West Van. News (West Vancouver), 27 Dec 1940, p. 2

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1 11 1̂"̂w I'l R ' V ^' ̂ r -f . » , ¥S J r irtrT: If ■ V 1 a' I f4 1 1ft 1 I'J f ' f,' 3*'J« Mill ,'geeem )^ 27th, iim" WB8T fJM . m w m CBVBCB ■.v'̂<'<OBm,'M»t'S E$fmtmMlt Av«,■ ■#■. 1953 Fttlton AveotM Plion«| W§»t 244-B StmdMf 'Bmrkm* ■ 11 iu«i»- A f tiOiNMif" 8btMBg$rt mad Vliitoiii.iiir« wek(»iii«. BAPTIiT CMirttCa « 0 trw : h: mmMr;^BfM' In- Snnday SenrfiMw 10:00 «.m.--dbareh Sehool CSlIIMI' 11 •.tn. A 7:80 p.tiiv~PMMu:hinir Sanrieeft. A hearty welcome to all M a p all the Beautg o f the Season be Yours Gwendolyn's Beauty Shoppe r; Creator* of Exeluelve Permaneata, 1546 Marine Drive Weat 117 D R , G. D, H. S E A L E D.D.S., L.D.S. DENTIST X-Ray Hoy Block, 14th and Marine Dr. OiTico Hours 0 to 0 p.m. Eivenings by appointment; Pholono W est 72 HOLLYBDRII HALL 14kb and Duebeea Friday Evenino'. Dec. 27th at 7:16 Sunday School treat. Recita­ tions, etc. , Sunday, Dec. 29Ui, a t 0:40 a.m. Sunday School and Young Peo. pie's Bible CIuhh. . Sunday Evening at 7:30 "Nineteen Forties" closing message. .Speaker* Mr. John Wallace. Tuesday Evening, Dec. 31st a | 9 p.m .. Wntchnight Service. ' Friday ISvening, Jan. 3rd at 7:15 Young People's Service iP lustra ted by views. Subject: "The Prodigal Son." Speaker; Mr. C. O. Bowen. " WEST VANCOUVKB ScieBCd Society > CHOBiCH BOincB"'^ 20th and Bujuimalt, H oUybam , This Society i» a Branch of Tho Mother Church Tho FlratXJburch of Chriat, S cien tist in Boaton, Massachusetts Sunday Service:, 11:30 a.m. Sunday^ December 29th SUBJECT: '̂ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE" I Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Testim ony Meeting Wednesday a t 8:15 p.m. ■*' Tho public is cordially in ̂ vited to attend our services and meotings. N O JT X C JE l N ew Office an d Storage "■■'XaL3'2" OI'BN MONDAY, DECEMBER 30th FERGUSON'S TRANSPORT CO. PHONE WEST 85 NEW YEAR'S DAY IN ENGLAND "Sugah Pie," said tho dark swa1« "did dat kiss Ah Just gave you make you long fo* another?" THE UNITED CHURCH 21st and Esquimau Avenue ' v/' ■ .' I DR. McRAE D E N T I S T formerly o f 706 Medical-Dental Building Hours: 0 to 0 -r- Evenings by appointment.ipp 1860 Marine Drive W est 482 i' 3 .1'1. ̂ . J f h ■ 3 ' " 7. -i •! 7 Established on North Shore 26 Years ; (Lady A ssistant) HARRON-BROS.-LTD r f u n e r a l i i r e c t o r s Hollybum Funeral Home 18th and Marine W est 134 North ' Vancouver Parlors 122 W est Slxl^ Street Phone North 184 Vancouver Parlors 66 Tenth Avenue East Phone Pair. 184 ST. ANTHONY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH 23rd & Inglewood Ave. Rev. F ather Yan , 'J'astor Sunday Servicjeg Low M aas-- 8 :i6 a .m . High Mass and Senhon -r^ 10:15 a.m. Rosary and Benediction -- 7 :45 ■ ,'ipf.m. , Catechism and Bible Class-^2:00 p.m. Week-day Services Mass -- 8 a.m. -- Fridaya^R osary, - Benediction- 7:45. Sunday^ December 29lh 11, a.m.--Rev. Stewart Forbes. Soloist, Martin John Baker, boy soprano. 7:30 p.m.