tB O i i f t HBti < ^ ic r 6 m ■ . ■ ., I . Estiablished over 16 years.„.^*tlalU«l^lNtff«UlLx^ iA -W e e ^ k ^ ly -N e w s p a p e F --- 4 Circulating in the District of West Vancouner^Ambleside, Hollyburn^Westod, Dundarave 51.00 per year, ' Cypress Park, Cauifeild, Whytecliff, Etc. 4: . e« per copy. Vol. XV HOLLYBURN P.O., WEST VANCOUVER, B.C.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27th, 1940 N o, ,37 MHBimiiiiiiiMiMi ||llL■ll■ll■l̂llil̂ ll■1 Wishing THE OhO YEAR AND THE NEW The year 1940 in a few days will have passed away/ the ' first full year of the srreat testing: time which started in Sep tember, 1939. And i t is entirely probable that several more must come and go before we shall have won the war and-that which will be fa r m ore difficult of solution, namely, the war's aftermath. For it is now fairly obvious th a t in time we shall utterly crush our enemies, but w hether th e re will be a suf ficiency of general unselfishness and a sane acknowledgement > of the adjustm ents necessary, if civilization is to be saved from itself, are not a t all certain. Quite naturally and quite rightly, the measures to be taken to ensure the defeat of our foes have occupied our minds during the past, year to the exclusiqi;^. of everything else. In . this connection the first'th ing which will or a t least ought to strike us is th a t more success has c6m'e our way than we had " any' right to expect considering our own^ unpreparedness and - * the utter collapse of our allies. When the Germans lost the, Battle of Britain they lost the war, ju s t as the first Battle of thb-Mame really decided „who were to be the victors in 1914- 1918. We won the Battle of Britain thanks to The "m^ God and the infiinitely superior fighting ability of the Anglo- Celt. Today it looks a s if Italy m ust collapse before the new yedr is very old, and with th a t collapse'will go.all the dictators' | schemes and aspiiiations in the, Mediterranean. In other w ords,. while there is a long and trying journey ahead whicn will test .our courage and resources to the breaking point, we have a t least made a very good start. '" ~C^adarKarinmK:t^he~thanlrfurfor~in~the~yearThat-^^ -- , passed. There has been less unemployment and more money in circulation throughout 1940"due to war contracts and other causes, and, most fortunate of all, the war has not yet struck us directly. W hether this la tte r happy condition of affairs will continue during the year to come no man definitely knows, although there are undoubted possibilities both , on th e Atlantic and Pacific coasts. . It is scarcely likely peace wiU reign on the Pacific very much longer, which, however, does not necessarily, mean that war mtay-come-knocking^bour doors^here in-Great-- er Vancouver.." - -• West Vancouver , th is year has ^begun to really cash in on ̂ her propinquity i to the city created by the opening of the -Lions-Gate-Bridge.-/There-has beeh-a-substantiaUnc.rease_m WEST VANCOUVER SANTA CLAUS FUND Previously ackno\^ledged $43.00 '.W.C.T.U........-...................... 5.00 Municipality of ; West V ancouver........... 25.00 M.- B. .... ,.....;.............. 1.00 Holly burn School ............. 15.00 West Vancouver' . , . Chamber of Commerce.. 10.00 St. Stephen's W.A.......... . 