West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Jan 1941, p. 3

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!• i «̂x-*» 'i > •!■•-,• a \ mic i» > iiiE :siip u E ^ :C M F :Q |rA U iir. F ^ ' t n i d i ^ IlOYAL F W a W H H fi- Xnli"̂ 25 •«li«df*#»;4)iiiMiyŴ lUc*©»ch. 2 for A T i i A N T i c n m m m ^ k . AJr Force Blue, »StJS****«KOunce skeinH* 18c OftC^- 2L,lfor ...J16c FEEKLESS.SWEATmTAEH Air Force Blue, N«vy lilMl KbAldl. 2-oz skeins. Bach .............. ..... 85c P W m i - HEATEEB, OREEN« .BEOWM^AEE t̂EWIBvEEATEBB' wnd 1 hla^ Ow«e#t jiM na ' 18ê " 2 "f i r .,.r.'..-..r..S5« BBimi¥'Bf»BABT' 1(f001i » "White,' Httfe/8k^, N(Mi»ahrlii]c.̂ ̂ Ounce balls. E a c h .... ....... .......... 30c 1578 MARINE DRIVE ^ < j i a p p f N e w Y e a r f ' \ t o c A U \ J HANlKIliK ANN SHOP 2442 Marine Drive , A 4^Rghto„was boi-n on.Bo. Sub-Lieut. Robert^ ^m ber 21st at Ketchikan, Alas- D.S.C., hero of the evaouation of ka, to the Rev.*and M^s. A, An- Dunkei*quo who haa been spend* derson (nee Irene Patterson). ing the past six weeks with his V . mother, Mrs. E. H. Jupp, 2015 Mr. and Mrs. Downing have Inglewood. West Vancouver, left purchasj^ the new house built foy the East Saturday to return by C. Sharpo, a t 2228 Lawson to service. ' Avc., and will shortly take pos- He'departed by C.N.R. at 7:15. session. * * E. H. Jupp, his stepfather, states Timbrell had been rest- Nellie Stevenson and Mrs. less and keen to return to ser- Nightmgale, 25th and Bellevue, vice for the past several days. Ave., have left to spend a visit ♦ with the latter's daughter on A daughter was bom on Hornby Island. v Christmas Day at the North , * Vancouver General Hospital to Mrs. Clancy Soreiispij, 18th Mr. and Mrs. Fi'ank L. Beamish and Fulton Ave., was hostess at (nee Mary Yates), of 694 16th St. Patricia M aho Studios THEORY, RHYTHM BAND, PIANO Individuabov Class Instruction ,- " ' t,' ' 1 » MISS MARJORIE R. McGILLIVRAY Studios: 2667 Haywood' Ave., *■ W. 510 No.. 310-603 W. Hastings, 2144 44th West a coclctail party on the evening of^Boxing Day. toria with Dr. 0. J. Clayton., Salem Rahy, a cousin of Coun­ cillor K. 'A. Ray and a retired merchant and pioneer of B. C. Street. and the Yukon, " died Christmas after spending Christmas in Vic- morning at his home in the city. ♦ ♦ * Requiem Mass was held on Sat urday at Sacred Heart Church with interment in Ocean View Burial Park. . <i BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Cement Brick Navvy Jack Lime Sand . Drain Tiles Crushed Rock* Concrete ■ TEAROE & SONS 1427 Marine Drive West 84 ' : v:: Billwiller--Olsen „ The marriage took place quiet­ ly at 8 o'clock on DecejmbeK; 28 in Christ Church Cathedral of * Mona Eileen, only daughteir of A. J. T; Taylor who has ,beeii Mrs. S. Olsen, Taylor Way,, West spending the Christmas holidays' Vancouver to Mr. Paul Werner here-plans to return Monday to Billwiller, eldest son of Mr. and Washington where he is engaged Mrs. P. W. Billwiller of Hanna, in war.work for ihe British Gov- ' Alta. .Very , Rey, .CeciL Swanson ernment. ♦' f * Leading Aircraftsman N. G. Williamson; 1348 Clyde Ave., left on December 27thf for To- ofliciated. The bride, given in marriage by Mr. Robert Russell of Britan­ nia Beach, was wearing a. frock of sea blue wool jersey,' with ronto, where he will take up his hip-length majtcKihg Coat, wine duties a s , a radio technician in colored hat and matching acces- the R.C.A.F. "You Can See The Difference" NELSdNiS'̂ ̂LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDEBERS - DRY CtEANERS - DYERS C. C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATiyE Phone WEST 782 The christening took place on Sunday- in the Church of St. Francis-inrthe-Wood, Caulfeild, with Rev. F. A. Ramsey officia- sories. Her flowers were shaded carnations. Mrs. Ralph Davis of Victoria as matron of honor, wore a dusty. pink dress - with black Velvet hat and black ao- Yellow roses formedoessories. LONDON HOSPITALS CARRY ON DESPITE RAIDS Perfect Organization Counters Confusion; Courage of Staffs Inspire Patiev^ts. ' By David Cumock 4^he-bom'bing--of~hospitals-Jn- Qreat Britain by the German Air is not having* the- effect which the Nazis-wouidlhop^JLL is not causing terror o r . con­ fusion. It is putting the London surgeons, doctors, nurses * and- hospital staffs generally more than ever on "their mettle. A visit t>t,o a London-Hospital which has been bombed,, to see the hospital staff* at work, to . hear the stories of quiet bravery amid raids is. something mever to be forgotten.