fc'̂seu«'£> 'in fAl-' I ' ' -' '*" <' r---- , • • ■ ■ , ■ , . . • J f Suvff , . ̂ J * ., * - -rs i<i.1.*» S-,̂ r̂J,. .„T 1- Vi-«-̂ '̂'*> 'I* h--' ̂ -.1^ j..,* ^ ^ , ̂ w, *• ,^-' «4 -t to .« T«M*fff )f 4Sf»ijsitti'V-v*j') 9f 'e ? ' '< ^ ii.<-fcv;'#i*»-5*<!i'« N ^ j i « r < ( i a f ^ '» ^ ^ { R f t i a i '^ ? |f 6"fW Business and Editorlar Office': ' 1704 Marine Orlfe , Phone West 55 Publisher P. p : COVjEGRbVE__ Phone West 353 arculating w the Dhtrict of West VancouveX-Ambkside, Holiyburn, Weston, Dfmdarave »" y®"- Cypress Park, Caul/eUd, Whytecliff, Etc. 5c per oopy. Vol. XV iBfMlUl-Jli "I'llt'ffWiW HOLLYBURN P.<?., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY. JANUARY 9th, 1941 WKRRSBStSH No. 39nv THE ROWELL-SIROIS COMMISSION S REPORT The Dominion-Proviricial Conference wiU meet very ahorllv to consider the Rowell-Sirpis Commission's reporl. Admittedly thejFederal Government could hardly pidgeon-hole this report fdPdiscussion latfer after-all the time and money uKi eflort spent on its preparation, and yet it seems unfort-;, uiintc that it should have to be taken up at this, critical stage in the nation's history^ For some of the issues arising out of it are in the highest degree contentious and may, therefore, lend to adversely affect that unity which is so necessary to the successful conduct of, the war. That. the Confederation Pact must 'be brought up to dale with as little delay as possible is conceded by all. Can ada. The machine constructed by the la th ers of Confedera- REEVE'S STATUTORY ADDRESS atwtii'wa UR1TISH-I8RABL mmiWDiuiimiii laMn -V To the Members of the 1941 Council. Gentlemen: '■ Miss Janet Lansdowne will be the speaker on Monday evening, January 13th at 25th and Marine Drive. You will enjoy hearing/It is a pleasure to me that thiB , jj„,, yeaWs Council IS almo.,t the same Royar"Line of as that of last year because it is David." ' conceded throughout, the'world prayer meeting .on Thursday that the year hi which we are evening and Bible' Study class j lath< tion for |;he wagon .wheel period i s 'sauly unfitted foy this ' ̂ ̂ has ber '-- ' now entering isi going to be one with Mrs. Cornish as arranged, of the most critical in the history machine age, -and for some time now has been showing signs of breaking down under the strain, particularly during the last'few years. , * There is for instance, the case of the Maritime Provinces, whose prosperity has been seriously affected by their joining Confederation, which it, is' conceded has been of more benefit ■ 'to the Province: of Ontario than to any other part of the country. The West, too,'•Js far from satisfied with its pfe-; sent standing in the councils of the . nation. And then there is the dispute which has faged for years around the subject vof banking and its control by the Ottawa .Government, many holding that the. provinces should have some say in a matter so intimately connected with the prosperity of the country. The chartered banks, -as it seems to us, have served Canada well within the limits imposed on. their operations by. the Bank Act, bu t,, unfortunately, this opinion is by no' means universally held by Canadian business men. Probably, how ever, the freatest and most widespread dissatisfaction of all has .arisen over the m-atter of the responsibility for the relief -of.unemployment. „ This has been tossed about for years be tween Ottawa and the provinces to- that point where nobody seems to be quite.certain, just where the responsibillty"actual- ly lies. The above are only a few of' the contentious points which must be settled, before the Confederation machine can function smoothly, buti'they se;^e to sho^ how bitter may be the disputes likely to -arise at the Dominion-Provincial. Con ference. .. - . , The kernel of the Rowell-Sirois report seems to be a re commendation 4hat mQre.pdwen^be^^dentralized.in,.the Fed^al Government, which shall take, over added responsibilities, chiefly financial, in return fdr certain abrogations of auth- ' ority and responsibility on the part of the-provnces. Consider ing "that it was the ̂ provinces which agreed together to form the Federal Government, -and not Ottawa which welded Con- . federation out of the provinces, there may well be some hesit ancy on the^part of the latter in accepting' these proposals. The chief reasons, of course, for such hesitancy would be the size :of_the_cQHntry:^it.q-great^spar^ely populated areas, and, most' of democracy when all our re sources, financial and otherwise, will be strained, to the uttermost. This; will be reflected even in municipal affairs. FERGUSON'S OPEN MODERN STORAGE ROOMS Twenty years' service to thp I am, thereto:^, happy to see merchants and citizens of West Counqillqr, Dickinson again in Vancouver was marked by the our niidst and sto welcome our. Ferguson's Transport Company new Councillor;' Mr. A. Harvey on January 2nd with the opening of their up-to-date offices and NOTICE We Hliall bo greatly ob liged if any householder not receiving the West Van. News will kindly notify us, in ordei ̂ that the omission may be