5.00 LEGION NOTES The Canadian Legion, West Vancouver Branch, held the ir an nual Christmas drawing last Saturday evening in the Legion Ladies of St. Anthoiiy"!;" 5]00 Ha", when the'winning tickets Well W isher...... ::............... 2.00 Naomi Chapter O.E.S...... 5.00 Chrysanthemum Club ..... 10.00 'Lions' Club .......4................. 75.00 Friend ................. 1.00 Mrs. D. Brock 1,00 A. Friend .......................... 2.00 for the forty-five prizes were drawn from the tub by little Yvonne Jack. Full particulars of same „are 'as follow s:.. . ' . Box of chocolates, 2376, W. Green, 1037 Clyde; turkey, 24, NOTICE We shall be greatly ob liged if any houueboldcr not receiving the West Van. News will kindly notify us, in order that the omission imiy.be corrected. It is our desire and endeavor to place a copy of our issue weekly in every house in the! municipality regardless of whether a siibscrlption is paid or. not. The aitciiiion of oiir readers to the above request will be appreciated, as it is the only way open to us of checking up on our deliveries. --EDITOR.Canadian Legion' Post 60.. 5.00 A. ^ c k , 1864 Duchess; r i o.D.E. V . 4 . . , 5.00 '1401, Brock Ostrqm, 1707" E s q u i - ________ _̂___________ _______ ' V • ' V """ m alt; case of Cm c Cola, 299^^ ̂ NEVi ̂B lisfes ON RUN W e s t Vfln# News ' G« Deniel, 2360 'Kini^ Sŷ ■- ■ • ■ j .i Previously acknowledged ..$2.80 2260, Mrs. J. A. Reid, 15ip 'Superior buses 100 " w . purchased fo r/H he Municipal Piffht ton; Klim, 1858, Mrs. Millhr, Tranaportatiofl System arrived ^ fBettv R ^ b S o n don- 18th and Marine; box of apples,- here4rom .the cast at the endo^ "-- s te ro lO sw a td ^ o im ^ ^ ^ ------ 1593,-J.,-McNeil, -.3615-Marine :...Jnst week and were placed on Ihe wald, .Mary Forbes, Cyril Forbes, P e te r . Forbes, IPeggy , Parkyn, John . Parkyn)4............................ 5.10 HOLLYBURN HALL order on Sm ith's Grocery, 1538, local runs Monday. W. Partridge, 2216 Bellevue; 'They are fine looking buse^pf ' turkey, 1303, Mrs. J. Thoi^pm the, sta,ndard city service tran |it 1319 M arine; fuel, 1981, F. J. type and carry a capacity load of Moore, 22nd and JeffeMpn; fifty passengers, /th irtyT h cereal, 2502, C* B. Greenwood# seated and seventeen standing. , 14th and Marine; good cheer. They are provided with comfort- Sunday S c lio o l.n ^ t with i ® ® ! ' f t , ? ' " '"ihla®® able seating accommodation, Snd recitation9,~*to.s:wiil he -heli"at- Arfii,..;.'** ■ have the power necessary for 7:15 o'clock tonight (Friday) in wn?® T ' and n o is e ta , running Hollyburn Hall. N ext Sunday, ̂ Th«y have.a larger engine, larger the 29th instant, there will be transmission, four .speeds nr Sunday School and Young Peo- 9* ®_ stead of two. and a better bml •The hnTnpia wTiiVli hiivf* hftPD 4%rected in -various 'Darts of the Muni- a t the 7:30 p.m. service on tha,t Tl/r ' Tj'l zx4-z.%. 00̂ 7̂ 0 ;' Tv./v*I rtVif/vrvrl * J , ̂ • • ..jhomes which have bjsen erected in various parts of the Muni cipality, almost all of which have b ^ n built for their owners*. The bitter controversy over transportation ceased to rage in 1940, and, certain steps' have beenfTaken to" solve this veiy contentious p ^b l^T ~ T h en ~ ~ th eT e i s ~ ~ th a t^ th e r -- dif^ ficult and really much more vital m atter, the w ater supply, which seems to -be in process of. being .solved. In any case -a-real effort has been' made-andJs^being made by o u r je l^ e d representatives-to