„ -ij S IfiSi ̂Vii . >*' / if .. ■"■"■■■■" ■" ..i-" . ...... ....... ... -'■ to ̂ » « ',} ■ 'HI I h'- i * K' ■ * » t, w> (<■*-. 4 VI H K ;• ,t..i w m r r m , im n w ca im cn ,-»-.te»..JMjil~4i.£aQUimaJt At«. . 1963 Fulioo Avenue Phone We»t JM4-R I S . '•'•a •'"'T --V ptxiimgwti and VIsitoi||^ a r t wtlaoma i ' f " ■1 t V - - .,lJ I 1 ,, / ' , J D R . G . D . H , S E A L B D.D.S., L.D.8. DENTIST X-Ray ilay Block, 14th and Marine Dr, Office Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Evenings by appointment. Phone We»t 72 1 ' ■ ■ r " , 1 ' 5:!l i" ' ,. . Kf D b ;M cR A B 1 D E N T I S T formerly o f '706 Medical-Dental > Building Houra: 9 to 6 -- Evenings by appointment. «■*"I860' Marin® Drive W est 482 ̂ " ■!» " i 'sir ■ -.J . 1 i1 " '" , s 1 ] ' * 1 U 1 1 Establiahed on North Shore 25 Years (Lady Assistant) H A R R O N B R O S, L T D . f u n e r a l i i r r e t o r s 11 oily bum Funeral Home 18th and Marine EAPTIBT CEVBCn S n Jid e jr S e r r le e e J0;00 «.m.--Church School i n - \ 11 •.!«. St 7:80 p.m^Preechinir .... ............ „„.,8enl«««. A heerty welcome to e ir '-jf f,H„ i West 184 North Vancouver Per lore 122 Woat Sixth S treet Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlora 66 Tenth Avenue Elaet Phono Fair, 184 #W.W. - HOLLYBURIf HALL 14th and Duchess ' Friday Evening, Jan. 3rd a t 7:15 Younif People's Service, il- lustrutod by views. ; Subject, "The Prodigal Son." Speaker, Mr. C. 0 . Bowen. .Sunday, Jan. 5th a t 9:60 a.m. Sunday School and Young Peeople'a Biblo Class. Sunday Evening at 7:30 Speaker, Mr. C. 0 . Bowen. Tuesday, Jan. 7th at 8 p.m. Mr. C. O. Bowen will apeak on the work of the Gospel in northern Alberta. WEST VANCOUVEB ChinltiiB" Science Society ""•"dlSirBCW'EDlFICB "•*•'-- (loth and JKaqttlmalt, HoBybom Ih la Society is a Branch of The Mother C hur^ The P lra t Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston,* , Massachusetts, Sunday Service: 11:80 a.m. Sunday, January 5th SUBJECT: «GOD" Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testimony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:16 p.m. ̂ , The public is cordially in vited to attend our services and meetings. NEW TERM OPENS MONDAY, JANUARY 6th 14th and Marine Drive (over Rexall Drug Store) West 3il ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL GIKUS: Grades I. to VI. BOYS: I, to III. ■' Nursery School and Kindergarten■ ' ' W> ■ ■ sf*. . . ■ ■ _ .■ . " . ■ ■■■ Boarding, transportation, medical supervision Piano, dancing, singing,. dramatics B.C. Provincial Education Curriculum i 2667 Haywood Ave., Weal! Vancouver West 51G' WedncBday Evening, Jan. 8ih at 8 p.m. Young People's Biblo Class. THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimalt Avenue i '1 WEST VANCOUVER ' Sheet Metal Works Furnace and- Range Rapaira, Sawdust Bnmera Phone Weal 89 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH . 23rd & Inglewood Aye. Rev. Father Van ■' ' - ?aetor ■:#■. . . . ..I.'. .. ...... .,. ■............. i.. . :. ; , «... , Sunday Service Low Mass -- 8:16 a.m. Higl ̂Mass and Sermon -- 10 *15 ' a.m; - ------------------- Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 , ' p.m. „ '■■••■•■ ,, Catechism and Bible CIass~2:00 p.m. Week-day. Servic,es Mass -- 8 a.m. Sunday, January 5th 11 a.m.--Communion Service. Minister, Rev. Dr. W. S. Reid. 7:30 .p.m. -- Rev. Dr. Gordon Dickie. On Monday evening, 8:15, Young People's meeting. Christian Fellowship Group. Leader, Miss Beryl Hall. Wednesday, 8 p.m.--Prayer arid . Bible Study, W m dy H ouse Sctaool ' REOPENS MONDAY; JANUARY 13th Program of play activities suitable for children from 2 to 7 years. Nursery School, Kindergarten and Primary Grade Work 2397 Bellevue Ave. , Phone West 867 LIONS CLUB AND NURSES , PROVIDE XMAS CHEER Man is the only animal that can;be skinned more than once. ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector \ Sunday, January 5th 8 a.m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Holly Communion and Sermon. 7:30 p.m.--Evensong and Ser- Because of a donation-of $30. from thd Lions' Club of Vancou ver," local Christmas trees - and ' Yuletide favors and decorations provided by'the nursing staff of B. C.'s -four Red Cross Outi>ost Hospitals a t Bamfield, Cecil Lake, McBride, and Zeballos, Christmas was made a happier occasion in these frontier dis tricts. r.:L k , i i ' f n. 4 i >> FUEL SUPPLIES SLABS and EDGINGS $3 per cord Inside Fir, $5.50 per cord Phone day dr night . NORTIL1581 Monday : Epiphany Day-- o, . 'j . • r, oA 10:15 ».m., Holy Conimuhioh. Saturdays -- Confessions; 7:30 January 18th, Annual-meeting, to 8:30 P-m. St. Francis-in-the-Wbod "If I'd known you were so extra- vagent I'd never have married you." "If 1" hadn't been, father wbuld never have let you." VERNON FEED STORE A: C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, - Coal, Builders' Supplies i. ■ • ■ v:t;5 ? v'i " i V>?j4 V*, *>•' Si 1. 