West Van. News (West Vancouver), 2 Jan 1941, p. 2

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„ -ij S IfiSi ̂Vii . >*' / if .. ■"■"■■■■" ■" ..i-" . ...... ....... ... -'■ to ̂ » « ',} ■ 'HI I h'- i * K' ■ * » t, w> (<■*-. 4 VI H K ;• ,t..i w m r r m , im n w ca im cn ,-»-.te»..JMjil~4i.£aQUimaJt At«. . 1963 Fulioo Avenue Phone We»t JM4-R I S . '•'•a •'"'T --V ptxiimgwti and VIsitoi||^ a r t wtlaoma i ' f " ■1 t V - - .,lJ I 1 ,, / ' , J D R . G . D . H , S E A L B D.D.S., L.D.8. DENTIST X-Ray ilay Block, 14th and Marine Dr, Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone We»t 72 1 ' ■ ■ r " , 1 ' 5:!l i" ' ,. . Kf D b ;M cR A B 1 D E N T I S T formerly o f '706 Medical-Dental > Building Houra: 9 to 6 -- Evenings by appointment. «■*"I860' Marin® Drive W est 482 ̂ " ■!» " i 'sir ■ -.J . 1 i1 " '" , s 1 ] ' * 1 U 1 1 Establiahed on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) H A R R O N B R O S, L T D . f u n e r a l i i r r e t o r s 11 oily bum Funeral Home 18th and Marine EAPTIBT CEVBCn S n Jid e jr S e r r le e e J0;00 «.m.--Church School i n - \ 11 •.!«. St 7:80 p.m^Preechinir .... ............ „„.,8enl«««. A heerty welcome to e ir '-jf f,H„ i West 184 North Vancouver Per lore 122 Woat Sixth S treet Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlora 66 Tenth Avenue Elaet Phono Fair, 184 #W.W. - HOLLYBURIf HALL 14th and Duchess ' Friday Evening, Jan. 3rd a t 7:15 Younif People's Service, il- lustrutod by views. ; Subject, "The Prodigal Son." Speaker, Mr. C. 0 . Bowen. .Sunday, Jan. 5th a t 9:60 a.m. Sunday School and Young Peeople'a Biblo Class. Sunday Evening at 7:30 Speaker, Mr. C. 0 . Bowen. Tuesday, Jan. 7th at 8 p.m. Mr. C. O. Bowen will apeak on the work of the Gospel in northern Alberta. WEST VANCOUVEB ChinltiiB" Science Society ""•"dlSirBCW'EDlFICB "•*•'-- (loth and JKaqttlmalt, HoBybom Ih la Society is a Branch of The Mother C hur^ The P lra t Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston,* , Massachusetts, Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday, January 5th SUBJECT: «GOD" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. ̂ , The public is cordially in­ vited to attend our services and meetings. NEW TERM OPENS MONDAY, JANUARY 6th 14th and Marine Drive (over Rexall Drug Store) West 3il ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL GIKUS: Grades I. to VI. BOYS: I, to III. ■' Nursery School and Kindergarten■ ' ' W> ■ ■ sf*. . . ■ ■ _ .■ . " . ■ ■■■ Boarding, transportation, medical supervision Piano, dancing, singing,. dramatics B.C. Provincial Education Curriculum i 2667 Haywood Ave., Weal! Vancouver West 51G' WedncBday Evening, Jan. 8ih at 8 p.m. Young People's Biblo Class. THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Avenue i '1 WEST VANCOUVER ' Sheet Metal Works Furnace and- Range Rapaira, Sawdust Bnmera Phone Weal 89 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH . 23rd & Inglewood Aye. Rev. Father Van ■' ' - ?aetor ■:#■. . . . ..I.'. .. ...... .,. ■............. i.. . :. ; , «... , Sunday Service Low Mass -- 8:16 a.m. Higl ̂Mass and Sermon -- 10 *15 ' a.m; - ------------------- Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 , ' p.m. „ '■■••■•■ ,, Catechism and Bible CIass~2:00 p.m. Week-day. Servic,es Mass -- 8 a.m. Sunday, January 5th 11 a.m.--Communion Service. Minister, Rev. Dr. W. S. Reid. 7:30 .p.m. -- Rev. Dr. Gordon Dickie. On Monday evening, 8:15, Young People's meeting. Christian Fellowship Group. Leader, Miss Beryl Hall. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer arid . Bible Study, W m dy H ouse Sctaool ' REOPENS MONDAY; JANUARY 13th Program of play activities suitable for children from 2 to 7 years. Nursery School, Kindergarten and Primary Grade Work 2397 Bellevue Ave. , Phone West 867 LIONS CLUB AND NURSES , PROVIDE XMAS CHEER Man is the only animal that can;be skinned more than once. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector \ Sunday, January 5th 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Holly Communion and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- Because of a donation-of $30. from thd Lions' Club of Vancou­ ver," local Christmas trees - and ' Yuletide favors and decorations provided by'the nursing staff of B. C.'s -four Red Cross Outi>ost Hospitals a t Bamfield, Cecil Lake, McBride, and Zeballos, Christmas was made a happier occasion in these frontier dis­ tricts. r.:L k , i i ' f n. 4 i >> FUEL SUPPLIES SLABS and EDGINGS $3 per cord Inside Fir, $5.50 per cord Phone day dr night . NORTIL1581 Monday : Epiphany Day-- o, . 'j . • r, oA 10:15 ».m., Holy Conimuhioh. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 January 18th, Annual-meeting, to 8:30 P-m. St. Francis-in-the-Wbod "If I'd known you were so extra- vagent I'd never have married you." "If 1" hadn't been, father wbuld never have let you." VERNON FEED STORE A: C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, - Coal, Builders' Supplies i. ■ • ■ v:t;5 ? v'i " i V>?j4 V*, *>•' Si 1. 