancouver Branch of the Red Cross Society will be held a t the St. Stephen's Church Hall T h i i r s i i a y . J a n u a r y 8 p .ra , All members of the Society and also the general public {ire invited to attend and hear intensely inteiesting . reports. Election of officers. "'You Gan See* The Difference" NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDERERS - d r y c l e a n e r s - d y e r s c C FINNEY. L O C A L R E PR E SE N T A T IV E phone WEST 782 DUNCAN LAWSON CHAPTER I.O.D.E. The first, meeting of the new year was held a t the home of Miss G. Lawson on Monday _atiei-uoomJ[anua43LjB^ of the previous meeting were adopted as read and reports -from the various conveners were given. Mrs. Froud reported th a t the Canadian Legion W.A. and the L 0. D. E. representatives would 'visit Shaughnessy Hos­ pital together to give the soldiers iee cream, candy, cigarettes, etc. Mrs. Chapman, chairman of the Sunshine Committee, reported that quite a few m em bers-had been ill. Mrs. Thompson report­ ed that there had" been less ^children to see to this year m the Toy . Shop. This being the 1 nomination meeting, menibers -then-Tnade--their--n o m in a tip i^ War conveners gave their re- Evans--Munton Large baskets' of white chry- santhemeums and trailing ivy , with tall w hite cathedral candles decorated the a ltar of Ryerson United Church Wednesday even­ ing when Rev. E. D. Braden unit- ed in m arriage Frances. Audrey, P. Hayward, a former West Vancouver resident who last year went t o 'Engljuid, is now VVarden of the Toe 11 S<»rvice Club in South Shields. Previous to taking up th is post he was living in London during some of the worst air raids, ami had a. number of very narrow escapes. m . 9 E .u„:a * M o U , . l . ..... rived from San Francisco to visit her parents at their home on Travers Ave. Mrs.'Macdonald of Vjuu'ouYer has moved into the \Venmoth house a t 14th and JelVerson Ave.4> <!■ »<' Mrs. T. Lawson of Kelowna is a guest a t the home of Mr. and Mrs! A. E. Jackson, -2150 Ar- gylo Ave. t. i , Mris. Spencer, lui.̂ returned froni Vancouver and ..is occupy­ ing a house a t 2877 Bolloviio Ave. .(( ii( .(< A tea will be held {it the homo of Mrs. A. h. Macintosh, 2584 Haywood Ave. on Wednesday, January '22nd from 2 to 5 p.ni., ,in aid of St. Anthony's Red Cross Unit. , ̂ ............ . . . Bernard Nash, son of Dr. {ind Mrs. ,A. C. Nash, 181)1 Marine Drive, is in Nan{iimo for two months w here he is managing the'law. practice of F. S. Cunliffc while the la tter is in Ottawa. Mrs. Dalton of the HollyburU Block, 16th and** Marine Drive has movt?d to the city. A son w'as born on January 9th to Mr. and Mrs. M urray 0 Watson of South ^Bend, W ash­ ington. Mr. Watson is a son of Mrs. W. D. Watson of 900 22nd Street, and up to a year or two ago resided in West V^ii^couver. Mr. Frank Hourd, a resident of Striiwborry Hill district, and .sister of Mrs. M. Tipton, who 1'0 - sides hero, died Saturdav in St. Mary's Hospital, New Weatmin- ports and they showed th a t a great deal of work has been ac- GGniplished, daughter of Mr .a n d T ilr^ rn e s Ir^ Munton, and Mr. A rthur Evans, ' son"of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Evans.' The bride, given in m arriage by 'her father, wore a floor- length gown of white net over satin. Satin-covered buttons"-ex- tended from" the sweetheart neckline to the hem and the„full sleeves were trimmed with lace inserts. Her embroidered veil was held in place by a coronet of-orange blossoms, and she car­ ried a Colonial .bouquet of pink^ rosebuds and white iheather. Mr. E. Wilfred Munton ,was" best man and ushering the. guests to pews , marked' ̂with A t a recent harmony exam* ination of the, Associated Board of the Royal College of Music, held in Victoria, Miss Nancy -Cameron,-- 167-1--Du ches s--Ave •, ~ waa successful in passing with distinction, gaining 140 marks out of a possible 150.