West Van. News (West Vancouver), 9 Jan 1941, p. 3

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J imIm X 'iP |3 ts S K • ilViv jflwJarfMIfc ^ ' ■'■•"-■-4lM K )K *tl?-0N *W A E A ^()'.«H E E T O .-A N B -- AT TOE OLD PRICES -- s u m s to I3.95 IliMtiiititched ' spoke Stitched 81x96. 81x104 ........................ .....$6.95 PILLOWSLIPS Hemmed. BSiich ........ 2.5c» 39c, 49c Hematitehed. Each .....T.............. 49c Hemstitched, Saitforhed. Pair ..........................................$1.10 Spoke-stitched. Pair ........ $1.19 Colored Borders. Pair ...........$1.19 Mi8S V. iiipifry 1578 MARINE DRIVE H. Pout Local and P ersonal • I COpPOftATION OP THE DISTRICT OF " WEST VANCOUVER Notice to Ratepayers•if <"* ■ i Payment of taxes for the year 1941 can be made in ad­ vance and if paid on or before the-80th of April, will boar interest at the rate of 5% Per Annum from the date of payment to the end of June, 1941. Payments may be made at the Municipal Hall, 17th and Es,uimalt, I I o l W B.C. w . HERRIN, , ■ 1- ' :_-JVIunicipal ClofK. ""̂ - "You Cah See The Difference" . ' ' '■ Miss Nellie'Anderson of Ac- Cripps, and Miss Ethel McDon- Scotia*, both of lithcm mission- '"'"hries "irbm '̂Hobo,;" Japan," arrived here' i-Sa t u rday:.«?nigh t r-- from the ̂ Orient on the Hickawa Maru and are staying a week with R. B. Cripps, 2361, Marine Drive, be­ fore proceeding to their homes. ........................... ....... -....... Mr, and Mrs. Jillings have moved from 1450 Fulton Ave. into a house at 2604 Mathers '■"Ave. ■ ̂ 'I' ■ L. Scott has returned to his home at 2821 King's Ave. after spending a month at Seaview ̂ Nursing.Home.. """"'Mr," .(Owen. Clay) and family, 1546 Marine ,Drive havelmoved into their new home on Creery Ave., West Bay.,■ •I' - ■ Mrs. T. A. Spencer and her son, David Spencer, left by plane Monday morning for Washing­ ton, D.C., where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lyttell. Mrs: J . H. Willard^ 6037 Tra- ~fMgaluStreet;;::^an^^^^ ̂ a reception Suhday in honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. J. Wil­ lard (nee Ethel Roberts), a re­ cent bride, the guests being close .friends ahd^relatiyes. Jasmine; "violets, and ;^^Christ'mas rose fom ed the floral centrepiece for RED CROSS TREASURE SHOP BRITISH TAILORS INVADE the tea table. Mrs. Reg. Clay and Arrangements have been made THE UNITED STATES Mrs. Harold Clay presided at the with the Vailceuver Branch of .• : . ...--, coffee urns, while Mrs. Moor- -fhp Canadian- Red- Gross^-Society-- .. ..Thev.Uhlted / States are now,,., .head, poured ..tea,, theiservite^urs/ to send the truck here for a col- getting £2,000,000 ($10,000MQlljbeing_M.rai__D.ay.-Sm.ith, Mrs. lection of waste material such worth of Savile'-Row tailored Thomas, Mrs. De Long, and as newspapers magazines, hot- .mon's wear from Britain a year. Miss Elsie Reid, ties scrap iron, rags, etc. Any- One New York house, famous as - * , * * -one wishing to dispose of above "outfitters to gentlemen" has A son, George ' Stewart, was articles • please phone the Red just received in a single order born on Deoemher 21st to Mr. Cross Treasure Shop, W. 1018. £20,000 ($100,000) worth of and Mrs. William S. Noble (nee ■ British tweeds, suitings, ties Evelyn Hodgson) of Prince Ru- and shirtings. The orate, mark- pert. .ed '/Britain Delivers the Goods" . ♦ * is displayed in the middle of one Mrs. Douglas vDewar enter- _____ _ ,-of their windows in Madison tained informally last Friday at The West VaacDuver Unit of Avenue. The suits are selling luncheon at her home in Caul- the Women's Ambulance Corps at anything from twelve to feild. ̂ ^ - held an interesting meeting on twenty guineas (fifty-eight to • 'January 6th at the Legion Hall, one hundred dollars). ' Seed---Edmgton , ^ Mrs. K A. Kitchener took the The demand for British men s At a ̂ Dp ' chair and introduced Mrs.. J., M. wear grows so strongly from Andrew s-Wesley W Nor'wSS Clegg, from' thei Vancouver month to month, despite Hit- cember.21, Rev. F. W. Jeadquarters.