»-tn»>-ĵ-?'T J->J i|î«i*-«M̂̂i-, -n«eniber.,.i§tih-lSffi ...- -- t m WaST VAH NIWS » n m ' S T O R E O E 0 M A 1 . J T ^ -- I.AST' MINITTE S0 G0 JSBTI0KS -i- Wabasso Sheets axid Pillow Slips Bath Towels •-- Towel aitd Face Cloth Sets Men*s» Women's and Chlldbren'̂ Handkerchiefs S1X)RE WILL REMAIN OPEN EVENINGS Saturday - Monday - Tuesday - Dec. 21, 23, 24 Each Evening until .0 p.m. C h r i s t m a s l ^ d s - ■w* _ # S In the boek drive organized by w r a p p l t l g s I the High School Librarian, Mr. - ' 11 Kennedy, the students gathered ' Decorations, Lights,, Toys, Novelties, Stationery, ;j in 2320 books for their library, if is Chinaware, and Hand-Knitted Baby Garments the Duncan Lawson Chaptei', I. ' u O.D.E. giving 200 volumes and HANDY ANN SHOP 2442 Marine Drive' "" M rTW d"'MW "E"̂ C;'Iteid"a W family have moved from Sandy Cove into a house a t 1378 24th Street. Mr. Mckenzie of North Van couver has moved into a house at 2436 Bellevue Ave. . Hi m « A there being personal^ gif ts of 12 H ours for ̂ H oliday Season , '■ ■ I- ■■ , r ■ ■•;■ ■ ■■ ' ■ ■ I| " At the following Garages and Service Stations!-- WEST VAN. IMPERIAL MOTOK SERVICE ' WEST VAN. "/MOTORS AMBLESIDE SERVICE CIIKISTMAS DAY (December 25) -- CLOSED ALL DAY ' b o x in g d a y (December 26) -- OPEN 10 a'm. to 1 p.m. n e w YEAR'S d a y (January 1) -- CLOSED ALL DAY I The Compliments of the Season T E A R O E & S O N S ii t ^ botjks.j The School Board m uch. w . V appreciate the generous response 3 » ^ ^ ̂of these donors and parents and v̂ .* ................ ..-- -- ----------- ----------- ■■ ■ ■ the *hard' work- o f .the- students, 'v- A group of eighteen caroiiers, moat o f them pupils of Mrs. T. E. Snelgrove, gave an afternodn rebital of carols 1 last Saturday at the home o f Mrs. Donald A. G. Ross, 1963 Duchess Ave., to which their mothers and friends were invited. T h e "small artists g av e ^ very good account of themselves, and Under the dir ection of Mrs. Ross a playlet, "Good King Wenceslas," was *W6ll" put*on» ini ah effective isetff.« ting by three of them. The room ' was very prettily decorated with lighted Christm as trees, and re freshm ents were served a t the cmiclusion of the afternoon. The sum of $2.80 was realized for the Santa Claus Fund. , M^ a1 J. T ; ̂ Dairlor a r r iv ^ home Monday from Washington, D.G., to spend Christmas here. .She-expect3-to-be-joined,shprtly-„ by Mr. Taylor-who will fly west for a brief holiday. Farm er--Gilbert A quiet wedding took place in Welland Avenue United Church, St. Catharines, Ont., last Mon day afternoon, Rev. Wi D. Spence § efficiating; when-Bernice Eileen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Gilbert o f Steveston, B.C., was m arried to Mr. Philip John F ar mer, St. Catharines, son of Mr. ); 1427 Marine Drive ii f fi West 8 4 1 CONCRETE CONTRACTORS g e n e r a l TRUOKE^G ' .-:r- BUILDING SUPPLIES Sole Agents fo r . ARMOR COAT WATERPROOF CEMENT PAINT B%Xey^Hoiigiitott The marriage took place on December 8th in Holy Trinity Church, following.the Sunday evening service, of Alice, young est daughter of Mr. and Miw. A rthur Houghton, 3556 N orth Lonsdale, to Mr. John Malcolmj Bagley son of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Bagley of Vancouver, fbnrier old time residents of W est Van couver.. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. N. D. B. Lar- month. