27th. 1940, MiwiMMli TOE WEST VAN NEWS to f . .T H B jt l t l i J i t JIWAIilTY-.., • t h a n k t h e i r m a n y c u s t o m e r s o p w e s t VANCOUVER FOR THEIR KIND ' PATRIONAGE ....■+*" ' w c E •T im * o p E N m d > ^ O F * o u in sT O H E r'™ ~ " Our Wish for Everyone that 1941 will bring you Health, Happiness and Contentment Miss P. Ripley H. Pout 1578 MARINE DRIVE Loe^ ancHPersonal t Wishing everyoneA ' r n w w m ^ m w . : - i r i r i A ^ ill t l l ir i i 'l tr . , ; A 'n̂kt EvASb'iiAi !,'-'eKAiflMjK̂ JK̂ 'JK"-.i'j.eAnĴ I p r o s p e r o u s n e w y e a r Pengaiii Dairy Liinch ' 1533 Marine Drive ' BHONE WEST 1057 ^ A t-the request e f the-Muni cipal authorities, the ReV. J. P. Dingle visited South Burnaby on Friday afternoon in order to dedicate and bless the Hugh M* Fraser High School, which has just been completed and provides accommodation foi* 1100 stu dents. Mrs. Robert W, Froud, 1879 Bellevue Ave., won the f.O.D.E. Christmas cake with tick l^N o. 145. It was drawn for by f. T. Meglaughlin on Monday evening ■ a t the B. C. Electric Showrooms here. ".':'4l dl '^Mr»r'»**"AT-Mr*0.'̂ '*Preettiimtle'^ 1751 Haywood Ave., is now around, again following an a t tack of 'flu. Ilieutenant Eric Makovski, RC.N.V.R., with Mrs. Makov ski and their son have arrived from Eastern Canada to spend the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Makovski. 2836 Mathers Ave.dn $ yHT Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross of Powell River ai*e spending the holidays with the la tter's Bennett's BAKERY ents, Mr. *^id Mrs. P. Khight- Hodge, 1332 Duchess Ave., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Stuart Brown with the parents of Mr. Ross in have moved from 26th and the city. Ike Brasan^s Greetings Holly burn Dressmakers Miss D. H. Horie 1890 Marine Drive ' W est 583, Mathers Ave. into a house at 1105 Duchess Ave. ' • di The many friends of David Morgan, Travers Ave-, who was taken ill last Friday, will be .pleased to hear that he is mak- *1 ■ Mrs. A. E. Young was a lunch eon hostess a t her home 14th and King's Ave., on Friday last when she entettained the Red Cross Unit of the Townswomen's .Guild. The rooms were taste- ing as satisfactory progress as fully decorated in a manner ap- "You Can See The Difference" ■ NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDERERS - DRY GUEANERS - DYERS C. C. FINNEY. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Phone WEST 782 Success assured Tolir N ew Year's Party With a supply of Best Quality Canada' Dry, Ginger Ale, Lemon Ricky. Drewry's, Lime Ricky, Ginger Ale, Black Cherry, G inger.or ' Old Port Wines Don't overlook a-, few se lw t variety Freshly Salted N uts (W e roast them- daily) and. of course,. Cigars, Toljacco?, Cigarettes, Candies H ats, Caps, Noise-makers, Balloons, etc. . i BON-TON CONFECTIONERY ̂ ' ( Convenien^^^ ̂ two doors-from Hollybum Thaetre can be expected in the North Vancouver General Hospital. A. C. Wheeler of 26th and Palmerston Ave. is building a new. honie . a t 29th and Palm erston Ave. Mrs. H. L. Salter, 1179, Marine Drive, presented the doll which she won in the Sentinel Hill Red Cross Unit raffle to Dr. Spohn for the St. Paul's Hospital child ren's ward. ♦ ♦ ♦ Jaok Sheffield, who is station propriate to the Yuletide season, and a pleasing, ceremony was performed by the convener, Mrs. E. Nightingale When she pres ented Mrs. Harold Ostrom with a handbag in appreciation of her kindness in