7 iSf'.T i'id? :}'>: j r : I M i - Pi A $ . ifj; * } 4- i f A - ' VI \ 1 ^ Mm TiS WhfM ' '"W. 1 ' -;1 Your telephone is a good ' Jl ' ' * ' ... V"' Wintry days are liei'O again, and it is good to be ^able to do your shopping by telephone. -It-may-be-wai-m-and-com- fortable iii the house, but outside -- b-r-r-r! It's so much easier to go to yoiir telephone and call. grocer, butcher or druggist than to brave the elements your­ self. Your telephone is a tire­ less errand boy, ready to serve you in good weather or bad. ' * 3 WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch Services: Sunday School, 9:45. Sunday Services -- 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday--Prayer and Fellow­ ship, 7:30. Caulfeild ̂ ̂̂ ̂ ^ 3 p.m.,--Evensong and Sermon. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. Sunday, January 5th A HAPPY NEW YEAR To our friends and custom­ ers at. Hollybum, Dundar- ,ave and Caulfeild S. LOWRIE Phone West 256-Y SPECIAL S aw d u s t----------- Dry Slabs-------- .;$5.00 per cord Inside. Piir:-- from shed I-----$6.00 per corct from 'mill* ..;.-....$5.60 per cordv Siabs'^with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs , &-Edgings $8.76 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 CHURCHES OP CHRIST SCIENTIST '*GOD" will be the subject of "the Lesson t Sermon in alll Churches of Christ, Scientist, on ] Morning--^Mr. Hunt from South Hill will preach, and in the evening Mr. Harkness of Van- " ' couver will be .the preacher. . Tuesday, 2 :30 p.m. Women's ---- Mission-Girder--Alt-ladies--dfl the church cordially iniyted. .. The Women's Association of the United Church will meet on Tuesday, January 7th at .2:15 and unto thee .shall the v o ^ B r"T lh . when the annuaP reportT performed. 0 thou that hearest will be given. The president Sunday; The,Golden Text is: "Praise waiteth for thee. 0_God in Sion: A ttention Builders! S A N D , . G R A V E L , N A V V Y J A C K , A S P H A L 'T P R E M T X r ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone, North. 1141_______ or ; ALF ELLT,q, S23-L prayer, unto thee shall all flesh. wishes a good- attendance, of come," - (Psalms 65 : 1, 2). members s6 that the association Among the citations which niay get off to a good start with comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the year's work. Visitors wdr ~"^he~Yollowing--from~the" Biblei--come.--Hostesses,--Mrs7-A.--Chil- "G ^ hath spoken once; twice ton, Mrs. Charles Cole and Mrs. have I heard this; that power W. Crawford. . belongeth unto God" (Psalms 62:11). The Lesson-Sermon also in­ cludes the following_passage CORRESPONDENCE "iKy ' .t : '.'I' 'k % hL, U I \ M"' I 'P'IsIftif.S' BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. - _ The Editor.iWest Van; News, from the Christian Sciencelext^ Dear Sir, book, "Science and . Health with Little Evelyn's first contact Key to the Scriptures" by Mary with the institution known as Baker Eddy: "There is no power * "Santa Claiis" proved a com- apart from God. Omnipote'nce pleter success. As I said in my has all-power, and to acknowl- last letter to thp West Van. edge any other power is to dis­ honor God." W.C.T.U. West Van News Pabllahed Every Thursday The I'egular meeting of the W.C,T.U. will-be held in the Baptist Church on Januarj^ 9th, at 2̂ :16 p.m. Mrs. Pallot from Vancouver will be the speaker. Members and friends will be given a cordial welcome. I g i i i Publisher P, P. LOVEGROVE * Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: .1704 Marine Drive - -^ P h o n e -W isH i# ----:jr - \ ------------------------ J ■§? 5 jf;-: North VancouT ̂ Office: 123 Lonsdale Are. f | | : - i fS 1# ; • : $1,00 a year by m rrier: $2.00 a year by mail . UNITY METAPHYSICAL.-- CENTRE (Non-Sectarian) of Vancouver,. B. CL (Vest Vancouver. Service, Friday evening a t 8:15 o'clock , TO' be held a t Sbsngri-La. 2435 . Marine Drive Speaker: Rev. T. Conway Jones. Subject: "The Beginning of Good Things' .Monday Afternoon Study Glass, 3 o'clock, ' ; "Temple Building" .Unity L iterature for sale a t Quaint Gifts, 2435 Marine Drive News, the waiting period was somewhat irksome. She had a few minor lapses but nothing serious, anyway. Old Santa* kick­ ed through-like the good fellow he is and delivered the goods-- a doll and bu^y . - The gifts have, had a peculiar effect upon the young lady. She has suddenly developed a pro­ nounced property concept. - This "being good"- for so many . days on end was as difficult .as ininning a newspaper and writ­ ing editorials, -but it was worth the effort. (I mean '"being good"). Now I suppose some sma^t Alec will be telling her "there is no Santa Claus, it's like Angels and \ the Devil, it's only . your Mother and Father." --T. R. I^ p le get so used to seeing their faces reversed in .a mirror, with the right sfde-of it on the left and vice versa, that they almost invariably select, when given a chance, a reversed photo­ graph of themselves in the belief it is "the better likeness." \ -V- V?,