West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Dec 1940, p. 4

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#is»lsiis^S "H-" <>*l!'»'-'- Yi" sSfcifsî w*! «/,>*•,,'•»«>•„»•*!» < > * 1 .1 ,1 ii * %• . 1 * .,. : j-iv-t" ■ if f*»<"->#> « •s.'f S' S> s.̂ ' ̂ *■. r̂> * -■" ' , ' S'- *■■»•'! S S S S E S E j m WE WiSH YOU ALL E-.'f ■■••".■■ ; "?rt --............,.E .'^ .:; ,.... '•"' •• ■ '■•'■■" ' AJtiappg„Nem SMITH'S MARKET 1 I OEEOW*S «HAI>PY NEW YEAR WUhitig *11 <Htr eiwtoiiien widi friends PImmis WeiMS A# HfaH^FCy S l l l i t l l Mests--West 170 Free Delivery Service • MoutliJy Account SlWS'H(£'^>lPS^>«^5P?SjS«J*^!?B' nSnEOJ'I'^l.'M JPW piPF"^ I..... " •• | l •l-iE "v - •»'J- fel-=?U > • -Jp. •" '*r^-ft»!«!f9i;S Ru»s G«row has planned a special N ew Year's profirramme for **Say I t With Music" for TueMay, December sr/A tSap^m. |J PST. A memlijr of the CBCs, Ji music armnging staff, the oon- * ductor writes all, the arrange- ^ ments used by the orchestra, Dave Davies and the Campbell Sisters. One feature will be Auld -Lang Syne as some well-known A WEST VANCOUVER tUMBER CO: LTD. _____ , FOR RKAIi'SA/nSPAiCSTION ___ , .' ■ . . . ' ■., i . ■■ i f* . : .,f ;•:;'.■'■■■■ .f, :;'i f ■ .'., ?>v I 15th & Marine Drive Phone West 115 .. 15c ... 35c .. 2»c .. l ie OAl'S-- UobUi Hood-- For packMgt* HNI2API*U5 JUICE-- 5-oz. tin ....................... (iKAI'EFUUIT JUICE 5-ox. tin ............... CAUKOTH & PEAB l*t*r tin ................. IVOKV S O A P - i large cakea .... I5c IVOHV SNOW-- WItli paring knife ........ 25c WINEH-- (finger, Cherry, Pori-- Per 'lM>tUe .................................... 37c HUAZIL NUTS-- 2 Iha. for ........ 25f I'KUNES-- Per Ih............................. He KVAP. PEACHES-- Per Ih.......... 15c UVAP. APltlCfyr^-- Per lb........ 28c HI.K PKiS-- Per lb '......................... iJc KAISI.NS--2 IhH..................... ;........ 23c DATES--2 lb«. . .............. ........ . 25c Went 370 M E A T S Free Delivery Lang I_________ bands m ight play it. A new song by Hughie (There'll Always be an England) Charles "LitUe King W ithout a Crown," will be introduced by Myrtle Campbell and Davies will sing Charles' "We'll Meet Again." Russ Ge* row's radio reminiscences go back tp, crystal set day, 17 or 18 years ago when he used to con­ duct his. own orchestra over an am ateur station on, Sunday afternoons.," Arranging has al­ ways been his special interest and, when not using his music for his own orchestra, he wrote for other groups. The title "Say It With Music" Was chosen for a aeries he' bonducted for 'the CRBC from London, Ontario. 'i'HHKKYS from 6 lbs. to 20 lbs. Ci:roSE ........... 10 Ibs. to 12 Iba J)l'(fK S........................G Ibs- each CniCKIi)N - FOWL - CAPONS SwIft'H Hams and Cottage Rolls (Premium) Hurn.s' Ham and Cottage Rolls (Shamrock) U nion (joltage Rolls EVERY IHRI) in this store will he absolutely GRADE A OKANDEH-- doz. ........................... 20c to 50c CLASSIFIED ADS Th* rate foi« ClassiOed A ^ ^ em eiite is 2 cents per word, minlmua 26 cents. Except in the cos© of tluMis hoving regular accounts, all d j AmI« are Dsvsble sPictly In snvsnce. Uemeittber CIsBaiflcds in tho West Va^ News get immediate rc»ulUi. OOBDON KOMON - Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Soy. 4109 at West Vancouver any time oy appointment. West 403. FOR SALE--7 room house' in good repair. Good sawdust furnace,- fire- - place, sun porch. Close in. Largo lot. PVico $2650. ' " LAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive W est 66 Permanrats; only best materlab ^PPerators. Phonl West 804, Royal Bank Building. ^ Ef. A . ROBERTS LTD. Service 1429 Marine Drive West 646 STRAYED from 15th and ' Fulton, Sunday, black Porsiarv kitten W est 372. J. .]