loaning her home for the groUp for their meetings* Mrs. Nightingale also wished those present a Merry Christ mas, partic^ularly Mrs. E. K. Trought and family who 'are guests for the duration from Warwickshire, England. The guests included, Mrs. Har old Ostrom, Mrs. E. Nightingale, Mrs. H. G. Barker, Mrs. W, M. Scotch Currant Buns, Shortbread, I'ancokes and Scones and Oatcakes for New Year'sV; ' 1468 Marino Dr. Phone W. 27 i Hollybum Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MATf. , Doc. UOth, L»7th and 28th DOROTHY LAMOUIt HiN(J .CROSBY " The Road to Singapore" alHo , "DKUIMS OF FU MANOh U " THURSDAY MATINEE rnt s p e n d i n g j j Huggins, Christmas furlough with™hiS" MrsrM~Wrighi7 'MTS7r I^ mother, Mrs. G. Sheffield, 1450 • C* H. P itt, Mrs. E. K. 21st Street. Trought, Mrs. L. B.- Beall. Mrs. „ , R. Fiddes, Mrs. .R. G, Powell, Hoole--Wright Mrs. F. Lefeaux, Mrs. H. Weber, White and pale pink chrysan- Mrs. Goodwinson, Mrs.' P. T ., themums flanked by white tapers Masterman, Mrs. R. P. Blower, in silver candelabra formed the Mrs. Brooks, Mrs* E. W. Weeden, floral setting for the m arriage a t Mrs. I. McLean, Mrs. F. F. Love- the home of the Bride's mother, grove, Miss Lang. SATURDAY EVE. AND MONDAY Doc. 28th nml 80th , aOHN GARFIELD ANNE SHIRLEY " Saturday's Children" also "THE GATEWAY TO THE PANAMA" TUESDAY a n d WEDNESDAY ------- ~Dec.-31st and Jan. 1st LOLA LANE JAMES CRAIG " ZANZIBAR" A Story of Advonturo THE SCOTTISH. NEW YEAR'S SCOUT REVIEW ~As~"all t̂he~AVOxld"knows,~New ~The"bOysT>f~thre"Second~West~ Year's Eve and New Year's Day Vancouver Troop of' Boy Scouts have" always been times of great extend- a -cordial -invitation-to-all- rejoicing among tile Scots.. Up parents and friends of Scouting, to a few decades ago the custom to attend an entertainm ent '. ^ e - of the wassail bowl was kept. As midnight approached on the last day of the old year, there was prepared in a kettle or flagon "a hot pint," made up of warm, spioed and sweetenfed ale w ith an infusion of spirits. All drank to Scout Review of 1940," which they are presenting on Satur day, December 28th, a t 8 p.m- in the annex of Pauline Johnson School. The boys have worked hard to make th is n success, and the New Year-and wished ;^ c h hope their friends wiU.come other a happy New Year, danc- give encouragement to th e ire t- ing round the table. Afterwards the elders of a family would take the kettle and, armed' with buns and shortbread, or bread and cheese, w oul^go out to cele brate the occasion with friends and neighbors. "Dad, we. learnt at school today that the animals have a new fur every winter." - "Be quiet. Your mother is ̂ in the next room." ,r • December 14 a t 8 p.m., of Jean McFarlane, daughter of Mrs. M argaret White, to Mr. Edward 0. Hoole, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fra'ncis 0 . Hoole. Rev. E. F. Church was the officiating cler gyman. -- Given--in--marriage--by--her_ uncle, Mr. Angus Beaton of Ladysmith; V-I., the bride was gowned in sweetneart-Blue crepe with long fitted sleeeves Vr-neck- line and the bodice.featuring a floral design in silver beads and matching thread. The sk irt was slightly gathered in front and a sjlyer coronet formed her head dress. She carried a shower bouquet of gardenias aiid deep red roses. The bride's sister Miss Nancy W right, bridesmaid, wear ing a pale rose jacket dress, the jacket-outlined in silver thread. THE TOWNSWOMEN'S GUILD Owing to the holiday the Guild meeting will be postponed until Friday, January 10th. N ellie JHarrisoh A.T.C:M:. Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and^Theory 1955 Inglewood A v e .___ W est 1056-L ACTIVE SERVICE LIST Keep record of men enlisting U lnJH[.M.JForces^and anv chancre ------------------- ..... K of addresses of those already ser ving up to date by phoning Mrs. Heber Brown, West 1090-L or list a t Post Offices* * SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCE SOCIETY LADIES' BRANCH WISHING ALL OUR --GUST0MERS AND. FRIENDS A HAPPY NEW YEAR The mehibers of the. West Vancouver 'Scottish Country Danoe Society, ladies' branch, have been invited to an even ing of dancing a t the home of . . , , . , , Miss Gertrude Lawson, on Fri- quins and- she carried a shower January 3, a t 8 o'clock. Her Juliet oap was of rose se-- 'There will be no regular prac tice a t the Clachan until Tues-* day, January 14. Prescriptions McNeil & McCue The Rexall Store 1402 Marine Drive, Phone W. 628 )! •f! i! I i! « r IB " ? * bouquet of red roses and pink carnations. Mr. F rank Hoole, brother of the groom, was best man and nuptial music was play ed by Mr. Jac k Bennett. A t the reception Mrs. W right, in French lace over cerise taf- ' fe ta with small velvet hat, was ,assisted in receiving by the - groom's mother, gowned in em erald velvet with m atching vel- CHURCHES OF CHRIST SCIENTIST Burrard Laundry Ltd. well known FAMILY LAUNDRY Phone North 1310 or W est 691L 'CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" will be the subject of the Lesson- Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday. "T h e i ̂ _ The Golden T e x t. IS. our hat. Mrs. Jack Henderson, kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was " leavened" (Matthew 13:33). ̂ 7 mong the citations which conir prise the Lesson-Sermon is the Sr., aunt of the ..bride; Mrs. Benj. Harry, Mrs. A. Greig and • Mrs. Frank Grant presided a t the urns. For her wedding trip by motor- to Victoria and the , Island, the ________________ _____ bride donned a P'rench ensemble following from the Bible: "Bles- of pansy p u ^ le wool, a coat jg ^he man th a t trusteth in featuring mink revers, mink Lord, and whose hope! the muff and small matching ha t of Lord is. Heal me, 0 Lord, and I velvet velour, tipped w ith ostrich , shall be healed: save me, and I feathers. , sKi Îl be saved: for thou art my Mr. and Mrs- Hwle will reside, ,?praise" (Jer. 17: 7~ 14). on Gordon Ave., West V a n c o u - < T h ^ Lesson-Sermon also in-' dudes the following passage_ji_ o| For an Enjoyable Evening SKATE at T h e "N orth Shore R dller A rena 135 W. 1st St., North Vartcouver Phone North 1735 Open Afternoons and Evenings Parties arranged for. ver. EXPERT W sitch and € lM k ̂ r e p a ir in g T. CHRISTENSON (formerly with Birks Ltd., Montreal) ■ 15227Marine-DrlTe - - . .A nejgrro boy was taking a stroll' through a cemetery and reading the from the Christian Science text book, "Science and Health with , ^ tt Key to the Scriptures" by Mary inscriptions on - the tombstones. He Baker Eddy: "The. power of cam e to -- C hristian Science, and , divine Love is omnipotent. It is indeed adequate to unclasp the hold and - to-- dealrov disease, sin, and death." cam e to one which' declared:'"*"Not dead, but sleeping." - A fter contemplating the phrase a m om ent and -scratching his head, the negro exclaimed: 'fHe sure ain't fool i n '-Tia one -but hjsself.^^---------