7 iSf'.T i'id? :}'>: j r : I M i - Pi A $ . ifj; * } 4- i f A - ' VI \ 1 ^ Mm TiS WhfM ' '"W. 1 ' -;1 Your telephone is a good ' Jl ' ' * ' ... V"' Wintry days are liei'O again, and it is good to be ^able to do your shopping by telephone. -It-may-be-wai-m-and-com- fortable iii the house, but outside -- b-r-r-r! It's so much easier to go to yoiir telephone and call. grocer, butcher or druggist than to brave the elements your self. Your telephone is a tire less errand boy, ready to serve you in good weather or bad. ' * 3 WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. Pastor: Robert H. Birch Services: Sunday School, 9:45. Sunday Services -- 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Wednesday--Prayer and Fellow ship, 7:30. Caulfeild ̂ ̂̂ ̂ ^ 3 p.m.,--Evensong and Sermon. BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. Sunday, January 5th A HAPPY NEW YEAR To our friends and custom ers at. Hollybum, Dundar- ,ave and Caulfeild S. LOWRIE Phone West 256-Y SPECIAL S aw d u s t----------- Dry Slabs-------- .;$5.00 per cord Inside. Piir:-- from shed I-----$6.00 per corct from 'mill* ..;.-....$5.60 per cordv Siabs'^with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs , &-Edgings $8.76 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 CHURCHES OP CHRIST SCIENTIST '*GOD" will be the subject of "the Lesson t Sermon in alll Churches of Christ, Scientist, on ] Morning--^Mr. Hunt from South Hill will preach, and in the evening Mr. Harkness of Van- " ' couver will be .the preacher. . Tuesday, 2 :30 p.m. Women's ---- Mission-Girder--Alt-ladies--dfl the church cordially iniyted. .. The Women's Association of the United Church will meet on Tuesday, January 7th at .2:15 and unto thee .shall the v o ^ B r"T lh . when the annuaP reportT performed. 0 thou that hearest will be given. The president Sunday; The,Golden Text is: "Praise waiteth for thee. 0_God in Sion: A ttention Builders! S A N D , . G R A V E L , N A V V Y J A C K , A S P H A L 'T P R E M T X r ROAD MATERIALS LIMITED Phone, North. 1141_______ or ; ALF ELLT,q, S23-L prayer, unto thee shall all flesh. wishes a good- attendance, of come," - (Psalms 65 : 1, 2). members s6 that the association Among the citations which niay get off to a good start with comprise the Lesson-Sermon is the year's work. Visitors wdr ~"^he~Yollowing--from~the" Biblei--come.--Hostesses,--Mrs7-A.--Chil- "G ^ hath spoken once; twice ton, Mrs. Charles Cole and Mrs. have I heard this; that power W. Crawford. . belongeth unto God" (Psalms 62:11). The Lesson-Sermon also in cludes the following_passage CORRESPONDENCE "iKy ' .t : '.'I' 'k % hL, U I \ M"' I 'P'IsIftif.S' BRITISH COLUMBIA TELEPHONE CO. - _ The Editor.iWest Van; News, from the Christian Sciencelext^ Dear Sir, book, "Science and . Health with Little Evelyn's first contact Key to the Scriptures" by Mary with the institution known as Baker Eddy: "There is no power * "Santa Claiis" proved a com- apart from God. Omnipote'nce pleter success. As I said in my has all-power, and to acknowl- last letter to thp West Van. edge any other power is to dis honor God." W.C.T.U. West Van News Pabllahed Every Thursday The I'egular meeting of the W.C,T.U. will-be held in the Baptist Church on Januarj^ 9th, at 2̂ :16 p.m. Mrs. Pallot from Vancouver will be the speaker. Members and friends will be given a cordial welcome. I g i i i Publisher P, P. LOVEGROVE * Phone West 363 Business and Editorial Office: .1704 Marine Drive - -^ P h o n e -W isH i# ----:jr - \ ------------------------ J ■§? 5 jf;-: North VancouT ̂ Office: 123 Lonsdale Are. f | | : - i fS 1# ; • : $1,00 a year by m rrier: $2.00 a year by mail . UNITY METAPHYSICAL.-- CENTRE (Non-Sectarian) of Vancouver,. B. CL (Vest Vancouver. Service, Friday evening a t 8:15 o'clock , TO' be held a t Sbsngri-La. 2435 . Marine Drive Speaker: Rev. T. Conway Jones. Subject: "The Beginning of Good Things' .Monday Afternoon Study Glass, 3 o'clock, ' ; "Temple Building" .Unity L iterature for sale a t Quaint Gifts, 2435 Marine Drive News, the waiting period was somewhat irksome. She had a few minor lapses but nothing serious, anyway. Old Santa* kick ed through-like the good fellow he is and delivered the goods-- a doll and bu^y . - The gifts have, had a peculiar effect upon the young lady. She has suddenly developed a pro nounced property concept. - This "being good"- for so many . days on end was as difficult .as ininning a newspaper and writ ing editorials, -but it was worth the effort. (I mean '"being good"). Now I suppose some sma^t Alec will be telling her "there is no Santa Claus, it's like Angels and \ the Devil, it's only . your Mother and Father." --T. R. I^ p le get so used to seeing their faces reversed in .a mirror, with the right sfde-of it on the left and vice versa, that they almost invariably select, when given a chance, a reversed photo graph of themselves in the belief it is "the better likeness." \ -V- V?,