m ' ' ^ I • I' I I1 ' ....... ... ̂ is'", ">' ' iJ ' I ' rV r ) ̂ > 4 "' ̂ ̂ ̂ ' ■) ' "" «* *- . ̂?t/̂ '^X'-*Pr ................,,.. ............. i V ^ « S|®?'/ J t ? 'f'̂ "̂ * <> 9 1 - ' f Xsf'>V MtawWwi mtmm m̂mam »■ 4 - . f-te',f ' 4 ] ;i ■ f :i 4 fv ff-|Sf4|.. 4 s' 'A-1' 'I »-x3t; ata j /,! %»'Mi.1 ̂tiV iI M •¥'sIt > -' »U-" STHiiii $11i4i;'"̂ il :cr. "*i,t̂'"4| .'%ti I .f I' ■I ■c-a «■-;:>< *«%l ?:»■::«'Ill '.'Srf 'W ̂ :m in/iji u< i f 4. ■ffMt'M'ks 'Kf-'"'Is »4| K ̂ ^ -J' 'Ik4̂:1'|>lr̂ -ĉ "i, "•s?,$i c:^- '}tiii?in i i." tr >VtT"II 9: : | f Js:-J5444-J^" \ VO. 4 fl '•ijJr* #'r--v4'4 #;.. f|'isi?K-4 >•tv VJ tS- 1 Ji ' 'J > I ;t:Cii!^4K*̂ l4v Aj ^Hfii^pllI :rh ,4 i .-i >/>f fi|?|̂ ,'f?l̂4' 1I . I'l %'tti } ,.v-, . * '* 1 ^ r # r i i ' ■,#SI»5Vr,>■i . I, 4 f > 4' , tf ^ *■ 's» -■ 1 4i ■'4if?f >i'#-"t'| i 4 - '.'4.S & - ? t i f c p I 'il̂ imM̂' § 4 .TOE WEST VAN NEWS 'Mioiui W«it 46 A. U a i ^ t j ' Sm itb M»u-wut m "Fr«it"0tllirffry" 84wyl«# Montlkijr Account *T'*' ■>RICBB FOK FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JAN. 3rd and 4lh M E A T 'SAunt Mary*« C O FrB B ~I.b ........... 37cUcd &. White Jiraiul Sf^AGlIBlTI-- 'I'all No. I tin .......................r...,......9c (W'lth cht'«*e and Tomato Haucc) Red ik White Brand C'AKHOTS and i'HA»~Tnll tin ............................l ie Culifornin l*BUNKsPHweet Santa Clara. Lurite aixe. lb................... 10c Caljfornia l*KACHI5S~C*hoicc (Quality, lb............................ 16c AuHlralian KAIBINS-- Bcedleaa, 2 ll>N...................... 23c m.AC'K RIGS--Cb. ..................... lOc IM5ACIIKH--Lynn Valley IlalvcH. , 2 tIriM,.;............................................ .25c COItNKli^ BI5KF--.'I'ln ....... I6c I'UIMC LAKD--Swlft'a Sllverlcaf. 3 l*lb. curtonH ........... 25c (iUICK OATS--tiuaker Non>|>remiuni l.arKe l*kt........................................16c Ut'd & White Pure PLUM JIAM-- ■I-lb. tin ............................ \ ........30ic LIFBIIUOY SOAP-^Cake .......... .....7c HunkiMt OUANGES-- Medium wize, dozen ................... 20c West :i70 Free Delivery BEEF FORK EAMB VEAL All Grade A & A1 Delicuiessen Fresh Fish Daily, l.iirKe size, dozen ....................... 25c SuMkiKt JUICY LEMONS--({ for 13c MACARONI--Ready Cut, 2 lbs. t.3c WHITE BEANS--2 lbs........... ....... 13c DRV (JREEN PEAS--Lb.................8cm: Hl-Y CONTEST West Vancouver High School Boys' Hi-Y, school service club, l e (;i()N w .a , in s t a l l a t io n OF OFFICERS ̂ ̂ ; --------m' -i'iic W.A. Canadian 'lAJgion Monday took the lead in an all- held their la.sl meeting of the ' ■athletic "jamboree" a t 'th e ̂ year on the aOth December/with Y.M.C.A. It consisted, of inter- memorable day. club contests -including swim- , They were honored in having ming, volleybaJl, darU, checkers, , Mrs. U. McLennan, Provincial , basketball,, billiards, ping pong, Pnisident of the W.A., who in- ' hioad jump, chinning, relays and stalled the new .officers for the - push-ups. Eighty boys-were pre- ensuing year,; M;rs. M. Parting- , ' ' . î oJh Sergeant 'at 'Arms, acted in West Vancouver club finished with placed . ...^ ..... „ Britannia High, third, 8 7 ; vot(3 of thanks for their untiring John Oliver, 82; Magee G7i/^; work during their term of office. South Burnaby, SGI/aj King Mrs. T. Turner then took the Vancouver,,^ ohaii- as new President the other 4 0 King Edward, 37V̂ ; Tern- - officers being* as follows. 