-Weekly- 'Eattl)}tah0d '"ov^"*|g"■ ̂ J t^ J t^ ' ^ , ' ,■ -̂0 'V...... . Circulating tn the D istrict o f West Vancouver^'^Ambleiide^ Hollyburn^ Weston ̂ Dundarave $1.00 per year. Cypress Park, Caulfeitd, Whytecliff, Etc. JSc per oopy. Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P .0 ,, WEST VANCOUVER, B.C., THURSDAY, JANUARY 2nd, l941 N o. 38 COMMUNITY SPIRIT Tiiie was when West Vancouver was known throughout the province for its strong and active community spirit. , We were n«t a large community in those days, but it was our nride Unit anything of a social or organizational nature must fully supported with the i-esult that there were few, if any, f-iilures And, when oux. organizations took part in outside romDctitions, quite frequently^., the same community spirit mined us to victory over those from larger districts and lowns Unfortunately, even then our Icical merchants did not receiv(3 the support to which they were entitled, but they at least did come in for a reasonable share of public custom. It was, of course, inevitable that the opening of the Lions' Gate Bridge should have tended to end this period of a self- contained community by making us for all intents and pur- noses a suburb of the city, but not to the extent that one learns is now the case. We hear that local merchants are guilering from a growing habit on the part of our residents, of dealing in the city. Also a number of organizations, which in the past were strong and active, have disappeared or are in process of gradual decay from lack of support of the, mem bership and public. ̂ ' . These are not healthy signs, nor do they augur well for the future o ̂ West Vancouver. No municipality or suburb, however favored by nature, can expect to be considered a desir able place of residence which has inadequate stores, and no social or organizational life worth mentioning. People will not continue to reside nor will strangers settle in a municir pality which has nothing to recommend it but its qualities as ■a-beautiful' dormitory. They expect fine stores and an active community life as' well. ̂ ̂ , . . . ̂ , At the present moment West Vancouver is blessed with up-to-date stores, where goods'can be purchased of the same quality and at the same prices, or cheaper; than those ruling --If"fiot-as™large~as-the-V-ancouver~stores7~they-- PRESENTATIONS MADE TO . REEVE LEYLAND AND MRS. LEYLAND MM) CHAMBER Ol?:.eOMMERCB TO BNTEOTAIN COUNCIL --^ W e s t Vancouver Chamber A large number of represent- pi: Commerce will have as guests atiye citizens and their wives at its next meeting the newly- yisited the Council Chamber last elected members of the Munid- Monday night, vyhmi the 1940 pal Council, together with their Council were in session, to make wives. The meeeting will be held suitable presentations both to. on Wednesday, January 8, at the Reeve Leyland and;Mrs. Leyland Cracliaii, Hotel, Dundarave, at 7 , on his retirement from munici- p.m. sharp. All members are re- ' pal office, and to voice their sin- quested to be present to par- thankful appreciation ticipate in this annual event, A of their long and. valuable ser- special programme suitable for vice. The Reeve and his wife the occasion has been arranged were each presented witli a beau- by the executive; Members' cars tiful Longines wrist watch in a will leave 15th and (Marine Drive case and th e ,former wa's in ad- at 6:45,, so make your arrange- dition the recipient of a $250 ments accordingly. War Savings Certificate, t h e -------------- --------- . purchase money for these gifts having.all been raised,by public subscription. As the delegation filed in and filled the Council Chamber, it was. quite evident that the Reeve was taken by surprise and took his seat on his dais , to listen to what he evidently thought was NOTICE „ Wo shiiU be'^greatly ob liged if any houHebolder not receiving the West Van, News will kindly notify us, in order that the omission may be corrected. It is our desire and endeavor to place a copy of qiir issue weekly in every house in tho iminicipality regardless of whether a subscription is paid or not. The attention of our readers to the above request will he appreciated, as it is the only wa.v open to us of cliecking up on our deliveries. ' -EDITOR. ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL PIANO STUDIOS WENDY HOUSE SCHOOL ^t. Patricia School Piano Studios, conducted by Mi^s Marj- WcMuly House School, situat ed at 2397 Bellevue Ave., will orie...Rr McGillivray,"' associate-- mi ™ ™ teacher of J. D. A. Tripp, prepare ^^e cur- pupils for Toronto.Con8e5-vaW/;',u;̂ ^̂^̂^̂ ̂ examinations, festivals and re^'. ^a very large number of citizens pitjoid Arrantyements fo r nart- years of age,: nursery school, come to present some petRion. time s t i X wRh A S p kindergarten, and,primary grade ; T '. A . . . U ^ ^ ^ W A v It A T l i r i n f AViaa4*i3rl C l 'a.Cslryi/l 1 I ■ only await more support on' the part, of the public to make them so. There is still considerable organizational life in the Municipality and with' a little more interest several organiza tions; which in the past have made the name of West Vancou ver well known, would soon regain their old active strength. ilp to the preseitt we have only begum to slip, but that is the time to take the necessary steps to prevent it. Let us, therefore, at* this beginning of a new year, get together to re capture the old Cdmfnunity spirit^TVhiChr'made West Vancou ver, and which will 'be in keeping with the present growth of the Municipality. ' ° Captain C. ,J. Archer, who, act ed as , spokesman, then inform ed him he was indicted for (1) " serying^'g"Folice'i3ummissioner-- School Trustee, Councillor and Reeve for a record , period ofr" fourteen years;. (2) MaintainingL_,of the study. may be made is desired. Class work or individual for young children including rhythm, band allows for practice in conr ducting and accompanying. A valuable arid interesting feature, work. Any interested are asked to kindly telephone West 867 ôr call at the sdhool. MRS. SNELGROVE TO RESUME TEACHING the highest ethics in municipal , administration duting that per iod; (3) Guiding the policies of ' the Municipality from a summer camp to a high" class residential TflE PRESIDENT SPEAKS ■ President Roosevelt last Sunday night made ansWer to "lEfhMatm^-r^entr^threats^ so .clmiLiaflcL.alT ^ e S r L | l ■ opW on. stated the Reeve .was ..hiniseinileadedrgirilty^xeept-te- suburb; f4) 'NegIe'ctmg hTs-own possible; 603 ' West Hastings; in terests and business, and pos-' Monday and Thursday, .nfter- sibly his domestic relations to ^oons and SaturdayV-mofnings, devote all-his time to West Van- 2144 W. 44th, Wednesdays and couver; (5) Doing all the chores Saturdays, fourid the'house andfeeding the" " ... cats ;J 6 ) Becoming^ known as LOCAL PROi-REC, CLASSES . th ^ ablest Reeve m B. C. . ' . :r--Th^delegat"ion,_askecLtc.r_Jts Miss McGiWvray will be aJeas- J ' L f wm piano study at her West Vanoou, S s 1 Z n d ^y W 5 l f T d X n ^ S n g J I t JanuW eth™ Her p«p" . 'l l .? . . . . ■ been-successful in .the exam sof the Royal Schools of Music, Triiir., ity College, London, - ^ d To-" ronto Conseiwatory. Younger children are visited at their homes. Parents and any others interested* arq asked to kindly phone West 2i0-L. Encouraged--by-Mall-s&asqn--^j^jgjim (.j)QP^_^£j)- n , tt of unusual success and enthus all these, charges. He . Pro-Rec Centres through-, MUNICir*AIzTREASURER ■"plaiffe'st~oi "words 'the Very ugly sifuaHcn-eonfronting'thein And in so doing be not only warned the isolationists and feeding-ther'oat-ST-which-Gouneil- lor Richardson thought was the Ana in so aomg. ne liui omĵ weiiii«u work of +hp Pppva'« arm Tppk defeatists of the folly of their out-of-date and ostnch-likc S L n Archer aTonce em^^^attitudes, but gave notice to those,'who innocently or with t-aptain Archer, at once called on malice and forethought are working for the axis powers with in the ̂ borders of. the .United States, that their , works were known and, that, therefore, it would be wisest for them to . henceforth desist from their pernicious activities. So far it has been giyen "10 no state,sman^ or public man to outline in so few simple words the truth behind the .present conflict and all that the victory of .the dictators would mean to both the Old and the New Worlds.' Coming from the head of a nation not actively engaged in the struggle, i t 2s_fo_be " hopecn;K^""it will be the death knell'to the~silly"and_ spurious philosophies based on the supposition of the Millenium having arrived, which more than anything else have been responsible for this other world war.; ' / - __ For the eternal truth is that anything worth having must be bought at^a price. And freedom; that most priceless of man's possessions, must be .purch^d , aye, and maintained at the cost of blood and;'much vigilance. That is one of the lessons of the ages .which we had forgotten, but which we are again learning with great t]ravail to-day. Sergeant Hailstone to place the accused under arrest, and he was duly handcuffed." Called on for ^evidence, Councillor Dickinson stated the accused was a very fine reeve, highly thought of by the delegates jo U.B.C.M. Con ventions, and easy to. work with, Reeve-Elect Sears also giving Sinep* the -evidence-to-the-sam e--effect.