corrected. It is our desire and endeavor to place a copy of our issue weekly ill every house in the municipality regardless of whether a subscription is paid or not. The attention of our readers to the above request will bo appreciated, as. it is the only way open to Us of checking up on oui* deliveries. --EDITOR. Smith. During my tei*m in office rate payers. of Westi Vancouver hre invited to attend any or all of the meetings: of the municipal CORRESPONDENCE 2830 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, B.C.. I ' Deoember 17, 1940. .Copy of letter to the . Reeve in Council, Municipality of West Vancouver. Gentlemen: In our recent election you are no doubt aware that I en- of all, the diverse interests of the various provinces. Reviewing the whole situation, it seems ̂to be -an unfort- 'unate" t̂tnie-"torH3anada"~t6"̂ be--trying,_t.OL_.sdt--hei^legislatiye„ house in order, when- she is engaged in a life and death strug gle for her continued existence as a free nation. There is no question that the Dominion-Provincial Conference must meet to consider the Rowell-Sirois Report,-but it would appear, to bethe-path of wisdom to defer any definite action on the mat ters arising out of it until the war is won. In any case every body knows thatv^hen "tlie'cease fire" has sounded great and worldwide adjustments must be made in both the eoonomic and .social structures, if civilization is to survive, and these adjustments may well change materially any decisions arrived at now regarding a redrafting of the Confederation Pact. furniture storage rooms, in this distri(^.\ The ̂ modern ahd compariatively _ new building formerly the; Or- council that may interest them, unge Hall, was acquired by this It has fallen to our lot to take pioneer firm, and necessary "al- office in one of the most difficult derations made to take care of all periods that has ever confronted phases of the cartage and' ware- this municipality arid bearing housing business, the present conditions in mind, Individual lockers for stoidng the heavy burdpns-in-Dominibn-- household-furniture--^ha've-b^eh--tioavoured-to-have-the~a;t-tontion- and Provincial ^taxation ^h ich instah in the spacious room, of our taxpayers drawn to "the are bound to follow as the result rear of the geperal offices, and situation that exists in regard of. the war, and thê ̂ pro[bable all articles requiring same are to our holdings of $103,000.00 of material rise in the cost of living, carefully wrapped, .de-mothed, Province of Alberta 4% Bonds, I would recommend that ' the and checked on storalge billa be ̂ J^^ituring in 1953, which were policy we pursue be one of con- fore being deposited in the pj îv- bought -at 80, the total purchase servation in all departments and ' ate compartments. Piaiios and price being $82,400. - that we do not enter upon any chesterfield suites will be stored The Province of Alberta has projects pther th»h those ..abso- in _separate..ropnjs when,,altoKHK"--̂ *̂̂ ®̂ ^̂ defaulted or.p.assed,pay- lutely necessary. . tions are completed. ment on 11 issues, totalling over I recommend discontinuance With this innovation in an ex- $15,500,000.00 of their bonds'* of the policy of placing at par panding community those desir- during the past 5 years, on the-books of the sinking, fund ing the services of a storage .. At present market prices our laccount bonds which are pur- warehouse will find in the Fergu- $103^000.00 has a value of about chased for the sinking., fund at son Transfort Company a court- .$60,000.00, and as this is a mat less than par. This policy en- eous service and one of depend- ter of major importance to us ables the expenditure for other ability. kli as taxpayers, I would, urge purposes of money that should Due to the structure of the upon our Reeve and Council the benp1acedTn-thq-sinking-fund-ac=^bnilding"amd" its""locat1on~^im iTeceBsify of faking some action count- and -encoiirages~the-..-pur^-_parativelyvlow--insurance-:xi:^es-- ux_c^er-4o--save-us-^^"om^ chase of bonds that are not first- will prevafl. possibility of this" $103,000.00 not 'being available"class.'. ■- / ' ........ .......--.......-.-- ----f I further recommend that th e ' , - j -i. large number of bonds which ® were purchased ' seveifal years on the business of mjinconti cipal a g r at approxim^teTy eighty transporta«i|ori with coritinuity cfnts on the dollar and'are car- than is the case at present. ried in the sinking'fund account., at par (although today not worth as much as was paid for them) should be valued at not more, than cost arid that part of You will remember that I made it ohe of the conditions, if elected as ' Reeve, that there should be no increase in the tax rate on land or improvementi^ and this, I feel sure, can_ be ■ achieved if we all bend our ener- LEGION W.A. COUNCIL NOTES Soldiers' Comforts. . A social afternoon will be held ' in the ' The Medical Health Officer re ported six" cases of chicken pox the surplus of 1940 be used to make up the deficit-in the sink- . , L̂̂ . •, ing fund that wiirbe caused valuing these bonds