West Van. News (West Vancouver), 16 Jan 1941, p. 1

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Business and EJditorial Office; 1704 - Marine - Drive Phone West 55 Circulating in the D istrict o f West Vancouver--Ambleside^ rHollyburn., Weston ̂ $1.00 per year. Cypress l^ark, Caulfetld, Whyiecliffy Etc. t PubiiShoi' F. F. I,OVBGROVE Phone West 303 l^undarave 5c per copy. Vol. HOLLYBURN P.O.^ WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1941 No. 40 '.... -n I... wmm THE WAR RED Til ere is an old saying to the effect th a t "he who hcsilaloH is lost." Germany losit in 1914-1918 by sitting down io trench warfare for t^vo years in the heyday of her power in men and resources, while we trained and equipped the " armies which were to drive her off the field. I t was not that sh(' (lid not know exactly w hat we were doing, but rather due to a certain hesitancy which a t times seems to strike her ■ lenders when the game is in their hands. The reason is prob­ ably lo be found in th a t deep lying inferiority complex in the German character, which as a race they try to hide behind a studied arrogance and much loud boasting. >It is also a great Ileal to do with their brutal treatm ent of the weak, the gen­ eral idea being to give the impression th a t they are terrible ■'(ighlers. Instead of this they only show themselves to be, lei'rible fellows, which is quite another story, yet one they ai'e psychologically incapable of reading, as,w itness their con- iiiuied' bombing of British civilians. Indications point to their having made the same mistake agaia- '^he time to invade England was last summer, when the big London raids were staged, and before we had had a ---------------- ^ _______ ____ 1 1 __________________ . . . _____ __________________ 4 ' J o . 4 - 1 , 0 CROSS ANNUAL m e e t in g The Annual Meeting of the West Vancouver ̂ Red Cross So­ ciety will be helcl-at 8 pirn, next WOMAN^S AMBULANCE CORPS OP THE B.C. AUIX) ASSN. __ _______ ̂ ,............... The West Vancouver Unit of Thursday, January 23rd, in St. the W.A.C. is awaiting with In- Stephen's Church Hall. The elec- terest for their first A.R.P. tion of officers will also take lecture which will be given Jan- place, and all members and the uary 27th. Last Monday evening, ■■ ___ - ___ 1 ___ u i i_ o « o 4........1. Ti/r:..* txru .'4o o4? 4 l ,o CJ4- Tn.Vm Ageneral publio are invited to a t­ tend. COUNCIL AND CHAMBER OP COMMERCE GET TOGETHER Miss White of the St. John Am­ bulance Association attended and introduced Miss Morris who will be instructor for the unit. A fter the meeting the ladies were very enthusiastic about the drill conducted by Sergeant R. Black. They are contemplating_With the capacity ()f the Cla- - oHan Hotel taxed to its comfort- the tirne when they can compete able limit an enjoyable social with the already ^well advanced functioh was held under the Vantouver unit, West Vancouver; Chamber of Members are requested to be tnc* Dig i-4onuoii raiu» weit; auu ucjlvic wc a. . Commerce auspices last Wediies- present next Monday, January ETufice"liTTi"eallynpi^opave-Britein-for-defence.--Even-t-he-faet------day^when'irhe~Reeve-ivn(l-Council--2Gt^h-to-register--for-the-olass--tp (u'.H fVinap mV rflid.q werp a failure was not under the cir- were the official guests, apponip- begin the following week. Miss NOTICE We Hhall be greatly ob­ liged if any householder not receiving the West Van. News will kindly notify us, in order that the omission may be corrected. It is our desire and endeavor to place u copy of our Issuei weekljr in every house in the municipality regardless of whether a subscription is paid or not. The attention of our readers to the above request will be appreciated, as it. is the only way open to us of checking up on our deliveries. -EDITOR.! HRITISH-ISRAEL that those air raids were a failure, was not under the cir- (aimstances sufficient cause for calling off an immediate at- i ack by, land and sea, provided; it had first been agreed th a t such was feasible, since thd air arm could never be the deter- ' mining factor in. success. Allowing for all the destruction worked by the R.A.F. on barges and other material at the invasion ports, there seems to have beelrno good reason, once that attack had been decided upon, f o r ,se ttling , down to a ' winter campaign of bombing civilians, while Britain turned ^ herself into an armed carnp." And there' is little doubt of the 4ntenti_QJi..,i. To-day any hopes of success for such an invasion ■ have vanishe(3,-if indeed ihey^'ever existed'. 