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was a ttired in blue wool crepe, the bodice of matching maixiuisette. Her t u r - , ban was of blue wool crepe, and her flowers were Holly wood roses and white heather, Miss Jean Bagley, sister of the groom,.was ., bridesmaid, wearing rose crepe with claret velvet turban, and carrying pink carnations. Mr^. Norman Newman was best man. A reception was held in the hmne of the groom's parents, where Mrs. Bagley received the guests wearing skipper 'blue crepe and i black velvet turban. The bride's mother wore dusky rose crepe with a navy hat. ~ L ater the bride and groom left for Powell River where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, 1228 Argyle Ave., have moved to Sey mour Creek.-" G. J . ARCHER LIMITED Wish our boys in the Army, N a \^ and A ir Force the best of everything 'a t this Season, and an early victory. We extend to all our clients. and friends our best .wishes for A MERRY CHR^TMAS ■ M • v r - - , , - - a n .d A HAPPY NEWi YEAR C. J Archer ' E. H. Minions R. Morton - P. A. Harris aiHuSag ■ t J L "^and~Mrs7^~G7-Farmeirof--23fl7 K Belleviie Ave. The bride wore an afternoon dress-of-dusky-rose-wool-crepe; black accessories and corsage of XMAS GIFTS a t C ity P rices Bicycles -- A ccessories -- Joycycles Badmintbn and Bkiing Equipment f 5! 4 -fc i pink roses. Mrs. R; M._ Peebles, -in-a-teaLblu€_ensemble_Andgcor=, ^FreA -Joiieis-B icycle_Shop 1439 Marine Open till 9 p.m. $ ■■■ ■ ■ • : • " ■- ' , ■; ' . ■ • ^ TO-YOU whom we have been privileged to serve, and whose continued patronage__we hope to m erit, we wish all good things at Christm as and for the coming year. Holly burn Dressmakers jS sage of roses, was attenda^pt. Mr. -- Barry-Elliott-wias groomsmanT - ' ^ "Following a reception a t the home of Mr. _and ' Mrs. Gordon Dickie the couple left on a short trip. They will reside a t St. Catharines. Mrs. James Sinclair was m at ron of honor a t the wedding of Flying Officer A, N. Harris, R.C.A.F., to Miss Mona N. John ston, both of Toronto, which took place a t 8 p.m. Saturday in the~HELGA.F^--Officer's~~ M essr Jericho. 1890 Marine Drive AKs&^D. H. Hone W est 583 IJ i . I 'TTou C ah 'See 'The Difference" NELSONS LAUNDRIES LTD. LAUNDERERS - DRY CLEANERS - DYERS C. c ; F I N N E ? r L O C A t ^ Phoiie T ^ S T 782 GREETINGS from the New Management of Rent our friendly lounge fo r your meetings, banquets, dances, parties, bridge teas, etc. . We feature p i ^ b miisic. and good food, and being both professional r a d io , and stage singers, and pianists, our services are available a t any time. Phone yoiir, reservations foi^ Christmas and» - '-.New Year's dinners New. stodardized states ^ ^ Mesdames H. R. Sands aiid L. H. Stephens, Proprietors B.C. WOMEN'S AMBULANCE ^ CORPS I The regular meeting of the w B;C. Automobile Association ^ Women's Ambulance Corps was held in Hunter's Coffee Shop last Monday evening. Miss W. Dor chester gave an interesting first aid demonstration.. Itf was de cided to hold the next meeting January 6tH in the Legion Hall. Captain Clarke instructed the ladies in drill, and has kindly consented to drill the members after each meeting in the future. Anyone wishing applica tion forms are asked to phone W. 17-M. . , ^ Y ^ n g Mosquito; , "Soft pickings these days, aren't they?" Old Mosquito: "Yes, and to think, when I w as your age I coidd bite- girls only on the face and hands." EXPERT WacHv and C^oefc b e p a i r i Stg T. CHBI8TBNTON (formerly w itb-B irks Ltd., Montredl) 1522 Mdrfne'.Drfr# Grant--^Whaley Gordon Head Military T rain ing Camp had its first wedding -on Saturday evening, December 7th when Captain the Rev. G. H> Hamilton