--^Rev. J.' D. Hobden. Soloist, Mrs. J. D. Donovan. Monday evening the Young Peo-;' pie will hold a Watch Night Service, with Candle Light Ceremony, at 8:15. The New Year's Communion Service, of the Church will be held on January 5th, 1941, at 11 a.m. New Year's Day in Nort-hern, Europe has always been the oc­ casion foTr much merriment arid conviviality. On New Year's Eve it was the custom among our English forefathers for the head of the house to assemble his family around a bowl of spiced ale, then known as "lamb's wool," out of wnich he drank his health and they his. The toast igiven was "Waas Hael," the ancient Saxon for "To your health," hence the wassail or wassel bowl. The poor carried 1 round the neighbohood a bowl tied with ribbons in order th a t 'those better endowed. with the world's goods could fill it with , money, so, giving them the wherewithal to keep New Year's. "Sho did, Boy, h it aho did. But hn'. outa town." 4 Eitfva Special Fir Slabs and Inside Fir, miied ao HA cord, C.O,D. PH O N E N o r t h 8 6 M alvern Cafe 1512 Marine Drive Breakfasts, Dinners, Lunches, Teas Catering for Private Parties Prop'r. Tel. W. 616 BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. W. L. McKay 1344 Gordon Ave. The pastor will close his min­ istry by preaching farewell sermons. ll'la'.m*. subject,""'Our Task.""..... ' Story for the boys and girls. THE NEW YEAR January 1st was fixed „as the beginning of the year without reference, to the position of the sun. The ancient Egyptians started their year on September 21st, the date of the autuinn soltice; while in Ancient G re^e, June 21st, the' summer soltice, was the day.chosen- On January the first the Rom- anso iferedsacrificesto theirgod- Janus, and it was the custom for Saturdays Confessions ; 7:30 7-;30 p.m. subject, "Nothing But neighbors to exchange greetingsto o:3U p.m. ■ ' . . .. -- VERNON FEED STORE A. C. SEARLE Phone West 9 Fertilizers of All Kinds, ADCO Wood, Coal, Builders" SuppU (es ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Rev. F. A. Ramsey, Rector Christ." with one another. The'Romans ,Jhe Lord's Supper will be ad- also oifered presents to Strenia, ('■I ifi .ri S ^i'. S. , ' . J ] . r* ^ 'I •!--4 f gfti WEST VANCOUVER Sheet Metal Works Furnace and Reinge Repairs, Sawdnat Barners ---- ----^Phone~Wesr"89~^ Sunday, December 29th 8 a;m.--Holy Communion. 11 a.m.--Holy Communion. " 7:30 p.m.-- carol service pre­ ceded by organ recital. Selected_carois for choir and cori-. gfegation. ' . * Senior choir: "Shepherds in the Field" (Dr. Woodward); "Gloria in Ex- celsis" 12th Mass (M oz^t). -Junior-cboii:-;----^ ministered. . Friday, 7:45 '^.m .--'Tne Sunday School entertainm ent will be held. the goddess of strength. A t first the'ge took the form of branches o:̂ trees consecrated to the god­ dess, . but later bay and palm leaves were used. In old Britain the Druids dis- tributed branches *of sacred mis- NEW YEAR'S GIFTS The practice of giving gifts at . ... New Year's, which was probably tletoe, cut with peculiar .cere- derived from the Romans, is now ironies, as New Year g ifts to the obsolete, although the practice people. of sending New Year's cards still survives. The . customary gift, except in France, was gloves, jtfvhicliJwere--therumuoh-more-€X' SPEOAL Sawdust ______ Dry S la b s --------- $5.00 per' cord Inside Fir:-- from s h ^ ......„$6.00 per cord from m ill __ i..$6.50 per cord Slabs with Bark $4.00 per cord Slabs &' Edgings $8.76 per cord PRITAM'S FUEL Phone North 620 A ttention Biiilders! fc: -v-A ;:%/ | |wif: I " 4 144 -'i l> < • * 'f U i '- \ i ~ ' iiH i l p i 'm B t i i RIf! "Jin ' V'.f'i, . 1 !» f e 'i * i> |i ft' ' ' a : - f t : ? ' ' ■ •i ft! .'