* ■ ♦ . A son- was born on January 5th- a t the- Vancouver General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Gillespie, 2641 M athers Ave. * ■ •*. Mr. and Mrs. Slessor, 3321 Marine Drive, have moved into their new home on Highland Ave., West Bay. _ * . . , * ................ Holly w as sent fronr , the Chapter to the soldiers' camp a t Version. W ar Savings Stamps 'wer^ raffled a t- th e meeting, as usual. It'w as suggested by the regent that the chapter procure a Post Office box, so th a t all letters and cards for the chap­ ter, especially from the boys overseas and elsewhere, would not so likely be lost. A letter fro mMrs. Stead re. war work was read by Mrs. Small. The annual meeting and elec­ tion of officers will be held on February 3rd. 1 - On Monday, January 27th, a meeting for all conveners will be held at Mrs. Small's a t 2 p.m. Please bring reports^ or have them. Meeting was adjourned them sent. Meeting* was adjourn­ ed with the singing of the Na­ tional Anthem. Tea was served. SPEOAL Sawdust ................ ^ Dry Slabs ........... $5.00 per cord Inside Fir:-- - from sbed ....... $6.00 per cord from mill.........$5.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4100 per cord Slabs & Edirings $3."75 per cord PRITAM'« FU EL , Phone Nort!t€20 sprigs of holly and white ribbon were Mr.. Kenneth Hall and Mr. .-Myron-Bar.ker.-Mr.-Archie-Run=_~; cie; sang during the. signing of the register. tMiss Gladys Munton, sister of the bride, as maid of honor, wore a gown of blue lace over taffeta with matching shoulder- length veil held in place by two gardenias. She carried an arm bouquet of pink and white car­ nations. Miss Margaret Haspel was bridesmaid and chose for the occasion a gown of pink net over 'matching taffeta, t h e square neckline being ' edged w ith a pleating of matching lace. She- also . wore a., matching shoulder-length veil and carried a bouquet of carnations. At the reception held in the York Room of the Hotel Georgia, the bride's mother, gowned in pondre lace with large carewheel hat en tone, assisted ' in - receiv­ ing the guests. Mrs. C. F. T ho^e and Mrs. G. K. Haspel presided a t the urns. For her wedding trip to Van­ couver Island the bride donned an aqua blue crepe dress with sliirred bodice and full ' skirt, over which she wore a Hudson seal coat with black hat and matching accessories. * . Mr'.^and Mrs. Evans will reside . , ill 'Trail. - • Engagement v Mr. and Mrs.. George E. Cur­ rie, 22nd and Lawson Ave., an- -nounce-the-engagement-of-their- second daughter, M argaret, to Mr; Norman Gboghegan; son of Mr., and. Mrs. Jphn Geoghegan of_ Victoria" The wedding will take p la c e --<iuietly iOn Saturday, Feb­ ruary 1st. The death took place last Sat- .urday in the..city, of Mrs. .H.,_W.. Lovell in her 76th year, mother of Mrs. Walter James of 1295' Esquimalt Ave. Funeral services. .were held on Tuesday in the city,follow ed' by interment in the family plot, Mountain View- Cemetery. Thieves were busy in the Mun­ icipality on Saturday night, when robberies took place at Smith's Market en try was ef- W hite), 15th and Marine Drive, and also a t the Amblpside Phar­ macy at 1401 Marin'e Drive. At Sm itht's Market 'entry was efr fected through - the back door, but only a little small.change was taken out of the till, also a type­ writer, which latter, however, was left ju st outside the store.. In the case of the Ambleside Pharmacy, where entry was made through a back window, $175 worth of drugs and tobac­ co, cigarettes, etc. were stolen by the robbers. ̂ . Dr. and Mrs. W. H, Vass have moved from 14th and Argyle Ave. into a house at 17tB and Duchess Ave. LEGION NOTES V.O.N. s U m*. Funeral services were held on Mqnday in tha t city with in­ terment in Forest LUwn Memori­ al Park. Funeral services were held yesterday'in Penticton with in­ terment in