1st l?^4on. (junior club), 24j'and Vice-President Mrs. T. Little- lechnical High School, 23. ford; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. hinal winner of ;th§ silver 4 . 'R. D. Campbell; Secretary, .shield, jamboree award, will be Mrs. M. Philipps; Treasurer, determined at a dinner meeting Mrs. T. Diggbn; Membership: hriday, January 24, when clubs Mrs. D. W. Graham; Local Sick, compete in an oratorical and a Mrs.,-B. E. Traftord; Hospital playlet contest, counting 20 Sick/, Mrs. W. Gyeen; Press Cor- * , /■* FRl^ENTATION - (Continued from page 1) ..w ar«4^0itr-* «»H«i .Very „ , ful cashable security for the re cipient." Scouts Phil Skeet and Gor don ' Thompson pre.^ented^ the watch as good sooiit.H to another good scout and H- B- S te rn s the War Savings Certificate. The Reeve for a moment was too touched to speak and then ex pressed his deep thanks for the gifts, saying he hiid always done his best, and that any credit due him must be shared with his col leagues. His finest memories would be his enjoyment of the work and the good friends he had made. He asked for, the same generous support for l^eve- Elect Sears and his Council. In conclusion his best friend ând help in a|I his year.s of office nad been his wife. Mrs. Leyland wa.s next called upon to receive .sentence, which was pronounpe.d by . Captain Archer in the following words: "You also heard the verdict of the Court, and the fact you are considered somewhiit responsible for some of his oi>erations, and although we think it is you who , really feeds the cats, the jCourt decided the family harmony could be maintained by giving you a similar sentence. There fore on behalf of the testimonial committee ..aind sub^rtilbei^ thereto, we are presenting you with this lovely Longines Watch and may the watches of both yourself and hu.sband ever be synchronised in the many years to' come and we all sincerely SASH & DOOES. SHINGLKS, HiWOODg," M tH PAINT. BUXLDEAs' supplies, ROOFING, WALLBOARD, TILE Th«re b no nnlMitltate for dunUty WEST VANCOUVER LUMBER CO. LTD. .. ISth & Marine Drive Phone West 115 C L A S S I F I E D A D S The rote for Clauuiflcd Adv^Usenieiite U 2 cento per word, minimuw 26 cento. Exchpt in the case of thooo having regular accounts, all daBsi. fledo are payable strictly in advance. Remember Classifieds m the W est Van. Newa get immediate resulta. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 610 W. Hostings, Soy. 4199 a t West Vancouver any time by appointment, West 403. FOR SALE-r"Duo.Thcrne" oil heal cr, first class condition, SSO cask* Phone Whytecliff 6 u. FOR SALE--7 room house in good repair. Good sawdust furnace, fire place, sun porch. Close in. Large lot. Price $2650. ' ....... LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marino Drive West 66 W ANTED-Cook general, exporicnc ed, references. $25.00. W. 818 be tween 7 and 9 evenings. LOST--On 15th St., Christmas after. nOon, gold chain and door kov in beaded purse. W. 782. LOANS Dominion Housing Loan, Home Ovroer's Loan, Builder's Loans, negotiated immediately, full real estate service. Notary Public - In surance. Percy T. Masterman, 2446, Marine Drive West 1077. ■ WANTED -- Reliable young woman • .cooking, housework, help with child' ren, sleep in, good wages. W. 820-Y