- This' is-the story of just one hospital. ■ . - . On the seventh floor, where ■ the bomb fell' the chaipel has b^n destroyed. The beautiful ̂ windows are gone, the roof has " fallen, the altar is scattered, and the organ shattered. "But someone has lent us a grand piano," Sister .Prior, the assistant matron, -told me., "It is surprising what we managed to save. It is wonderful what you' can do." I thought the same as I look- , ^ around. It is wonderful what they can do. I noticed th a t even the splintered wood, of the'chairs had been repaired with little pieces of sticking, plaster. "We. oon t want people running splintl:- ers into their hands and ̂ legs," explained Sister Prior with a quiet smile; "There^s quite " enough trouble as it is." The Raid Routine Only the first three of seven noors are used , as wards, they go after a few days, rest in .the hospital." In the casualty station, on the , ground , floor everything is ready for emergehcies. Nurses and doc- . tors are always on duty; volun­ teer stretcher bearers are ready to take the patients frona the ambulances as they coine in. Im the operating theatre lives are saved by the most -skilled surgeons in the world. Baving:ir"tife" ting, of the-infant daughter of her corsage. Mr. Alex Billwiller Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Bailey. The was best man and ushers were child .received the names Joanne Mr. Fraser Crawford and Mr. Patricia, and wore the christen- Robert Craig, ing dress of her-great grand- A reception was held in the^ mother. Her godparents were . York room, Hotel Georgia; when Miss Margaret Whaley, Mrs. D. the bride's mother, wearing ame- 'E. Fergussoii and Mr. Harry Me- thyst velvet with matching, hat,, Kenzie. ' - was assisted in receiving by the Later tea was served in the groom's aunt, Mrs. Warnerboult,'. home of the baby's parents on whose teal blue dress was worn Haywood Ave., West Vancouver, with black accessories. Mrs. W. when guests included Mr. H. H. - Mundigal, aunt of the bride,^nd -Grerar-pBr.^Mr-.-and:Mrs.-Charlea Mrs. Warnerboult presided at F. Logan, Mr" and Mrs. Harry theTtea table. Here is one story--grim, yet inspiring. Outside, the night planes droned overhead. There was a. crump of . dropping bombs, The, first casualty to.be brought inr-wasr^a-four-months-old^baby. Her had been, blown from his mother's arms, as she hurried to a shelter. She, herself, was un­ injured. was. down .there at, the time," said Sister Prior. "The little' mite was badly burned-- and so silent. That's always a bad, sign." Quietly the doctors got to work. They fought to fan a tiny spark of life. The battle \yent on.; Tbe. child whimpered. With­ in fifteen minutes he was cry­ ing, A cry of- pain, but to that group of white-coated workers the^cry meant that another life was saved. McKenzie, Mr? and Mrs. D. E. After a short honeymbdn, Mr,. JEerguss,onJ!ffiss.jiargar,etJEha=™anB„Mr8„.„BilMli€.r_jyIL ley and Miss Janet Mowbray. a t the , Townsite, Britannia ---------------------- Beach. ACTIVE SERVICE LIST Word has been received by Mrs. Dixon and Mrs. NewmanKeep record of men enlisting in H.M. Forces: and any change (aunt and cousin) of 1036 Jef- bf"̂ d reW s"b^fihwe"already"Ser:r--ferson-Ave;77of-i;he"safe-arrival ving up to date by phoning Mrs.* in England of Charles E. Pegg. Heber Brown, West 1090-L or Mr. Pegg was a passenger on the list a t Post Office.*** SANTA CLAUS FUND - West Van. News Previously acknowledged ..$8.90 By cheque to Santa Claus F und........................ ,...... $8.90 ill-fated Western Prince, which was sunk with the Hon. Gordon Scott and others. He was a visit--, or-here last- November _l̂ i_ng- pni:. a trade mission for an engineer­ ing firm of Bristol, England, and toured . South America, the ̂ United States and . Canada. Another evidence of the spirit shown by the British manu-' TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD DEATH OF STANLEY BOUTS facturers to carry on business as cu usual in spite of the war.Stanley Bouts late, of North Speaking before the Com- Vancouver, a ' a mercial Club in " Buenos Aires, Saturday * when he visited- that city, he Survmng are his.wite and -suggested as a side line to"aid sons, Herbert of M^Ieod, Empire, the raising of a sum, and Stanley, resident here. ^ gpitfire and in- one so there is plenty of security, with .iQur reinforced'̂ ^̂ ^,---- - concrete floors aoove. There ar:e__special -wards- " Regular monthly, meeting of the Guild is postponed until Fri­ day,. January 10th, when the speaker will be Mrs. Arthur Na-, tion of ..he Canadian. Women's Service Corps. . Mrs. Natiomhas just returned from visiting various women's groups across Canada. Book Club at the home of Mrs. Therrien, 30th and. Mathers. A book: on "The Fall of France" ' will be- reviewed. Funeral services ^ r e held at 2 ^ight the amount was iSised. In p.m. Tuesday from the Holly- burn, Funeral Home of Harron Bros. Ltd., the Rev: F. A. Ram- Chile where he continued his ̂ represehtations-along the-_sa.me-\ vn u lines, the subscription list wasy sey well ahead when he left. Mr; terment in Capilano View Ceme- p^gg yjras vcommonding officer oT - the auxiliary "̂ fire service of' An, earthquake sufficiently in­ tense to cause damage to prop­ erty: occurs somewhere in the world, on an average of every three days and ten , hours. Bristol before leaving and ex­ pects to take up his duties on" his return. Bennett's BAKERY BUITEUCUUST UltHAU SATURDAY SPECIAL Crc«m Cakcfl 25e n dos. Uiiinin, and AMncc- meai Fii's, 15c each Scotch Moat Pica 5c t^ch 6 for 25c Sliced Wrapped Broad 1408,Marine Dr. Phono W. 27 Mr. and. Mrs. M. Kellan of West Vf(ncouver, Miss Gladys Howson of Glendale, Cal., and Miss Charlotte Clayton of the ' city, have I'etiirned to Vancouver , Hollybura Theatre THUllSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. Jan. 2ml, JIrd and 4th SIR CRDRIC IIAUDWICKB NAN (lUEV "The Invisible Man Returns" also "THE DRUMS OF FU MANCIIU" and othor shorts SATURDAY EVE. AND MONDAY Jan. 4th and 6th' CUVB BROOK JOHN CLEMENTS JUDY CAMI'BBLL Convoy y f also Nows. Cartoon,'etc. I TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Jan. 7th, 8th and 9th BEITB DAVIS CHARLES BOYER " All this and Heaven Too" (once only a t 8) also i hour of shorts Nellie Harrison A.T.C;l&^ Siifccial Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory 1955, Inglewood Avo. West 1056rL Mrs. T.E: Snelgrove VIOLIN, PIANX) & THEORY P upils' BÛ ecesses in the RoyaU Schools of Music, Trinity Col­ lege, London, and Toronto Con­ servatory exams. Younger children visited at their homes ' n e w t e r m STARTS MONDAY, JAN. Gth Telephone West 210-L Burrard Laundry Ltd. --% ̂ ■ well known ^ FA M IL Y L A U N D R Y Phone North 1310 or West 691L' . J casualties,^ aruh those 1/.?̂ rendered homer had a number; of "bid- but ,we could- hâ d t together sO" theyha/2 + r * w s K T i i i e r . SU'-- wi©y be separated \until'-they- "̂ d off to the country where ______ -... . . __ *What happened to the mother ■who used to* put a eahdle in the window to guide her wandering ' son ?" ^ ■ "Now she turns on the flood­ lights at the landing field." -- Welland-Port Colbbrne Tribune. expert Wiitcli~and;j€liickr REPAIRING T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., ̂ Montreal) 1522 Marine Drive WOMEN'S AMBULANCE ~ CORPS The B.C.A.A. Women's Am- bu'Iance Corps will meet in the Legion H air a t 7:30 p.m. Mon-, day, January 6th. All those wishing to register for the first aid class are asked to attend. Capt, M. Clarke will instruct members in drilling and a good attendance is requested. For an Enjoyable Evening SKATE at The- N orth Shore Roller Arena _135 W. iBt St., North Vancouver Phone North 1735 Open Afternoons and Evening'S Parties arranged for. JExtra^Special- Fir S labs and In s id e Firv mixed r o A() cord, Phone North 8 6 j!. :'l V : .' ,