-Mrs;-Clegg_spoke._ler!s--totaLw ar!l_tha±_a_spe.cia.Lum tede_m jnaim ge^^^ --on--the^ims-ani-^id^ls-6f-t-he--retail-^-xp_Qrj^gr-Oi|p.^Spn^^ - e ^ - t e , ^ ^ ^ ^ corps and extended - her best - iiig formed by Britain s tailors, M. .Edington^^a^^^^ Mr. H a . v "w;ishes" to'™the"¥€strVancouver~7"bootmakers--ana-ysaddles.7--=iThe~Seed™son_oi„ML.„andJMxS;,._^^^-- Unit.'The following..,offleers were ^nguard of an, invading army Seed. ^ elected: Commander, rMiss Ola S fitters from 300 British tail- The bride McLean; Treasurer, Mrs. H. A. ors are already on their way to riage by her Kitchener; - Secretary, Miss M. the States, complete with samp- at the cerer^ny were Mr Al̂ ^̂ ^ Nyland. - \ les'bf next Spring's-suitings-and Madden and Miss Bernice Spence. A vote of thauks was then taking their tape measures with given to Mrs. J. M.. Clegg,- Mrs. them. Vy., Maitland McGeer, Adjutant -American men contmue. to of the Vancouver Unit, and'Mr-s. look to London as. American wo- R. C. Proctor, Office Marshal, for men used to look to Paris, their kmdness ,in attendinĝ ^̂ ^̂ ^̂ t̂ ^̂ --------------- NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYEIIS C C. FIMNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782 , lyjiss Desmond and Mrs. Sun- dei iiind of Seattle were r the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Rathjeri815 Gordon Ave.*" "* t I# Stricken with n h^art seizure in his daughter's cabin on Holly- burn Ridgo at 4 a.m., Sunday, Major Aixjhibald Rowan, 1315 Broughton, i'oUred broker, died before medical aid could be sum­ moned. The 68-year-old retired army officer came to the cabin with his two (laughters Marjory and Margaret on Saturday. He was apparently in good health Sat­ urday night, but had received treatment for heart disease for some time. Although death was believed certain, a ski party was organiz­ ed to take him down the moun­ tain to a physician. Dr. Emile B. Therricii climbed the Ridge and met the party at the Forks. He pronounced death there at about 8:30. Surviving are his wife, four ' .daughters, Dorothy, Lucy, Mar­ garet and Marjory, all at home, and three brothers in Scotland., The body was taken to. Hofly- burn Funeral Home. Last rites "were, bondiicted yesterday,, from Harixni Bros. Ltd., in Vancouver,'I 4t )|i. i|( Art Ridley left on Friday for Camp Debert, Nova Scotia, after spending Christmas and New Year's with his family. .■ ■ >(« ■ ♦ ' * ' George Archer I'eturned to Camp Debert, Nova Scotia, after spending his Christmas leave .. at his home here. . Bennett's BAKERY ItUITEUCUimT UH KAO s At u u d AV Si^ECnAL ■ Croiutt CakoM 25c n d u x. ' A p p le , K a is in , aiul M h tco * meal I*iCN, iric im icIi S lid e ll M i'u l I ' ios 5c each 6 fo r 25c Sliced W ra p p e d B read I KIH M a rin e D r ! I'lione \S> 27 WOMEN'S AMBULANCE CORPS OFB.C. AUTO ASSOCIATION Thomas Martin of Biggar, Saskatchewan, is the guest of his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs,. Ed. Minions of 1705 Duchess Ave. • - ♦ * >•« - Louis Ĵ . Wrisberg, 2031 Es- quimalt Ave., left here on Tues­ day for Toronto, where he wiJJ, j o in t h e R .C .A .F .,~ ' . Hollyburn Theatre T l l U K S D A Y .la m in r y . Dill B K I ' T K D A V I S ' C l I A B L K S B O Y K U "All This and Heaven Too" ntso one hour o f ahortu FUIDAV AND SAiTUKDAY , MAT. ■Ian. lO lli ami 1 1th .lOIlNNY SmCKKlKLl) "LITTLE ORVIE" also " C D K T A I N C A L L " , SATUIIDAY ,10yK. AND MONIMY' ilan. 11 til and 13th . I'AIIL BOBKSON WKI.SII MALK CII(3HUS " Proud Valley " also "korek;n newsfkonts*' TIESDAY AND WEDNESDAY . l a n . M t l i ajiil 15th MAUBEEN O'llAKA :--------TTrCTLETTBALL LADIES' B. O. SGQTl'JSH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY The .West Vancouyer Scottish Country