before 10 a.m. Box 21, West Van ' News. FOR SALE -- 1935 Radio. W. 823-L. Vidor Console THE CORPORATION of thte District of West Vancouver has for sale a t par certain Bus Purchase Debent ures bearing interest at 6% and maturing between, 1941 ~and 1947. Full particulars raj|i,iyJ, be obtained at the Municipal lla'll.1 WANTED TO RENT-i-FurnishcHl or semi-furnished house, good condi. tion. for May. for summer and wintfer. Whytecliff 5761 LOST -- Silver brooch, large green stone center, valued as kee'^sake. W , 1072-R.. . ' Wost Vancouver club finished , that capacity, and the ceremony to; come and we all sincerely nth 90 points j Prinoc of Wulos vviis very ■ impressive* The retir- wish you both> und the faniily ̂ laced second with 88V̂ points; ing (>ni6ers were given a hearty ^ Happy and Prosperous -ritannia High, third, 87V ;̂ vote ot thank.s for their untiring New Year. PEMBEitTON REALTY CORP. LTD. (Established 50 years) 418 Howe St. , TRin. 1271 .. Local Representative, F. Bayliss (Notary Public) - 2436 Bellevue Ave. West 622-R FOR RENT--6 room house,i close to ferry, immediate • os^iession. W. 649-y. LOST--Small grey suede bjjg, Finder please phone West 846-R. Mrs. Leyland was then pres ented with the watch by Girl Guide Yvonne Shannon as one good guide to another, for which the former expressed her sincere thanks. - / * The ceremony concluded with the singing by all present of "Auld Lang Syne." CONVALESCENTS, a n d guests. West 819-L. payi ng FOR'SALErr--1928 Whippet four coach. $46. West 236-R. RENTALS --- We'̂ have a number of good rents,, houses and suites, rea- sonably priced. LAWSON. WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive "West 65 MARCEL SH O P-- Thermique Steam Perm anents; only best materials used. - Expert operators. Phone West 304, Royal Bank Building. points together. MRS. MARY MACLACHLAN LARNIE PASSES " ' West Vancouver "this " lost another of her pioneer re.si- dents in the person of Mrs. Mary MaoLachlan Larnie, who passed respondent, Mrs. J. W. Barnett; Legion Scout repres.,' Mrs. B. Black. Mrs. F. Rivers was elected convener of Soldiers' Comforts. NEW YEAR BRINGS MORE RED CROSS WORK _ 'With the turn of the year, te tis h Columbia Red Cross wo men workers wifi carry on every kind of needed', war work with, greater zeal and determination GENERAL HAULING--Manure, sep tic tanks and rockpits installed and cleaned. Dump truck work. West 187-R. H. A. Ro b e r t s l t d . , Complete Realty Service '■ 1429 . Marine Drive West 646 FDR SALE --J- Good used roal sand wood rangg, $32.50; terms. .Hall Fuel, West 1091. J.'EDW ARD SEARS, Barrister, Sol icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phone West 21. or West 553-R-l. Monday ai her home, Pout was welcomed to the W.a ! 1020-Olyde-Ave--agedySl-j'̂ aT.s iiv:i i/x tjLfiuJtixo oumxui i/jj. ,, J-- "4----- . A very enjoyable luncheon ^^ri ever, states Mrs. H. A. was'served by the B. Group pre- Ramsden, chairman of the Red feeding the-iren6ral meeting. Women's War Work-Gom- ,A new member, Mrs. E. E. M. of this province. "Much has been achieved since the. War began--T6-nruonthrtgo"hut~mofe WANTED -- Listings of houses and lots for sale. Clients waiting, if the . price is right. Immediate inspection. Sharpe Realty. West 719. ̂ , CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Sawdust burners. installed; furnace