a t cost. Legion Hall on' Wednesday, 15th " in December., He also reported as -- Ĵanuary,_at-2-0-ol6ck. follows in the 'flu epidemic: We are about to commence the new Waterworks Project which should help considerably in re gard, to general epiployment as well as improve the domestic when" re quired. If, as some people think, the Dominion Government m ay come to the aid of Alberta, 1 would point out that as things are today, the Dominion Govern ment will have enough to look aftey for a long time to come, and each P/ovince will have to look after its own financial af fairs. I woidd^ugest^ to you, gcntle- men, that you endeavour to get our Provincial Government to HOLLYBURN HALL "Tnfliienze has been very pre- situation which has become des- yal^iit during November and perate in some ^eas early December. As is taken as' the key November monthA Special Young People's ^ r - key montii in Vice illustrated b y views-will be, .forecasting'the winter, the out- held at 7:15 p.m ̂tomorrow (Fri- look is none too good. The day) at Hollyburn Hall, when the epidemic was on- the whole mild, speaker will be C. 0 . Bowen, y e t included many pneumonia Gome and bring your fri-ends. cases with several fatalities. It Next' Sunday, the 12th instant, .would be well for the public The m atte^^ is still incoin^te in all its de tails and will call for our best ef fort to reach a satisfactory solu tion. I respectfully suggest that the policy governing municipal transportation cOuld be. more consistent and far-seeing and this end in view recom- penditures are incurred; The natural expansion of the p district will no doubt bring prob- honds fnd lem's which seem to call for im- i ^ that you mediate action but every caution rnvtf, ^ should be used before new pro- . . . . amount cts of any kind are endorsed. TTiegeneraUravity of the s is to be on tend f « j^ t s of any kind are endorsed. The general gravity of the sit- iiflHDn hPiTur k n o w n Id n <4 a ll if we on nanu 1Ctransportation uatmn oeing Known to us an it whatever may occur in 19531ou dn IS with confidence that I enter , there will he Sunday .School and take notice of this without being youj. consideration the upon my new-duties, feeling sure that you will assist me to the utmost of your ability. As last year's mem'^rs did excellent work' on their several committees, and with the knowl edge thus gained will no doubt be aible to do even better in the You have sufficient margin iri our present taxation to enable you to do this without increasing our present tax bill. Yours truly, JOSEPH MARTIN. young People's Bible.Class at unduly alarmed,'and to keep to ™ ^ f honorary year ahead, I would ask you to-j. rr __ m ds appoinxmeub ux retain thosp. committees. and ao-, MISS COWLEY TO TEACH DRAWING & PAINTING 9:50 a.m. and a t 7 :30"p.m. -the ' the'house with influenza colds same day a Gospel Service, the and to go to bed with the first speaker being' Mr. Ferguson, shiver that announces the onset Tuesday, January 14th. at 8 p.ni. of fev^r. Influenza-has a ten- Prayer and ministry of the Sorip- dency to increase in violence to- tures. _ ' - .wards the end of the winter. THE.RHODA-F-AULKNOR -'Y" 'You I'emember when you cured j_____ '• - - _• ___iuy.rheumalism--a--y-fiar_ago,_don!t_xou,. The next meeting of the "Y" doetprT" asked t̂he patient, "an'd told 1 .... . . , ' . j- ■ - TVirt' fn orof TMVRfilf -WPt" ' board of management to guide and advise the municipality in its transportation problems. Trahspor-tation is -a business, that requires wise and energetic handling and I feel sure there are several experienced business executives residing here who would-be-willing--to ^ id --their-- retain those committees, and apr point Councillor A. Harvey Smith to that of Chairman of the-Board of Works Committee.-' The Committees will, there fore, be as follows: FinanceCouncillors W, Dick-" inson, J. Richardson and the Reeve; Board of Works: Coun-- Hllor A. Harvey "Smith ahdia ^irls will be held a t the home of me not to get myself wetTW».„ A ' , . w ^ i ' "Yes, Ephriam,'! replied the doc-ws. A. Shellard, 1457 Duchess ' ' ' Ave., on Tuesday, Januaiy T4th-; i just wanted to ask you at 8. p.m. - All those interested _ if yQu think it's safe for me to take are invited to attend. ' ,a bath now? " ■ municipality by acting without c Z n d l • ' T ransrortotibr pay on sute a board ,^ th th e S F ik : S C K 'a Miss. Ivy Cowley has opened her studio at 2312 Marine Drive ,for__ the,- -teaching- of drawing, paSteJs, and water colors. She is a, bronze medallist R.D.S. and a number of awards in England. Parents or others in- terested_are asked to kindly call a t the studio. ' Reeve -and Chairman of Trans portation. As all the members of this board woqld not be, subject to change when municipal elec tions are' held there would be a and Council; Water and Light: Councillor J. Richardson and Council. J. EDWARD SEARS, Reeve. with won the Mrs. , E. M. Wallace Socket No. 1636E, wo.. __ Service Club draw on December 20th ^in, aid of the iCrippled. Children's Building Fund and Philanthropic Work. ii -L_