Dance Society, ladies' branch, will resume their regular practices next Tuesday, January -14r-at-the-GlachanT---- ----------- ' Dance Girl Dance' (once o n ly ut 8 :1 5 ) also "MARRIED AND IN LOVE" Nellie Harrison r A / I V C .M . SpeeinI D ip lo iiin a". . ■■■'. ■ Te a c h e r o f P ia n o and T h e o r y 1955 Iiitfle w o o d A v e , W e s t 1 0 5 6 -L JUNIOR CHOIR AND. GLEE CLUB meeting. Thanks were also ex­ tended to A-. J. Darrell, Sergeant of the Imperial Squadron, Legion of Frontiersmen, who took charge of the drill. B. C. SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY Willard--Robei^s, St. Paul's Church was.'the set­ ting for a qiiiet ceremony De­ cember 28 when Rev. .Harold King united in marriage Florence Ethel, daughter of .the late Mr. and Mrs. Thomasr Roberts and Mr. John Hilton. William Wil- Following.the holMay-r-ecess--iardi son of Mi. and Mrs. J. I . _____ ___ the West Vancouver Branch of Dillard. in marriajre The next meeting will-be held ■ the B. C. Scottish Country .' onMonday, January 13th,-at the Dance,-.-Society will hold their ^Legion-Hall7-V-:SO-p.m7-Athy<>ne--next-pract-iee-at-8-p.m.-on-Satur---- ̂ ^ _ wishing to; join is cordially in- day of this week, January ,11th, matron of honor yited to attend. For information' in the Legion Hall. A full turn- irreen wool afternoon out of the membership is re- win® Miss McLean, W. 1153-L. quested. - a corsage of white carnations. Mr. Byrne De Long was best man. : Mr. and Mrs: Williard will re­ side in the city, . , The Junior Choir and Glee Club under the direction of Mrs. Colin ^MacLean will meet for practice_-_on Saturday morning in the United Church Hall, the Glee Club at 10 o'clock and the Jun­ iors a t 10:30. There are va­ cancies for girls from H to 13 years and anyone interested and wishing to join will be made Very welcome at ,that practice. All regular pupils are requested lo­ be present as preparations, are being mad^ for the spring con­ ce rt_____ ____ :----- 1 - Burrard Laundry Ltd. w ell k iibw ii FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or West 691L CORPORATION OF THE DISTRICT OF WEST VANCOUVER ^ NOTICE As there have -been many complaints by garden lovers, storekeepers and others, of the damage done by dogs running at large, the licensing of all dogs' in the Municipality, will be strictly enforced: All owners of dogs are therefore notified licenses must, be obtained before the=end of January failing which they will be prosecuted in the Policie Court. ! - . CHIEF OF-POLICE A. W. KRUGER, .: ' License Inspector. Hollyburn, B. C., "■6/1/41.' . ' , ■ ' 6lh B.C. SEA SCOUTS AND WOLF CUB PACK -,-ljrhe_regularLjmon_thly_jmeeting^ -of the Mothers' Auxiliary of the Sixth Sea Scouts and Wolf Cub Pack will be held at the home of Mrs. J. M.-Gillies, 1365^Clyde Ave., at 2:30 p.m. on Thursday;* January- 16th. For an Enjoyable Evening S K A T E a t The North Shore Roller Arena 1.35 W. 1st St., North VaiLcouver Phone North 1735 • ■ '-r'T' Open Afternoons and ■ Evenings • - Parties arranged for. ACTIVE SERVICE LIST WOMAN'S AMBULANCE CORPS OF B.C. AUTO. ASSOCIATION Be sure to tune in to CKMO Friday- at 10:30 p.m. for the an- nouncement-of a West Vancou­ ver programme. Music composed by a local-artist,.-will be featur­ ed. ' ' . Keep record of men enlisting in H.M. Forces 'and any change of adtiresses of those already ser­ ving up to date by phoning Mrs. Heber Brown, West 109,OrL or list a t Post Office. Extra Special Fir Slabs and Inside Fir, to rd , P h o n e N o r t h 8 6 Fir, mixed JtO.QO EXPERT. Watch and Clock r e p a ir in g , T . CHRISTENSON . (formerly with Birkfl -LW., M o n tre a l) 1522 Marine Drive January'̂ Sale Starts Friday, January 10, at MILDRED'S DRESS SHOP 1660 Marine Drive ,, DRESSES! ____ DRESSES! DRESSES! Reg. $7.95 & $8.95 Reg. $jL95 Reg. $3.9.5 ; For $5.95 For $3.95 For .$2.29 SHOP EARLY FOR THESE BARGAINS ' . I.____