'T>f course,'it must be .admitted th a t any nation, much more one cursed with an inferiority complex, m ight well hesitate to attack a people who had never, bei^n defeated and who by suoh a rescue of their forces as they accomplished a t Dunkerque had shown their innate capacity for battle. A similar hesitancy is observable on the part of Germany as regards Italy and the Mediterranean. -Everybody knew, and nonfe with more knowledge than Hitler, e t alia, th a t Mussolini and his people were their Achilles heel. Why, therefore, wait until the Mediterranean had become; a British sea; the Italian Empire in Africa virtually lost and her armies in Albania . faced with inevitable-debacle before taking action? The situa- . tion has been alloweci to d rift to th a t point where the German said to be now moving south are too late to recover what has been lost or to repair the damaged prestige qf the axis powers in the Balkans, unless Russia can be persuaded to become an active-instead of a passive ally. -And even th a t - '-- coirldTsTiaTcel'V'Tnake"any7Tnateriahchange7in-the~sit-uation7TW ith- anied by their wives, of this pro- Dorchester will be in charge of gressive business group of citi- the Service Club which is for zens a t the monthly dinner members who have had A.R.P. meeting. i,. in Vancouver. This group wifi Following a splenclid , meal carry on during the lecture ^provided by the new managers period. Those who .are interdst- of this popular rendezvous---- ed and have not already joined Mrs. Sands and Mrs. Stevens -- will b6'v e ry welcome a t the the chairman introduced and, Legion Hall, a t 7 :30 p.m. sharp, ̂welcome(3 the numerous guests, J anuary 20th . ___ and, in a' sh o rf address,"drew at- ' T tbntion to the needs of the busi- ' ' HOLLYBURN HALL ness district of the Municipality ̂ ;;-- and offered the fullest measure There will be a Young People s John Graham of White Rock will give an address Monday, January, 2l)th at 25th ami Marine Di-ive. The subject, "The Cana­ dian Coat of Arms." You are cordially invited to hear this ad­ dress by one who has made her-' aldry a special study. Prayeiv meeting and Bible study group as arranged.*** LECTURE ONA!HQST^WAR_ OBJECTIVES" of co-operation of the Chamber Service illustrated by views a t of Gommeroe with the Council in 7 :15 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) m studying these problems. Hollyburn Hall, when the si^ak- Ih'reply, Reeve Sears gave as- er will be Andy Hogg. surance of the Counoil^s desire to day, January l^b » co-operate in all jq ia tt^ s affect- School and Young P e ^ le s Bible ing the inunicipality's progress Class will be held a t 9:50 a.m., and development within its fin- while a t the Gospel Service a t ancial ability but warned, th a t 7 :30 p.m. that day John increasing taxation must be will speak on / 'Impossible. , avoided if a t all possible under Tuesday at 8 p.m. prayer and existing conditions; On behalf of m inistry of the Scriptures with the Council, the Reeve read a John Reid as speakerj and a t beautifully prepared 'Tlluminat- 7:15 p.m. next dq.y_, Wednesday, ed^ddre 'ss"~whTch"h^hen~pTe^^ Hbllybum--Hall--Young--̂ec>pie-s- : "Post-War Objectives" will be the subject of an address by Rowland Estall, of Winnipeg, who will speak a t a public .meet- ' ing arranged by the Baha'is of West' Vancouver for Friday -ifight a t 8:15 p.m, in the Clach- an. Asked to explain the object of this trip Mr. Estall stated tha t the purpose of all Baha'i activity is to