.h . FUEL SUPPLIES SLABS and EDGINGS $3 per l^rd Inside Fir, $5.50 per cord Phone day or night NORTH 1581 . "Gesu Bambino (The Infant Pensive than nowadays. In Paris 'Jesus) (P. Y on); "Unto us a dayjused to be known as "le Boy is Born" (15th Century); d'^Etreimes," when parents SAND, GRAVEL, NAVVY JACK, ASPHALT-EREMIX. ,Q uarte tte :."Jesu Joy ofTilan's portions, of their property Desiring" (Bach),JM esdames Powell and Rowley, Messrsr Smith and Bourne). ; Solos: "Corrifort ye My peo­ ple" (M essiah); "Come Unto Me" (Messiah), C h e s t e r - Bourne, tenor. New Year's Eve: to^ daughters, and - husbands made settlements on their wives. Much gaiety also prevailed among the people, generally.. ROAD Phone North 1141 or U M iT ia > ALP ELLIS, West S2S-L UNITED C I^piC H W.M,S. '■'i S I i W i J M ;i' flUrfff 414*^ . f t r ____> f I ' , 1'. isi i f f t ! ̂ ̂ fm H t 1 I S~ J -is- r . , • ON INY MAKE BROWN & MUNTON 1S4S MARINB O R iV t, WSOT 360 A.R.T. of B.C. The regular monthly meeting 11:30, p.m.--W atchnight Ser- of the W.M.S. ,of the United vice. Church was held on Tuesday, New Year's D ay: 17th inst. Mrs. C. E. Batzold ■ 10:15 a.m.--T-Holy Communion, was the guest speaker and her St. Francis-in-the-Wood Caulfeild Sunday, December 29th 9:45 'a.m,-^Moming service. W ^ i f ' 4- ,41? -f-Y .- V -f t ' For MILL WOOD and KINDLING Coal, FUl, Top Soil S- LOWRIE Phone West 256-Y WEST VANCOUVER TABERNACLE Marine and 25th St. P asto r: Robert H. Birch Services: Sunday -School, 9:45. Sunday Services -- ̂ 11 a.m, and 7 :8 0 'p.m. Wednesday--Prayer and Pellow- ' ship, 7:80. W atch N ight Service-- New Year's Eye, 9-12 p.m. " ift- ■' West Van News PubUalied Every Tbaroday He came tripping merrily into h i s , tiny hall one day, and al- address vvas most inspiring. Her subject was "Christian Steward­ ship," .and she gave an illum­ inating talk bearing on the ser­ vices rendered to our fellow be­ ings often unconsciously, but showing that these human con­ tacts often have im portant and ' fa r reaching results. Mrs. Herrin as convenor of the commmittee for the i^omination of -officers for 1941, presented the follow­ ing list for nomination, which was approved: Hon. Presidents,' Mrs. Arohi- ^ I d and Mrs. Turnbull; Past Pi'esident, Mrs. Vance; Presi­ dent, Mrs. O'Donnell; 1st Vice, Mrs. M. E. R ush; 2nd Vice, Mrs. Wm. HeiTin; Secretary, Mrs. Geo. KeiToot; Treasurer, Mrs. - Publisher P. P. LOVEGROVE Phone West 363 Buainesir and Editorial Office; 1704 Marine Drive Phone West 55 S w ItlS lft - NoHh Vancouver Office: 128 Lonsdale Ave. most fell, stumbling upon some- Hadwin; Missionary Monthly one's rubbers left lying.abuot, Secy., Mrs. Steele; Temperance, "Whose ferry boats are those Secy., Mrs. Rankin; Christian in the hall?" he asked, angrily, Stewardship Secy.j Mrs. J. Mc- w hen he entered the drawing- Pherson; Supply Secy., Mrs. J. room, Reid; Strangers Secy., Miss "F erry boats," exclaimed his Philip; Assoc: Helpers Secy., m other -i-in - law -indignantly. Mjrs. Stanley and.M iss Stokes; "Why those are my rubbers. Pianist, Mrs. H errin; Press F erry tkiats, indeed!" Secy., Mrs. Harrison. "My dear, good ma," he said -- tt:-- ^ ^ -- hurriedly, "who said f e r r y '"T?hy, J a n ^ . protested the mis- boats? - You misunderstood. I tress, "that cake is as black as a cin $1.00 a year, by carrier: $2.00 a year by man said fairy boots---- - you, know,, der. DilHrOu^Qpok it according to my fa iry boots!" instructions?" . _A nd then^ he w ent out and "Well, no, -mum," repUed thelcul-___ wiped th e COldTSWeat^lrom hlS"l>ntr" *Tt's one of my own crema- brow. tions." mm- '̂ /r■'£\.