in a quiet ceremony in the Recreation Hall united in m arriage Ada Irene, of W est Vancouver, daughter of Mrs. Whaley and the late Mr. F. W. Whaley of Hanna, Alberta, to Private John Taylor G rant of West Vancouver, son of Mrs. Grant of Saskatoon and the late Mr. (jeorge Grant of Govan, Sask. The bride was given in m arriage by Corporal L. Dawson of West Vancouver, Mrs. D. -Hood-bemg-the-matron-of-honor._ while p rivate W. Baker support er the groom. Private F. Farnell played the wedding inarch ;and during the signing of the regrster'^ Mrs. Farnell san g j"I "Love? You Truly." _______________ - The wedffing supper was serv- -ed in the -Mess Hall.~Private-and_ -Mrs. Grant will reside at Cad- boro Bay, Vancouver Island.' . ♦ ♦ ♦ 1 Turner--Swarbrick St. Stephen's Church was the setting for the marriage of Anne, . second daughter of Mr. land Mrs. J* Swarbrick, of Van couver, and Mr. Sam Turner, second son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Turner, 2690 Mathers Ave. The' ceremony took place a t 8 _p.m .-Saturday, -December-lAth Rev. F. A. Ramsey officiating. . Griven in« m arriage by her father, the bride wore"an a f te r ^ noon dress of soldier blue ca.sh- mere crepe with wine acces- - sOries, and a small ^veiled hat. Her corsage bouquet was of white gardenias. Miss Aileen , Swarbrick a t tended h er sister, wearing an afternoon di*ess of dusky rose crepe with black accessories. Mr. Jim Turner wa& his p o th e r's best man, ' A reception following the cere mony was held a t the home of the groom's parents, where Mrs. Turner in teal blue w ith -g ra y -- accessories, received, the gue^s assisted by Mrs. Swarbrick, who had chosen a wine ensemble- ■ Mrs. M. Philipps and Mrs. S. P ritchard presided a t the bride s tablei;- . Mr. and Mrs. Turner left later bn a wedding trip to Vancouver Island. They will reside in Vancouver. ACTIVE SERVICE LIST BehDeU't BAKERY extends The CompHineiitx of the SexBon** ̂ to alt, thanking them for their patronage during the past' year ■'i n u i A c AJaJMLAS lyiJiuMkJwS l>ark, Light, and Cherry < Cakes Made to order. 1468 Marine Dr. Phone W. 27 Holly^rn Theatre THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MAT. & EVE. , Doc. loth, 20th ami 21at JACK BENNY ELLEN DREiy "Buck Benny Rides Again" also "i'ONY BXi'RESS DAYS'* MONDAY.AND TUESDAY Dec. 23rd und 24th . REGINALD OWEN TERRY KILBURN "A C hristm as C arol" » also "BLONDIE ON A BUDGET'* W EDNESDAY Dec. 25th ^ CHRISTMAS DAY "A CHRISTMAS CARQL" also "BLONDIE ON A BUDGET" .;-i N ellie H arrison A.T.C.M. Special Diploma Teacher of Piano and Theory ^ 1955 Inglewood Ave." W est 1056-L 0 Burrard Laundry Ltd. o well known FAMILY LAUNDRY ;Phone North islO or W est 691L 9 S S 9 S S » S S S S S S 9 S g S S S 1 T he Season's. G reetings to all our patrons T he N orth Shore R o lle r A ren a- 135 W . 1st St., North Vancouver Phone North 1735 _j M - ■■ -- W Open Afternoons and Evenings • Parties arranged for. P Fall line of -- XM AS and W rappings now on display j - - Innn- ii i! . Keep record of men enlisting in H.M. Forces and any change o f addresses o f those a lre a d y p r ying up to date by phoning Mrs. Heber Brown, W est 1090-L or list a t Post Office.*** - Prescriptions I McNeil & MeCne ; The Bexall Store ;• U 1402 Marine Drive, Phone W. 528 i Counsel - (to. the police w itness); "But i f a man is on Ms hapds and knees in the ihiddle o f ijhe road that does not prove he is drunk." Policeman: "No, sir, it does not. But this one-was trying to roll up the w hite line,"