Lakeviow Cemetery there of Mrs. Amy ]Emily Bind­ ley, who passed away last Suii- day in ilie Penticton Hospital, {iged 80 years. Surviving here {ire one daughter, Mrs. A. Sim, of 2570 Bellevue Ave. and one son, R. A. Bindley, 1734 Gordoii Ave. ' ♦ ♦ ♦ Mrs. Peter Muschamp Thorn­ ton. was an after five hostess Saturday at her Caulfeild home in honor of her son, Peter Thornton, who is leaving short- ., ly for the new naval college, Royal Roads,. Victoria. Guests included Miss Daphne Covern- ton, Miss Betty Blackwell, Miss Joair Graham, Miss S tuart Ross, Miss Peggy Thomas, Miss Esme and Miss Frances Bull, Misŝ -fifer* bara and " Miss Nancy. Burns, Miss- Frances - Mackedie, Miss Jacqueline Wood, Miss Marjorie Gooderham, Miss Nancy Malk­ in, Miss Peggy Redden, Miss No- reen Payne, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Southam, Mr. and Mrs. John Wade, Julian Sevignac, William Gooderham, Jock Smith, David Rothwell, Surgeon-Lieut. Swan, ■ John Shallcross, Mr. and Mrs. Alec Walton, Lieut. McRae and Lieut. Rendell. Albert Masterman, 23rd and Nelson Ave., is a patient in St. Paul's, Hospital.♦ ♦ * The regular monthly meeting of the Victorian Order of Nurses Board took place a t Mrs. IL Ost- rom's home on January 9th. Miss Riddle, the nurse, reported 53 patients nursed and a total of 207 visits made during the "All members are reque.sted to remember th a t the Branch is entertaining the ladies of the W.A.- to a .social on Saturday evening, the 18th inst,, in the . Legion Hall. . "Also don't forget the . film • show to be given by the Fraser Valley Milk Producers' Associa­ tion a t 8 p.m., -Thursday 23rd. inst., in the Legion Hall. All ex-service men and their friends are invited.^ Bennett's BAKERY 1IUTTEUCIU3ST nUKAD SATURDAY SPKUIAlr t'rfflim 2.'*c ti do/;. UniNiii, nml Mimo* im'ul PiOH, t5c iMU'li Hfotch JMenl Punt 5c ciicli (5 for 25c• *# ' ' ' '■ Slim l Wrupped llroatt 140S Miiriito Dr, IMtono W* 27 ■MBS Hollyburn Theatre TllUltSDAY, KUIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. .la.n HUh, 17lh and IHlh (jiook(;e hdk.nt .IKFFUKY liVNN 'The Fighting 69th' alao • TIIH DltllMS OK, KU MANCHU" and oUinr kIioiHh SATURDAY KA'K. imd: MONDAY .Ian, IKlIi and 2(llh. AKIM TAMlItOKK JtUlAN DIINLKVY 'The Great McGinty' uIho • 'INKOKMATION IM.IflASIi" ITJESDAY AND WEDNESDAY .Jim. 21st and '22nd OEORGE RAKT IDA LIJPINO "They Drive hy Night f9 * (onco only al BUTi) also 'GRANNY GET YOUK GUN" NelUe Harrison A.T.G.M.^ Special Diploma , > Teacher of Piano and Tlieoi y 1955 Inglewood Ave. West 105G-L • Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North L*n0 or West fi91L Fort an ■ v. ■ Enjoyable Evening SKATE a t The North Shore | R oller Areaaa 135 W. 1st St., North Vancouver Phone North 1735 Open Afternoons and Evenings ; ^ Parties arranged for. E xtra Special andFir Sl^bs Inside Fir, mixed month of D e^m ber. This shows a steady increase in visits. Full BUILDERS' SUPPLIES iCemenL / Brick. LimeNavvy Jack Sand Drain Tiles Crushed Rock Concrete T E A R O E & S O N S 1427 Marine Drive West 84 pay was received for 25 visits, part payment for 58 visits, while 113 were free. .EXPERT W atch and Clock r e p a i r i n g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive RED CROSS HOME NURSING The examination of the three Red Cross Home Nursing clas.s- es, will be held on-Thursday, . January 23, 1941, at 8 p.m., m the library 'of the West Vancou- , ver High School. - cord, C.O:D. $3; PHONE N o r t h 8 6 ACTIVE SERVICE LIST ^ Keep record of men enlisting in H.M. ! Forces and any change of addresses of those already ser- , ving'up to date by phoning_Mrs. Heber Brown, West 1090-L or list a t Post Office.*** BUSH W O O D ----------------- ------ Second Growth Fir ........... Green Alder ...................... $5.50 Buzzing Wood a t ariy length. \ J. SMITH Cor. Eleventh and .Mathers , Phone West 1006-R \ I I Am