promote th<3 cause of World Peace through a positive ap­ proach to the problems which create war and conflict, whether the greater part of General Wavell's forces now free to defend^ , eiited to ex-Reeve Joe Ueyland, meeting, when Eric Hunt will be Tn_ 1 -. CanaL more particularly if Turkey came together with fu rther tangible the . speaker. between nations, - communftles. or individuals. "The Founders of in oil our side, whichJAs a Moslem ;power j s quiteTik^y. In the F a r E ast Japan', Germany's other ally, h^s lately -been„p_ursuing the same,..hesitating policy, as Great" Britain and the United States .unexpect^ly showed a disposition 'to resist by arms any th ru s t south, possibly also on instructions' from Berlin. A part -from the American., battle fleet in the Pacific, the Italian debacle will almost certainly release' certain British heavy fleet units, which could be used to advantage on that ocean, ■ Unless a l l . indications fail. Hitler has lost the tide and he and his advisers realize it. The initiative is passing slowly to the democracies, and an attack, however desperate, must be made very soon somewhere byf the axis powers or they are', lost. The point is 'whei:;e, w ith every day counting in the , scale against them, as the forces-of. the allies gradually grow in strength and striking power. And then there are all the ,, - peoples of Europe in slavery to Germany, who p a tien t^ await ■■ the time when they can do to Germany and Germans .as. they have been done by. ' ' „ The Germans as a nation have sown a fearful harvest of savage brutality and calculated m assacre,and in the clays of reaping m ust be doomed to pass from among the nations , in, a welter of blood and destruction. E ither th a t or there is . no justice or good left in the world.- evidence of appreciation in the the Haha'i-Faith." said Mr. Est- form of a Municipal Bond. 'Mrs. Sears„ presentecl .Mrs. Leyland with a beautiful bouquet (if flowers. While "Joe"--as he is COUNCIL NOTES y J . W i R attray wrote the Coun- ........................ . ..... cil re tarring of 1800 Block Es­ so popularly known--was tkken quimalt Street, '^ c . , ,. . by surprise he was, nevertheless, The writer-was^ advised that equal to the occasion and replied the m atter of ta rn n g will be re­ in his own inimitable manner ferred to the Tarring Iro - expressing appreciation ■'Tor the gramme, which is prepared l^ter 1 gift and good wishes aocompany- in the year when the weather it, / permits. Each member of the Council In regiard to the repioyal ol gave brief addresses of an inter- boulders ,the Council are esting character and expressed pared, to remove them at actual their pleasure to be invited to cost to him, a t a time when the, associate' wtih members of the necessary machinery for such a Chamber of "Commerce a t such " purpose is available. an annual function. Miss Richardson delightfully "entertained the gathering with her gifted elocutionary render­ ings, Earnest Twymari presided W.A.C. RADIO PROGRAMME the Spotlight," a pro­ gramme a ------ of . great interest to West Vancouver, will b'e broad­ cast at_-10:30 p.m. over CKMO (1410 kc), Friday, January 17th. it will feature a song, composed bv Miss Gertrude Lawson of POLICE COURT A t the West Vancouver Police Court on Wednesday morning of . F. G. Gardiner wrote the Council re drainage Lot "E," D.L. 811. ' -.T.,___ ___-- This m atter was referred to at the piano anci. presented sev- the Provincial Board of Works eral masterly executed solos in , Department, addition to the music for com- vjrtirLruae uawson oi sessea west Vancouver. The following through a.stop sign. An autoist local artists- will also make th is from another district also drew munity singing, Mrs. Sands and Campbell'Sweeny, Jr., wrote vx j Txr j A • «,«vr,inrr Mrs. Stcvens entertained with the Council re holes and ^ t s op- Court on Wednesday ^ special musical turn in which posite Dundarave Post Office. last w ^ k five local aM one city demonstrated their abilities The Clerk acknowledged