repairs., G. Meldrum, 1103 Lonsdale. North 822. FLOOR SURFACING--J. Sutherland. West 483 or N orth 578. ROOM AND BOARD available near - bus' and ferry. West J075-L. She leaves to mourn her lo.ss one BUILDING PERMITS $795 217 be accomplished in 1941. Our d.ajighlm!,JHJia^ ' ' ' lett, 1172 15th Street; three RESPECTABLE-' MAN would like to -- do- chores-for-ro6m -and"part"Tfdard7 Box 27 West Van. News. PAINTING AND DECORATING - Estimates free. J . H. Wedley, West 1022-L. ' „ The Municipal ' Hkll authord- sons, Ewen of Vancouver. John ties last month issued" 18 per- aml loni, at home; also seven- mits totalling $40,725, as com- Jeen grandchildren. P r i v a t e pared with- $31,565 for the tuneral services were held at month of November. There has w om en--now -reaIize4he-neces8it-y^n-A -PT 3rW o of our hiffh Red Gmsc stnndjirda f RE-DIRECTED AT NO EXTRA COST of our high Red tlross standards I o f workmanship for hospital supplies and semoe needs. Our branch chairmen clearly under- stand onr metv»nd«i nr»d mflinfain , x^arceis addressed to any mem- f^r of the naval, land /or air WESTERN WOODWORKERS--Store and house ^ tu r e s , turning, glass, .... Ĵjazjng. JeBtJZiO^JVest.^ __ CASH FOR JUNK -- Bottles, rags, Sacks, Metals, Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc:; nothing too big^or too »small. Burrard Jiink Co., West 91. 1:30 p.m. today at the tamily been a substantial increase in ^ inspection of all articles ^5 , or air reaidenc'e:,-iJie-iteYr\Vitlto number of d w e l l h i g s t h e y are furii^~lnto our' ur-C a^ad^-^^ officiating, followed hv infpr- ProvinciaLWarehouse. " feach the addressees owing to "The latest, type of work is : ' re-directed without further postage charges, officiating, followed by inter ment in CapiJano View Ceme tery. The Hollyburn Funeral Home of Hanon Bros. Ltd. were in charge of the arrangements. other buildings erected during 1940 over the figures for the CHIMNEY SWEEPING -- Old Conn- __try way; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano, North 811-R-2. . THREE TIMES OBJECTIVE Tofino Red Cross Branch re ports raising three times the previous year, which latter also making of woollen comforts wrt^out further postage charges, were unusually large. Particulars necessary articles, v itd hv pio>r>,o of same are as follows; such as long and knee-length oy Postmaster (^neral W. ,. 1940--Grand total $795,217 in- - stockings, sockeees, - bed socks, ' r-----/ ' ------ : ~ eluded in which are 206 dwellings w^^^^ bloomers, vests, woollen to ^ a n t this, privi- for $718,245. gloves, helmets, pullovers, and under arms came as 1939--Grand total $647,944 in- cardigans' (with and without tbe ALLEN RADIO SERVICE, 2558 Mathers Ave. Phone. W. 116. 20 years experience in radio, repairs, installations and sales. kwal objective of the National eluded in which are 162 dwellings Campaign Fund No. 2, the last for $602,455. $lYi00 coming from a tiny set- GORDON GRAY -- Insurance, all risks, one .policy, all locations. SE y. 4991 or W est 1065-Ll. tlement at the Esteyan Point Radio Station, 50 miles west of Tofino, making, a grand total of $300.00. Robert James Wiggen, aged nine of .Wynndel, B. C., knit evei*>' stitch of an army pullover sweater. ^ RED CROSS TO CONTINUE SUPPLIES TO BOMB .VICTIMS iliary Territorial Services of Great Britain. Wool and ,a spec ial Red Cross booklet of instruc tions have already gone forth to "Comforts and supplies made undei*taking the work, by. loving hands of Canadian Columbia's quota is ap- women have been and will be- P '̂^-^miately 9,000 articles." vwiui ana wirnout y . .