^W A J^;SBA R S, Barrister, fiol. icitor, 1405 Marine Drive; Phon« West 21. or West 668-R-l. WINNING THE PEACE SCOUT NOTES -̂1 ?cv.r .V);}'W **¥Y it. 'Y i'.-'11̂ 'f ••#1 "i -i-; ̂ « . C5? # ' ~ ..Royal™,Cuiia(lian ,~~Army Medical Corp.s ha.s called f.ory a large (luantiiy of, used medicine- bottles and have 'asked 'the Boy Scouts to make the collection for them. At a recent meeting of the Scouters of West Vancouver it was decided to send all Scouts and Cubs out on a door-to-door* canvass on Monday morning, De­ cember 30th. The municipality has been -divid,ed--iiito-districts as; follows: * ^ iOth S t to 15th St„ half of 6th Cub Pack, half of 1st Scout Troop, meet a t Ambleside Park. 15th S t to 20th St., half of 2nd Cub Pack, half of 1st Scout Troop, meet at Post Office. 20th St. to 25th St., all of 1st Cub Pack, all of 2nd Scout Troop, meet a t St. Stephen',s Pariah Hall. ' « 25th_St to 29th S t, Jialf of 2nd Cub Pack, Sea Scouts, meet at 27th and Marine Drive. - 29th S t to West Ray, Scout.s . and^Cubslivmg m that-district, TABLE TENNIS L ;E ^ U E First Division ' leama; P W L T P t s . U^aJes.......... ........,..^.8 6 2,0 12 W,y„ Sizzlers ..... ,..;8.6 2 0 12 OanadifM.s ................9 5 4 0 10 Maple Leafs ............9 4 6 0 8 .Soekoyes ..................8 0 8 0 0 . Laali.Week's scores: (anadiens IJ, Maple Leafs 7. Second Division / Madame Pierre Casgrain, wife of "Secrettary of State for Can- -,ada.:........ ... ....... ....... "Winning, the war is one LOANS Dominion .Housing Loan, Home Owner's Loan, Builder's Loans, negotiated immediately, full real Estate service. Notary Public - In­ surance. Percy T.- .Masterman, 2446 Marino Drive West 1077. CHIMNEY SWBl^ING - Sawdust burners installed;, furnace repairs Gj Meldrum, 1108 Lonsdale. North 822« FLOOR SURPACING-J.Sutherlaui West 488 or North 678. FOR - SALE--LargeTtHcy'cle. : Cheap.' W. 290-L. PAINTING AND DECORATING - , Estimates free. J. H, Wedley, West 1022-L. thing, and winning the peace is t h e c o r p o r a t i o n of the District M ^ 4 * M A I M I l X L l i « m J . a v v A 4* A W W W V : . : t . -- J * 1 ^ i . Team s: p W Nin io s - - ......-- .:r ll IT Comets ....... 11 Crizzlios ....'......TO Sliaimshooters ..11 IVJeiliiis .......'...10' Roaniers .............. 11 Last week's scores: Nifties 14, Sharpshooters 4 (.k>mets 15, Roamers 3. 6 6 5 1 L T P ts. 0 D~22~ 3 2 14 , 3 1 5 1 9 0 ,1 10 0 13- 11 2 2 They-had been married tlfg day be-. fore and this was their first break-- fa.st Among other things, they both ordered pgg-s A few^ minutes"*later, the waiter returned. He leaned over tho"brrdĉ s'.shoulder"andTaske'd r"H o ^ ano ther What do we wish to salyage from the onslaught of dictatorial' Germany? Surely not the meaningless brand of demo­ cracy which failed to ki^p us avvay from war--surely not the policies which brought about the invasion of Poland--surely n o t the false concept of liberty ' which led us towards a dangerous form of dictatorship--that of excessive money power? Anti- sooial, anti-human, anti-nation­ al procedures'do not become, ac­ ceptable because they bear the seal of a democratic state. But We all know that, unfortunately, these methods were too often al­ lowed to grow and develop in al­ most every Democracy of the world. "The ^greatest error of all of West Vancouver has for sale at par certain Bus Purchase Debent­ ures bearing interest at 5^o and maturing between 1941 and 1947. Full particulars may be obtained at the Municipal Hall. WESTERN WOODWORKERS-Store and house fixtures, turning, glass glazing. West 740, West 448-lS ' CASH FCiR JUNK -- Bottles, rats, Sacks, M etals, Furniture, Stives, Tools, etc.; nothing too. big 6r too small. Burrard Junk Co., Wtst 91. PEMBERTON REALTY CORP. LTD. TEstablished 60 years) 418 Howe St. __ TRin. ,1271 Local 'Representativey----- F. Bayliss (Notary-P-ublic).:.. 