re- motorist were, fined l(>7.50 apiece versatile entertainers of a ceipt and the m atter was re- high degree: A number of new ferred to the Provincial Govern- memibefs were received and wel- ment Engineer, under whose corned at this meeting by the jurisdiction it lies,. president. Rev. F. A. Ramsey --------- -- was guest' minister and a t the- A. Carr Wheeler made ap lllWtvJrX iai/ VV'V̂I.'W ****"WV* --r- - for speeding, while one local and one outside motorist were as­ sessed $5.00 each for driving -..ax xxiLists-will also make tm s irom^ anorner guest■ minister and a t the A. Carr Wheeler maae ap programme one of interest and a fine of $7.50 for exceeding the chair gave a brief plication to the Council re ap deJightr-^^oists, Miss Ruth Me- ,limit in t ^ school zon address which was appreciated proach into 29th Street frcim Lean and R. W. Froud; strings, th e corner of 22nd and Marine Business of the Chamber M athers Ave. under the direction of - Miss Drive. oy ......................... Margaret M cIntyre- Miss Law- » ------------------ -- , son - has -very -kindly-- offered- -- R e g a r d i n g - H .^ .- Roberts,. JAp * ^ ' • •• ■ ■ •• M • ■' ■ A lnumber ofjeopies of her song to applicationTTr re subdivision of be sold for the benefit of the W^ Block "G," D.L. 1240. ̂ . A.C. By telephoning Mrs. Kitch- , The Council ordered that this ener, West 17-M, purchasers will m atter be referred back to the be assured of securing a copy Plans Approval. Officer;* before tliA simAlxr 1C ̂ ..... .............. . oh this occasion was purposely Referred to the Engineer for laid over till the regular Febru- action, ary^m eetin^ in order-to d<r-hon=- of to the distinguished guests ; Regarding J. J. Cluff s applica- oresent tion re 33 foot road allowance ^ D.L. 1059 ̂SE%, Lot 1. before the limited supply is ex- -- .... hausted.- Combine pleasure w ith H; A. Roberts, Ltd. wrote the service to a unit which may la ter Council re'Clovelly Walk, Caul- be of service to you, and tune in feild. „ . Friday next a t 10:3ft p.m. . "Referred to the Engineer Leading Aircraftsman Leslie The Council ordered the re- Pearce has cabled his parents, port of the Engineer approved Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Pearce of and th a t the necessary'arrange- North Vancouver, form er W est ments for the -transfer <>f-Lots Vancouver residents, th a t he is 4 and 5,\in, exchange Tor the 33 now in East Africa. feet of Lot 1 be - made* all, "clearly defined over .fifty years ago those principles which the world now heeds for the ulti­ mate unification of humanity. Among these principles are the welding together of the world's different religions; the reconcilia­ tion of Religion and Science, the establishment of U n i v e r s a l Peace, of International Arbitra- ,tion, of an International Lang­ uage, Universal Education, the abolition of Industrial SlaVerJ^ thp Organization of Hu manity as a single whole, with due regard ' to the rights and liberties of each individual. . ^ "Baha-is are organized into a ,world-wide community to prac­ tise and promote these prin­ ciples," said Mr, Estall, who feels th a t the time is ripe for a wide­ spread proclamation of these teachings as a vital contribution to the solution of post-war prob­ lems. Loyalty to pur country,^ and to the men and, women who are making such heroic sacrifices in the cause of liberty and' justice, states Mr .Estall, re ­ quires that we should begin to concentrate attention now on the* need for definite objectives on which to rebuild a 'saner and a safer world committed to the concept of a peace based on justice for all̂ humanity and backed up by such institutions and sanctions as will be able to ensure it. Mr. Estall has^already - ad- -dressed-m eetingsdnVictoria-and- Vancouver and will leave next Saturday for Calgary and"other cities in the Prairie Provinces. Ja-ke Armstrong was in the hos­ pital last 'week, Jake said all they givenhim was a piece of glass to suck, en a dish of nervous pudding three times a day. ' 4 l i i