---- 1. j, xxom tne sleeves), small pillows, laundry ^^^®n to the Postmaster Gen- bags, and other more personal citing an' incident where comforts, for the Women's Aux- Ĥ ^vy ohpges were, made on a giftr-package that LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED- Special piachine; repairs, parts West Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 Marine. •, _______________ N ew Y ear Re-Openiiig of IPro-Rec. 7 I i ' I ' t ■ 'B f l l l . a ^ l i t e r s FREE--Gym Classes for adults WESl' VANCOUVER LEGION HALL WOMEN- Friday evening a t 7:30. Tuesday afternoon a t 2. CAPILANO COMMUNITY ■ \ , HALL - WOMEN-- , Tuesday afternoon a t 2, open .given to all arms of Canadian Forces and to victiins of bomb ed areas and e.vacuees in Great Britain," was the main message of cabled "Season's Gi*^tings" to every Red Gross official and worker in the Dominion from the Canadian Red Qx>ss Over seas Office in London, Eng. Visitor:*^My, what a lot of freckles ::you have. Tommy." Tommy: "They ain 't freckles. Thatls my iron constituKjion gioing rusty." • rates. H. Gaines, West 962,K, .behalf of its Saskatch^an Com- ^E-RDDFING--GENUINE duroid mand t o -.which th e pomn1aiT,+ Shingles, ^attractive, permanent from a se rv ice maT: ^ Have roof measured now; free esti-urn a service man was -first mates. R. B. Cripps, West 88-R. F . V. Findlay. West 494-R. Mr Mulock stated that in- issu ed that parcels addressed to men under arms must in future be redirected free of charge. Betty: **Last night. George gave m e'h is 'heart,'* Ruth: "Well, he gave you damag ed ^ o d s , dearie, because the night be£oiro,he„told me I 'd broken it." \ O N ^ . ^ W M A K E brown m unton tS4£ Marine drive MfEn*-- ---- r̂î 'Cnt-A.R.T.- «r ac. - ** S.P.C.A. COMPLETE NOTARIAL SERVICES All forms of documents drawn and executed. :. ' Real 'E s t a ^ - Insurance, Rentals R.:P. b l o w e r & CO. L T D ^ 1406 Marine Dr., West Vancouver Phones.: W est 21, 204-M, 913-L Public Dr. Lamberi of th© Kingdom Temple in Los Angeles ' . ^ . will address-the meeting a t . 8 pm W E ^ M D .4 Y JANUARY 8th, in the-LEGi 'o n ' h ALL Dr. Lambert B taking part in the Clem Davies Ministry in the ________________ absence of the latter ^ ® rew p t r t t f ^^P 'ou '^er S;RC:A. regret that owing to building their shel- S n A t e m p o r a r i l y sus- is i - h s M '̂ '^ '" ®̂®'"t*'atrthere- that th» and , Jiope WEST- VANCjOUVER MESSENGER SERVlCEr--Parcels, Baggage, light transfer -work, prompt service. 'R'Cst 700. ^ ' GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at--W^est--Vancouver- any--time-oy- appointment. West 403._______ th a t th e an a .nope TRIMMING and Topping Trees, fah cil tvill Coun- PHces; Phone.,West 56-Rl,. between PraS,Tiste^nSf 6 and 7. i n ^ "fch i7 "° " " P'"" e<l o f the-food " e tonghest part of the jo in t FOR RENT--SmaR Hall with piano, e kitchen,- dishesV etc.' Suitable for lodges, club meetings, etc., $2.59. ■With kitclien.:$3.00. Wpst 85. ^ .WANTED TO BUY--Good sized lot cheap fo r cash, vicinity 14th and M athers, Apply Box 20, West Vaa News.' , ',.1