2486 Bellevue Ave. W est 622-R CHIMNEY SW EEPING -- Old Coun. try w ay; guaranteed; brick and stone repairs. Palmer, Capilano. North 811-R-2. ' CONVALESCENTS, a n d guests. W est 819-L. p a y i n g -ALLEN-- ^RADIO~SERVrCEr~255r~ Mathers Ave. Phone W. 116. 20 years' e^ e r ie n c e in radio, repairs, installations, and sales. P.ORTABLE ELECTRIC SEWING Machine. Bargain, Jacks, ' 1516 Marine. W est 710. GORDON^ GRAY -- Insurance, all risks7 'one policy, all locations. SE y. 4991 or .W est 1065-Ll. REINTALS -<-r W e have a number of good rents, ' houses and suites, rea- - sonably priced. DAWSON, WALKER & PRIDE 1704 Marine Drive W est 55 LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED - Special machine; repairs, parts- W est Vancouver Machine Shop, 1449 - Marine. , ^ I ̂ Cl .:f.i_, -- a---------------- 3------34-- ly-- ..... ------------------------ - '4 f t ' i j } ' - "~i--■ '-."■J' to meet a t West Bay Bus Stop. All Scouts and Cubs to be in A iJtaT jaiid -^eouls_4-o^^ carlrlboard . carton = foi would be to condemn democracy LOST-- Vicinity Dandarave on Tues- -itself=on-=these"grounds.=I)emo-- - <Iay -niffhtrr-sable neck- piece; - Re- ̂ cracy has not faHe'd as a form ward. W est' 554-M. of government. Basically, it is PAPERHANGING. Painting, Kalso- mining; first class, work, at reason­ able rates. H. Gaines, West. 962-E. 'f'.! -J P * f ?f fi " .oaiTving empty bottles. Collection to start a t y :30 a.m. and m itinue tilT do you like your egg, madam?" The obsolete np r inadegu^p " If ------- iir re la t io n -to -o u rT )resen t~ n eed s7 " -----^arga-wJute-dog--with--yellow--facethink he's air right.!' The movie exhibitor ,had Just- in­ sured his theatre against fire. A s he signcjLhis name he turned'-to-the in- surance agant and asked; "What would- I get if my theatre was to burn down tomorrow?" "Oh, ,I should say about ten years," replied, tho insurance man nonchal­ antly. i l A ft, '} , 'f . ■■'I :'I- 4 ' f•i V -i' i V . ~ . il ' ki , D noon. Rosldcnts arc asked to co­ operate and donate liny medicine bottles for thi.s cau.se, and are requested to rinse nil bottle.^, if possible. wWwmi •Sias Tommy (reading from book) ■---"It says here, dad. that in old­ en days folk ivere pounced upon by outlaws." ' Dad--"Ye.s, and in these day.s folk are pounced upon bv in­ laws." It l^as not proved inferior to the "dictatoriarconcept of the State. "The simple tru th is, That WE have failed Democracy. While enjoying all individual, and so­ cial and national liberties, we forget a. jprinciple as old as the world itself -- no privilege is without a duty--no authority without an obligation--no free- aad curled tail. Labrador Husky^ sleigh dog. .-Answers:, to name ,o f - "Stickene". Heavy collar, no tag. Trinity 6576L. ■RE-R0QPING--6E1^UINE DUROD Shingles, attxactive, permanent . Have roofTneasured-nowr-free estk-l mates.""R. B. Cripps, West 88-E. --P.-VirPin<ilayrW€st'494=R; COMELETE-NOTARrAt-SERVICES -- A Jl-form s-of sdocumentsnirawn'and- executed........................................ Real E sta te .--Insurance,--Rentals R. P . BLOW ER & CO. LTD KILLED IN MOTOHGYCLE CRASH 1405 Marine Dr., W est Vancouver Phones: .W est 21, 204-M, 913-L "Here's a cigar you can offer to anybody." Thanks--but I want one I can smoke myself." ' s I J"fr' i'is ' 0 '1 >f Slfe; i'&i; ij't VI t . ■ i 'r I ' - t .' LATE BUSES Leonard Mac Miller, 20, of j _ ^DDset Lodge Tourist Camp dom without a responsibility. I t Grandview highway wa«i fatal a f 2 ^ n T ^ u n d a y picture of political freedom is when a motorcycle he was rid- not permitted to obliterate from ing east on Osborne road left our hearts the ideals of tirue the road and plunged into the ^^o o ra c y j;--^R a d io svee^^ in bush a t a s h a ^ curve. f f f V ^ u The deceased is well known -uec. 5, 1940. .here, having frequently visited _ _ _ _ _ _ -------------------------------------- --------------- ----- H i T ■ ■ » m - WEST VANCOUVER MESSENGER SERVICE-- Parcels, Baggage, light transfer work, prompt service. West 700.. GORDON ROBSON -- Barrister & Solicitor, 510 W. Hastings, Sey. 4199 at W est Vancouver any time by appointment. W est 403. TRIMMING and Topping Trees, fair __prices. Phone-W est- 56-Rl.