find the correct answer to both these dlif- ficulties, and, consequently, they afe entitled and should T e-. ceive the hearty support o f all our; citizens./ W hether or no the subject of sewage disposal tvilParise this year cannot.be foreseen. All our problems come ;down to the question of money and the crux of the whole m atter is th a t West Vancou ver is suffering from growing pains^ a t a time when all mum- cipal borrowing is frowned on in financial quarters owing to • war requirements and by taxpayers: on account of the rise m otherntaxes. ; . , ' Among many uncertainties, th ^ e is no question th a t tne war will continue to be the dominant factor in 1941 th a t it -has been this year, -and t<£ its-successful prosecution everything else will have to be subordinated. . The thing, 'however, fo r which' we have most reason to be thankful, is the fact th a t- th e ancient sp irit'o f courage an̂ d self-sacrifice still burns in our hearts with the same bright ...flame..as-in ...the-bravest™days..ol. the„storie(Lpa0. _ „.It_m tn^_ spirit which 'the dictators in making war calculated to be quenched for ever, bu t which under-pod', is our chiefest guar antee of final victory iff the stern days before us. ddv "n ^ M. Fletcher, 2278 Inglewoi^; 4 , " S ^ s a g e will be g îven the speak® Crush, 2520 W. gaved $3,000 by buying them. ■ w ^ S ^ o b n Wallace Tuesday ■ Capilapo Golf Club; xheir makers are the Superior i ^ f ' "/4 B a " S ? f V g 4 ^ ^ 5 - o r d e iL . - O H _ W o o d w a r d l3 ^ 2 6 2 4 , .^ ^ and a t ?-15 p m " & v ja ™ Club;, turkey, 1774, J. Northey, ives.'tfie Haney Garage Ltd., of a?v I r f ' a YoimS P ^ p fe '/sC T - Cauifeild; cake, 2528,^Bob Fid- Haney, B, C.,'made the deal with v S l ll^u'straL T bv" v^w s when" '*̂ ®®̂ ̂ flashlight, -the Munioipality for their pur-yice illu^rated by igews, wnen 2895, Irene Brown, 2492-Marine; chase. - . the speaker, C. 0 . Bowen, will canned herring, 1170, Mrs. J. g e r t Gisby of the municipal Take as his subject "The Prodi gal Son." Redden Cauifeild,*'electric light bus_.staff went ea.st to Lima to fixture, 1376, E. Stemson, 2636 assist in driving them across the Marine; box of cigars, 1321, country to We.st Vancouver. Marjorie Twyman, 1545 Argyle ; ______________ haircut, 2242, Ĵ . Ad'ams, 2154 NOTIPF M arine; . cereal, 2800, F. Toms, ______ 675 Marine; case of Coca Cola, couver losr one oi uer ear.icTO jg grocery order, 2604, U. Okeno, hi5idav*7he deadline f o / "ou? Sherm anf Klim, 2114, S. Horn- be ROBERT SEEDS PASSES „ ̂ * -- ■ ^ .r In the passing of Robert Seeds last Friday a t his home, 1434.Marine Drive, W est Van- 2534, C. Gustin, 1224 Duchess;, couver lost one of her earliest - - -- . -- and most respected business men. Coming here from North- . ern Ireland, Mr. Seeds opened a S s ^ B a ^ 1402 Brw k OstVom J«e /8ay , December 31st, grocery and hardware business fSo,® w r in g '- '■'c usual Wednesday in the pioneer days of th e muni- S S S our advertisers ™d cipality, which he conducted to |o d g a rS te s I d l t H organizations, therefore, kindly 1;he present time. He is survived ■Nmib V an* .ver!. th t.ab o v e change, which b y b irw ifd l.W -a -a u g K ^ a th -r - -^ ® 8 " ^ ^ DEATH OF MRS. AGNES E. STEWART BRITAIN'S EXPORTS Great Britain's im portant ex port trades are ably carrying out their double" task , of replenish ing British resources