- " out the province commence. tĥ ̂ \y. Nish McDonald 2079 Ma- ■second h^T of theif program^ ririe Drive, has been appointed next week, (Jan. ^6th). Municipal Treasurer, assuming Laying ^stress on keep-fiV activities for women, and still Hall. Mr. McDonald sat on the not neglecting the more strenu-. West Vancouver Board of. School ous advanced work the Pro-Rec Tiustees-for some years of which sessions in this district at -West--he" was~also~chairman;' and"was" Vancouver Legion HaH and Capi- president of the B. C. School lano Community Hall will afford women of all ages and tastes a free opportunity to get fit and Trustees' Association. Latterly he has been acting as secretary of the Board. After the Reeve had been re manded for sentence Mrs. Ley- land was also placed under ar rest, although not handcuffed. tbe classes" commencement of "in "early ^Octoberr PUBLIC-MEETING more th^n 13,Q()0 B. C. men and women have become 1940-1941 Pro-Rec members. When the sessions re-open,. HOLLYBURN BUSINESS COLLEGE , ST. PATRICIA SCHOOL _____ . St.f^Patricia School will open Hollyburn Business CoUege for the. new, te™ on January-6, will reopen for. the Easter terin 'The grade work is eaP^ly " on Monday, 6th J a n u a r y . /^ c charge of experienoed B. C. Nor curriculum includes typewriting, shorthand, bookk^m g, and all tiom to pupils coming in for this of the subscribers , thereto, in- husiness courts. .The cdliege is -work -is carefully -arranged. Be- eluding the Municipal a^ if, we situated at and Mffiiife rinners'accented for the new asked phone West 3*4L Dr. Lambert ot.the Kingdom Temple in Los Angeles will ad-" ........................ ......... .................. ........ ___ _ dress a public meeting at 8 p.m. fpr aiding and abetting her hus- g.pecial attention will be given to Wednesday, January 8th, in the band in all his activities, the beginners, who will meet with no" Legion Hall. Dr. Lambert is tak- clemency of the court being ask- disadvantage on account of not ing part in the Clem Davies Min ed on her behalf. Both having having 'attended pre-jlhristmas istry in the absence of the latter been pronounced guBty^ Captain classes. '" . in the south.' A cordial in vita- . Archer pronounced- sentence as.. -Activities include fundamental tion to attend is extended to all. follows: o, ' gymnastics, "keep-fit" exercise.s, Particulars will be announced Reeve Leyland--Stand up. apparatus work, folk, ballet and over CKWX next Sunday at "You have been found guilty tap dancing, volley-ball and of the creditable crime-of serv- groun games. Schedule for the. liig this Municipality for four- classes in this district, which will re-open next week will be found in the advertisement in this issue. 9:30 a.m. teen years during "which time your service has been exemp lary. On behalf of the testi monial committee and every one HOLLYBURN HALL BRITISH-ISRAEL '• under th e ' supervision of quali- The West Van Newŝ Publisher .F. F. LOVEGIWVE Phone West 363 Business and Editorial! Office:; 1704 Marine D nve Phone West 55 There will be a Young People's Service illustrated by views at 7;15 p.m. tomorrow (Friday) in Hollyburn Hall, the subject be- _ ing "The Prodigal Son" and the Colonel Pringle will be speaker Next Sun- at the first meeting of-the new, ^ instant, Sunday year at z5th and Marine Drive. School and Young People's Bible His subject "One King One Flag,: ^ One Faith." You are cordially " C. 0, Bowen^will-speak at _ ........... invited to come and hear Oo\one\^ ̂ - b^ B̂Gicyice nv ■7,o0 j),jn, on -- .^Arrangements for--boyding hope will constaMIy remind you prjnrie on Monday next. Other ' Tuesday, the 7th instant, . -.may he made anU the health of o r"the many friends--you-have rnppfinb-a aa ------ :.at-8 p.m. C.-0.-Bowen-will-speak-- ah pupils is supervised bw Dr. made during the term ' of your Z-- _____ ' .on the work of the (iospel in • 'Howard Spohn, eminen,fe^child municipal offices. We include in _ , . ^Noi4;hern Alberta. Wednesday, specialist. Pupils are prepared our presentation a. War Savings Teacher-r-- If you have m January 8th, a t 8 p.m. Young , for Toronto Conservatory exam- Certificate for $250.00, which in one pocket and/$^^5 in the^ther, Peopled Bible Class. inations in music with recitals effect performs a.dual service-- wlmt have you. • . ̂ ^ ^ ' and regular demonstrations of that of helping our Country in Stqdent-- The v{rpng trous- pi^nity ift one ,'thing' that cannot-^ all branches throughout the year.- (Continued on page 4) ers." be preserved in alcohol. , , - and as a tangible recognition, we have much pleasure in pres enting you with ,a beautiful ' Red teachers in these branches. Longines Wrist Watch, which we jyi