-betweeD-, 6 and 7. re f finr Your Convenience at N ew Year*s - 1 KEEP THIS FOR REFERENCE The colonel, just home from Poona, walked down to th e , local inn for a nightcap. Before long a meek-look- ing little-mran-caHed out to the land~ lord: "Take away the empties, George, his -auhts, the Misses .McBain, of 29th arid Bellevue ave. CANADIAN LEGION W.A. "FOR RENT-- Small Hall with piano, kitchen, dishes etc. Suitable for lodges, club m eetings,, etc., $2,60. ■ W ith.kitchen, $3.00. West 85. H ^ fll ̂J t? *r; lIBBM im r'M '-.4 ' I S lM W M fl ^ ' Tuesday Leave Vancouver for Caulfeild 1:15 & 2:Do a.m. December ti Caulfeild f< Vancouver 1:45 & 2:30 a.m. 31 fi W est Bay 44 N, Vancouver N. Vancouver 12:27 a.m. NEW YEAR'S --̂«<--" Ambleside 12:40 a.m. EVE No. Vnner. ... , . Caulfeild 1:15 a.m. - Wednesday Leave Vancouver for Caulfeild 12:30 & 1:15 a.m. January ] i ' __ Caulfeild Vancouver 1:05 & 1:45 a.m. NEW YEAR'Sj Caulfeild U N, Vancouver 11:05 p.m. DAY 1 , 1 u No. Vancr. J H Horseshoe B ay 12:00 midnight They're like the British Army." /This was too much for'the colonel, who jumped up and demanded an ex­ planation and an apology for what he termed an insult. "There was no insult, sir," replied the li£tle man, with a smile. "They've, d on e' their duty, and now they are ready to do ît again." The colonel quickly" paid for the round. u meeting will be 9a11 ®ll,^onday afternoon, Dec. 30th. There will be the election and installation of officers so eveiyone is a^ked to attend. A luncheon will precede, the meet­ ing a t 12 noon sharp. Form N o. 16 (Section 87) LAND ACT First M o to ris t-"! raii across old George Smith yesterday." - ^ o r i d Motorist-- "How was he looking?" . . ® R rs t Motorist--"He wasn't-- Notice o f Intention to Apply Lease Land Judge: "Sam, do . you solemnly ® I l*an across h im ." swear to tell the truth, ̂ I, and nothing ti» x but the truth?" ̂ ^ .. /Restaurant manager (to wait- Defendant:-"I does, sir." Judge: "Sam, what have you to say for yourself?" Defendant: "Well, Judge, with all them limiteitions you'have just put on me, I don't have anything to say."' J ^ s i /T e s s e s ] w i n t ' ^ u t e e f 's t e " " InJVancouver Land Recording Dis­ trict o f Group One New Westmu î® ̂ District, and situate on the foreshore and Ited .of Garrow Bay in Parcel 1 o f Block B of Distnet boj 430 as shown on a plan deposited m the Land R egistry Office at "Vancog? ver and there known as Reference Plan No. .1809, . - -- , - Take notice th at Thondas -West yancouver, occupation hoatos . intends to app ly for a lease of w follovdng. described lands:------------------ juowmg. aesenoea iana»: , '!!? like the " J! For Further Information Phone ,W est 988 h a v ih g hpr friortri ^'^***«n -«vv. u,e soucn w est com er ox exupoj^H lv f j un- 1; thence w esterly along the f house |ip? of the south ̂ boundary th^^ 4 looking as it usu^ly does. • M i l l ® Pacific Stages MUM ux .une souui-wuuuu»^j 1̂ 25 feet; thence north 610 f®®t or lessj .^ erice east 110 feet, 'I^e parson met little Bobby one j. ---------- J' P®®s a maUbox of Garrow Bay tb pomt ol conm ^ U tn ou t feehno- in iiir, mor,* three acres, i &hooI, Bobby," he'said. '"Wbat y°?_ exfieef to' le ^ to d a y ?" > *eling m his pockets. pObby M sw ^ e d bricrhtlv? . . '-s-- ^ date of the jncnic, sir." doesn't wa^ch her nierure, the boys w on't ment, ..and /containing more or less. „ THOMAS GARK0W, - - 1 . H . McL. Elliott, Agent. Dated,-Novem ber Isf^ 1940.