in foreign exchange and of m aintaining 'he goodwill of B ritish products abroad in-fact of/German propa ganda. ' ,, The first nine nionths of the current year" . constituted a Period in which t h e , difficulties or war conditions were greatly ncreas^ by the disappearance V 7 European m arkets, /o t the Jg u res for th a t period' that the results o f the ntish export drive have been most encouraging, even when al- ' lA vfw for-the~higher of prices. ' oategories, nine-months witffthat~of l9 4 0 r re nqs been an .average rise in e:Sport values, m 1940, of over .35 per cent., ranging from 12 per centi in cotton manufactures to over 66 per cent, in silk and ..art silk./ - One of Great Britain's export industries which has done well in difficult circumstances is the tradfe in electrical goods and ap paratus. The import figures like those for exports reveal how efficient is 'iSritish control of the - seas. E ss^ tia l, imports are coming in a t ah even higher level than in '.T939: :they include grain and -ffour/ iron ore and scrap, other ..ores} raw cotton, wool, iron and steel, manufactures, non-ferrous metal manufactures, oils, -fats and jresins, and vehicles. Iron ore dnd scrap imports rose, by no less ithan £6,000,000--an inter esting aspect, in view of the loss Tdf 'fffany .Continental-sources of "supply. - ■» I f~i * J XxOilyKjUFII XxIwaLF̂ 'X/ci»SOft Xx*'iVf U•; sons, E. A p e r t jg Marine; box of choco- and Boberi J., all resident here, 2183, T;~..Turner, 2960 also by other relatives in North- j^a thers; $2 milk tickets ̂ 1978, ' 4 ' • I,* 1. 1. D. H. Bowles, t)uchess; cereal, v,. Thb esteem m which he was n^oa w CarLv Rpllevue" Mrs. Agnes P izaheth Stewart, .held was shown by the large t'nrkev *1155 ^Mrs Moore 28 ^202 Marine Drive, pas.sed away numbe'r attending his funeral, Jefferson • c a ^ of Orange Crush Thursday in her 51st year, which was ffeld a t 3 p.m. last 1^47 Mrs. R "R4iid 1428 Esoui- She is .survived by one son, her Monday from the Hollyburn Fjuneral Home of -Harron J L td; Messrs. G. Wm. Rae officiated- and inter- k ( ) 9 'jlw aon] te s t M on^y from the Hollyburn ment was made m Capuano View 20th and Haywood* Funeral Home of M essrs.oiar- Cemetery; . bread tickets. 1171, Mrs. J. Red- , J?" the Rev. ^ s l i e den, Caulfeiid; 49-lb. sack of B est officiating fojlowed by in- flour. Greenwood's Grocery, term ent in Capilano View Geme- 1408, H, Ostrom, 1707 Esqui- tery. malt. - " =:3;h; ■ y,': :r- --- Ticket sellers' prizes: Evans, Ambleside Service Sta- Rmuch wiU d v e a social a t 8 t , tion ,Sm ith'sSmokeShop,W ood- o f T h ^ fw ^ Len Kyle, W. Carley, S. Fulton, ward's, Dainty Maid Bakery, Those who donated pri«:es, - ^ B i!^ n a n d /M u n to n L td .r Col- 2 ! n , fi^enetesity is oniarPackers Ltd., B. C. l^ectric -«i«oh appreciated toy the Branch, N orth Van. S h ip ^ p a irs , Group will De m e guesxs OI tne are as follows: Hudson's Bav Co Ferry Tea branch on this occasion. Crawford, Buckerfield's Rooms* Hollytourn' Theatre, Mc- \ Coca Cola Co., Spencer's Neil and McCuer Associated f h l f ff vou^ Grocery, Smith's Dairies, J.' Murch, Shelly's 4X t o ^ n o w ^ h o ^ d k ? G ^ c e ^ Evans, Bakery, Greenwood's .Grocery, enough to know who did it. E jght Child Collectors: Cunningham. Drug Co. / B. C. SCOTTISH COUNTRY pANCE SOCIETY /The B. C. Scottish Country Dance Society,. West Vancouver